Saturday, February 20, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

November 23, 2015

A new way to combine business with pleasure or at least a nice big check. Several designers have opened random dress boutiques in Dubai. Not for people living or visiting there, but to allow celebrity clients an excuse for visiting. It seems as if this B+ list model who can’t stay out of the news or the tabloids is one of the first to try out the scheme. Figures if you know her background.

Gigi Hadid

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 23, 2015

She has been in this situation before but still does not get it. The last time she was in this position it cost her a very long term relationship because she thought is was love and not just the booty call it was. Now, our foreign born B- list mostly movie actress thinks she is in love, but she is just the booty call of this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee.

Freida Pinto/former booty call Stephen Dorff/current booty call Sean Penn

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 23, 2015

American Music Awards

Everyone kept telling this former A list “singer” turned reality star how great she looked. She definitely has been taking care of herself. The thing is every person could not stop staring at her face. Whatever she did to it since the latest season of her show stopped airing had everyone doing double takes.

Paula Abdul

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 23, 2015

American Music Awards

He probably was never going to sing live anyway, but when this former A+ list tweener turned A list singer spent a couple of hours smoking pot before the show, he was all lip sync for his performance. The producers didn’t want to take a chance on anything happening.

Justin Bieber

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor likes to pretend he does not have a million people all making his life and homes run smoothly. He will not talk to any of the help. They are supposed to clear a room before he enters but if they are too late, they need to remain quiet and not move until he leaves.

Blind Item #3

This dynastical Presidential candidate is worrying his friends and family and definitely the people in his campaign close to him. His behavior over the past few weeks has been erratic. Some say manic. For his health, everyone wants him to pull out and not try and hang on to more favorable states.

Blind Item #2

Proving that once again he is an idiot, this B list rapper cheated on his A list girlfriend who basically supports him. He says he cheated because of some big things going on in his life and threats on his life. If he thinks he has the girlfriend wrapped around his finger, he is wrong.

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly movie actress who only really has that franchise thing going was kicked out of yet another bar after getting too hadsy with a waitress.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 20, 2015

This B+ list mostly movie actress who loves dogs is fast becoming the Sienna Miller of the past few years. Having recently busted up one marriage, she is now hooking up with another married guy, this time a studio executive.

Amanda Seyfried

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 7, 2015

On one of the biggest new network hits of the season, there is a little onscreen romance that has turned off screen in a big way. He is a foreign born B lister in his own country and, until this show was probably C+ here. Now? Everyone wants a piece of him. Everyone. His co-star was B list at best before the show and now, if she can make nice she has a chance at A list. She has been in a long term relationship with a B+ list actor who split from his wife for the actress. Well, he was with the actress and then got caught so decided to split with his wife, but you get the picture. Until this show was a big hit the actress was treated like a side piece. No respect at all. When the show hit, her boyfriend got really insecure. Looks like it was for a good reason too. Our actress and her co-star have definitely let it be known on set they are a couple. The problem is that the soon to be actor ex of our actress is going ballistic with rage and jealousy and the actress thinks the whole thing will blow up and make her look bad. Probably. No one really likes her anyway so this will just add fuel to that fire. Meanwhile, her foreign born co-star just goes with the flow and his feeling is that if it doesn’t work out, another one down the line will.

Blindspot/Sullivan Stapleton/Jaimie Alexander/Peter Facinelli (and a month later, they have split)

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 8, 2015

This Disney actress who has a sister almost as famous just got a recent breast job because she thinks it will get her more attention and better parts.

Laura Marano

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

November 2, 2015

I don’t know where she gets the money, but she is doing good things with it. Despite being surrounded by people with much bigger wallets, this B- list mostly television actress who usually travels around with family wrote a check over the weekend for nearly six figures to a charity which was roughly double the next highest check.

AnnaLynne McCord

Friday, February 19, 2016

Blind Item #12

This B+ list dual threat who has a franchise and a television show/mini series should really be careful. His boyfriend was busted for dealing drugs and is now springing traps on other dealers for the cops. If the dealers find out, they will come after the boyfriend and our actor.

