Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 3, 2014

For the first time in months this A+ list singer drank and she also got hammered. Apparently she also got very angry in the morning when she found out the guy she took home and slept with to make an A list model jealous also didn’t use a condom. Our singer was too wasted to notice. The screaming could be heard all the way down the hall and on the floor below her room too.

Rihanna/Cara Delevingne


Side Eye said...

Why is this Cara person the subject of so many blinds. I'm sick of her.

Kno Won Uno said...

Ah, The Tell Tale Spooge Leak.
If you're too drunk to notice an absent condom, having sex might not be such a great idea. Or quit yer screaming. Self-inflicted agony is so 20th century.You break it, you bought it, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Luiza said...

Big question is who is the guy? I thought Cara only went for girls, and why would Rihanna wanna make her jealous? i dont get it

baumyak said...

Is this another hint that Riri is pregs? I keep hearing that she is, and that dress she wore the other night isn't helping the rumours.

Shiny Diamond said...

Plan B? Ella? Morning after pill?

Definitely Ginger said...

Who is the guy? It's always the women who get outed. It's really becoming quite insipid, Enty.

French girl said...

Leo Dicaprio ?

Dani said...

I call B.S. on the jealousy story. Rhianna is not chasing after Cara. ...but she might be pregnant

sweeeeetie said...

Cara is just so gross to me. Rihanna has got models like Adriana, Candace and Naomi fawning over her. I can't see Rihanna acting wreckless for that gaunt girl.

srah2k said...

If previous blind reveals are to be believed, Cara and Rhi have hooked up before. Maybe Rhi's attempt at making Cara jealous isn't over the guy, its over the guy getting to sleep with her.

mhip said...

Can't believe the guy would put it in Rhianna without layering with 3 condoms...
Rhianna in a hot tub is hepatitis soup.


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