Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

October 21, 2015

The 80's

There were so many drugs on the set of this vampire movie that it is amazing it turned out as well as it did. Even more amazing considering that writers were changing things daily to take advantage of the actors that were sober enough to actually film.

Lost Boys

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 21, 2015

The 80's

This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit almost television show was still new to the scene back when she filmed this cult classic which everyone has probably seen and quotes lines from. She was married while filming it but had an affair with her co-star and when she started doing press for it her husband found out and they split. She would later go on to marry a not so nice guy.

Robin Wright/Princess Bride/Cary Elwes/Sean Penn

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 21, 2015

The 80's

In this horror remake of a decades earlier film, the lead actor who is still A- was stuck in a pickle. He was juggling a real life romance with his still B+ list mostly movie actress co-star and another co-star in the movie he has a sex scene with. When the B+ lister found out, he dumped the other actress and lived happily ever after for a few more years with the B+ lister.

Jeff Goldblum/Geena Davis/The Fly

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 16, 2015

This foreign born former B+ list mostly movie actress was in some really big movies. Academy Award winning movies. She says she lost the lead role in two late 80’s early 90’s blockbuster movies to this still A+ list mostly movie actress because unlike the A+ lister she was not willing to sleep with someone to get the role.

Valeria Golino/Julia Roberts

Blind Item #4

This A list filmmaker was hospitalized because he had bad reactions to the hormones he is taking for his transition.

Blind Item #3

This possibly out of work mostly openly gay talk show host was being annoying during a guest starring role because she was convinced an extra is gay and would not stop hitting on her and following her everywhere.

Blind Item #2

The C list celebrity to this just about permanent A+ lister is off her meds and boozing it up which is never a good thing for her. She has been lashing out at people at events where she is getting paid and no one has seen her sleep longer than an hour in three days.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list dual threat actor is the next generation. Maybe that is why old friends of his wife in that church have rekindled their friendships with her to the point where they are her only friends. The next step is the actor which would be a huge "get."

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 16, 2015

Never one to take a chance her personal life will be exposed, this A+ list mostly movie actress arranged for couples therapy for her and her husband while out of the country. For one week they had sessions everyday to try and save their marriage.

Reese Witherspoon

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 14, 2015

Last week this A- list mostly movie actor was telling his co-star/girlfriend they should get married. This week he is hooking up with the actress he beats up and the co-star says she has lots of secrets to spill.

Shia LaBeouf/Sasha Lane/Mia Goth

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 13, 2015

Throw out a story that makes people want to go aww and they choose it over the truth. This former tweener turned bad actress and as yet to be seen singer has a drug problem, no matter what she says or which tabloids pull out their kneepads.

Selena Gomez

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 12, 2015

This former B+ list mostly television actress will make her return to television this season after a long absence from the screen because she is not a very good actress and won the television lottery with her long running network show. Anyway, she is usually the one being cheated on, but the tables were turned last week when she hooked up with a barely (and I mean barely) legal D list actor.

Eva Longoria

Friday, February 05, 2016

Blind Item #12

A daughter of one of the band members from this foreign band which might be permanently A list has been hooking up with a guy in the band.

Blind Item #11

This ultimate celebrity offspring was the darling of the tabloids before there was an internet. She is so secretive that she had a child with her husband a few years ago and only a few dozen people even know. That could change if they decide to send the child to school rather than have tutors brought in.

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

This former Glee actress turned B list mostly movie actress had a party in her Nashville hotel room for a handful of fans she met on the set of her new movie. They were hanging around the entire day and then went back to her hotel and sang karaoke. That is about as wild as she gets.

Blind Item #9

This beloved foreign born A- list mostly television actor may or may not still be in a relationship with his actress girlfriend but he is hooking up with his co-star on a non-filmed project.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 9, 2015

While at a charity event this week, this newly divorced celebrity chef focused her attention on the under 25 male crowd. As is her custom lately she found two guys to go home with her instead of just one. This is becoming an almost weekly fetish of our chef.


Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - This former A list mostly movie actress who started as a teen turned do nothing much for a long time and now is a B+ list television/almost television actress still has A list name recognition. On the set of her new show she has turned her trailer into some kind of Wiccan shrine and freaks people out in a daily basis.

#2 - This racist Bravo reality star who is the star of his little show is probably not going to tell his fellow Klan brethren about the black hookers he picks up in a city a couple hundred miles from his house.

#3 - This foreign born B- list mostly movie actress/model who barely stays above that C+ status because she has a memorable name. She is sleeping with the married CEO of the largest company in her home country.

#4 - This permanent A+ list designer is HIV+ after becoming infected by a Brazilian escort.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 8, 2015

Pretty hard to have a baby when you have an IUD inserted. This now B- list actress who was in that franchise is hiding this piece of trivia from her A-/B+ list mostly television actor husband who thinks they are trying to have a baby.

Nikki Reed

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 8, 2015

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor only has success when in a franchise that he was not in on from the beginning. His other projects have bombed and one of the reasons is his fans. He doesn’t like them. Oh, he will cheat on his wife with a very good looking fan from time to time, but for the most part he is an a-hole and will ignore you or tell you to f**k off. Not a pleasant guy at all.

Daniel Craig

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 6, 2015

If you ever wanted to see a foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is probably praying they never film another installment of his franchise again drunk and passed out in a bar. You had two chances this past weekend.

Jamie Dornan

Blind Item #8

Apparently our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/part-time actress does sometimes say no. She was supposed to have a much larger role in this monster network hit than she ended up having. The thing is though she walked off the set because she refused to have sex with an actor on the show and he started being nasty with the names he called her so she just walked. Everyone should walk from him, but not enough do.

Blind Item #7

This married A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show recently had an abortion. She knew the baby was not her husband's baby and had already split with the father who is a married co-star on the show.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 6, 2015

Apparently this is not the first time to the rodeo for this permanent A list model and her former A list singer boyfriend. They hooked up before when they were both married. Nice.

Christie Brinkley/John Mellencamp

Blind Item #6

Apparently the wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor who fancies (love this word) herself as a celebrity too is not above some bumps of coke each day to keep her appetite subdued.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Blind Item #5

I love how this foreign born celebrity chef who has been in this space multiple times thinks he is being clever. Our married chef thinks by hiding this A-/B+list celebrity in plain sight that people will think they are just friends. Apparently she has been seeing our chef exclusively for months and he has been paying her a substantial sum each month to do so.

Blind Item #4

This A list Academy Award winner/nominee who might be scared for his life spent $3500 in booze and food the other night and took shots at the waiter all night and other wait staff. The guy was an a-hole and didn't even leave any tip.

Blind Item #3

This B list singer/ingenue was spotted doing lines of coke and making out with this B+ list mostly television actor on a hit cable show. He was partying just as hard.

Blind Item #2

This actress/talk show host would probably be fired in a second if the public knew just how racist she is and who she has been throwing big bucks too in the past few months. I have written about her before and just because she has a platform as large as hers makes me very scared that she will use her influence to convert people to her way of thinking each time she gives a little speech or whatnot.

Blind Item #1

This recently divorced actress and her celebrity ex husband have a dirty little secret. The pyramid scheme he has been running which is about to collapse.

Blind Item #12

Pretty much how she started, this former A- list reality star from multiple reality shows is sleeping with an old guy for money. Hey, her significant other is probably ok with it since he barely earns any money.

Blind Item #11

This pint sized permanent A- list mostly television actor who has been working non stop for almost forty years is cheating on his long suffering wife with a recent co-star. No actual sex. He just likes to watch her get naked for him.

Blind Item #10

This former talk show host turned disaster has moved from snorting blow to snorting heroin. She is burning bridges wherever she goes.

Blind Item #9

This Teen Mom with a bunch of side gigs went ballistic because she lost out on a $10K fee for hooking up this wannabe reality star with a guy overseas.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 6, 2015

In the past, this B list comedienne/part-time actress/reality star had no trouble finding television gigs. She got to pick and choose. Now though, no one wants to hire her for anything because the people she came into contact with on her last job have spread the word like wildfire how awful she is to work with.

