Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

October 29, 2015

It is hilarious that all this attention is being paid to the engagement of these two celebrities. The guy in the relationship, who used to be A+ list cheats, literally every time his soon to be wife is out of town.

Derek Jeter/Hannah Davis

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 31, 2015

This permanent A list mostly movie actor, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is doing a little bit of a different acting kind of thing. He also is getting serviced by a woman every afternoon right after lunch. His girlfriend probably doesn’t care at this point. His co-stars do though because he is already taking this thing way too lightly and its going to be a disaster.

Al Pacino

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 31, 2015

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who is taking a run through pay cable was out of the country and cheating on his B list celebrity/actress/comedienne girlfriend.

Michael Sheen/Sarah Silverman

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 1, 2015

This former A list mostly movie actress must really miss being in the public eye. Either that or her celebrity husband is trying to distract from the impending explosion in the relationship of another family member. There is no way that the former A lister is pregnant, despite any reports to the contrary.

Cameron Diaz/Benji Madden

Blind Item #4

I guess this foreign born D list mostly movie actress/part-time model/full time horrible person was not getting the attention she wanted in the tabloids. So, she told her action star boyfriend that she wanted photos of them canoodling for the tabloids. It was ridiculous how staged the whole thing was. Even the valet guys were laughing, especially when the D lister kept saying one more and would move into her boyfriend while also turning her head to look at the pap.

Blind Item #3

Considering the name of the show, you would think most of the people working on this network show struggling to survive would be happy to be working there. Not the case. Everyone is miserable and doesn't care about the history of the show, at this point, they are just in it for the paycheck.

Blind Item #2

This A- list celebrity/wannabe rap singer/possible killer/mogul didn't give his ex even one cent when she left. All those years and she has nothing to show for it except being a doormat. Meanwhile, he texted her a photo of him giving a $100K car to his baby mama because she knows how he likes the game to be played.

Blind Item #1

This former A list boy bander who is now a grown man still playing in that boy band that won't quit until the actor gets too big for his britches gets drunk and finds random guys to try and hook up with even when his partner is around.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 1, 2015

This married B- list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition and a lucrative side gig has been hounding this A+ list celebrity couple who would be A+ list in every country in the world. Our actress wants to do business with the couple but they can’t stand her. Our actress basically changed her entire schedule just to try and run into them.

Jessica Alba/David and Victoria Beckham

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 1, 2015

This celebrity offspring/hopefully one hit wonder made his girlfriend sit in a hot car for almost two hours because he had a meeting and didn’t want her to come because it would make a bad impression but also wouldn’t let her go somewhere because he didn’t want to be kept waiting for her when his meeting was over. Tool.

Robin Thicke

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 1, 2015

This former A+ lister turned A list singer has apparently asked her sister to be a surrogate. Our singer wants kids, but does not want to take the time to be pregnant herself.

Katy Perry

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 2, 2015

This B list mostly television actor has not done much since his long long running network hit show ended last year. Apparently he is not the easiest person to work with and got into numerous arguments on an almost daily basis with the cast and director of his latest project so walked out on the entire production.

Josh Radnor

Friday, December 18, 2015

Blind Item #12

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress now lives overseas and is finally becoming a footnote in acting history. How does she spend her spare time? Commenting on photos of herself published in The Daily Mail under the name Starlet_Scarlett

Blind Item #11

This former model turned wannabe reality star after her high profile marriage ended has made some fairly controversial statements as of late. Proving again how thirsty she is, she arranged for a play date 45 minutes from her house just because she knew there would be paps stationed at the place she chose guaranteeing her maximum coverage without having to pay for it.

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

This B+ list actress offspring of a permanent A list actor turned director turned narrator made a point of visiting every single child patient in several hospitals over the past month. Every single child. One on one time and gave each of them a tablet loaded with games and apps and of course her latest hit movie. She paid for everything. It had to be close to $100K.

Blind Item #9

This B list singer/actress on a middling hit cable show says that one of her exes hit her when he found her in bed with another woman.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 2, 2015

Usually it is this A list now mostly movie actor who is doing the yelling and berating at his wife. The other night it was her yelling at him about the junk food he was eating and that he looked fat.

