Saturday, September 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 13, 2016

Showing how much her former co-stars dislike her still after all these years, this once in a lifetime actress invited all of them to a recent event and only one bothered to show up.

Maureen McCormick/Dancing With The Stars

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 12, 2016

Judging by how chummy she was being with a blonde haired man on the way to the elevator bank at her hotel in Toronto, the marriage of this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee could be in one of its frequent valleys.

Nicole Kidman

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 12, 2016

Big divide at that wedding this weekend. If you are team co-star who got married, you showed up. If you are team co-star who was not present, then you followed her lead and weren’t there. All of the cast was invited. This should make for a wonderful continuing working relationship.

Anna Camp/Skylar Astin wedding

Showed up for couple/Rebel Wilson and Elizabeth Banks

Didn't show up for couple/Anna Kendrick

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 12, 2016

Even though her new movie is also crap, this Academy Award winner/nominee who is A list showed up at TIFF to take the critical beating and promoted it as best she could. She knows it sucks, but is giving it her best shot.

Anne Hathaway/Colossal

Blind Item #4

The game might finally be up as there are photos of this deep in the closet A list reality star making out with another model and they are not wearing many clothes.

Blind Item #3

This actor/writer is really good at staying quiet. Things his actress wife told him not to say and things not to say so his wife doesn't find out about his on set cheating.

Blind Item #2

This co-host who bailed on one show for another should be careful what he says. His network bosses have an easy out clause and then he will be stuck doing only one show for half the year. I'm guessing someone would sign him up for a reality gig and he may be setting that up with his current promotional narrative.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born so far one hit wonder who now also does hosting outside the country better be careful. Her new nose candy addiction courtesy of her boyfriend might damage some of that work she has done to it.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 12, 2016

This foreign born host who is moving his thing to the US is so unfaithful that he hooked up with a woman while on vacation with a woman he just met two weeks ago.

Jeremy Clarkson

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 12, 2016

It wasn’t that long ago that this married permanent A+ list rapper/mogul was supporting this singer with the same number of letters in her first name. One of the rules, which she still follows is she is not allowed to be seen in public with other guys. Like some kind of devotion thing to him.


Blind Items Revealed #2

September 12, 2016

This A list mostly movie actress who does some television now is an Academy Award winner/nominee apparently never performs oral sex. This according to two different exes who say she always refuses.

Halle Berry

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 12, 2016

This A- list mostly movie actress may slip back down to B+ list after her new crap movie is shown to everyone. It is horrific enough that she bailed on TIFF because she didn’t want to talk about it. She will blame another reason though.

Blake Lively

Friday, September 23, 2016

Blind Item #12

This B list actress doesn't really act any more because she is not that great at it and would rather be behind the scenes anyway since the demise of her hit show which is almost becoming a faded memory at this point. Our actress tried some new version of botox or something that is the new and improved botox but it made her swell up like Violet after a blueberry. It also left a nasty rash on her upper arms and torso.

Blind Item #11

This married former A+ list athlete is cheating on his wife who was even higher on than list than him as an athlete.

Blind Item #10

She is married, but she never spends any time with her husband. Not that she really spent time with him when they were dating either. Oh sure, she would drop her kid off with him before heading out to "work," but this former A- list celebrity seems to do everything she can to stay as far away from him as possible.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list singer is a diva. She might be the divas of all divas. Anyway, apparently she can't stop smoking and drinking long enough to get her teeth whitened. They are atrocious. Instead, when she has photographs to take, she just puts in some fake teeth that are pearly white.

Blind Items Revealed #5 -Kindness

December 22, 2015

I will tell you upfront that this person is one of my favorite people in the world so I am a little biased when it comes to this kindness blind. Just because she is one of my favorite people does not mean I have seen every installment of the franchise she was in. I guess she is a B- list actress. She is better than the franchise. If you watched that hit cable show in its last season, she rocked a guest starring role. Anyway. This is about a movie she did with another actress from that cable show. One of the actors in the movie has cancer. The actor did not have enough credits or income to get the good SAG/AFTRA insurance so our actress called in a bunch of favors and got the guy cast in ten projects over the course of about three weeks so he could qualify for the best level of insurance. A small thing, but very nice.