Kathy Griffin

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This is going to be a tough one for you to get, but it is a really good kindness and a year from now you would all get it. Anyway, our actress is foreign born. She was in a top 10 movie of the year. Way down in the call sheet, but if you saw the movie you would remember her. She is young. Started off doing tween stuff before getting a network break. Now it is foreign television and US indies until that huge movie with high expectations is released next year and will probably bomb.

Our actress does so much charity work I'm not sure how she finds time to act. She grew up spending hours doing outreach so I guess it is ingrained in her. She was promoting an indie film recently and was more busy talking to church groups that heard she was in town and wanted her to speak than doing actual press for the movie. In the movie world she is clawing her way up, in the charity world she is a rock star. Brilliant, young, gorgeous, married to an athlete. She has spent time in some of the worst places on earth working in hospitals or teaching or building houses or 100 other things. She has been in life threatening situations involving rebels and diseases and she keeps going back. She volunteers for the most difficult jobs and then convinces other people to come with and donate their time or stay home and donate money.

No cameras. No publicity. She just does it to help.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

October 5, 2015

I had a kindness about this actor right before summer. To show that it was not a one time thing, this B+ list mostly movie actor who has done very little television, but did grab an Emmy while he was there was sitting on the subway with the rest of NYC. A fan approached him and handed him a note telling our actor how great he was and started to walk away. Our actor stopped the person, invited them to sit down and spent the remainder of the ride asking about the fan and then wishing them well before our actor got off at his stop.

Steve Buscemi

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 3, 2015

Why yes, that was the barely celebrity wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor eating alone in the downstairs eating hall at The Plaza. She then got a text and quickly made her way upstairs to a suite where she stayed for two hours. The suite is permanently booked by the company that her former boyfriend owns.

Amal Clooney/George Clooney

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 2, 2015

If this A+ list mostly movie actor finds out his model girlfriend hooked up with a musician from a former A list band whose members have dated countless celebrities than the girlfriend is going to be shown the door really quickly. Our actor never likes to be shown up. He does the dumping, not the other way around.

Leonardo DiCaprio/Kelly Rohrbach/Julian Casablancas (and Leo did dump her when he found out)

Blind Item #8

This B list mostly television actress on a hit HBO show was having her hair held by a friend while puking in the snow in NYC during the blizzard. Our actress went on a 48 hour drug and booze binge.

Blind Item #7

Why yes, that was a well known entertainment reporter having sex with this once a year A list singer a couple of hours after she asked him how his relationship with his actress girlfriend was going. He said strongly on camera but who knows what he said off camera. Enough to get the reporter to jump in the sack with him.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 19, 2015

You know, I’m not sure how this whole pretending to be moving in with each other thing is supposed to work when this foreign born B list celebrity is entertaining men in her apartment on a regular basis. Is her A+ list mostly movie actor boyfriend supposed to wait out in the hall eating cereal until she is finished?

Irina Shayk/Bradley Cooper

Blind Item #6

This married A+ list mostly movie actor told a woman a couple of weeks ago that if she slept with hi friend that he would have sex with her after. He didn't. Apparently he tells that to lots of women to get his friends women they could never otherwise land.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list singer in his back in the day group and solo is married. Usually I would say when he cheats like he did last week that he is probably in an open marriage. He told the woman last week though that she needed to be discreet and not tell anyone. Hmm.

Blind Item #4

No one can really figure out why there is a feud between this back in the day A+ list group and this current talk show host. It's because one of the members of the group used to hook up with an ex of the talk show host and was the reason they split.

Blind Item #3

For the first time I can remember, this almost A+ list mostly movie actor who had a run on a hit network show is involved in a scandal. Our actor has been non stop speed and coke for the past month and he is going to flame out if he does not slow that down. He isn't like his wife who is a decades long lover of the white stuff.