Hilaria Baldwin/Alec Baldwin

Four For Friday - The Live In

Only eight more days of Random Photos remain before Reveal Day so if you want to see your photo, then e-mail it to

I guess I don't blame her. She has been living his life for a lot of years now. I can't even imagine how many millions of dollars she has spent on her husband to get him out of gambling debts and debts involving his relationships with other women. She says the right things publicly, but privately, there will probably be books written about her relationship that will be a complete 180 of the public perception. The problem is those books are a long way down the road. She has a team that is world class at keeping 95% of the bad stuff out of the press. Ironclad non disclosure agreements and the ruthless enforcement of them makes it very hard to learn anything about what goes on inside the home of this foreign born permanent A list singer. One thing that has leaked is that our singer has, for several years had a relationship with a person who shares her bed. The person travels with her and is there with her 24/7. Within the confines of the house or hotel room on the road they have had a passionate love affair that both seem to love. Apparently it is the one steady in her life. The one thing that gets her through each day that are usually not that great. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future. How it plays out when it would not ruffle any feathers or throw an opinion out to the world that is contrary to what the world sees now.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 2, 2015

This long long time reality star loves being on television. The rest of her family? Not so much. She doesn’t care though. Anyway, she is pitching another season of her show which would follow her as she gets ready to be married and married. The one big problem is that her boyfriend has not even asked her and has no plans to. Maybe she thinks she can convince him or something or fake it.

Kate Gosselin (Instead, he dumped her)

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 2, 2015

This Housewife probably should be careful with who she ticks off. The person ticked off is about to release a list of all the married men the Housewife has slept with over the past year.

Cynthia Bailey will spill about Porsha Williams

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 3, 2015

This A+ list singer almost got arrested the other day while flying. She refused to get off her cell phone before taking off. She finally did but then called the flight attendant b**ch throughout the flight and called her that to her face and when told to stop refused. She was just an overall pain. It was only when the co-pilot came out and warned her that the singer got better.


Blind Item #8

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress who makes her acting money in a really crap television franchise was left behind in a foreign country because she just wanted to stay in her cabin the entire time drinking and doing drugs and not earning the money for the activities for which she was being paid.

Blind Item #7

This married actress is B list and has become a staple of almost television. Her latest effort is meh, much like the rest of her career. She does get work though. She also makes sure she gets her fair share of any coke at a party or at work or anywhere else she can. It is her favorite way to stay thin.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 3, 2015

The significant other of this A list mostly television actress from a hit network show says when they first started dating that she made him delete every number from his phone other than his family that was a woman.

Kaley Cuoco

Blind Item #6

This B+ list musician/celebrity who used to have much higher name recognition appears to be 0 for 2 in relationships with women who also have his children. The musician was spotted making out with a woman who is not his significant other.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blind Item #5

This still in her teens very good actress/singer is hooking up with a married executive of a huge radio conglomerate. Probably why she is being heavily promoted at the expense of other larger music names.

Blind Item #4

Daytime is not the best time to get coherency from this former A+ list singer turned A- lister. She was mumbling and stumbling and seemed like she was struggling to stay upright at a big recent daytime event.

Blind Item #3

This B+ list mostly television actor has had two big cable hits back to back. He is also cheating on his husband with just about any rando that he finds attractive.

Blind Item #2

This former A list singer from a permanent A list group who is B/B- by herself at this point and only that high because of her name is married. While trying on clothes though, she and another woman were all over each other and were not quiet showing their affection.

Blind Item #1

Look for stories to start leaking about their relationship if our favorite foreign born now B list singer/wannabe actress does not get the release from her contract signed with the company of this A+ list rapper/mogul.

Mr. X Blind Item

This former A+ list rapper turned A- list rapper/side show celebrity was in one of his moods when he refused to speak to a flight attendant on a recent flight. He said he would only speak to the head flight attendant and wanted the head flight attendant to personally serve him.

Blind Item #11

This B- list offspring of a former A list celebrity who deserves to probably be a permanent A lister based on the impact to the world of what he did. Entertainment speaking. He didn't invent a vaccine or anything. Anyway, his offspring who also did reality has been in a feud which I have documented here before. It turns out though she ended up sleeping with the husband of the person with whom she is having a feud. Just a one time thing but she wanted the wife to know it. And the wife does know it.

Blind Item #10

Apparently this billionaire has moved on and is spreading his love and money on this A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee and probably not likely to make him wait four to five hours when he wants to go to dinner.

Blind Item #9

It was all love and peaches and unicorns at first for this A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee from an acting family and his foreign born now B list mostly movie actress co-star. They just had nothing but kind words to say to each other. Now? Not so much. He wanted t sleep with her. She said no. He wanted to do drugs and party with her. She said no. They really dislike each other now.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 3, 2015

He has really turned into a dirty old man. The 200 year old former A list mostly movie actor father of an A+ lister had his hand up his girlfriend’s skirt most of dinner the other night even while he was eating. They were seated in such a way that about ten percent of the place could see them and this was not on the thigh either.