Elizabeth Reaser

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - This technically married now B+ list singer who was A list not that long ago has a new record out that has not done well. Recently it was her day with her child but didn't show up. No one knew where she was until they saw a social media post that she was out of the country.

#2 - "I spilled some. You will just have to clean it. I have to go." With that, this A list reality star dashed out of her ride into the airport leaving a nice dusting of coke all over the back seat on floor.

#3 - Just in time for the impending press tour of the second installment of this franchise is a 20 second video which shows the foreign born male lead sleeping naked in bed and a face pops in the recording which is definitely not his wife. Apparently that woman is trying to sell it, but there is no way to verify when it was shot.

#4 - This A+ list mostly movie actor not named Brad Pitt is set to sit down with the FBI about some things within the next couple of weeks. So far, his attorney has kept them away, but can't for much longer.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 14, 2015

I’m not sure how this former A+ list tweener even came up with the crazy spin about his health condition, but he needed some story that was long lasting because he is not going to stop using meth anytime soon.

Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

December 8, 2015

This foreign born B list now mostly movie actress after quitting her hit show was at a party recently. She spotted a woman in the corner of the party being groped and pawed by a guy. The woman was trying to get away but was trapped between the man and a bar on the other side of her. Our actress ran over and pulled the woman away and for her trouble got the contents of a drink thrown on her by the guy.

Nina Dobrev

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 11, 2016

With anyone else, one would say that is crap. With this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner you just think it is par for the course. He made a string of escorts he hired during his stay overseas call him Don Corleone or Godfather while they were having sex. In a way it makes sense if you think about another character Marlon Brando played.

Nicolas Cage

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actress in this country still has not returned six figures worth of jewelry from the Emmy Awards the other night. Because she is the lead on a show, everyone is trying to handle this quietly. She wants to keep the stuff, and keeps promising someone or some company will pay for them. Things could get messy.

Blind Item #7

This A+ list pro athlete says one of her exes, who is someone all of you would know loved it when she would pretend to be a guy and use toys on him. That is a long way from the image he always tries to portray as a guy who goes through ten women a day.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 11, 2016

This teenage offspring of the permanent A+ lister is so hooked on drugs she and her boyfriend had to leave a place early because every time they tried to find a place to use there would be a pap there waiting to try and get the shot. Everyone wants to catch her.

Paris Jackson

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly television actor from a long running almost network show which is ending thinks his actress wife only smokes pot. Nope. She is a huge fan of snorting Adderall. A little MDMA when he is going to be shooting all day too.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress is working on her second movie franchise after being in one of the more famous shows of all-time. She is cheating on her significant other with a co-star in her current franchise.

Blind Item #4

One of the exes of an A+ list mostly movie actor in the news this week says she is finished with an organization that has long been associated with her.

Blind Item #3

This talk show host has tried acting but that didn't work out to well for her. The maid who has been cleaning her hotel room the past few days says it looks like an entire rock group has been staying there instead of one person. Ashtrays filled every morning with bottles of booze and wine. Yes, even some leftover white powder on some of the tables.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blind Item #2

I'm not telling him how to live his life, but perhaps these foreign born A+ list parents could talk to their oldest about using protection when hooking up with random women. One of them yesterday said the offspring who has made a name for himself didn't use any with her.

Blind Item #1

This actress just got her big break but is probably going to lose it this week because of things she has said in her past. Cast members on this show have been fired for way less and she is literally hanging on by a thread.

Blind Item #12

Apparently this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who gave up a franchise is having some performance issues with local women he has tried to have sex with while filming his new movie. Does he have those problems with his actress wife?

Blind Item #11

This A list singer in a group and solo straight up caught her A list singer boyfriend cheating but still won't dump him.

Blind Item #10

This C- list singer you have never heard of but is a celebrity offspring from a very very hit tv show from back in the day that set some fashion trends likes to pretend she is barely out of her teens but is a decade older. She had been trying to make it big for years and was getting nowhere. Then, she slept with the founder of the label and the next thing you know she is everywhere.