Blind Item #11

By my count, this B list actress was on cable, network, web and almost television shows simultaneously. She also found some time to do a couple of movies. One of the movies she was supposed to do only a smattering of press, but one of the two female leads didn't get along very well with the other female lead or any of the stars of the movie. So, she was excused from most press and promotion while the always gets along with everyone B lister took over and was loved by all.

Blind Item #10

This B- list mostly television actress is on a middling cable show right now. Multiple seasons. She has had good luck with shows and friendships. Never afraid to speak her mind, our actress was yelled at by a group of three or four guys in NYC. They said some things about her body and instead of ignoring them, she jaywalked over to the group. She then spent five minutes ranting at them about their appearance and a bunch of other things before walking away. By the time she finished, she had a crowd of 20 people around her riveted by what she was saying.

Blind Item #9

Hey, at least on the vacation both wives can talk about the woman that both of their husbands had sex with. I'm just wondering if she had sex with both of the husbands as part of a threesome or just over the course of a weekend.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 1, 2015

This B- list celebrity was pretty open the other night when she cheated on her old permanent A list celebrity husband.

Crystal Hefner

Four For Friday - Abandoned The Kid For Sex

Whenever I think about giving this former A list mostly television actor from a hit network show turned B+ list mostly movie actor a second chance, I remind myself of this story. This happened awhile ago, but he has never changed. He has always put sex before anything else. I remember in his first marriage his wife would literally lock the bedroom door and put the key under her pillow or he would sneak out and go have sex with someone. Anyway, fast forward out of that marriage and into another. Kids this time. Shortly after he had his first kid, our actor was doing some kind of made for tv movie. This was when it was doubtful whether he could resurrect his career. On the way to the set where they were filming, our actor had to drive past a community college. Driving past one morning he sees this student and slows down in his very expensive car and says hi. When she says hi in return he stops the car and starts chatting to her through the window.

Apparently he told her he was filming a movie and asked if she would like to come see it. Now, remember his infant is in the back seat. The student gets in the car and the flirting gets more intense. It gets so intense that as soon as the car is parked at the set, the actor and this student head to his trailer and they have sex. About 15-20 minutes go by and someone hears his baby screaming in the car. The car is locked. So, they go to the actor's trailer and tell him what is going on. Our actor has not opened the door. He tells them to let the baby cry it out. When they refuse, our actor starts screaming at them through the door before finally opening the door and throwing the keys at them. He then tells them to leave him alone for the next hour. About two hours later he emerges from the trailer with the student and tells someone to give her a ride back to her school. He then goes to the craft service table and next to the table is his kid being rocked by some production assistant. The actor looks at the assistant and tells her to keep watching the kid for a couple of hours because he needs a nap. He then takes an apple and goes back to his trailer. About 45 minutes after he goes to his trailer, he comes flying out of it at full speed and rushes over to his kid and grabs the kid and runs back to the trailer.

About five minutes after that, our actor's wife comes and our actor makes a big deal of how he has been trying to shoot scenes but can't get anything done because of the baby and he passes the baby back to his wife who drives away with the baby. At that point our actor looks around until he finds the person who drove the student back to school. Our actor asks if by any chance the driver got the phone number of the student. The driver didn't get it, but the actor said not to worry about it and there were plenty more. He then went and got hair and makeup and went to work.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 14, 2015

We all love her. We all want what is best for her. This actress was once on a hit network show before her mysterious disappearance and then landed on another hit network show. She is dating a guy who is married. I know, I know. There she was all alone at a recent wedding. No date because it was the weekend and he was with his family. She did text him the whole time though. We need to find her someone single and convince her that is the way to go.

Jennifer Morrison

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 15, 2015

You know, at some point the demands just are too extreme. This Academy Award winning actor who is getting up there in age but is still hitting on everything he can had a foreign talk show provide him with a makeup person who would also service him. Yep. It was the only way he would agree to do the show. They provided the person.

