Thursday, November 05, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 6, 2015

In the past, this B list comedienne/part-time actress/reality star had no trouble finding television gigs. She got to pick and choose. Now though, no one wants to hire her for anything because the people she came into contact with on her last job have spread the word like wildfire how awful she is to work with.

Kathy Griffin


  1. sandybrook1:33 AM

    But I bet CNN will make Anderson Cooper spend New Year's Eve with her again.

  2. I can't stand her! i hope she goes away.

  3. She let the fame get to her head. Her comedy specials used to be must see tv for me.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:49 AM

    I feel worse for him every year.

  5. TopperMadison1:54 AM

    I still love her! And I thought she was D-list??

  6. AndrewBW2:09 AM

    She may be awful to work with, but she's even worse to watch.

  7. yayme2:25 AM

    Kathy is best in small doses. She's overstayed her welcome on CNN.

  8. NoItAll3:16 AM

    Ugh! Probably the people from the Fashion Police...Guilianna Rancic is THE WORST and Kelly Osborne is attention starved.

  9. I always thought she was awful to work with...and, I have never worked with her.

  10. Malibuborebee3:51 AM

    Fatty Osbourne, Nepotism Rivers and Ghouliana Toothpick are bad-mouthing her but since none of them have any credibility, I don't know why that would do anything to Kathy's career. They don't have the clout to do anything.

    Kathy had a good run for quite a few years and now, like most comedians, people are tired of her and her act. I always liked her, I hope she invested well.

  11. You know, it seems to me that if she had her pick of gigs for years word of bad behaviour would have gotten out long before "her last gig" (Fashion Police? Is that what it's called?) So I think this is a complete crock.

  12. texasrose8:37 AM

    I guess getting her 'dream' gig on fashion police didn't work out for her at all.

  13. Itchycat8:48 AM

    Used to love the "D" list shows. Then, with all her assistants, it wasn't funny anymore.

  14. Laura Palmer11:57 AM

    Thank you for " Ghouliana Toothpick" ... Haha

  15. TheCousinEddy2:26 PM

    Kathy used to be funny and tolerable. Then she jumped the shark becoming a caricature of herself. She pandered to gay men and her persona and on-stage character seemed to morph into a drag queen crossed with a flamboyant and snarky gay male. Nothing wrong with any of those in small doses, but Kathy took it over the top and her act became predictable and unoriginal. I do hope her mother is doing well and comfortably enjoying her boxed wine.

  16. Missy9:56 AM

    Used to really like her, but after what she pulled on Fashion P, my whole opinion of her changed. That was some ratchet shit she pulled. After making fun of celebrities her whole career, to turn all pious and go in on Guiliana for a non racist comment as a reason to "quit" was a joke, not least of which was following that moron Kelly with that BS scandal that never was. She's shady.