Blind Item #9

This former A list mostly movie actress who is the celebrity offspring of parents even more famous has been cheating on her celebrity husband for the past two years with a woman.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 7, 2015

She certainly knows how fashion works. This foreign born A list model who wants to be an actress* ripped off the design and idea of a company and started selling the knockoffs from her own social media pages.

Cara Delevingne


*Calling her an actress is even doing Tori Spelling a disservice.


Today's Blind Items - Better Not Let The Fandom Find Out

There is an almost network show that has been on forever. The lead actor on the show was out to dinner with some members of his church. Apparently the discussion was mainly about the upcoming election and if there was any hope of getting rid of gay marriages. The actor then went on a rant about how he is sick of questions about whether his character is gay and that he would never be supportive of his character being gay because our actor does not want kids to think being gay is normal. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but the fandom is basically based on this, so probably not something they wanted to hear.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 2, 2015

It appears that at least privately, this foreign born probable one hit wonder has moved on in the romance department. She was seen coming out of a hotel suite after a two hour romp with an athlete in town for the day. Guess her other athlete did not measure up.

Iggy Azalea/Nick Young (just didn't want you thinking he was the only one stepping out, although his was more of a running out and doing hopscotch and a stair climber with as much as he was cheating)

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 1, 2015

As soon as the lights turned off and everything was over, our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/part-time actress/reality host told the winner of a competition that the winner had no shot at making it and that she should consider herself competition of our B+ lister. Just really not nice things at all.

Rita Ora

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 2, 2016

She got less money this time, but as long as there is even $100 to be made this celebrity/part-time porn star will still profit off her miscarriage.

Courtney Stodden

Blind Item #8

I'm still waiting for the news to break about this Grey's actress cheating on her husband with a co-star.

Blind Item #7

I never saw this one coming. This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actress is on a losing television streak of epic proportions. She just can't get one to stick but is trying again this year. She hotboxed her dressing room before a talk show appearance.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 3, 2016

There are plenty of shows out there waiting to take your spot, so if you are this former A list mostly television actor from an iconic show and you are an a-hole to everyone on your new show, including the people who decided whether you are on television, they will cancel your middling show and replace you with someone more pleasant on a different show.

David Schwimmer

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly movie actor who is the lead in a move that was released in the past few weeks had a threesome while out of the country doing press. Neither of the two other people were his wife.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is having her people spin to tabloids that she is single. I just think they want to make sure the cheating thing is not discussed or the fact that the cable actor she cheated with has already cheated on her multiple times. Try to make it all go away is what her people want.

Blind Item #4

A new show for this former A list mostly television actress who has been acting since a teen and has an iconic role that will probably be permanently remembered. To celebrate her new show, the married actress got a breast enlargement. Doesn't really seem her style, but she did it. Won't ever talk about it though. She doesn't talk about much of anything.

Blind Item #3

This married closeted A list singer sure was being cozy with that makeup artist of hers. The thing is though, our singer already has a makeup artist she hires. This one seems to be more for comfort after shows alone in a hotel suite.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

She might seem perfect but this celebrity married to an A+ list mostly movie actor has a big coke problem. I think she does it to stay thin.

Blind Item #1

About a month or so ago I wrote a blind about an actor who always comes looking for things written about him. Well, that actor, who is in a relationship also has a new show that starts airing tonight. He is cheating on his girlfriend.

Blind Item #12

This B/B- list comic actor has a new movie coming out withing the next week. Apparently he still treats women like crap and told one woman he would never got out with her because her t*ts weren't big enough. It wasn't like she was talking to him or anything like that. She was at a screening of the movie and as he walked by he said it to her and then kept walking.

Blind Item #11

Somehow I don't think this is going to end well. I hope it goes well though. This celebrity offspring who is barely relevant as a celebrity is paying all the bills for her much higher on the list mother. The only condition is the mother has to stay sober.

Blind Item #10

This A- list Academy Award winner/nominee also does some things behind the camera. Oh, and comes from an acting family. He made a couple of moves on this former tweener turned singer who turned him down. So, our actor changed up things and hit on a woman who accepted his invitation to hook up.

