Saturday, July 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 8, 2016

The wife of this foreign born dual threat actor had a date with someone other than her husband. She was much more intimate in public with the date than she ever is with her husband.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Now, if she is bearding for Cumberbitch, this is a clear violation of the standard contract. (weekly Cumberbitch page view blind)

  2. ...and the father of her child is?

  3. Daido3:48 AM

    …and the father of her child is?''No. It's child of Cumberbatch, but Sophie is not mom this child. Surrogate baby.

  4. Nope. I saw baby, and he looks like Cumber. I don't know who's mother of the baby, but dad is Cumber. Hunter is probably a beard.

  5. TopperMadison4:21 AM

    I guess I'm the only one in the world who actually thinks these two people love each other and got married when she got pregnant, because, you know, that happens sometimes.

  6. Yes, you're the only one romantic left. The world of fame is quite a cynical thing. So, you just have to accept your fate.

  7. CDaName5:15 AM

    I don't trust any Cumberbatch blinds tbh. What is it about him that attracts the loonies?

  8. Chelzee Post5:49 AM

    Is she the Brit who was reported to be a highly paid escort before they married? Or was that someone else? What a tangled web we weave when we..... Eventually, the truth comes out.

  9. Mary Carol6:30 AM

    Just like Cumber had a GF for 12 years, Sophie had a long term BF for many years, and he was GORGEOUS. Real movie star gorgeous. Google pics. Why he was with her I couldn't figure. She is not pretty, just average looking. If this is the guy she is still seeing, I get that. I guess he wouldn't marry her and have kids. And why the gay rumors about Cumber? I thought he was a womanizer who was into the bondage scene. That's why one of the Sherlock movies has that theme.

  10. "Why he was with her I couldn’t figure." Sure, because everybody knows that looks are the one and only reliable indicator of who to date. *rolls eyes*

  11. beees8:07 AM

    He is gay, just for example, Ricky Martin had gf almost 12 years. Many gays have wife and children. John Travolta has wife and childred, hahaha.

  12. Guesser8:12 AM

    As you all see here, Enty does call him a dual threat actor, in reference to yesterday's blind. I still don't get the obsession with these actors. It's worse than the twisted, at least they were very young and trying to put a couple together.

  13. Guesser8:20 AM

    Many gay guys have a female best friend, not odd at all. I don't know for sure if the British trifecta as someone else called them, are all gay or not , the only aha! Moment for any of them are the oddly timed relationships. Perhaps the British know of some moments in their lives that exposed them, but I don't know of any.

  14. Guesser8:21 AM

    Daily this week.

  15. French girl8:31 AM

    I believe that Cucumber blinds are BS

  16. Chuckywheredhego12:21 PM

    Whatever happened to the girlfriend on set during Hollow Crown? Didn't someone named chuckynono post pictures of the twins? I swear this man has the crazies out in numbers higher then I can count

  17. Laura Palmer1:09 PM

    When i think of cumburnmysnatch, i think of him in that magnificent blue suit he wore in tinker tailor, jesus, he is the beautiful, gorgeous..

  18. Guesser1:10 PM

    Auto correct got me again. I meant Twihards.

  19. now this is what I want to know.

  20. yeah she is. she was also spotted at a London hotel by a tweeter recently.

  21. i don`t think they`re best friends though. BC looks miserable when he`s around her and she looks like she hates her. i sure as hell don`t act like that around my gay friends.

  22. I don't think so. Why would he plan a surrogacy where the child would be born on the same year he stages his biggest most important fastest selling play? He's been harping about having children of his own forever now and you'd think he'd be a present responsible dad. I think if he did go for surrogacy he'd schedule the kid around a less busy time of his life or he'd actually take time off around the time of its birth.

    The shotgun oopsy theory makes sense.
    Although surrogacy would explain Sophie's obvious use of a prosthetic belly in Bora Bora. I don't think those photos were meant to be leaked until around May although they were taken in March.