Blind Item #2

Proving why it wouldn't have been a good idea, this former A list mostly movie actress turned A- list who is a celebrity offspring went ballistic the other day. Not only did she blow up the phone of this former A list tweener turned A- list singer but she went after her management team who had promised her she would be the "girlfriend." Nope.

Blind Item #1

Police have asked to interview this A list mogul wannabe/rapper for the first time in forever about his knowledge of a murder. So far he has been keeping it out of the press but won't be able to for much longer.

Blind Item #12

This Golden Globe winning actor who is back in movies after a run through a hit pay cable show was berating his long time girlfriend the other night at dinner. When she stood up to leave, he grabbed her arm and shoved her back down. She then started crying really loudly and he just walked out leaving her there.

Blind Item #11

This former A list tweener who had a really big week this week is being cheated on by her boyfriend with this underage celebrity offspring.

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

One of my all-time favorites from soaps made it to the big time of some hit network and almost network shows and some really big movies. For her latest box office hit she wanted to do something special and rented out a theatre in every city she went promoting the movie and gave the tickets to school kids and their parents. She also tried as much as possible to get other stars of the movie to show up. She paid for all the popcorn and drinks and probably spent a total of $50K of her own money, not the money of the studio to make it all happen.

Blind Item #9

This openly gay B-/B list mostly movie actress is trying to negotiate a settlement with a woman who is accusing the actress of sexually assaulting her. Not Taryn Manning.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 18, 2015

When he is in NYC, this A+ list mostly movie actor has moved in with his A-/B+ list mostly movie actress girlfriend. He just needs to do something about the actress he lives with in LA.

Ryan Gosling/Emma Stone/Eva Mendes

Today's Blind Items - Quiet Affair

This affair has been going on for two years. Two years. That is insane without being caught. What is even more insane is that one of the actors used to be just about A+ list and has been in some of the biggest box office movies of all time. He seems foreign born but he isn't. He has had a significant other forever. He has been hooking up with this married actress who doesn't really seem married because you never see her husband. He was there before they got married but much like Freddie Prinze has disappeared into marriage obscurity. Anyway, the actress does indie movies after a slightly better than meh television career. Apparently, right after she got married the two met a conference for actors who wanted to direct. One thing led to another and literally just a few weeks after she got married she was in bed with this guy for the entire weekend. They never meet in LA and the whole thing has been hush hush hush. Super secret. Since they are both in relationships and want to keep it that way they have been discreet. The only reason it has started to break open is they were spotted two weeks ago outside of LA. They were both at a film festival and shared a lodge together. It was a free standing structure and they probably thought they could get away with it. Apparently the driver assigned to her saw the actor and asked about him when the actress got in the car. The actress gave some lame reason why the guy would be in the house at 8am in his pajamas. Later in the day the driver was giving the assistant to the actress a ride back to her hotel and asked how long the actress and actor had been going out and the assistant blurted out the whole two weeks since the actress got married. The assistant then told the driver not to say anything to anyone about what he had seen or ask about any of the other times the couple has got together the past two years. You know, if I was going to pick a couple to hook up, it would not be them. It is Benicio Del Toro/Kimberly Stewart strange.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 16, 2015

This former A+ list singer who now moonlights in reality television is trying to get a publicity jump start so has been trying to get this former A+list tweener turned singer turned one step closer to full porn star to hang out with her and look like they could be a couple even though the former A+ list singer is in a relationship.

Christina Aguilera/Miley Cyrus

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 15, 2015

The “husband” of this A list mostly television actress on a hit network show now spends his time delivering bongs to people who order them.

Kerry Washington

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 15, 2015

This troubled A- list mostly movie actor who gets arrested frequently and drinks even more recently spent some time split from his actress girlfriend. Apparently he is back with the girlfriend but got another woman pregnant.

Shia LaBeouf/Mia Goth

Blind Item #8

I guess she has a reason to cheat. This B list mostly movie actress is cheating on her athlete husband with one of her recent co-stars.