Blind Item #9

For the past year, this closeted NFL player has just not been his A+ list self. Things started going downhill when his ex-boyfriend announced his engagement and now, apparently his beard wants to dump him too.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 1, 2015

This former tweener actress turned decent singer with a horrible attitude has a rule when she is out at clubs If you want to talk to her, you need to give her a present of some coke.

Ariana Grande

Today's Blind Items - Suicide Stopper

Over the past decade, by my count this A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has attempted suicide four times. Those are the ones I know about. I'm sure there were times when she was out of the country or stopped before she needed a doctor so the number is probably much higher. Also higher is the number of times she has threatened to kill herself and her children. One of her suicide attempts happened while she was pregnant. Another time she took one of her children into a very dangerous situation and threatened to kill herself and the child. I remember the birthday suicide attempt. Any kind of celebration that is not about her can turn into threats or attempts. The thing is though, the one person who was always there and always able to talk her down is gone now. It makes me wonder whether the next time it happens, if it will be the end.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 6, 2016

Even the A+ listers lie about needing vocal rest when all they want to do is party and have fun. I’m sure the screaming and yelling she did at the party really helped with the vocal rest.


Blind Items Revealed #3

September 7, 2016

Another record another war between this permanent A+ list singer and the A- lister about to release her new album. One of the songs sounds exactly like a song written by the A+ lister and she is ticked off as usual with the A- lister.

Madonna/Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 7, 2016

This former A+ list mostly movie actress gets free yoga pants. Apparently she goes through a lot of them. Not because she wears them out, but because she refuses to wear them more than once. The other day she blasted a staffer at the company that is giving them to her for free because she was running out and asked for 60 of them for the upcoming month. Hey, at $150 a pair, that isn’t too much to ask is it?

Gwyneth Paltrow

Blind Item #8

I'm kind of shocked this married, foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor doesn't have an Academy Award nomination. He does have an Emmy nomination/win and hooked up with his foreign born co-star the other day when they were doing press for their new movie. Skipped a lunch event and hooked up in a hotel room where the event was being held.

Blind Item #7

At least one person, and probably more are really glad this long running network hit has ended. Sure, there will be a spinoff, but not everyone will be back for that. Anyway, the lead actress of the original is getting divorced. Her husband just walked out one day. It would be so ironic if he ended up with her co-star.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 7, 2016

The secret male lover of that foreign born legend that recently died is talking. A lot. He should stay quiet for a book or movie or something. One thing he did say was the couple liked to drink their own urine for improved health. Umm, ok.

Juan Gabriel

Blind Item #6

This former B+ list mostly television actress/celebrity offspring who was on a long running hit show, now can be seen sometimes in an almost television show. She can also be seen in Vegas some weekends because she is not above a little pay for play if the price is right. The price is very high.

Blind Item #5

I would say it is not just the pills or the botox alone that keep this former A list singer numb, but a combination of the two. There is just no life in her half the time you see her. She is trying to make a singing comeback but thankfully has given up acting forever.

Blind Item #4

This foreign born Academy Award winner/nominee is married but at the premiere of his latest movie it didn't stop him from groping and kissing women which is what he usually does. The fact he was all sweaty and gross didn't seem to put them off.

Blind Item #3

This Harry Potter actor with a drinking problem obviously doesn't have it under control if an event this week is any indication. At least he is a happy drunk.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blind Item #2

This A- list mostly television actress who is still disliked by everyone on her hit show thinks everyone would be freaked out that she is hooking up with a woman so she also has a beard, but instead of paying him does hook up with him too. He is the one you see in public photos.

Blind Item #1

The girlfriend of this multiple talk show host was ticked off she was not asked to be part of a photo session for a tabloid. Just shows you what he really thinks of her. And why he cheats on her all the time.

Blind Item #11

This should almost be a big blind, but there are not enough details to make it longer. This former A- list mostly television actress who crashed and burned a long time ago and is one of the favorites here once got her sister hooked on drugs and now appears to be doing a different kind of hooking with her.

