Sunday, February 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5 -Kindness

November 26, 2014

This foreign born A list singer (for now thanks to one hit and hopefully won’t be a one hit wonder) bought dinner for an entire restaurant the other night. Yes, it was fast food, but it was crowded and it was In-N-Out so at least he also has class.

Sam Smith


  1. Amanda Maone1:33 AM

    Don't care, he's still a douche.

  2. sandybrook1:47 AM

    He's probably going to win tonight for Best Song considering the garbage its up against.

  3. Amanda Maone2:03 AM

    He's for sure going to win unfortunately. Slim pickings. Still think Tom Petty & Jeff Lynne should also get Grammys since it's their song tbh.

  4. sandybrook2:15 AM

    That would be the only thing to keep him from winning, depends how many voters realize the song is copied from those two.

  5. Eh...something about him rubs me wrong. My intuitions are freaky strong. I predict he will show his true colors soon enough...

  6. Malibuborebee6:48 AM

    Amanda (or anyone), why/how is he a douche? I know very little about him.

  7. Is he the one that does that Stay With Me? Gawd I hate that song so much! Petty and Lynne should be embarrassed for even wanting the acknowledgement.