Blind Item #7

The beard of that former Glee actor is getting careless. She is letting her real boyfriend post a whole lot of photos of the two of them on social media which is threatening the entire bearding relationship.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 13, 2015

This former A list celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity turned big time mess has had CPS at her home three times over complaints of how she is treating her child.

Tila Tequila

Blind Item #6

This could almost be called a kindness. This former comic turned actress turned talk show host had this A+ list mostly movie actor on her show recently. Apparently he was a little nervous about going on the show and was hiding out in his car at the studio. Our talk show host went up to his car, tapped on the window and passed him a shot of tequila and drank one herself. Apparently that broke the ice and he went in to do the show.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Blind Item #5

The executive in charge of this entertainment news program and companion website said they want all coverage of the Sean Penn/Lee Daniels lawsuit to be pro Sean Penn. Heavily pro Sean Penn. The speech to a couple of staffers was heavily laced with seriously hateful and racist language. Not TMZ.

Blind Item #4

This 16 & Pregnant Star who never made it to the big time of Teen Mom is charging by the hour for sex while she looks for a big porn payday.

Blind Item #3

This one of many co-hosts on a talk show is on paid leave while they search for a replacement. Meanwhile, to keep her busy, they got her a few acting gigs on the network.

Blind Item #2

Drug addiction is part of rock and roll, but for some reason this former A+ list band is trying to keep quiet the real reason they are canceling the remainder of their tour.

Blind Item #1

A notorious womanizer, this foreign born mogul/reality star has been taking using aggressive behind the scenes maneuvers to shut down any words about him being bisexual. One of his singing proteges though is really trying to push the mogul out into the open with his actions.

Mr. X Blind Item #2

Which surprisingly still married acting couple (I'm using that term very loosely) are in a race to see who will be the first to be sent to the ER? His drinking has increased to dangerous levels and she's been mixing her pills with some coke. The fact that they're being pressured more than ever to cut ties with some shady people isn't helping matters much.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

What A-list host and judge is cheating on his wife with the woman whom he credits with saving his show, but others say ruined it? Did I mention she's married, too?

Blind Item #10

This B list mostly whatever she can get actress is only that height because of my affinity for her and the amazing work she does for so many charities. That being said, she was supposed to be back with her cheating ex but that was not him she was making out with and more in a restroom at a lodge during Sundance. They were both really loud.

Blind Item #9

This Teen Mom who you would never suspect of this, would rather spend her nights partying then taking care of her kid and passes off the kid as much as possible.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 13, 2015

Want to know how rigged awards shows are in other countries? Our favorite foreign born B+ lister won one after she had sex with the son of the organizer.

Rita Ora/Bambi Awards

Today's Blind Items - Another Mommie Dearest

Instead of making this a narrative, I thought I would just throw out a few things this former A- list dual threat actress from back in the day has done to her children. Our actress has spawned an acting family.

#1 - Let her eldest daughter be molested by an actor ex-husband because our actress was trying to get back together with the ex.

#2 - Would entertain political donors in her home. By entertaining I mean she had sex with men who in return would give money to her favorite politician in the state who was much more famous than our actress. More than once she had sex with men in her daughter's room while her daughter was sleeping in the bed.

#3 - Raided a multi-million dollar trust fund established by the father of her kids for a get rich quick scheme that failed. She lost every penny of the trust fund.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 13, 2015

This Academy Award winning A- list actress confessed to an attendee at a party the other night that she had not eaten solid food in two weeks and was really looking forward to having a bite or two at the party. Yeah, the actress looked like she was skin and bones.

Jennifer Connelly

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 13, 2015

This permanent A lister has not made a movie in forever. When I say forever, I mean more than a decade, but she is still a permanent A lister. I think that is just more for who she is rather than real acting ability. Anyway, she campaigned for her actress daughter to get an award but the organization turned her down. The daughter bailed on attending, but the mom still went and presented an award to someone else.

Goldie Hawn/Kate Hudson

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 13, 2015

Even as few as three months ago, this A+ list mostly movie actor would mingle with fans while he was filming. He was always taking selfies with them or signing photos. Now, when filming in public, he never talks to fans. OK, let me take that back. He does, BUT, they are all fans that have been pre-screened that are made to look random.