Al Pacino

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 17, 2015

She (A list mostly television actress) calls it having a new boyfriend. This foreign born B list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show does not quite see it the same way. He says that she wants them to move in together after going out twice. That is not going to happen. In his last big television break he rotated through four or five of his co-stars. There will be no moving in.

Kaley Cuoco/Paul Blackthorne

Blind Item #8

This three named mostly television actress who has not had any luck in over a decade with the locked in the house husband is hoping to be the next Elisabeth Hasselbeck. She already leans to the right a lot and has made it known she will go extreme right if the check is big enough.

Blind Item #7

To counter all those cheating rumors and to try and give him a fait accompli, this former A list tweener turned B+ list performance art singer has been leaking stories to the tabloids that she got married to her foreign born actor boyfriend. Not a chance.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 17, 2015

This is some sweet revenge. Not only is this A list country singer showing off her new look, but she is also forming a new musical group. It consists of two other women who were two of the many women hit on by her now ex husband during their marriage. The album is going to consist of songs based on the experience many women had with the ex-husband.

Miranda Lambert

Blind Item #6

This was not supposed to beard hour, but it is turning out that way. The tabloids have been primed to put this couple on full love mode. One, is a foreign born former B+ list almost network actress who is now a movie actress and needs a hit to stay in that B range. The other is a former almost network star who crashed and burned in his latest project. There is no way on this earth that he is interested in the actress, no matter how hot she is. Now, her former male co-star? Oh, yeah, definitely his type. Don't let the tabloids fool you into believing this one.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blind Item #5

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actor who is the lead on a network show has an interesting relationship. He has dated guys and very few women. He also loves fame and money, two of which, despite his role, he is lacking. Enter the celebrity girlfriend. She always makes bad decisions in men and some say she prefers women to men. Maybe they are right for each other. I just don't see what is in it for her. No one cares what she does or who she is with.

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list "singer" has avoided getting a lot of plastic surgery. In fact, she has only tried botox a couple of times. After years of smoking damage to her face, she decided to get a face lift and some other work done too. She looks completely different.

Blind Item #3

Much more likely than dating the actress everyone always pairs him with is this almost A+ list mostly movie actor hooking up with a foreign born A- list male athlete. Our actor much prefers men to women no matter how much the tabloids like to publicly say otherwise.

Blind Item #2

Usually this foreign born permanent A+ list member of a group who has done nothing solo that I can think of off hand is much more discreet about cheating on his long term wife. This past week though he was flaunting a mistress he brings on vacations with the family. Separate accommodations of course.

Blind Item #1

This B- list cable reality star who is A+ list to the people who watch the show owes a lot to his sugar daddy. The closeted star loves to make people think he is all about being a player with women but it is men, especially one of his male bosses who he is involved with and who pays his bills. Even those very public ones.

Mr. X Blind Item

What two stars of a movie opening this week are suddenly dropping out of most (but not all) promotional appearances on the morning chat show circuit after initial feedback from critics and projected box office numbers proved underwhelming? That the movie was also shelved a year after production wrapped may also be a sign that it's a stinker.

Blind Item #11

The owner of one of the world's largest oil companies is paying this B list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee mid six figures per MONTH to be with him.

Blind Item #10

After a recent event, this B-/C+ list mostly movie actress hooked up with her B list mostly television actor ex. The actor is married, but the actress is not. It is also not the first time the pair have rekindled their romance. Usually it involves a lot of partying. This time it was being alone together in a city. Their B+ list offspring does not know.

Blind Item #9

This closeted former Glee actor was like a kid in a candy store when he hung out backstage at some of the NYFW men's shows. He hit on every guy to see who would be interested in hooking up.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 18, 2015

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress who makes her acting money in a really crap television franchise was left behind in a foreign country because she just wanted to stay in her cabin the entire time drinking and doing drugs and not earning the money for the activities for which she was being paid.

