Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blind Item #6

This former A list singer/celebrity is now a B lister in singing and reality. She does get an A at hiding money telling one big company that she needed cash at a recent performance. She gets a tiny check sent to her agent for tax purposes and a big pile of cash in her hands at every show. The big company said it didn't work that way so our singer reluctantly took a check. Guess she will pay taxes on at least one thing this year.

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly movie actress is only A list because of her looks. She is a terrible actress and thankfully has started getting less work. She is also almost out of money. Her husband told her he lost most of his recent investment so now our actress is in scramble mode and told her agents she will do whatever parts they want her to do. Look for a heavy movie schedule from her as she pays off monster debts.

Blind Item #4

This C list celebrity offspring who is trying to Instagram her way to A list might have a last name but no real talent. Anyway she does have a fan base and tried to parlay that into some free things. She told the company she would love some of their products and agreed to pose with them in exchange for the products which can be quite expensive. Well, her relative's publicist found out about it and stopped the transaction from taking place. Our celebrity offspring is a big fan of sex toys. That would have been a great to see it happen.

Blind Items Revealed

October 2, 2013

This B list mostly movie actress who has been going through some crisis management recently due to temper issues and has a famous last name says that back in the day this tweener didn't seem too concerned with his purity ring thing when he told her that she should get naked for him so he could check her out better. They were at a restaurant at the time. In a group. She declined.

Emma Roberts/Nick Jonas

Blind Items Revealed

October 2, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actress who was also A+ list on television apparently had a little accident while having sex this past week. I knew her boyfriend liked it rough and so does she but things must have been more crazy than usual. Handcuffs. Lost key. No saw. This is the inference from knowledge she likes it rough and the boyfriend running into a hardware store in a pair of shorts and no shirt and asking if the saw will cut handcuffs. Any other idea what it could have been?

Jennifer Aniston

Blind Items Revealed

October 2, 2013

The girlfriend of this male national television talk show host was spotted shopping for lingerie in sizes that are about quadruple her size. She bought lots of items. She is not known as someone who shies away from kinky and this would seem to prove it.

Nicole Murphy

Blind Items Revealed

October 1, 2013

This A list mostly television actress says her soon to be ex almost A list mostly television actor husband has been spending money like crazy trying to keep his new celebrity girlfriend happy and has spent more on her in three months than he did during the entire marriage to the actress.

Amy Poehler/Will Arnett/Katie Lee Joel- Didn't work out though did it?

Blind Items Revealed

September 30, 2013

"If I keep doing reality shows and hosting no one will ever take me seriously as an actress."

The crazy thing is that this former B list mostly television actress turned B list celebrity turned B list reality star turned mom was serious when she said it. I think it's sweet she thinks people think of her as an actress.

Tori Spelling

Blind Items Revealed

September 30, 2013

This former B+ list reality star who crashed and burned before making it back up to B list celebrity and B- list reality judge was offered the chance to host a charity event but turned them down because she wanted $100K to host it. They turned her down and an Academy Award winning actress did it for free.

Nicole Richie

Blind Items Almost Revealed

September 30, 2013

This war between A list mostly movie actresses who are also Academy Award winners has reached epic proportions. #1 won the award but has way less nominations. She is the one who started the fight and has also threatened to expose #2's infidelities with her leading men. For her part, #2 has threatened to not only expose #1's infidelities but also release recordings of #1 having sex with a co-star when #1 got too loud and everyone could hear them outside #1's trailer.

Things have become even more nasty between the pair since Academy Award nominations were revealed. As they each do interviews leading to the Academy Awards look for something to leak concerning the blind.

Blind Items Revealed

September 29, 2013

Earlier this week this former B list celebrity and now D list ex was playing golf with some friends and the topic of his A list celebrity ex came up. He said that he should have got an Academy Award for the acting job he did on her and a couple of years and sucking it up has led to a lifetime of never working again. He said the fact they were both blitzed 95% of the time made it much easier to make it through everything.

Kevin Federline/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2013

This Academy Award winning actress who is A list but thinks of her self as A++++++++++++ list and that she is above everyone else in the world says that she has never felt worse as a woman than when she was dating this A list mostly movie actor who is also an Academy Award winner. He treated her like crap and made her feel cheap she said.

Gwyneth Paltrow/Ben Affleck

Blind Item #3

This B list actress from a hit cable show will probably fade to a C list writer once the show ends but for now she is a star. She is also constantly talking about the actor who wouldn't sleep with her and who couldn't stand the actress. There is not an hour in the day where she isn't mentioning him or trying to find out what he is doing and her talk about him is all talk.