Jon Voight

Today's Blind Items - Framed

This director is foreign born. He has directed some good things, but for the most part it has all been television. Good television. There is not one three camera sitcom in his credits. I don't think. I don't know every foreign show he has directed. Anyway. Not the point. The point is that I like the guy. He also has a foreign born B+ list mostly television actress significant other from a hit pay cable show. Apparently on one of the shows he directed, she stopped by the set. Nice of her. The thing is, it ultimately led to him getting kicked off the show. Not so much kicked off as never invited back after that episode where she showed up to watch. The star of that particular show is a B+/A- list mostly television actor who has done some decent movies and likes to get his own way. What he really wanted was a chance at the actress girlfriend. He hit on her hard. Every second practically she was there. He also talked down to her director boyfriend the entire time. Basically he was a complete and utter a-hole. He thought the actress would find him more attractive than the director and was shocked she didn't want to hook up with him while her boyfriend was setting up a shot. So, at the end of the day, our actor had some drugs put in the trailer of the director. He then had an assistant take a photo of the drugs. Our actor then called one of the producers of the show and said that a tabloid has just contacted him about some photos of drugs on the set. No tabloid called or even knew. Our actor forwarded the photo and the next thing you know the director was gone. Our actor then waited a couple of days and called up the actress girlfriend and said he was available and employed if she ever wanted to hook up. Slimy.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2015

This A list rapper is not above picking up a few extra dollars by spending some time with men for cash and gifts. It would take her several weeks of touring to make as much as she will make from a few nights of partying with men in this foreign country.

Nicki Minaj

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 4, 2015

This A- list rapper whose name is horribly misspelled is cheating on his most recent baby mama and not being very discreet about it either.


Blind Items Revealed #2

September 4, 2015

This B+ list mostly movie actress now that her hit cable show has ended was drunk at an event last week and drinking a beer. That somehow led to her telling relative strangers about the things she has done with beer bottles in the past and it was definitely R rated.

January Jones

Blind Item #8

This is some sweet revenge. Not only is this A list country singer showing off her new look, but she is also forming a new musical group. It consists of two other women who were two of the many women hit on by her now ex husband during their marriage. The album is going to consist of songs based on the experience many women had with the ex-husband.

Blind Item #7

This Carl's Jr model got into a huge screaming match with this former A- list mostly television actress turned celebrity/mostly behind the scenes person. The Carl's Jr model apparently did what she does best and slept with the boyfriend of the former A- lister while on a visit to his country.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 4, 2015

This former B list tweener actress from a very hit tween show that existed before there was the term tween turned basically a one off movie actress is still somehow a B lister. It is because of that show. Anyway, she felt when she went shopping the other day that she should get all her stuff for free and threw a major fit when they would not even give her a discount. She walked out without getting anything.

Elizabeth Berkley

Blind Item #6

I'm guessing you are not supposed to mix real medically prescribed drugs for your very severe illness with cocaine but that is just what this former A-list mostly television actress did. She has not worked much since her second hit show went off the air, but apparently can still find the money for some coke.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Blind Item #5

It didn't take much of an opening for this couple to hook up again. He is foreign born and married. Works in television and has a franchise. A- list. She? Well, she is A-/B+ leaning more towards A- beginning next month. Mostly television. Currently not married. The two can not get enough of each other. His wife was back at home and he met up with his former co-star and went back to her place after an event she attended.

Blind Item #4

She (A list mostly television actress) calls it having a new boyfriend. This foreign born B list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show does not quite see it the same way. He says that she wants them to move in together after going out twice. That is not going to happen. In his last big television break he rotated through four or five of his co-stars. There will be no moving in.

Blind Item #3

This former A- list reality star from multiple reality shows involving the same base has moved from pot to heroin and is mixing it with booze and other drugs. If he made money, the reality star would probably be forced into rehab. Instead, he will probably die.

Blind Item #2

Pretty remarkable relationship when you get your A list celebrity/singer/actor husband to not only finance the pet project of your girlfriend but to embrace the situation. Apparently the couple is good with her having a full-time girlfriend and also a husband.

Blind Item #1

This B- list mostly movie actress who had a pretty decent year a couple of years ago but has been lost in the shuffle of actresses who look just like her and are nicer spent a year firing maids every Friday. Well, she made her dad fire them. Our actress would make them work as much as possible and have them do as many disgusting things as possible and then at the end of the week fire them and start the process again with a new maid the following week.

Mr. X Blind Item #2

This tweener turned drug addict turned I changed my life around and please buy my music B list singer has always had the mouth of a sailor. She turned it on a 9 year old at a smoothie store who asked for an autograph. Yeah, he didn't get the autograph. She lost a fan. She doesn't really care.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Some behind the scenes meetings are going on which will make what happened on The View ho hum. This cable talk show is going to do a reboot and bring back the hated comic actress that was previously asked to leave. If she can get sober, they will also bring back the foreign born celebrity.