Tom Cruise

Blind Item #8

This former B+ list mostly television actress has primarily moved to indies now that her hit cable show went off the air. She is doing a little run on a tv show, but nothing like she once had. She is also hooking up with a married man which is surprising considering how much she blasted her ex-husband for cheating.

Blind Item #7

This A- list singer/musician whether solo or in his group is a multiple Grammy Award winner/nominee. Several number one records. He is aging and has been getting fillers but also is trying to cover his face with makeup. At a recent press appearance it start dripping off all over his shirt like he was melting.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 12, 2015

He could have a child with almost any woman on the planet. Lots and lots of women would have volunteered. He had a “girlfriend” for years who gladly would have had his child. He, is an A+ list celebrity throughout much of the world. In the US, he is probably A-. Our A+ lister wanted to have a child. Desperately. The thing is though, he knew who he wanted to be the mother of his child. Finding her, let alone convincing her, took two years and almost a million dollars. Oh, he can afford it. It only took him about six months to track her down. Living under an alias gets you to a certain point, but paying off the family members made it a whole lot easier. He then took steps. Lots of steps. Slow steps. She was halfway around the world and he had limited time. Eventually though he managed to convince her. She was willing because her father would have been a huge fan of the A+ lister. Plus, she needed the money and, for his part, he knew she would keep a secret. Her family does not do a very good job of keeping secrets. Our A+ lister loves the genetic line of his son.

Cristiano Ronaldo/Manuela Escobar Henao

Blind Item #6

The former wife of this closeted NFL quarterback was asked to do an interview about her former husband. Nope. Apparently she signed a book length non disclosure agreement. You know, so no one can ask her why they only had sex a handful of times in a multiple year relationship/marriage.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Blind Item #5

This former B list mostly movie actress who only seems to focus on her side business now went off on a pap last week. Our actress likes to control her look and the situations where she "runs into" paps. A pap got her by surprise when she was not prepared and told him he needed to learn how the game was played. She also wanted his photos but he wouldn't give them up.

Blind Item #4

Big drama in the marriage of this A-/B+ list mostly television actor on a long running almost network show and his B list actress wife in the likely to be canceled network show where she got a gig. She has been Yoko-ing everything in his life and it is really pushing back which is causing him to lose a ton of fans. It has also resulted in the potential for some litigation which could go through his money really quickly. Getting involved with this actress was never a good idea.

Blind Item #3

This Presidential candidate declared himself a big winner last night. Nothing is going to happen in the next couple of weeks but the week of February 14th, look for crystal clear photos of this candidate in some very compromising positions to be released.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born former boy bander from a band in the news this week is skipping gigs and promo appearances because of his heroin addiction. His management and record label just bury their head in the sand just like with Amy Winehouse and he might end up dead too.

Blind Item #1

I guess this former A list tweener would rather go back to the closet than ever even pretend he is hooking up with the movie actress so desperate to have the world thing they are together.

Mr. X Blind Item #2

No one knows why this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who does have a television show and a franchise keeps openly pining over this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee not named Jennifer Lawrence. The actor and actress in question are both gay. They both like to pretend otherwise but whatever relationships they throw out for cameras are fake.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

This B+ list mostly television actor in an acting family is on a hit pay cable show. Apparently he also has been getting into some very loud, very scary vocal fights with his significant other which is only compounding the shaky relationship issues they had.

Blind Item #10

Kind of quirky and fun. These two female A+ list singers are related to each other. They might be the two biggest A+ list singers on the planet.

Blind Item #9

This openly gay female director/actress has been going through female assistants like crazy on the set of her new movie. Apparently none of them are willing to have sex with her.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 12, 2015

This openly gay foreign born A- list singer with the great voice and a recent number one in his country at least, stiffed an escort he called to his hotel room. The escort finally got the money out of the singer when he started screaming at the top of his lungs.