Blind Item #2

This B list mostly television actress who really struggles with getting good acting roles despite showing up in the tabloids on what seems like a weekly basis because of personal issues has made the producers on her new show ticked off. The actress has been sending bills for her daily hair and makeup to the producers for payment even when she is not shooting. She has also been sending them bills she considers remotely related to the show. None are being paid but the producers keep getting asked for payment.

Blind Item #1

Why would one of the best known actors in the world go to a massage parlor? No escorts to a hotel? Apparently not because our A list mostly movie actor who is married and good looking got the info from a concierge at the hotel he was visiting with his wife and then took a cab to the massage place and was back in an under an hour and told the concierge it was just as advertised and tipped the guy $1000.

Josh Lucas' Wife Files For Divorce After Less Than Two Years

Well, that didn't take long. Apparently Josh Lucas isn't as nice of a guy as everyone thought. Well, not everyone thought that. There are some women out there who had issues with certain behavioral issues. After 22 months of marriage Josh's wife filed for divorce. Considering they just had a child not that long ago and his wife had cervical cancer this would seem to be something that Josh precipitated. An affair? Loved different sports teams? Like I said above there are definitely reasons that Josh didn't get married until he was 40.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Brooke Mueller made a rare public appearance with one of her sons. Hopefully supervised.
Abbie Cornish is having a pretty good last few months. Here she is promoting her new movie.
Carrie Underwood selling something for a check.
Anyone want to guess how Joanna Krupa and Denise Richards met years ago?
Ewan McGregor signing some autographs at the airport.
Emma Watson dreaming of In-N-Out
George Clooney on the set of his new movie.
Gloria Estefan arrives into LA for the Grammy Awards.
Anne Hathaway flies home from Sundance.

Random Photos Part Four

Jon Hamm lets his Hammbone fly while
David Beckham shows off his.
Everyone is at the airport. Jason Schwartzman arriving in LA.
Kirsten Dunst was leaving.
Kim Kardashian says she cut this dress herself. Uh huh.
Keira Knightley covers up her bones.
Kellan Lutz is back from Sundance and was on the same flight as
Krysten Ritter.
Keri Russell on lunch while on the set of her show.

Random Photos Part Three- Pre-Grammy Party

Hilary Duff sure does seem happy since her split.
Kaley Cuoco and her soon to be ex.
Ashley Benson
Julianne Hough
Jena Malone
Kate Walsh
Victoria Justice and her +1.
Anna Kendrick

Random Photos Part Two

Lady GaGa still thinks she is hanging out with Donatella Versace.
LeAnn Rimes goes for the leather look with Eddie Cibrian.
Malin Akerman heads to the playground with her son.
Macaulay Culkin wins the award for ride in dirtiest town car.
Nicole Richie is on the cover of Marie Claire Mexico. Yeah, i don't know why either.
Naomi Watts gets her workout on.
Prince Charles always looks to me like he is half in the bag.
Rachel McAdams bundled up against the 75 degree weather from yesterday.
Rita Ora tries out for The Wiz.

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Ryan Kwanten goes shopping with his girlfriend.
Simon Cowell meets a fan and gets her number. He had an opening for his 3pm.
Sarah Jessica Parker at the library. Not a sentence I expected to write today.
Sofia Vergara protects against the cold and flu season while sleeping.
How many days until The Bachelor wedding? How long do they have to stay married and not pay back the money?
Allison Williams looking like an extra in a ballet.
The Zooey films at the beach.
Zac Efron takes a selfie at the Heat/Lakers game while Michael B Jordan gives him some pointers.
Zoe Kravitz makes her way through LAX.

Blind Item #11

This B list mostly movie actress who everyone knows from a huge long long running franchise and a hit television show was running down the hallways of a hotel this week screaming and pounding on doors because she couldn't remember which room her new girlfriend was in. The two had a fight and the actress stormed out of the hotel. Came in and couldn't find the room. She went down to the lobby and started screaming there too. The drinking is bad now.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born B- list celebrity/sometime actress who has had a big year name wise was drunk while shopping yesterday and stood naked in a dressing room trying to get her friends to join her. She spilled red wine all over the carpet too.

