Thursday, December 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 14, 2016

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity gets paid a lot of money to come speak and promote products. Part of the deal though is that his wife gets to plug her products while they are paying for him. Quite a few companies have started to get a little ticked off about this.

David and Victoria Beckham


  1. sandybrook1:28 AM

    Neither one really has anything to offer except looking good for cameras.

  2. "Greed. Greed is good."

    They can hire me for less than half of what they are paying David Beckham and I won't mention a thing about my wife's business.

  3. austin1:44 AM

    Riding their own coat tails now as a permanent A list couple. Great gig if you're able to do it :)

  4. He was a very good footballer. Top of the top. Pitty he married Victoria.

  5. Guessing2:01 AM

    I never got her appeal. She looks very rodentlike (yes, this is one word according Random House Dictionary). I always expect her to twitch her nose and nibble on a chunk of cheese.

  6. longtimereader2:11 AM

    At his peak say, 2000ish he wasn't even the best player at man united. possibly top 20 in the world. His replacement crispy ronaldo was/is a 100x better.

  7. GoTrollUrSelf2:24 AM

    Totally agree.

  8. I think victory is unhappy because she is in a perpetual state of starvation.children are so food oriented I will never understand how some of these mom's do it.

  9. Mazoo7:11 AM

    Agree apart from the cheese part, she wouldn't go near something with fat and calories.