Sam Smith

Today's Blind Items - Destruction & Redemption

In this spot, I talk frequently about stars who have reached really big heights and then have come crashing back to earth and never ever see their star shine again. This time, there is hope. I hope it has a happily ever after, but only time will tell. This actor was never higher than B+ list and that was a very brief moment in time. B+ in movies is still great and to add to that he also had musical talent and actually had a couple of songs crack the top 40.

The thing that gets me is that just when he reached his peak- actually while he was making the movie that landed him at his peak he was self-destructing. Because of a horrific childhood growing up, our actor was always troubled by demons and the things done to him at an early age. Whenever he would relive those days he would turn to drugs to escape. Meth was his drug of choice. For the most part he could keep it together, but during the filming of this hit movie in which he had a big role, it all came crashing down on him. He was forced to face his past right before filming started. During the movie you can see him transform from this great looking future lead actor who every woman wanted to a guy who looked like he stayed up 20 hours a day either filming or smoking meth. He was a mess.

When the film wrapped, the A+list actress lead of the movie told him he needed to get help and she would pay for it. He didn't listen. Instead, he smoked away his money and got arrested more often than DMX. He bounced in and out of rehab. His marriage was awful because of the drugs. For a decade, this was his life. Just a vicious cycle. About six years ago, a producer gave our actor a chance. A chance to make a comeback. At the time, our actor was sober and he thought it was going to be the rebirth of his career. Not so fast though. This movie is not over and there has to be more adversity. There was. Another cycle of drugs and sobriety.

Fast forward to another producer. One who grew up watching the work of our actor. She thought she could bring out the talent that once made him famous in music and acting. Our actor is not that old. The drugs have aged him though. The past fifteen years have made him go from drop dead gorgeous to more of grizzled look. He is filming now. The producer says that he has been great. He is the lead. The top billed actor. This is his chance. Probably a final one. Probably one that no one else would have given him. I hope it works out for him. He deserves a happily ever after.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 12, 2015

A late night call for a different hotel room for the husband of this former A list singer turned Ukraine box office sensation. Apparently the fight was so intense between the two there was talk of police being called. Cooler, more sober minds prevailed and a different room was found for the husband.

Jessica Simpson

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 12, 2015

This amazing Academy Award winning/nominated B+ list mostly movie actress who also sings says she is going back in for some more non-invasive lipo. Apparently this is how she keeps the weight off after her “dramatic” weight loss.

Jennifer Hudson

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 12, 2015

The girlfriend of this foreign born former A list mostly movie actor, who is probably still A- list and just out of a long term, high-profile marriage is pressuring the actor to have a baby with her. She can wait on marriage but he says asks her about a baby almost every single day.

Antonio Banderas

Blind Item #8

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring was trying to be all Cookie Lyon recently when she showed up at the hotel room of the guy she just started dating last week. Our actress was wearing a fur and nothing else. When the door open she opened the fur. Wrong room. Her new guy was across the hall.

Blind Item #7

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort had a seizure while out shopping the other day. She also tried to use a credit card reported stolen earlier in the day to make a purchase.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 12, 2015

This B+ list mostly television actress from a new hit network show has obviously learned how to be an a-hole from her dropping quickly B- list actor boyfriend. She complains about everything and everyone. She is a horror to work with and as the show continues to climb in the ratings she is getting worse. She went from being called by her first name to the crew being ordered to call her Ms._______. She won’t respond if you call her by her first name.

Jaimie Alexander/Peter Facinelli

Blind Item #6

That wasn't his wife that this A list rapper turned A- list mostly television actor on a hit network show was swapping spit with the other day after celebrating a big accomplishment. They were doing a whole lot more than just kissing too.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Blind Item #5

This celebrity offspring of one time A+ listers is arguably the least famous of the offspring but the most likely to seek out attention. Nothing new then with this. She recently posed for photos with a photographer known for pushing the edge but not sexually assaulting every woman who walks in the door. Apparently the photoshoot is porn but she says the sex toys she is photographed inserting into various body parts are art.