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

This former A- list actress was that high in movies and television. Some bad decisions on and off the field so to speak has brought her down. She still has a ton of fans though. In a time where celebrities can be mean and off putting, she is always willing to interact. Crack of dawn. She is out doing what she does multiple times a day. In her pajamas because it is so early. She runs into a fan and talks for several minutes and actually seems pleased to do so. The fan's dad is there. Has no idea that this actress is an actress and just starts rambling on for ten minutes about this and that and our actress just smiles and engages and doesn't even try to leave until the dad finishes. The actress all smiles the entire time.

Blind Item #9

This outlier Presidential candidate is thinking of pulling out because there are people who want to examine their medical records. Apparently the candidate is bipolar but has never shared that with anyone outside of their family.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 4, 2015

I have only ever heard this about men, but apparently this comic A- list movie and television actress who has had a very good year was having sex with a guy recently and she kept telling him how lucky he was and that he should appreciate it and just went on and on about herself.

Amy Schumer

Today's Blind Items - One Too Many Casting Couches

A lot of my e-mails ask me whatever happened to so and so. Most of the time their career just ended. Nothing else. They had their time or their one shot and just could never get back into it. Sometimes though, there are really good reasons why someone walked away. This is one of those times. This person was America's Sweetheart. Yeah, not Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts. Nope. She was on network television and for weeks the entire country sat riveted and we all fell in love with her. So, Hollywood does what they do and gave her a movie. A crap movie, but a movie. It made some money and it led to other job offers for her. A lot of job offers. She literally had millions of dollars worth of offers at one point. While she was deciding her next move, she took some meetings. Apparently at each one of these meetings, producers or managers or whatever would try and sleep with her. This is not what she signed up for. There was going to be no casting couch for her. She didn't need the industry or the limelight or to be famous. If it happened, then that was great, but no way was she going to do the casting couch thing. So, she waited and waited. She landed a pretty decent guest starring role on a very hit network show. She didn't have to sleep with anyone to get the spot, but while she was on the show, the A list tool star of the show who still has an almost A list career tried to sleep with her. He hit on her right after he kissed his supposed girlfriend goodbye after having sex with her in his trailer. That was pretty much the last straw for her. Oh, except for the producer of the show who also hit on her. America's Sweetheart tried to do the behind the camera thing, but that was even worse. She walked away and twice turned down $1M offers to come back to where it all started. She made the clean break and just had no interest in going back to it again.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 6, 2015

To make the producers as much money as possible and also the record labels, this foreign talent show which bombed here is rigged in its home country.You shouldn’t even bother to audition.

X Factor

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 7, 2015

This former B list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show that is no longer on the air has achieved more fame for something away from acting. This week she slammed her actor ex/former co-star because he told her he didn’t want to have kids. It was a deal breaker for her. Apparently he just didn’t want to have kids with her since his girlfriend recently had a baby.

Kelly Rutherford/Matthew Settle

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 7, 2015

This in the news former reality star from an A list reality family has bailed on his rehab and was spotted at a hotel with a blonde woman. This should be good.

Josh Duggar

Blind Item #8

This B list actress offspring of a permanent A+ lister who actually is working really steadily in some high profile A list television gigs really needs to lay off the coke. She already had one nose reconstruction and has already destroyed that. She is not going to have much of an acting career if she has no nose left.

Blind Item #7

This former A list mostly television actress who had her very own hit network show stayed in the news when her show went belly up. Given a new lease on show business life the past few years she says that she thinks about quitting every single day because of how miserable life is by working with her A list mostly television actress co-star.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 6, 2015

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor from some of the biggest movies ever who can’t decide if he is in the closet or out is on vacation with a new boyfriend which is definitely a jab to the guy who thought he was dating the actor.

Luke Evans

Blind Item #6

This reality family might be deep rooted conservative and pro-military but they apparently have different views when it comes to who one of the offspring dates. They have high hopes for her and possible spin offs for her so have kept her from dating a guy her age who joined the military.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blind Item #5

One of the better kept secrets in Hollywood is the paternity of a son borne to the C list celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ list mostly movie actor. It turns out the father of the baby is also a married permanent A+ list mostly movie actor.

Blind Item #4

Just because you are going to a meeting or meetings does not mean you are sober. The spin is that this cable reality star with the very bad year is sober. Not even close, but it is more "fun" to discover that when the show airs rather than when it is being filmed.

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list tweener is playing a very dangerous game. It is one thing to have sex with a reality teen and their parents don't care because their parents don't really parent. It is entirely another to have sex with someone a couple of years under the age of consent and expect her parents to go along with it because you helped her burgeoning career. Also, our former tweener is not using protection. Hey, it is what he always does. He says one thing publicly about being pro life and then bullies all the women who end up pregnant into having an abortion.

