Saturday, December 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 26, 2016

Our favorite former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is avoiding her second home like the plague. Way too many people she owes money to there. She now prefers to stay in other parts of Europe when at all possible.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. Apparently, Lindsey -- probably subconsciously -- subscribes to the Mark Twain quote: "It's easier to fool people than to un-fool them."

  2. Escorting doesn t bring her enough money to pay for her bills????? Does she charge 100$ for a full mouth? Lol.

  3. June Gordon1:09 AM

    Wow: Miss Lohan thinks of herself as VERY grand. Like she is still a HUGE star.

    It takes a lot of cash, tricks and games to maintain that delusion.

  4. Derek's Anal Beads1:20 AM

    Ditto, bish.

  5. And-so-on..2:45 AM

    You know dopey and weird as she may be ..Lilo is the sole support of her bummed out, brain rattled family.. Spaghetti, bread wine and chickens just don't normally grow on trees for one to freely harvest when you have a need to stock the refrigerator and pantry

  6. Dumblesnore3:27 AM

    Ah Lilo....tricks aren't going to turn themselves in other parts of Europe, now are they?

  7. TiggyTea4:53 AM

    Yeah, Lindsay needs to find a permanent cashy sitch, preferably with a non-abusive john. I mean, at this point, her only income is from escorting. There's gotta be nothing coming in from Hwood. Like other commenters said, maintaining that lifestyle and its illusion is very pricey.

  8. She has to pay for her leach mother (who apparently is allergic to work) and the rest of the family as well.

  9. I ate my own head4:34 PM

    Who is paying this dingbat? You could call any random Manhattan escort agency and get something cleaner, fresher, prettier and more pleasant.