Blind Item #9

This former B- list mostly movie actress who is now reduced to whatever type of reality or acting gig she can get but still looks great was putting the hard press on this A list celebrity who is rich. She would love to be his arm candy for a month or two to pay off some bills owed to some not very nice people.

Off Topic

I've come to the conclusion that you can fix any cooking errors to a protein or vegetable by just throwing curry sauce on top of it.

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2013

This Academy Award winning actress is B list. Seems to be in everything. Got her start in a television franchise. Was eating dinner with a guy she has dated for a few weeks. They had a private room. About thirty minutes after the couple arrived everyone in the room next to theirs could hear the actress yelling out during sex. It turns out a side door to the room was still open. A waiter discreetly closed  it but not before about three or four minutes of some very choice words and phrases from our actress. Yes, it will be revealed.

Marisa Tomei

Four For Friday - The Real Housewife Says

Another week has gone and another award show weekend is upon us. I will put up a post for the Grammy red carpet and also for the show. I will be blogging all weekend with blinds and reveals and any breaking news. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

This Real Housewife wasn't shy about saying what was on her mind at an event earlier this week. The reality star/sometime actress had this to say about some people at the party and in her life.

#1 She pointed out one female talk show host and said the host is cheating on her boyfriend with at least two different guys. One is the co-host of the show and another is someone she worked with in the past year.

#2 The Real Housewife also pointed out a guest who was on a set the Housewife visited and saw this B list mostly television actress from a very hit show pacing back and forth in front of her trailer wearing nothing but a robe which kept flying open while she chain smoked cigarettes and screamed into the phone about needing a hit and that whoever was on the other end of the phone needed to hurry.

#3 - She said she was at a party a few weeks ago and met this Mad Men actress who treated her like crap and shook hands like the Housewife was supposed to kiss her ring.

#4- At that same event she ran into an A+ list mostly movie actress who our Housewife thought was going to be uptight but was so high that all the actress did was giggle the whole night and talk about needing a big d**k which she wasn't going to get from her husband.

Your Turn

For one night you can have sex with your biggest fantasy or your significant other. Who are you going to choose?

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

September 26, 2013

This guy is an actor. He is also a former A+ list celebrity/singer who is now a B- list mostly television actor who moonlights as an A- list singer/celebrity. Not alone though. Anyway he is really careful about making sure that everyone he meets and greets with has the best time of their life. On a recent cruise our celebrity/actor saw a group of women who were off to the side and didn't seem to be enjoying themselves. He went and got them and then introduced them to his other celebrity friends who treated the women to the night of their lives. Booze and partying and lots of photos. It turns out the women had saved years to come on the trip and they wouldn't stop crying the next day talking about how nice our celebrity and his friends were to them.

Donnie Wahlberg

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2013

This former A list celebrity/singer and now a B-/C+ list celebrity/singer with A list name recognition had been sober for a few months but slipped in a massive way this week and also had sex with three different guys that night. It was an ugly sight. For sure this will be revealed.

Courtney Love

Blind Items Revealed

September 25, 2013

This actress was a kindness once. Just goes to show you you can move way back down the blind item list in a hurry to a-hole. She is B list mainly because of her very very unusual last name and she does do some great movies and television shows. She was at the movies this week and asked a manager why there was not a separate entrance for famous people or at least a staff member to keep away regular people. No one had even noticed she was there.

Maggie Q

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actress who has flirted with A+ list in the past has been trying to reshape her history the past month or two. She is trying to make the world believe she has been this sober person all her life when in reality she has never gone more than a month without doing drugs.

Blind Item #7

This former A list singer/celebrity/reality star who crashed and burned in the biggest way possible was at a club this week and got free bottle service with her guy. She drank a full bottle and then complained because it wasn't expensive enough and threw a tantrum until the club produced a bottle they sell in the club for $5000. She is really becoming very unlikable.

Grace Kelly Gets A Cannes Date- But Not Much Else

The movie Grace Kelly was supposed to be contending for Academy Awards this year. As I previously posted though the movie is truly awful and will join a list of Nicole Kidman bombs that continues to grow each year as her acting becomes less acting and more about her. The film's release has been indefinitely delayed which means you will probably see it On Demand sometime in 2014 and that's about it. The folks at Cannes though want to show it so will be premiering it the opening day of the festival. Nicole Kidman is probably going to be a no show because no one wants to suffer that kind of public embarrassment. Nicole probably doesn't care about it anyway because she already got paid and doesn't like to do publicity for films and already has other projects lined up from idiot producers who are willing to pay her outrageous fee.

