Friday, February 26, 2016

Blind Item #8

This A list dual threat actor who also produces and directs and just seems to do everything pays a whole lot of money each month to his "girlfriend/baby mama" to keep his secrets safe.


  1. Derek Harvey12:45 AM

    ben affleck

  2. Derek Harvey12:49 AM

    ryan gosling

  3. Tricia1312:49 AM

    Ryan gosling/Eva mendes

  4. Derek Harvey12:50 AM

    and Eva Mendes

  5. sandybrook12:51 AM

    doesnt totally fit but Zach Braff?

  6. No kiddies sandybrook, yet but he does do a little of everything. He's a tool I think too?

  7. Agreed. What are his secrets?

  8. Derek Harvey12:58 AM

    Thanks sweetie

  9. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    I know a good ONE ...My cousin in Oakville went to high school where his mom taught and she got fired for sleeping with one of the teachers! This was just when he was starting out---I think he was on some tween show at the time

  10. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    ***sorry that made no sense

    his mom got fired for sleeping with one of the students

  11. For what? You guessed the answer in 2 parts after tricia13 ?

  12. Derek Harvey1:06 AM

    yeah cause Ryan has so many other baby mamas

  13. Janet1:08 AM

    Gia, don't even ask, been there. Not worth it TRUST me lmao.

  14. Eastwood

  15. Gotcha. Actually looked like his guess was Ben Affleck but whatever ! Smh.

  16. Mooshki1:34 AM

    You can't blame Derek for desperately wanting the fame and fortune that come from being first. Oh, wait. I forgot no one gives a shit who's first.

  17. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)1:44 AM

    So what are Gosling's secrets?

  18. tnock1:53 AM

    tyler perry

  19. It's okay. Most of us are fluent in Enty-ese. Your post was crystal-clear in comparison! :-)

  20. Sadie2:14 AM

    Eastwood's got other illegitimate kids so I don't know why he'd be bothered by another one. How about Spike Lee or Ben Stiller?

  21. Tricia132:27 AM

    I gots to +1 this! Great guess, it's him for sure. My first thought was Seth McFarlane but he has n baby yet( just likes pregnant women per Enty lol) Tyler Perry is that same kinda " hand it everything" dude.
    And closeted:(

  22. Hot Cola3:52 AM

    +1 LOL

  23. Wendy3:52 AM

    If this was Ryan Gosling I think it would mention something about the girlfriend/baby momma being an actress too.

    Agree with the Tyler Perry guess.

  24. is Taylor Perry a mogul w/ studios in Atlanta?
    where he is a writer, producer, director, composer, singer, actor. actress, at cetera.....

  25. Dereks mommy8:56 AM

    I need to apologize to all you nice people. I'ts all my fault. You see, I had 7 children and we were very poor. ( Hooking doesn't pay much when you are 600 lbs) I would make 2 servings a day of dinner, one for me and the other for which ever child got to it FIRST. Derek was as slow physically as well as mentally. He never NAILED IT. His baby brother always beat him to it. Again, so very sorry.

  26. Yep, you got it Tricia!

  27. I understood it lol that's a juicy one!!

  28. thebutlerdidit8:07 AM

    Medea Perry. But, I don't know a single a person in ATL that thinks he's straight. Not a one. People talk openly about it, I've even seen folks roll their eyes when someone talks about his baby mama, and that's the few times I've been to those snooty ATL fundraising events where those Real Housewives & local rappers attend. Which, by the way, are not fun or cool, because those people act like they are super A listers and you can't get within a mile of them, if you're not in their group. I remember years ago, you could hang out with Lil Jon, Ludicrous, or ppl like that.

  29. Haywood Jablomee10:35 AM

    He prefers his women "unfresh".