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 11, 2015

I guess technically this guy is a celebrity chef but he never actually cooks. He does a million other things but doesn’t cook or even own a restaurant. Whenever he goes out of town his wife always goes with him, but for his last jaunt she couldn’t and of course he cheated. He always does when she is not there. He thinks that when she does not go that it is her giving him permission.

Anthony Bourdain

Blind Item #10

This B+ list singer who used to be a tweener actress was talking about her addiction issues while wasted. Nice.

Blind Item #9

This charity giving B+ list mostly movie actress is headed down a dangerous path if she gets any more involved with this foreign born model/turned worst actress on earth. The model loves coke. Would probably swim in it if she could figure out a way and the B+ lister has a coke issues that goes back almost a decade. They do not need to be together.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 7, 2016

After fading in status from A+ list to A- list, this singer who now also poorly acts wants her return to the singing world to be stupendous. So much so that she has her fans working to manipulate the charts to get her a number one song. I guess things are so bad she can’t convince some company to buy the song and give it away which would accomplish the same purpose. What she should do is release it on Tidal. They will gladly make up some numbers for her.

Lady GaGa

Today's Blind Items - Bad Dad

So, what do you do when you are spending money like water and it belongs to your kid? You try and keep it from him. What do you do when you are sleeping with your kid's girlfriend? You keep it from him. How do you keep it from him? Well, if you are this A1 a-hole father of the past 40 years you do everything you can to set up your kid for failure just like with many of your other kids. Sure, this former A+ list mostly movie actor hasn't killed one of them yet, but really, it is just blind luck none of them have died. I don't think he wants his kid to die, but I know he wants him to go back where he came from so the dad can get back to spending the kid's money and having sex with the girlfriend again. He keeps trying to get the kid to cave and give in to temptation. Just a truly awful human being.

Blind Items Revealed Revisited

This was revealed last month. 

July 8, 2016

Why yes, those were actual strippers going up to the room of this married A+ list mostly movie actor married to another A+ lister. I never knew he was a stripper guy. He has always been a sucker for PR people or groupies.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 8, 2016

The coke bloat is real with this A+list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He has never really been a coke guy and he is losing the battle.

Brad Pitt

Blind Item #8

It is sad to see what this former almost A+ list singer turned reality star is doing to pay off her debts. She has swallowed some pride and closed her eyes before to make money, but she is being used and abused right now and it is awful to watch.

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 29, 2016

He is an A+ list mostly movie actor and married to an actress. She is a foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress with a long time significant other. They have spent the better part of a month filming and having sex each day. She is in the country alone. His wife has been in and out of town.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie/Marion Cotillard

Blind Item #7

Apparently this talk show host/wannabe superstar married to an A lister in his corner of the entertainment world wants to be even bigger. She has totally transformed her body via the knife and also her face. She used to have a great look but thinks the way to go is to look like that A list reality family. Shame.

Blind Items Revealed Revisted

This one should answer some questions. It was revealed back in January.

December 9, 2015

This former child/teen actor turned Hugh Hefner wannabe/cautionary tale says that this in the news former A+ list mostly television actor raped the best friend of our former teen actor when the two starred in a movie together.

Corey Feldman/Charlie Sheen/Corey Haim/Lucas



Blind Item #6

This celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister has been threatening to kill herself and her drug use is out of hand but there is no one to stage an intervention, let alone her boyfriend who doesn't want to lose his ATM.He will when she dies.

Blind Item #5

At this point it seems as if this foreign born A+ list model/wannabe actor is stalking his in/out of the closet foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor ex. He needs to learn to not be so desperate sounding.

Blind Item #4

I guess we know why this permanent A list singer who always has tax problems dumped her husband. He was cheating with that video vixen turned author who kicked out her last partner for cheating.

Blind Item #3

This B+ list mostly movie actress with A list name recognition from an acting family says she kept saying no to this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor with a wandering eye but he didn't take no for an answer.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born television actress moved from a superhero show to a cable show for this season. I would give her B list. Her long time foreign born boyfriend used to date an A- list actress forever. Anyway, the foreign born actress hooked up with a two first name B+ list actor a couple of weeks ago.