Blind Item #2

There is a little battle between two Teen Moms. One of them has been trying to hook up for forever with a certain producer and has always been shot down while this other Teen Mom frequently hooks up with the producer which is why she can basically do whatever she wants.

Blind Item #1

With nothing to promote this time around, this pint sized former A list reality star from multiple reality shows is just letting her husband do what he wants with who he wants. It is what he has been doing the entire time they have been together but she has stopped sticking up for him.

Mr. X Blind Item #2

Unless you are a hot woman ready to have sex with this Academy Award winning/nominated actor/singer he doesn't want to talk to you so don't try. Any attempt at conversation will be me with a f**k off.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

There was no such thing as being nice to or interacting with the troops when this A+ list singer performed on a military base. The singer refused to speak to any of the troops except when she was required to. No autographs or photos.

Blind Item #9

This A list athlete/celebrity/wannabe actress is sure spending a ton of money. Well, her boyfriend is spending her money. Lots of it. In less than a decade, this is going to be a whatever happened to situation and find her signing autographs at conventions for $20.

Which Well Known Celebrity Raped An Extra On Lady GaGa Video

You can view everything, including the petition here.

Lady Gaga has been making the rounds telling everybody she is a victim of rape in order to promote her song “Till It Happens To You” and make herself the martyr for all rape victims. I am not here to decide if she was actually raped or not. But I am here to call her a hypocrite.

I worked on the set of the video for “Do What You Want With My Body,” a collaboration with herself, R. Kelly and Terry Richardson. These two people are alleged sexual predators and all it takes is a simple Google search to see how they allegedly ruined the lives of many young girls.

At the beginning of the video, R. Kelly tells Lady Gaga that when she wakes up, she is going to be “pregnant.” That part didn’t make it into this clip. When the video came to light (which she leaked), it was thought that the full version was never released because of R. Kelly and Terry Richardson. However, in an “exclusive” with US, Gaga’s team claimed that the video not being released had nothing to do with the accusations against R. Kelly and Terry Richardson. The PR person told US that everybody at the label actually liked it.

Please view an edited version of the video here:

The video has been described as an advertisement for rape by many websites and it was more than that. Rape actually occurred on the set and I was a victim. I was drugged up on the set (as were some of the female extras) when I thought I was drinking spiked up hot cocoa, which shouldn’t have been allowed in the first place. Lady Gaga has joked about "roofies" in her tweets before, so this shouldn't have been surprising.

I found myself in a dark room with a very-well known person and was sexually assaulted. I don’t remember much. I do remember being told that we were going to discuss the chaos that was taking place on the set, which there was a lot of. I was only slightly aware when it was happening and thought it was a bad dream. I felt an excruciating penetration and could barely open my mouth to scream for help. I don’t know how long this lasted, but I know I was told that if I say anything, I will never work in Hollywood again. I haven’t.

The last year has been a living a living Hell for me. In fact, I probably would have been better off in Hell than experience what I have. I have received death threats in real life from people who are still friends with Lady Gaga and the person who raped me. I have also died a thousand times in my dreams. I can barely walk outside without crying. I have tried to reach out to Lady Gaga and her management about what happened and that all I want is some closure. I have received nothing but death threats, horrific emails, and stalking.

I feel truly sorry for Lady Gaga if she was raped. But when I see her talk about being raped as a promotional blitz to try and make up for all the work she did with known perverts and win an Oscar, I feel like dying again. Even if she is a friend of the LGBT community, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY she should be getting away with her hypocrisy. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that the fawning press should be quiet and let more people be victimized. I also know there were other victims on the set, but they are afraid to do anything about it.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 8, 2015

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is not taking his crushing box office bomb very well at all. Sobriety is in the rear view mirror. He is blaming his sobriety on the movie being bad.

