Monday, October 26, 2015

Blind Item #10

This A list boy bander in a boy band that is not going to be around much longer is using more than he ever has before. The love of heroin is strong in this one.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM

    Neil Horan

  2. Derek Harvey3:46 AM

    Harry Styles

  3. sandybrook3:46 AM


  4. Tricia133:46 AM

    Liam Payne I meant

  5. sandybrook3:46 AM

    *buy a vowel* styles

  6. Kno Won Uno3:47 AM

    Why Enty, I believe you're paying attention!
    Marianas Trench? Josh Ramsay.

  7. Tricia133:48 AM

    Wait- think it is Niall Horan, he just cancelled a bunch of stuff I think I read- seemed fishy

  8. Kno Won Uno3:49 AM

    There were absolutely no comments here when I typed! Arrgh!

  9. Sheep FLint3:53 AM

    I am surprised no one said Louis Tomlinson

  10. back again4:01 AM

    Liam Payne - They abruptly cancelled Belfast Concert b/c he became suddenly ill.
    He just broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years two days ago as well.

  11. Louis was my guess too Sheep FLint. Out of all of them, he definitely looks like the user.

  12. Tricia134:18 AM

    Yep^that one.(sorry boys, a wee bit interchangeable to me:(

  13. My first thought was Malik because of the blind we had about Heidi Klum going off on him about heroin sickness.

  14. muchlu4:30 AM

    but Zayn is no longer in the band, I would go with Liam Payne as well

  15. LA Rose4:38 AM

    Obviously Louis Tomlinson & Zayn Malik were heavy into drugs during all of 2014 & 2015 that eventually led them into heroin use. From what I understand through MANY rumor sources was that they were both approached by their management in February 2015 to receive "on the road rehab" but Zayn declined and gave a big FU which led to him being let go. Zayn's decision prob pissed off Louis which amped the big falling out between the ex BFF's (via social media fight). Meanwhile, you can see that Simon Cowell has taken the reigns with Louis by keeping him close and overseeing him (interviews & X Factor). Hopefully by taking a year off will allow Louis to get the help he needs especially now that he has a new baby on the way.

  16. definitely Louis Tomlinson. He looks like junkie, who hasn't showered in two months and in those two promo interviews i have watched he has got problems to find words and was repeating himself. Simon Cowell is his only chance to stay relevant in show business, he should stick with him.

  17. Anakin Skywalker. (Sorry, just saw the allusion to Star Wars.)

  18. Liam Payne.

  19. Hothotheat8:35 AM

    Zayn and Tomlinson did other drugs together so I'm going with Tomlinson. Styles acts spaced out all on his own, no drugs.involved.

  20. Dexknows8:45 AM

    Def Louis Tomlinson, my ten year old is/was a huge 1D fan and I saw the train wreck that was him and Zayn a mile off.

  21. You can clearly see that Niall is on drugs. Louis looks that he parties hard, I dont get heroin-vibe what I get from Niall.
    Its sad, he's my favorite:(

  22. Jessica8:08 PM

    I think it's Liam Payne. He fell suddenly ill few days ago, they had to cancel the show and he broke up with his girlfriend without any explanation. I don't think Niall Horan is drug addict. And Styles and Tomlinson are both coke users, obviously.

  23. mrswooblet11:19 PM

    Well Simon is grooming Louis to be a judge on X Factor next year so i have heard so doubt it is him.. is a bit suspicious about Liam cancelling literally at the last minute - gotta feel for all the one directioners and parents who had turned up and were probably heartbroken (Christina Aguilera did this to me in 2003, the little bitch. Never forgiven her. She partied too hard hosting the EMA's the day before.)

  24. I agree.. It was Louis along with Zayn that had that strung out look and lost a significant amount of weight so much so that it showed in their faces at times. Rumor has it that cocaine was the drug of choice but I would not be surprised that heroin was also a drug of choice.

  25. You missed the entire part about Louis' queerness.

  26. I dunno why you guys are leaping like monkeys at this blind as if it's true. Could be no more than spiteful gossip.

  27. Agreed. Both him and Zayn have the heroin look about them. You can see it in the eyes and cheeks.

  28. incredible6:32 AM

    you must be one of those crazy Larries who believe Louis and Harry are gay and dating each other and they are communicating with you all via stuffed bears, right? Seriously, you guys are so funny, you are even better than Cumberbatch conspiracy tinhatters.

  29. anonymous8:05 AM

    It was Liam Payne... the cancelled show was because he had a bad reaction to a drug/alcohol mix. Louis knows his limits.