Blind Item #1

It is the former roommate's turn to trash the OITNB actress. Apparently the OITNB actress went to rehab not that long ago but left after a couple of days and is in even worse shape than before.

Mr. X Blind Item #3- Emmy Awards

Which on and off screen costars were told to stay away from each other by their PR people because they're still worried about (true) rumors regarding the paternity of her baby?

Mr. X Blind Item #2- Emmy Awards

What red carpet correspondent didn't make any new friends last night after she overheard the actress she snubbed blame her for the firing of of her past co-hosts on that show? She yelled at her: "THEY DID IT TO THEMSELVES, YOU B**CH!!" Classy..

Mr. X Blind Item #1 - Emmy Awards

Why yes, that was the B/C-list actress "wife" of a winner/nominee last night hovering up a vial of coke in the bathroom. An old trick she has kept from her days partying at Studio 54

Blind Item #20 - Emmy Awards

#1 - This talk show host reeked of booze which is kind of shocking considering it has calories in it. Apparently she partied hard the night before and she was a ragged mess while hosting.

#2 - This stylist/fashion designer/reality star was paranoid beyond belief last night. She probably should put down the meth pipe and focus on what she is wearing.

#3 - This A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show got into an argument after the show. Our actress is a Trump supporter which surprisingly is not that uncommon on her show. There are at least four on the show who are going to vote for him. Another five won't and then two will probably blow it off. Anyway, she got into it big time with a green party supporter of all things.

#4 - This former late night actor turned late night other job duties guy was hitting on women with his actress girlfriend ten feet away. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

#5 - This B list mostly television actress on a spin off of a hit cable show is sleeping with a married producer on the show. Apparently last night he was with his wife so things were awkward.

Blind Item #19 - Emmy Awards - Kindness

This pay cable actress who won't be working her show for much longer has been a kindness before. Most of the time though she is on the other side of the fence. Last night, an elderly man fell to the ground when he was shoved by some PR people trying to move their client through the press line. Our actress basically told people to back the f**k up and bent down and helped the man up. Everyone else had seen him there and just walked by because you know, their meal ticket didn't stop.

Blind Item #18 - Emmy Awards

This former franchise actress who was an Emmy winner/nominee last night was in obvious pain from a very recent breast enlargement and lift. The dress was too tight, but she winced her way through the night. One thing I found surprising is she wasn't drinking at all last night.

Blind Item #17 - Emmy Awards

Continuing the awards, the winner for most drunk is a tie. Yes, again, there are two winners. One, who was being a fun drunk and stumbling her way through the parties after getting a good start during the show is this actress who stars on a hit almost television show which was a big winner last night.

This fake fun loving talk show host was sullen to put it mildly and bitter and rude as the night and parties progressed. There were a lot of people who saw his true colors. When he gets older he is going to be a nasty drunk.

Blind Item #16 - Emmy Awards

It is now time for the award for most high from pot. For the first time ever, we have two winners. We are going to bestow the first award to this A- list mostly television actress who rocks it as a movie actress too. She was hot boxing on the way to the show. Serious contact high for anyone near her on the red carpet.

The award for most high during the show is this A-/B+ list mostly television actress who only gets that high because of the longevity of the network show on which she appears. She will probably be forced to make Blue Crush 6 once her show ends if she wants to stay in the business. She was vaping all night.

Blind Item #15 - Emmy Awards - Kindness

This ABC actress who should have been nominated for her hit show was hit up by some neighbors of hers to buy some popcorn for Christmas to raise money to send a bunch of kids to Europe for school. Anyway, she bought several hundred bucks worth of popcorn and then handed them a stack of tickets to a variety of Emmy after parties and told them to auction them all off. The very next night the school auctioned them off and enough money for a trip this year and next year was raised.

Blind Item #14 - Emmy Awards

It is always tough to come up with a winner for biggest coke user of the night. You have to go by what you see. There were probably others not seen who did more. In any event, the winner from last night is this former teen actress who probably thought she would get another network hit show when her big one ended. Nope. She has bounced between bad television and bad movies but will always have that hit show so beloved by many for her resume.