Zac Efron

Today's Blind Items - Going Down The Rabbit Hole

One day something sounds like a great idea. Then you wake up from the fog six months later and wonder how you got into that position and how you are going to escape. Escaping can be tough. This relationship started just like all of her (NV) other fake relationships. Well, not exactly all of them. The guys who were gay, she approached. She always thought that would work best. She would be the loving attentive girlfriend and they would be with her while living their down low life and never would the two meet. Turns out though that never worked out as well as she envisioned. What it essentially did was leave her single the vast majority of the time. Oh, sure she covered it by always being busy. But at some point people were going to ask her when she was going to get on the horse again so to speak. She didn't want to. She was perfectly happy with her girlfriend. Very happy. Then that all got destroyed and it was back to finding a guy. A different approach this time. She is innovative. And brilliant. Draw him in and get him hooked and promise him the world. She thinks she is more powerful than she is. She told him the deal would be worth millions and he wouldn't have to do anything except show up a few times a year with her and pretend to be loyal. He almost blew it. Shortly after they started their "relationship." He hooked up with a random fan and the riot act was read. No need to find a fan. Nope. This relationship was going to be a big hit so NV took matters into her own hands. drawing from her extensive contacts she found two women who would be more than happy to take care of the boyfriend. They travel with him and share his hotel suites with him. They are there 24/7 to take care of him and of course report back to NV. He shows up when she asks. She has access to his social media accounts and makes sure he shows the appropriate level of responses to her posts. Just like everything in her life it is all well thought out and calculated. Except for one part. The end game. Those who saw him recently say he is not enjoying this whole thing as much as he thought. This is not something he is going to be able to get out of anytime soon without some serious collateral damage. Right now he has to stick through it until after the holidays. At least.

Your Turn

From a reader - Share your celebrity predictions for 2016. I will start you off with one. Kelsey Grammer and his wife don't make it through 2016. I think that a certain daughter of a foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actress who is trying to not have a story made about her life will overdose in 2016. I think Lindsay Lohan will either be kicked out of the UK or get married.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 7, 2015

This OITNB star makes a point of claiming she is gay, and not bi, but as recently as six months ago she had a fling with a guy for several weeks.

Ruby Rose

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 9, 2015

This B+ list actress from an acting family told a friend that she wants the child of her boyfriend to call her mom rather than by her first name at least out in public. She says she feels like people view her as a homewrecker when he calls her by her first name.

Kate Mara/Jamie Bell

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2015

I’m not sure how this B list almost television actress is identifying herself lately in her own mind, but her girlfriend thinks she is gay. Her former A list turned B+ list co-star is probably going to say she is bisexual after the pair hooked up this week.

Ruby Rose/Keanu Reeves

Blind Item #8

You know, at some point the demands just are too extreme. This Academy Award winning actor who is getting up there in age but is still hitting on everything he can had a foreign talk show provide him with a makeup person who would also service him. Yep. It was the only way he would agree to do the show. They provided the person.

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actress who is also A list on television for a few more months loved acting hurt about the fate of her television show. She Is the reason the show is ending. Hates her co-workers. Thinks she is way better than they are and wants to work much less for far more money.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 9, 2015

This former A list reality star who is still thankfully off the air once had to pay off a massive drug bill by sleeping with the son of a drug lord. She spent the weekend with him at the home of this celebrity sex offender/molester she calls a friend.

Paris Hilton/James Franco

Blind Item #6

I think everyone was a little surprised that this foreign born B+ list mostly television actor on a very hit pay cable show was not nominated for a Golden Globe. I thought he was a lock. If it was not on such a crap pay cable channel he would probably be A- list and be nominated. Anyway, he is in the closet and is such an idiot that he actually is trying to convince the world that someone is his girlfriend when she already has a boyfriend. Someone should tell him how this whole thing works.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Blind Item #5

For the past couple of months, this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is married to a woman and really deep in the closet has been living out his dreams. He has been out of the spotlight and enjoying being with his boyfriend. Oh sure, our actor is still working, but no one is taking his photo all the time and he is loving life. All things must come to an end though so it will be interesting to see if he goes back to his same old same old or finally steps out of the closet.

Blind Item #4

It is interesting to see that this former A list mostly television actress from two hit shows and has A list name recognition despite not doing much except post photos of herself on social media and talk about sports has totally distanced herself from a former company. They paid her millions of dollars, but she likes to pretend they didn't. You know, because they are getting sued.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born B- list film/television producer has joined forces with the former B list mostly television actress you all know from her former network hit to produce a hit show. You have never watched the show, but it is a hit. Our B- list producer has also acted in the past. She makes most of her money funneling women who audition for her projects straight to the yachts. The vast majority of her projects are designed to allow for huge casting calls in a variety of countries. Through the process they end up with hundreds of women to fill up yachts. Our B- lister is not the only one, but she is the only one who legitimately does make actual movies or shows and not just empty ones with casting calls for nothing.

Blind Item #2

They seem like such good friends. They are, as long as there is not any competition. Actually let me clarify. There is an A+ list mostly movie actress who is willing to be the bff of this A- list comic actress as long as they do not compete with each other for parts or awards. This whole we love each other thing would quickly turn into a knife in the back for the A- lister if she encroaches on the A+ lister's territory. It has happened before. Look around. Show me he A+ lister's female friends.

Blind Item #1

At first it was just pop ins. Then, as the paranoia increased, this C- list celebrity wife of this A list mostly movie actor had the nannies take over full-time and has been on set the entire time with her husband to make sure he does not find someone else and dump her. She always seemed so in control, but the jealousy and insecurity has really come out while he has been filming his most recent project.