Tara Reid

Today's Blind Items - She Can't Get Out

This multiple Grammy winner/nominee with multiple platinum records is pretty much a reality star now. The thing she doesn't want anyone to know is she cheated on her now ex husband with the man she is with now. That man is not the man she thought she was getting when she gave up her marriage. For one thing he lied about his connections and money and even where he lived. Since they always met in hotel rooms she paid for and just a few other times for dinner, she just didn't know. Now, he basically runs her life and spends her money freely. He controls who she talks to and what she does. He knows she is capable of cheating so when they are not together, he had a GPS put on her phone to track her movements. She knows she is in an abusive relationship but doesn't know how to extract herself from it all while still making herself look good. She is embarrassed and ashamed at what has happened to her but can't get out.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 22, 2015

Never let it be said that an A list mostly movie actor who spends time at A+ list is not willing to appear on a program he hates, stoned out of his mind. His celebrity kids probably love him for it.

Bruce Willis

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 22, 2015

This foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress from a franchise no longer in existence is making her co-stars angry and they have barely started shooting this blockbuster kind of a remake movie which could extend her career. She doesn’t like any of her actor co-stars and refuses to record with any of them so does it alone which makes the actors have to work two or three times as many hours as they would have to if she would show up when they were there.

Emma Watson

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 22, 2015

This B- list mostly movie actress who is only hanging on to B- list because of the franchise she was in is working steadily, but nothing that will do anything but pay the bills. She still thinks she is a star though and despite her young age spent a ton of money a couple of months ago on some work to her face which she thought would make her look younger. I mean, I guess it does, but she looks like a robot now and looks in pain when she smiles.

Ashley Greene

Blind Item #8

This female singer/reality star/fashion line on the side was basically begging for money from designers t help with her collection because her celebrity husband won't sink any more of his money into the bleeding money project.

Blind Item #7

This A list mogul/former reality star not named Sean Combs has been cheating on his wife with this singer who turned a catchy one hit wonder type of song into a career. Brief career so far, but successful.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 23, 2015

The feud between this A list celebrity/host/mogul/ and this barely relevant any longer B- list part-time reality star traces back to the days prior to the B- lister becoming a reality star. Apparently our A lister was hosting a party and the B- lister called it boring and started loudly suggesting that anyone who wanted to have fun should join the B- lister in the bathroom for some coke to liven things up.

Martha Stewart/LuAnn de Lesseps

Blind Item #6

Big first crack in this relationship. This Teen Mom didn't spend Valentine's Day with her significant other. Spent it with her kid with no significant other in sight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #5

This current franchise actress has opened the closet door before but just a peek. She has always been pressured by her people and the studio financing this franchise to be super quiet and to at least pretend she likes guys. The actress though has had enough and says who she is as a person is more important than a studio or a movie and has been seen openly with her long time girlfriend.

Blind Item #4

She is 18, so its legal, but it is so creepy that this A- list mostly television actor who is starring in a network reboot right now has a girlfriend who he picks up from school sometimes. High school. He has a kid in high school. Not the same one thankfully.

Blind Item #3

While standing in line waiting to order some food this week, this probably still A+ list singer was handed a demo by this teenager. The A+ lister turned to the teenager and said, "Do I look like I'm a f**king charity," and refused to take the demo. Our A+ lister then turned to the friend she was with and said,"I don't have f**king time for nobodies."

Blind Item #2

This A+ list mostly movie actor was a huge pain when he was recently on a talk show as a guest. They wanted him to do a skit but he was a prick up until he actually got to the show and had to be talked into even doing the crap version of the skit that ended up on air. The original plan was for something that would have been amazing. Our actor likes he has some big hits in his recent body of work. He doesn't.

Blind Item #1

This closeted A list NFL athlete has been seen surrounded by women at clubs all the time, but has never hooked up with one. No one has ever seen him on a date with a woman. This is a high profile athlete and just as the whispers get almost too loud he suddenly finds himself a high profile actress to date or at least be photographed with.

