Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 2, 2015

Usually it is this A list now mostly movie actor who is doing the yelling and berating at his wife. The other night it was her yelling at him about the junk food he was eating and that he looked fat.

Alec Baldwin/Hilaria Baldwin


  1. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    Fat and uses a CPAP machine - marry someone your own age, next time dufus.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:32 AM

    "...next time, dufus"
    Error in comma placement

  3. sandybrook2:38 AM

    In a way I don't mind her doing this. He needs to take better care of himself--he's a porker, could afford to drop 25 lbs. or so.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:43 AM

    I don't disagree, but she could use a lesson in discretion. <--a potential Eminem lyric?

  5. MontanaMarriott2:47 AM

    For a chick who married dude for his fame & $$$ she really needs to STFU before Alec upgrades her @$$ for a younger more devoted model

  6. sandybrook3:00 AM

    rhymes, sell it to Tyga.

  7. Aallie3:56 AM

    Alex met his match. I don't see it ending well with Hilaria. She's a bizach who thinks she's super hot. No honey. You average.

  8. Hot Cola4:40 AM

    Alec deserves her.

  9. Lynne4:44 AM

    Alec Baldwin, in his prime, was pure tenderloin good looking. If his breathing would be helped by losing weight, then his wife deserves credit for yelling at him.

  10. Dazzke4:46 AM

    This post is repeat, right?!

  11. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:52 AM

    No Hilaria, he does not look fat, he is indeed fat. You are Spanish, you should know that a guy his size is a goddam fatass.
    Anyway, when was alec going to leave the US? He said that in 2014 and we are still waiting, I guess he still has time until all those hollyweirders who said would leave that country if Bush were reelected.

  12. ItsaBeautifulLife4:54 AM

    Alex & Hilarious splitting will be as crazy & drama filled as Paul McCartney and Heather Mills' split.

  13. ItsaBeautifulLife4:57 AM

    ^ Alec not Alex.

  14. June Gordon5:37 AM

    Folks that slam medicine don't go round with big bellies. That all I got to say.

  15. I kind of like it without the comma. It's sort of like "next level dufus."

  16. Kno Won Uno7:50 AM

    I like yours better, actually.

  17. Laura Palmer7:54 AM

    You are naughty!

  18. Shityoucantbuy8:57 AM

    This is like Russian Roulette; you is gonna get arrested first, who is gonna file for divorce first, who is gonna sue first?

  19. Cinabun9:36 AM

    He was okay looking when younger, kind of handsome but that back hair? Nuh uh. Euw.

  20. Cherry10:04 AM

    He really doesn't look all that fat to me.

  21. And-so-on..12:03 PM

    But yes, the yoga poser wifey is obviously a rude thoughtless little piggie to make him fat with junk food.. How dare she.)+<}

  22. Betty Taylor12:04 AM

    Didn't he called his daughter fat?