Blind Item #13

I'm not sure why she did it, but this A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee went up a breast size a couple of weekends ago. It seems impulsive. Like someone said something to her.

Blind Item #12 - Kindness

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor has multiple Academy Award wins/nominations. He is not always the nicest guy in the world but did raise $375K to help a Syrian refugee family settle into their new home in the US.

Blind Item #11

She is probably honored. This A+ list mostly movie actress who acts as much as she directs now has a medical syndrome named after her. Apparently though, it is not in a good way. It is named for her because women have been requesting from doctors the same type of treatment she received which is not always the way to go.

Blind Item #10

Apparently if you bring this presidential candidate, who used to be doing well, and now is a mess, a whole bunch of money he will do a complete 180 on many of his positions. He doesn't want you to know that though. Unless you have money and need a favor.

Blind Item #9

You have to love a presidential candidate, who is not doing that badly, be able to hashtag family photos with #Narcos #NarcosLife Should make for an interesting war on drugs if he gets elected.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 10, 2015

This A- list singer from a permanent A list group had some early success solo but really needs the group to stay relevant. You would think she would be incredibly nice to her fans but that is not the case. At a recent event she ignored all her fans and stayed as far away from them in a VIP section. Every other star there was mingling but not our singer. She did what she was paid to do and nothing more.

Kelly Rowland

Today's Blind Items - Has To Be A Brown Car

Do you know how hard it is to find a brown car? It is harder than you think. Sure, if you go to a new car lot, there might one one or two in a group of a few hundred. Used cars are a little easier. It was a color that people bought back in the day. Of course back in the day people thought Lindsay Lohan was cool and pumped up their sneakers thinking it would make them jump higher. The other night I was dying laughing listening to this agent talk about the lengths they go to make sure this particular client always has a brown rental car.

Our actor is B list. He also does some hosting. He started out young and is an a-hole. Now that we have that out of the way, the agent told me it all started when the actor got booked for a movie out of LA. Our actor hit up some phone dating service for men who wanted to hook up with other men. This was a few years ago so no Grindr at that point. Our actor, made some arrangements and told the other guy he would swing by his place in a brown car (because that was the color of the rental) and the other guy should just come outside when he saw the car.Our actor didn't want to be spotted getting out. Our actor is so deep in the closet that he has barricaded himself inside.

So, fast forward a little bit. Our actor gets someone to hire him again. Out of town. He wants a brown car. The agent passes this request to the producer to make sure it is in the contract. Boom. No problem, the producer finds a brown rental car and everything is good.

Next movie. The same thing. This time though the producer can't find a brown rental car but does not think it is a big deal and that it is an actor just playing mind games. Nope. The actor likes picking up guys in brown cars. So much so that our actor quit the damn movie when he arrived into town and there was no brown rental car.

Since that time, the agent and the producer of whatever movie make sure there is a brown rental car. They start looking everywhere and have had them shipped in. All of this for a guy who is not even that great of an actor but has a decent name who likes to hook up with strange men in a strange city while rolling in a brown car.


Blind Items Revealed #4

September 10, 2015

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress who had the ultimate actor insult happen to her last week says she is exhausted being a mom. Yeah, I get that. She wants the world to think she is doing everything on her own but she has a fleet of nannies which she conveniently fails to mention in interviews.

Sienna Miller (being cut completely from a movie after filming)

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 10, 2015

This B list dadager/former part-time reality star made a big deal about having two guys rub him down with tanning oil the other day while at a pool. Considering they were half his age it just looked creepy.

Joe Simpson

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 10, 2015

This designer turned reality star turned designer was just a bunch of bones at a recent event. People could not stop talking about thin she is. As in how does she manage to remain alive thin.

Rachel Zoe

Blind Item #8

We all love her. We all want what is best for her. This actress was once on a hit network show before her mysterious disappearance and then landed on another hit network show. She is dating a guy who is married. I know, I know. There she was all alone at a recent wedding. No date because it was the weekend and he was with his family. She did text him the whole time though. We need to find her someone single and convince her that is the way to go.

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee made a casino give him a room and pay for a hooker for the night in return for a little publicity. They agreed.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 11, 2015

No girl code for our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress. She knew this former tweener turned bad actress had a date scheduled next week with this former boy bander turned solo singer. Not only did she go out with the singer but also had sex with him and then texted a photo of them in bed together to the former tweener.