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly television actress stars in a fairly hit cable show. She also does some movies. She also talks a lot about being happy in your own skin and she will never go Hollywood, blah, blah. Plastic surgeon appointment last week for a liposuction consultation.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has tried to keep her distance as much as possible from her married A list co-star in a recent movie. He hit on her constantly during filming and said all of his leading ladies have sex with him. When she wouldn't sleep with him he treated her like crap. He has always been a tool.

Blind Item #10

While this one name foreign born dropping to A-/B+ list from A+ list was being pampered in a day spa, her significant other was having sex with a woman he flew into town. The significant other is the one who paid for the all day spa treatments just to make sure he would not be caught.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born former A list boy bander got into an argument with his celebrity girlfriend the other night at a restaurant. Apparently the bathroom was not private enough for him to get a fix so he made her leave fifteen minutes after arriving.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 23, 2015

This married aging permanent A list rock star who really has not had a big hit in decades does the botox thing so many of his peers do to look young, but to make himself look less waxy he gets spray tanned daily. Guess he likes the bronzed look, or hooking up with the woman who sprays him.

Rod Stewart

Today's Blind Items - Another Celebrity Charity Gone Bad

Another chapter of my irregular look into celebrity charities.

It was not that long ago that this charity seemed to be doing quite a bit of good. Founded and run by a B+ list mostly television actor who keeps bringing home that weekly check for that long running almost network television show. Donations were high and expenses were low. Actual things were getting done with the promise of a lot more down the road.Then, coinciding with a major life event, things have taken a dramatic turn. Now, the charity seems like it is still doing good things, but if you take a look inside the numbers, it seems to be doing more for the friends of our actor's significant other. She likes to look like a big shot. While the amounts donated have doubled since she came around, the expenses have quadrupled. Huge salaries for very little work are being paid. Huge parties are being thrown so she can look good. The parties end up costing almost as much as they raise. Expenses they claim were spent on services were inflated to the point of lunacy. They definitely paid for the services, but at six times the going rate for the services. So, where did the excess funds go? Tens upon tens of thousands of dollars. Oh, and that monster purchase the charity triumphed? Just a tiny down payment. The rest has to be paid over time but they never stated that part. This is just going to come crashing down. The good work they could have done, gone up in smoke because of the need to be dramatic and get attention and publicity.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 23, 2015

This former actress turned talk show host is cheating on her girlfriend with a worker on the show. I told you that before. Anyway, to keep her secret girlfriend hidden and happy our former actress is trying to land her a reality show. OK, well not trying, but she tells the secret girlfriend she is trying.

Raven Symone

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 23, 2015

This aging, you probably forgot he is an Academy Award winner/nominee B- list mostly anything he can get actor with A list name recognition almost got arrested the other day. He refused to let someone drive away in their car because our actor insisted it belonged to him. The police came and got the actor to leave, but if he had not been who he is, he would have been arrested for the way he was arguing with police.

Gary Busey

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Mr. X

December 23, 2015

Apparently this A+ list songstress was better in bed and provided more women to her boss than this foreign born B+ list singer/wannabe actress. The B+ lister is blaming the A+lister’s relationship with the boss of both of them for causing the B+ lister’s career to stay in neutral.

Rihanna/Jay-Z/Rita Ora

Blind Item #8

This actor might have the thinnest skin in Hollywood. Along with all of his other quirks that have been documented here, this A-/B+list mostly television actor who is on a crap network show right now will trash you if you say anything bad about his projects. The actor has Twitter under his own name and others and apparently has hours each day to troll anyone who says anything negative.

Blind Item #7

This closeted A- list mostly movie actor who does a lot of action tried to play hide from the cameras at Grammy parties the other night. He and his boyfriend who may be his husband were spotted in the background of a photo. One single photo and the look of shock on their faces is priceless when they realize they have been spotted.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 24, 2015

It apparently didn’t shake her up too bad because this porn star who was once of Charlie Sheen’s conquests is using his name to advertise her services. I would think that would be a huge turn off to customers but she is busier than she has ever been while still publicly trashing Charlie.