Blind Item #6

This A list celebrity/singer almost got kicked out of a place this week because she was caught having sex in a room off the kitchen. Her sex partner was kicked out. Money talks.

Blind Item #5

This West Coast Real Housewife yelled at her kid for not having a smile on her face when a pap was taking their photo.

Blind Item #4

This still young, former almost A list mostly movie actress who recently failed at television but continues to maintain B list status due to her long career was at a premiere and a fan asked our actress if her breasts were real. Shocking pretty much everyone, including her husband, the actress let the fan squeeze them to see for himself.

Blind Item #3

This former A list tweener who is now an A list celebrity/singer and B- list actress with almost A+ list name recognition has a fairly squeaky clean reputation. That reputation is in danger though because there is a 30 second cell phone video of her snorting lines of coke like a champion while dressed in just a pair of panties.

Blind Item #2

This former almost A list actress who divided her time between movies and television has a unique way of recovery. She attends recovery centers and programs that pay her to come to their programs and then advertise her presence. Our actress gets free treatment, a salary and commissions from new signups.

Blind Item #1

These two network morning hosts can't stand each other. The only time they talk is when forced to on camera. The lesser paid host never stops talking trash about her more famous partner.

Jay Leno Wants To Be Tonight Show Host

In an interview airing Sunday on 60 Minutes Jay Leno says that it was not his choice to leave The Tonight Show and if it were up to him he would like to stay. “It’s not my decision, and I think I probably would have stayed."

Jay also says he was blindsided when the announcement first broke that he was being replaced by Conan O'Brien a few years ago and doesn't understand why he is considered the bad guy in all that. Umm because you undermined him and kept begging to go back to your old time slot and pressured executives everyday to let you have the show back. If Jimmy Fallon slips at all during his first few months on air I think you can probably expect the same type response from Jay. He wants his show and when he does leave he is going to be kicking and screaming and trying to get his job back. I think he would love working on the show until he dies. It will be interesting to see if he gets a gig on another network or if he does kind of play the wait and see game to see if he can get back on the Tonight Show. I think the fact he says it was not his decision is throwing the first stone and hoping it leads to drama and him making another return to the show. Whatever happened to good luck and then taking your bajillions of dollars and leaving.

Dean McDermott Confirms Rehab Admission

Yesterday Dean McDermott released a very short statement admitting he checked into outpatient rehab to deal with personal troubles. He didn't mention or admit his cheating on Tori Spelling. His ex-wife said in a statement that she hopes Dean gets the treatment he needs in fighting the demons he has been fighting for so long. Apparently one of those demons is anger and he is not the friendliest person to be around. Sources on the Chopped Canada set say that Dean will snap at them for any kind of slight or something he considers to be a slight. He likes to be treated like the biggest star on the planet and if he feels like he is not being treated like that then he goes off on the closest person whether they were the offender or not. People have also speculated that Dean is addicted to prescription pills which he was originally prescribed for one of his motorcycle injuries and they they contribute to his angry behavior. I know though that what is going to come out is the sex addiction thing and maybe a hint at the prescription pill issue.

Justin Bieber's Parents Are A Big Part Of The Problem

When Justin Bieber was arrested in Miami the other night his dad was right there with him participating in the trouble that led his son to getting arrested. Instead of telling Justin it was a bad idea to be drag racing while on drugs and booze he helped Justin by blocking off roads so Justin could race. The drugs in Justin's possession and system were provided by his mother. His manager, Scooter Braun simply said he loved Justin no matter what.

Go back a minute to when Amy Winehouse was still alive. There was a time she admitted herself to rehab. She was at her lowest point and drugs and demons had consumed her. When her record company announced Amy had entered rehab they also made sure to mention the date her new record would be released. That was what was most important to them. Money. I'm sure someone at the record label felt sorry for Amy and wanted to help but the company was only interested in the money she generated for them and was probably enabler number one when it came to making sure she got what she wanted as long as she kept making them money.

Justin's parents don't have real jobs. They derive their income and any amount of fame they have from Justin's earnings. If you have someone who is giving you a lifestyle you could never afford on your own you are going to do what it takes to ensure that same lifestyle. Your job as a parent is to help your child make the right decisions, not the decision that is going to keep your personal money train moving forward. If your child has a drug and alcohol problem you should be doing your best to help them get through the problem and not providing the drugs and booze and partying with your child. cc: Dina Lohan.