Rita Ora/Selena Gomez/Zayn Malik

Blind Item #6

When an Instagram model goes to Mykonos for a "photo shoot" the only difference between them and this former almost A- list mostly movie actress is that someone will actually publish the "photo shoot" photos making the whole transaction look legit. Like she is not doing the same thing the Instagram models are doing. It makes me angry because she probably trashes them and says things like, "I'm an actress." WTF have you been in lately?I love how she gets some moron to write a press release about the "photo shoot" to make it seem authentic.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure how this former A+ list tweener even came up with the crazy spin about his health condition, but he needed some story that was long lasting because he is not going to stop using meth anytime soon.

Blind Item #4

One of the reasons this foreign born A list singer everywhere in the world except in the US has stayed famous enough to be considered permanent A list in the rest of the world is how good she is at manipulating the media. She gives some generic one liner about wanting a family and she creates a two week buzz surrounding her just when she is promoting something. She is not having a family.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born still basically a one hit wonder who. I admit, has released some other catchy tunes but has not achieved that same level of success had to sleep with two members of this very popular band to get on their new tour. Hey, it is better than who she had to sleep with when he was "mentoring" her.

Blind Item #2

I'm not sure I could make this any easier. The reality family that likes to sell the crap they got for free and then donate the tiniest of proceeds to charity have figured out a way t even make that shady. They are donating proceeds from their latest get free stuff and sell it for a profit to a group that is filming a reality show. Guess who one of the executive producers of the show is?Yep.

Blind Item #1

Why does our favorite foreign born B+ lister own a house, but rent another a few blocks away? Actually, it all kind of goes together. The down payment on her house was provided by the same person who pays the rent for the rental. She only stays in the rental when her current boss would like to have sex with her. He lives a few blocks away and there is a rotating group of women who "rent" the house.

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 11, 2015

Apparently this A list talk show host has learned no lessons. The married host was bombed out of his mind at a club and loved all the attention he was getting from women and got lots of phone numbers.

Jimmy Fallon

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 12, 2015

This short tempered A list mostly movie actor now that his hit network show ended isn’t really concerned about how much weight he gains but regularly gets botox and used to get fillers in his lips too because he thinks they look too thin.

Alec Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 13, 2015

This foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee but is best known for a franchise that gives him that permanent A list status. He is also in full-time get off my lawn mode. The actor was at an event this past week and anyone who came up to him got an f**k you and he was just cranky. Hopefully that means he is feeling well. He is getting up there in age.

Sean Connery

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 13, 2015

No one knows where they came from. Maybe she had pockets in her dress or her clutch was like Hermione’s bag, but this former A+ list mostly movie actress who rarely works now was munching on snacks she brought to a party. Her own snacks. Apparently she just nibbles on them every waking moment as part of her diet. She eats nothing else. She still has A+ list name recognition and her spawn and her exes are everywhere. She comes up with something strange almost every year, but no one could figure out where they were coming from.

Demi Moore

Blind Item #3

This foreign born permanent A list musician from a permanent A list group that will perform until they die on stage is financing a campaign to keep asylum seekers from living in his town.

Mr. X Blind Item

This B- list mostly television actress was A list at one point back in the day. She even had the female lead in some movies. Over the years, she has dropped down the list because people just don't like her. You would never know it from looking at her or any of her statements but she is homophobic to the point of it being a fear of being around anyone who is not straight. Plus, she is mean to crew members which causes problems on set and she is just not that great of an actress to have to deal with the crap she brings.

Blind Item #2

I mentioned within the past month about the work this A+ list mostly movie actor had done to his face and how it is really messed up, but it is so bad that he can't even do a one day reshoot of a scene for a blockbuster. They had to rewrite the scene so they could shoot him from behind.

Blind Item #1

This C+ list reality star from that cable reality show that seems to have a million people exactly like out subject is running at least three scams for money right now. There is the pregnancy which she is convinced is from a celebrity. There is another actor that she is extorting for money. Oh, and she is also selling information to the tabloids about that escort organization of which she is a member.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 14, 2015

This A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee says his actor brother is the threesome king. I wonder what his actress girlfriend thinks about all of that.

James Franco/Dave Franco/Alison Brie

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 14, 2015

At a Fashion Week show, this foreign born celebrity/reality host brought her dog. She thought it looked cool. The dog was a menace though and was yapping and peeing everywhere and the celebrity just ignored all of it was happening.

Kelly Osbourne

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 14, 2015

Last week, the producers of this show had to cut out most of what this A list singer had to say about fashion. It was so at odds with everyone else on the show that it will be interesting to see if they can piece anything together to save the most important episode of the year.

Carrie Underwood/Project Runway

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 14, 2015

This OITNB actress believed this A-/B+ list rapper when he said he was single. So, she hooked up with him and watched him 12 hours later hook with up with this A+ list singer.

Dascha Polanco/Travis Scott/Rihanna