Kacey Jordan

Blind Item #6

It is really easy for this B list celebrity to talk about abstinence when she is not practicing it. Oh, she is practicing it with her boyfriend but none of the other guys she regularly hooks up with for money and favors and just for fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blind Item #5

Can't wait to see if this foreign born A list celebrity in her country and unknown here decides to dump her boyfriend and accept the money from this A+ list mostly movie actor to be his date to the Academy Awards and his girlfriend for a few months.

Blind Item #4

This Southeast Housewife finally pulled the trigger on her marriage. Apparently it was not just the non-stop cheating by her husband but she also found out how much of her money he spent over the years. Oh, and that he slept with at least one of the other Housewives from the show. I say two, but she thinks just one.

Blind Item #3

This A+ list singer married to an A+ list rapper doesn't like you to think you can just hire her for a gig. So, when she was offered her fee to sing at a wedding out of the country, she made it seem like she was just a guest at the wedding and not the entertainment. Guests at the wedding had to leave their cameras and cell phones at the door.

Blind Item #2

In case you were wondering what the feud is about between this A+ list singer and this B+ list singer it is that the A+ lister trash talked the B+ lister. Yeah, it turns out our A+ lister has a completely different image than she wants you to know. I have told you this often. Anyway, she said the B+ lister only has a career based on having sex with anyone and not talent. The B+ lister was in earshot and has never forgotten.

Blind Item #1

This A list red carpet host had to have several of her veneers replaced in an emergency over the weekend. She had to work the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. She probably would not need new veneers if she was not constantly throwing up what little food she eats.

Mr. X Blind Item #3- Grammy Awards

This foul mouthed comedienne who never shies away from controversy and has been accused of homophobia divorced her husband and is now going to come out as gay.

Mr. X Blind Item #2 - Grammy Awards

This close to A+ list mostly movie actor had to have paramedics look him over yesterday afternoon because his heart was racing from the meth and booze.

Mr. X Blind Item #1 - Grammy Awards

Funny how someone can party non-stop for three days straight but get a doctor's note for something unrelated. This A+ list singer sounded like crap at rehearsals from all the drugs she takes. That is why she canceled. It would have been awful.

Blind Item #9 - Grammy Awards

This closeted bisexual A- list mostly movie actress who loves to live Tweet might be ready to jump out of the closet. Two straight award shows she has been with her female lover. Men in her life treat her like crap so this is probably a good thing.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 24, 2015

You have to be less than half his age, and preferably still in your teens for this foreign born B+ list funnyman actor to take an interest in you or drink himself into a stupor before he is unable to perform with said teens. So, don’t ever believe any hype about him dating someone age appropriate.

Will Arnett/Courteney Cox

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood

#1 This foreign born A+ list director is still known today for the style of film he created. He constantly cheated on his wife. The thing is, she used to cheat on him too. Primarily with this B list character actor who worked for decades. He was the lead in a movie that got a remake this year and also even had a cool little role on an 80's cult hit. Oh, and did I mention his wife was best friends with the director's wife. Makes things interesting.

#2 - This A list mostly movie actress was known for her looks, her posters and that A+ list director she married. At one point in her career she underwent an eye lift procedure that was botched and she could never fully close her eyes for the remainder of her life. Oh, and had to wear fake eyelashes 24/7.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 25, 2015

I’m sure publicly, this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress will support her A- list mostly movie actor husband, but at home, there has been a war after she discovered he cheated on her through the tabloids.

Mila Kunis/Ashton Kutcher

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 26, 2015

This A- list mostly television actor on a middling hit cable show that has been around for a couple of seasons now got his girlfriend an engagement ring and a car because she is very good at keeping his secrets. The last person this good at keeping his secrets was his actress wife who dumped him when the cheating got out of hand.

Taye Diggs

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 27, 2015

This former A list mostly movie actress who can certainly play a mean mother and is an Academy Award winner/nominee went out in public for the first time in months. Her cancer battle has been really tough on her.

Faye Dunaway

Blind Item #8 - Grammy Awards

This A- list foreign born singer went off on her people last night and the night before last and yesterday during the day for pairing her with someone who sounded ten times better than she did.

