Saturday, August 13, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 10, 2016

This A list director sends out his tough guys and the next thing you know people backpedal faster than in a horror movie.

Bryan Singer


  1. Your day is coming Singer.

  2. sandybrook3:08 AM

    Nobody ever said the mob stopped being involved in show bidness

  3. Studio543:24 AM

    How are these gay Roger Aisles able to continue?

  4. Ms_wonderland3:42 AM

    Is this a follow up to the Elijah Wood reveal? He makes horror films these days.

  5. ashleyC3:58 AM


    somebody needs to hit upload on something. video, audio, anything.

    anything to set the world on fire with indisputable truth that this guy is a rapist, a predator, all things wrong.

  6. ashleyC3:59 AM

    "be careful what bridges you burn....I could end your career with one phone call."

    thats the threat these people are dealing with. keep quiet and keep your livelihood, or lose your life forever.

  7. Some one needs to set him up for the fall.
    Record the "tough guys" roughing up an accuser and post it on line.

  8. is it a summer heat (hit)?
    jayzzzz & FBA, singer & "tough guys", amal as a fixer for clooney (clowney)...

  9. @david


    at this point, the only way you can defeat these people is by hitting record and uploading. we're in an era where the internet doesn't give a shit about you. if you're 'been bad' and somebody has the receipts...and they upload him.

    then fuck you cause you are finished.

  10. Studio548:56 AM

    Either stand up to him, or don't complain. It's all illegal, these threats, etc. What a punk he is. Straight people stood up to Cosby, Aisles and many more.

  11. AMartel9:53 AM

    Heh. There actually is a gay mafia.

  12. Singer needs the karma bus to run him over and back up. Vile human being.

  13. Not surprised! All of his arrogant bragging is finally catching up with him. Maybe now i'll have a shot at purchasing his penthouse once the feds seize some assets