Blind Item #4

This busty B- list mostly television actress is working since her hit cable show ended not that long ago. Her problem is that she is not getting any roles other than ones where she is not known by the producers. She was so awful to most everyone she encountered during the run of the show that no one wants to hire her for anything that is high profile.

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list tweener turned whiny A- list singer threw an A+++ like diva tantrum this past weekend. Apparently he didn't feel like he got paid enough respect by the staff where he was performing and smashed four bottles of champagne that had been provided against a wall. Glass and booze were everywhere.

Blind Item #2

This television pairing from a very hit almost network show that everyone wants together got a real boost in the past two weeks. The married A- list mostly television actor star of the show was spotted coming out of the place his B list mostly television actress calls home while they film out of the country. They had been holed up for at least two hours. The crazy thing is, 30 minutes after the actor left, he came back with some other people and the group of went shopping and to dinner and he never did anything more than kiss her on the cheek.

Blind Item #1

They are supposed to still be in the honeymoon phase of their marriage, but their relationship is at its worst. This foreign born A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show and her B list mostly movie actor husband spent the other night dividing their time between ignoring each other and bickering. It made everyone at their table uncomfortable. They should never have got married. Too many issues on both sides.

Blind Items Revealed #8

November 11, 2015

This former A list athlete turned hand waver at events is cheating on his model girlfriend. Apparently the model’s friend has been keeping him company while the model is out of town.

Derek Jeter

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 11, 2015

This actress has a television show. Yay for her. After decades of doing nothing and I mean nothing but spending other people’s money, she now is on television. It won’t be for long. She is an awful actress. She used to be A+ once. For a second. Anyway, she could have had a 20 minute conversation on the phone with this charity about their event but made them fly her and an assistant first class across the country to NYC. Oh, and pay for two nights in a hotel suite for the conversation she ended up having on the phone anyway because she was too busy to come meet them.

Sharon Stone

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 11, 2015

This B list celebrity/talk show host/wannabe singer quit her most recent gig because she already earned her next level bonus and knew there would be no more. Oh, and this also saves her the embarrassment of some other gigs where literally no one was paying to come see her.

Tamar Braxton/Dancing With The Stars/going on tour

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 10, 2015

This B+ list mostly television actor is working on two shows at once. and is sleeping with a co-star on each show. But hey, he wants you to know he is looking for someone long term. He just likes a lot of short term in the meantime.

John Stamos

Blind Item #4

This former Disney actress turned headlining tweener movie actress turned actress on a hit cable show is still not of legal age but is now up to plastic surgery three or four in her bid to make her standout.

Blind Item #3

You know, if this A+ list mostly movie actor would just tell his family he is gay, then they would stop judging his girlfriends as potential lifetime partners. The girlfriends are all just there for a paycheck and act accordingly which always always makes the family members pressure the actor to dump them as not suitable.

Blind Item #2

This may or may not be Game Of Thrones actor took the woman he calls his girlfriend on a shopping spree. It was more like he was on a shopping spree with all the time he spent talking to various male workers and the 30 minute behind the scenes tour one gave him of where the shoes are stored.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list reality star who actually does have talent he shows off on a network reality show is a tool. He told a woman on their first date she needed to drop 20 pounds if she wanted a second date but if she was nice to him he would let her suck him off later. She walked away from the date.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 10, 2015

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is an offspring dropped $5K on a tuxedo and shoes for her boyfriend to wear to an event. He blew her off as per the usual. She will still keep taking him back though.

Dakota Johnson

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 9, 2015

The B-/C+ list actress significant other of this A+ list mostly movie actor says she cares for the couple’s child all by herself. I think all of the nannies they have on their payroll would disagree.

Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 8, 2015

This former A+ list tweener who still has A+ list name recognition used to party once every couple of weeks. Now, it is an almost daily thing and the drugs are getting harder. He has cut off his family and is getting lazy about work and appearances.

Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 6, 2015

This a-hole of a former A list singer turned part-time reality star left his long suffering girlfriend to make her own way back to their hotel when he picked up another woman to spend a few hours with.

CeeLo Green