Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Blind Item #3

If there was a time for a celebrity to go on Maury, I think this foreign born professional beard would be an ideal candidate. The guys who pay by the day aren't going to be coughing up any money. I think because she came in after the fact in her last job, she vowed to do it differently this time around.


  1. Tricia1311:00 PM

    Irina Shayk-pregnant

  2. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Was wondering how Enty was gonna touch on this news lol...

  3. Guesser11:10 PM

    This could get weird. She and Bradley have looked like they can't even stand each other, let alone have a child together. Unless she's using this as her ticket out.

  4. S.D.AUNTIE11:21 PM

    I would assume a paternity test would be done. Coop woukd want to make sure before paying for the next 18 years

  5. austin11:22 PM

    Maybe Bradley wanted a child? Could have conceived clinically.

  6. Chinese Drywall11:25 PM

    KNEW Enty would be on this today!!!!!!!!

  7. David Brown11:27 PM

    This is why the invented DNA tests.

  8. Has Bradley C's PR people said anything about this?
    Is he going to go along with the "I am the daddy" routine?

    Very interesting!

    By the way, just because he is (allegedly) gay doesn't mean he can't father a child.
    My wife's business partner is gay and was married to a woman for years with two children he fathered.
    (it was his cover story until he finally came out of the closet.)

  9. mariaj11:42 PM

    Tricia, since you have a guess, could you please translate ( decode ) this blind to me?

  10. mariaj11:47 PM

    I mean...i get that is about B Copper and Irina and the announced baby..but the rest is hieroglyphic , to me

  11. If she is pregnant, it's not mean that Cooper is dad. She has sex with many rich boys, who are not gays. He can will dad for general audience. Everyone know he is gay.

  12. Tricia1311:50 PM

    @mariaj- thinking that Enty is saying Irina makes a great sensationalist/exploitative talk show guest(Maury Povich had a long running one here in states-was awful lol)...because she managed to get pregnant and now her "johns"/ sugar daddies won't be needing her services."Doing it differently this time"applies to her ex "BF "Christian Ronaldo because he already had a child...

  13. austin11:50 PM

    The Maury Povich show. He's always having guests on that want him to do DNA testing to find out who a baby's father really is.

  14. mariaj11:56 PM

    thanks to, Enty is saying that this is not a " bearding " baby...interesting...especially for the future, bc if is not Bradly's baby, then, will she raise her son alone? Will Bradley " officilly" be involved in his life?

  15. austin12:05 AM

    I'm not sure Enty knows what the actual situation is yet. Watching what happens between Bradley and Irina in the near future will be telling. At this point, I have a hard time believing she'd allow herself to get pregnant by someone else without his knowledge while they're still presenting as a couple.

  16. Guesser12:16 AM

    Enty thinks everyone in the world Knows the Maury Povich show.

  17. Tricia1312:22 AM

    @austin I totally agree and @mariaj I think Enty is maybe saying it is a bearding baby because it=financial security/long term set up from BCoop(something she failed to attain with CR because he already had a baby mama). OTOH I also believe this could be a baby conceived naturally if BCoop is bisexual(I tend to think he is and heard ex wife Jen Esposito and he were in love but marriage short lived because she walked in on him with a man). He was also very different then (still using drugs/alcohol and a tad- mean well say.)either way he has matured and if ready for this next step good on him---we'll see.

  18. mariaj12:27 AM

    Idk, bc Enty said time ago that the contract was expriring so, the baby might have " accidentally" occurred unexpected. after that,and Irina seems quite wild

    Time ago there were reports of " marriage " talks between them, so, perhaps they extended the contract, with a " bonus" :the baby

  19. austin12:33 AM

    + This is the most 'interesting' celeb development in some time. Sure surprised me.

  20. It would be funny if Bradley decided to pretend to be the dad and the kiddo came out looking very middle eastern looking.Or they could have gone the ivf route if he's choosing a long term closet.

  21. mariaj1:49 AM

    Yeah, like, if the kiddo came out curiously looking like V Putin, say

  22. Hortensia8:41 AM

    Bradley is NOT gay. You all leave my Bradley alone. And, if he is gay, so what? Who cares? Nobody!!

  23. RenShaw9:56 AM

    You are funny Hortensia. The only one that cares is Bradley, to go thru all this and for what. Like you said, who cares.

  24. RenShaw10:01 AM

    Putin is on the hot seat too as well as all her yacht party compatriots. That's a lot of testing. Damn Bradley, run boy.

  25. Antonio1:07 PM

    Forget the baby news Irina is 30? BULLSHIT! Unless 30 is the new 40.

  26. Stray6:02 PM

    I am the only one who thinks Irina is not pregnant and all this rumors were created to get the spotlight? Casually this announcement was made during the VSFS.

  27. Stray:

    I've been thinking the same thing. I think this is the most people have talked about her in awhile. I mean, is that why Bradley's rep hasn't denied it yet? Because they want to leave the rumor out there until after the show airs? I guess we'll see in the next few months.
