Saturday, June 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 17, 2016

In case you were wondering what the feud is about between this A+ list singer and this B+ list singer it is that the A+ lister trash talked the B+ lister. Yeah, it turns out our A+ lister has a completely different image than she wants you to know. I have told you this often. Anyway, she said the B+ lister only has a career based on having sex with anyone and not talent. The B+ lister was in earshot and has never forgotten.

Taylor Swift/Demi Lovato


  1. Zilla11:17 AM


  2. Sugarbits1:27 AM

    Wonder if Tay Tay ever fucked for tracks back in the day

  3. Adoniza1:42 AM

    I don't like Demi, but she has more talent in her little finger nail than Taylor Swift has in her entire VS model body.

  4. Sarah1:55 AM

    Not a fan of swiftly. Seems so contrived

  5. Both are contrived closet lesbians with minimal talent. I swear when Britney went insane it just left a huge pop vacuum which allowed a bunch of knockoffs (Taylor, Demi, Selena, Miley, Katy, Ariana) to fill the void.

  6. Derek's Thong1:58 AM


  7. Hootchiemama2:26 AM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I haaaaaate Demi she's so fake

  8. AlmondJoy2:32 AM

    Britney isn't all that in the way of talent either. What she did have was a great PR team who got her name out there and made her a household name.

  9. Kibble2:34 AM

    Not a fan of either, but Demi can belt a tune out and while she can be over blown, outspoken and sarcastic, that's her - whereas Swifty is sugary fake, an average songwriter, okish guitar player with an average singing voice. Both are not very good stage performers. I'm unsure if either has much of a career beyond the fans they grew up with. They both think too highly of themselves IMO.

  10. sandybrook2:52 AM

    Demi and Wilmer are over too. Three great romances in one week ending is just to much to handle. I'm going to the Causeway and jump now and I can't swim. Goodbye cruel world!

  11. oobejabbawwonka2:54 AM

    TS does NOT have a VS model's body - she is the least sensual, sexy person EVER. Horrible mean girl.

  12. Britney had more stage presence and personality than everyone I mentioned. She could dance better than everyone I mentioned. Her songs were better as well.

  13. longtimereader3:05 AM

    Nope, never did. A producer nathan and a co-writer Liz but basically just her and her talent. Her appeal is based upon an image that about being a boycrazy!! girl that doesn't really exist.

  14. killer tofu3:22 AM

    thats hilarious.

    demi lovato can sing better than taylor swift. google all her national anthem performances.

    what the hell is taylor gonna do when she doesnt have traction with the necessary demo anymore? she's 4 years shy of 30, which is ancient in the pop world.

  15. Cinabun3:35 AM

    I'll take Demi over Taylor any day. At least she can sing. And she may be a b#tch but she seems to own it.
    Soooo tired of Taylor Swift. Never got her appeal.

  16. Gookie3:51 AM

    Demi definitely can sing. Selena needs serious auto tune.

  17. yodeling mouse face w/ broomstick body shape versus screaming beaver face w/ square body shape...

  18. S.D.AUNTIE5:47 AM

    Yes. Britney gives a good show but lip synches. Great dancer with flashy costumes means great stage presence. As a singer, Auto tune helps . Poor girl wants to retire and should. Demi can belt out a tune.

  19. S.D.AUNTIE5:56 AM

    F you. Racist jerk. Im sure your crater wrinkled face nd sponge bob square pants body is perfect.

  20. Penelope26:03 AM

    VS models these days don't have sensual, sexy bodies either. They used to, when they had curves and fuller lips. I think one has full lips now, and they all have tiny behinds and small boobs.

  21. Demi Lovato appears to be 100% real and can sing, Taylor is now just playing a character, barely anything about her seems real including her boyfriends. Never bought the thing with her an Calvin was real.

  22. Most straight men find Taylor to be very sexy. You sound jealous and bitter.

  23. Yikes. You should be aware that you are clearly speaking only for yourself. Taylor is so NOT sexy.

  24. S.D.AUNTIE7:50 AM

    So sorry. Thougt u used the word with an n not beaver. Need to get my glasses adjusted

  25. Taylor in person is the super - tall girl who is so skinny it is painful to look at her. I mean so skinny that her arms are barely the size of a child's, her butt basically concave, and her ribs poke through her Tshirt. And that was back right before she hit it huge with the Kanye incident. She's lost weight since.

  26. back again8:47 AM father used to say "Goodbye Cruel World".

  27. back again8:49 AM

    maybe play with her $300+ Million Dollars at her Oceanfront Estate?

  28. sandybrook8:59 AM

    There was a song in the 60's called Goodbye Cruel World, I'm off to join the Circus by James Darren (a pretty boy).

  29. Stacey8:59 AM

    I prefer Taylor over drugged out Demi, who is an awful person to any of her fans.

  30. Diana9:05 AM

    Huh? Wow. Taylor is delusional.

  31. Laura Palmer9:54 AM

    Love Cool for the Summer.

  32. Whywhywhy???11:21 AM

    And yet she kissed a girl...hahahaha

  33. Speak for yourself. I'd totally scissor the shit out of her/let her do the same. Then play with her kitties after! She might be annoying, but she has a stellar body & a wardrobe I'd kill for.

  34. back again12:37 PM

    wow...thank you for that tidbit @Sandy..i had no idea it was a song.Your original comment brought a smile to my face so,thanks for that too.

  35. I don't think she has more talent - she has a better voice, Taylor can't even deny that, but Taylor writes her own music, and has written a lot of really catchy songs. Taylor also has parents who made sure she was surrounded by a powerful team of lawyers and PR people to protect her.

    I a singing duel, Demi wins, hands down. Taylor writes and produces album after album of hits - three, four or five songs per album. That is also talent.

  36. All of those women except Selena have more musical talent than Britney. Britney can't sing on pitch. She has tons of stage presence and charisma, but her musicality is not on par with the others.
