Friday, July 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 22, 2016

This female talk show host who is one of the hosts on a non-traditional type talk show format where talk is not center stage better watch out for her job. This married B+ list former television actress from a hit network show turned movie actress is gunning for her slot. This is the kind of full-time gig she covets.

Blake Lively/The Chew


  1. sandybrook1:46 AM

    Another reason not to watch

  2. Brenda2:07 AM

    I could care less about anything Blake would have to say.

  3. Tiny Dancer2:29 AM

    I got this one. That's a first for me. Doin' my Happy Dance!

  4. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    Bad enough seeing pics of her all the damned time. I can't imagine what kind of hermit warthog would want to watch her & hear her speak every damned day.
    They can have her.

  5. Zilla12:53 AM

    Woo hoo! Great job, Tiny D!

  6. back again3:53 AM

    doin' a Happy Tiny Dance!!! good job! ; )

  7. texasrose5:33 AM

    What network show was Lively on?? CW is almost network or do we need to go through this again. ABC,NBC,CBS, and FOX are networks.

  8. Stacey10:05 AM

    Ugh, can't Blake just shut up and go back to being irrelevant.

  9. Anti5ocial10:36 AM

    You can't say "THIS HOST" and then NOT GIVE the name of the host. Then again it's more than likely a fake blind

  10. Fireflies2:48 PM

    It has to be Daphne's spot; she's young and blonde. In this day and age, networks can't conceive of shows having two people with similar characteristics on a panel.

  11. Detnow35912:10 AM

    I would guess Daphne, too. Her dad isn't respected as he was when she first started on The Chew and the name Oz might be an advertising nightmare at this point.

  12. She's annoying, pretentious, full of herself (that's hardly an LA face or an Oakland booty), stingy, and treated her staff at Preserve like garbage. She sucks. She's been shoved down our throats because her mommy and daddy work in the biz, but I don't find her relatable at all. I remember when Gossip Girl was on when she insulted the "Brit Pack" by saying she doesn't need to go to clubs or bars. Really Blake? Do you want a medal for staying in? And then she had the nerve to say she doesn't work out and eats whatever she wants. Girl, your trainer is doing interviews with fitness mags and saying otherwise. Sit down