Blind Item #7

This fading B-/C+ list model should be celebrating her marriage to this mogul. She is, but knows she will have to put up with all of his cheating because the prenup barely pays anything if they get divorced.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 28, 2015

Her boyfriend called in as many favors as he could and sunk a ton of money into the venture to try and save it, but the end of the road is near for yet another failed attempt to get back in front of the camera for this former A- list mostly television actress turned no one will cast me so had to do my own show which bombed mightily actress/producer.

Eva Longoria/Telenovela

Blind Item #6 - Grammy Awards

This former tweener turned A-/B+ list singer/bad actress stayed off coke last night and during the afternoon show. How? Her A+ list companion went through the purse f the A-/B+ lister and the bags of her assistant too before they headed out to the show together.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Blind Item #5 - Grammy Awards

No one even knew that this A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show was friends with this A- list singer/rapper. He used to have his career financed by members of a drug cartel while she slept with some top guys from it. They know each other very well.

Blind Item #4 - Grammy Awards

This cancellation was not talked about as much as the big cancellation of the night, but the singer canceled because producers would not meet her list of demands. The demands stretched to 15 pages for three minutes of airtime. At a rehearsal she confronted them all and went on a 15 minute rant before walking out and never returning.

Blind Item #3- Grammy Awards

This foreign born A list song writer wrote a huge hit for someone else and had a huge hit for herself this past year. Throughout the afternoon ceremony she did drugs nonstop and people were wondering aloud how she was even standing after all she did.

Blind Item #2 - Grammy Awards

A decade ago this Grammy winner would have been close to A list. She was selling a ton of records and making movies. Award winning movies. Now she is about finding bare bones record deals and network reality. Oh, she also had sex two nights ago with this current A list singer who ignored her last night because he brought his celebrity girlfriend as his +1.

Blind Item #1 - Grammy Awards

This still underage singer who looks a decade older got her start in reality television. She came as the date of this guy twice her age and neither was shy about showing they were a couple. J-A-I-L

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 17, 2015

This long time Disney Channel actress who started as a tween and is now an adult still on the channel is cheating on her boyfriend. She has had a crazy romantic life that somehow she has managed to keep fairly quiet.

Debby Ryan

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 13, 2015

This B- list mostly television actress who is on that very hit almost television show and is no stranger to trouble, skipped a press event because she was so wasted on drugs. This is becoming such an issue that she might be killed off in the upcoming season.

Taryn Manning

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 10, 2015

This twice A list mostly television actor who does movies now and not very well had $10K of women’s clothes delivered to the hotel suite he is sharing with his wife but the clothes are for him and not her.

Kelsey Grammer

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 10, 2015

Apparently early Friday morning, some guests on a yacht thought this B list mostly movie actress who only seems to act in her franchise at this point was dead. The amount of drugs and booze and consumed the night before would lead someone to conclude it. She was breathing, but people there seem to think she is trying to kill herself because she increases the amount she uses almost every night.

Michelle Rodriguez

Blind Item #4

At a pre-Grammy party, this one named singer told people there she could stay out all night because she doesn't live with her husband any longer.

Blind Item #3

This former model turned celebrity wife to a permanent A+ list mogul turned reality star turned celebrity has hit the baby daddy lottery a few times. The marriage lottery a few times too. Her world is about to come crashing down into financial ruin and possibly jail time for obstruction. She better hope that mogul is feeling generous.

Blind Item #2

At this pre-Grammy party, our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress got together with this A+ list singer. First they trashed that tweener actress turned singer to anyone who would listen, then the pair did a few lines of coke together before having a threesome with that foreign born A- list mostly movie actor one of them has been seeing.

Blind Item #1

This former A list tweener from a musical family didn't get as much fame as another family member. The drugs probably contributed to it. He has never stopped. At a gifting suite for the Grammy Awards he had to go outside multiple times to smoke meth. If you told me tomorrow he died today, it would not shock me at all.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 10, 2015

This part-time Housewife from the southeast is still hoping to cash in on a sex tape to get herself out of a huge financial hole but in the meantime has started charging guys by the night to spend time with her. Previously she was looking for something more long term.

Porsha Williams

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 6, 2015

This still A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee thought she looked awful when she saw scenes from the current installment of her franchise she is shooting. No stranger to plastic surgery, the actress got her breasts lifted and enlarged during a weekend off from shooting. So, yes, when you suddenly see her jump a size in breast size in the movie, now you will know why.

Renee Zellweger

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 5, 2015

This former A list tweener who has struggled since possibly reaching puberty is spending so much time using drugs that he is losing days at a time. He only ventures outside every few days and it is costing him a lot of money because he keeps bailing on paying gigs.

Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 5, 2015

This married Academy Award winner/nominee actor who used to be A+ at least in his franchise is probably A list now because he would only play a lead, but has not done much of anything great as of late. His wife caught him in bed with a barely legal couple who he was introduced to by a family member. The wife didn’t interrupt but apparently saw photos of the encounter on her husband’s phone.

Nicolas Cage

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

December 29, 2015

This is pretty messed up. This former A- list actress from television and movies who made a bad career move and ended up at B+ got back together for two minutes with her hound dog expression actor ex-boyfriend. Then, at a party she met this holiday A list singer and ended up hooking up with him despite meeting him while he was with his girlfriend. She then dumped the ex again.

Amanda Seyfried/Justin Long/Josh Groban/Kat Dennings

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 29, 2015

This B list mostly movie actress from multiple franchises that seem to have taken a very long break had a handful of her significant other’s hair in her hand after a fight in a restaurant parking lot the other night.

Zoe Saldana

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 28, 2015

In order to hide his latest slip with sobriety, producers of this sequel cut the filming day of this former A list tweener turned B list mostly movie actor and have told extras to stay away from the actor when they are not actually filming scenes together.

Zac Efron

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

September 27, 2015

What singer-songwriter who might or might not be one of the breakout stars this year was spotted making out backstage with that married A-list rapper-mogul at that charity concert? This isn’t the first time they’ve been intimate.

Tori Kelly/Jay-Z

Blind Item #4

This A list model with the alliteration for a name is the go to threesome partner for this A list mostly movie actor in an acting family.

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list athlete never seems to be able to stay out of the tabloids. He has fallen off the wagon hard and embarrassed himself at a resort this past week. Well, yeah, not as embarrassing as that one time a few years ago. This time it was just him trashing women and acting like an entitled a-hole.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A- list model is a celebrity offspring although she didn't know it for a long time. She has been talking smack about her father's soon to be ex and controlling b**ch was probably the nicest thing she said. The model says the persona you get in public is not anything close to that in private.

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actor has a movie that opened this weekend. For once he was not his normal a-hole self. While in Europe filming this movie he paid for his kid and some others to take a class to become a gladiator. Apparently it is a tourist trap and the class is crap. Instead of going into one of his famous rants or asking for his money back he just got the kids out of there and paid for them to do a bunch of other activities for a week.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 25, 2015

This Sports Illustrated swimsuit model is being cheated on by her longtime boyfriend, who is a former a list athlete. His cheating is legendary and he has a lot of free time right now.

Hannah Davis/Derek Jeter

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 25, 2015

This Empire actress said that she had to have sex with this, foreign born, at the time A- list mostly movie actor who has since reached A+ list status briefly to keep a job she landed on his movie. Apparently the actor took a liking to her and the producer approached her and said they were thinking of replacing her, but she could probably save her job by sleeping with the actor. It was early in her career and she needed the break so did.

Kaitlin Doubleday/Ryan Reynolds

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 24, 2015

This married foreign born A list dual threat actor had sex with a fan and that fan has turned stalker. He wants to get the fan out of his life, but doesn’t want his wife to know about the sex.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 24, 2015

This A list celebrity used to be a singer. Well, she pretended to sing. Pretended up to A list. Anyway, she was at a lunch of one of her new lines and drank too much and got sick in front of ten VIP’s.

Victoria Beckham