Blind Item #13 - Emmy Awards

This Game Of Thrones actress who has never been a blind ( I think five have. Emilia. Natalie. Sophie. Maisie. Maybe Gwendoline, but I have to check.) really needs to start eating. She fainted at a party last night because she had nothing to eat for a couple of days to fit in her dress.

Blind Item #12- Emmy Awards

A little change of pace for his Academy/Emmy winner/nominee. The closeted A list actor went with someone much older than he normally does. Plus, his date is kind of famous. The fact they went together is even more amazing. Bet he had a teenager waiting for him at home though.

Blind Item #11

This A list mostly television actor gets that high on the list because he is the lead in multiple shows. Plus, he had an iconic role. His strategy last night at parties was the same as it is on his shows. Mass groping until someone responds in the positive. The thing is, despite everyone knowing what a tool he is, he gets away with it and always finds someone to take home.

Blind Item #10 - Emmy Awards

This one year wonder/former beard/part-time model was cruising through multiple Emmy parties looking for a boyfriend or at least someone to pay her bills for next month. She used to be much more discreet.

Today's Blind Items - Reality Show Rape

Sometimes, the brand is more important than the person. That is what the producers of the show, including the A list mogul behind it all decided a few years ago. The show is worldwide. It crashed and burned here, although everyone knows the name of it. It is one of those talent type shows that are so prevalent. This happened in the home country of the show. A female contestant made it through to the live rounds. This was odd in of itself because of the way she made it through to the live rounds. She never performed in the live rounds. Too sick to go on everyone said. Not the whole story or even close to it. The woman was raped in the hotel used by the contestants. Fearing the show would be shut down or the name tarnished, they made the woman a deal. She took the deal. The thing is, the producers and mogul and powers behind the scenes just wanted her gone and to have her be as far away from their brand as possible. Technically they followed the letter of the deal, but not the spirit. They just wanted her to sign their deal and be done with her.

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

This former A list mostly television actor who switched to movies now that his long running cable show is over was all over this B+ list entertainment reporter with the very long name. She only invokes her boyfriend to put off guys she does not want to hook up with. She didn’t mention the boyfriend last night at this after party with the actor.

Jon Hamm/Maria Menounos

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 7, 2016

This hip hop mogul who has seen better days is acting very concerned, but it is an act to lower his child support payments.

Damon Dash

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 7, 2016

This A list foreign born singer went to a strip club and dropped thousands of dollars in an hour but had an escort he hired earlier service him manually while he watched the strippers in a private room.


Blind Item #9 - Emmy Awards

At the rehearsals for the show, the flirting between this foreign born A- list dual threat actor who is an Emmy winner/nominee and this foreign born actress got a bit out of hand. That top she was wearing kept falling down every time she raised her arms above her head and she seemed to be doing that every couple of minutes. They left the place in a very good mood and left together which is not how they arrived. Pretty sure someone now has a voodoo doll of her.

Blind Item #8 - Emmy Awards

This tries to stay closeted comedian with a long successful career is an Emmy winner/nominee. He brought what looked to be a teen or barely out of his teens companion. Our actor would not stop hugging on him or fixing his hair. The companion looked annoyed. Maybe our actor has just finally said f**k it and is coming out.

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 16, 2016

Grammy Awards

This former tweener turned A-/B+ list singer/bad actress stayed off coke last night and during the afternoon show. How? Her A+ list companion went through the purse f the A-/B+ lister and the bags of her assistant too before they headed out to the show together.

Selena Gomez/Taylor Swift

Blind Item #7 - Emmy Awards

This A- list mostly television actor who was a winner/nominee last night for a hit cable show was obviously on something. I asked AP about it and she said that when she saw him that he was one part of the night withdrawn and not talking to anyone and at other times was literally in the space of the person he was talking too within a couple of inches of their face. People were trying to back off when he was talking to them and he kept pushing forward. Not  in a confrontational way, but she said it appeared he was on something too.

Blind Item #6 - Emmy Awards

This always creepy A- list mostly television actor wasn't nominated last night but he still was there. At a party after the show, he sent his wife trolling for threesome partners that he picked out. Apparently for the past couple of weeks they have been doing this almost every night because they had not had a chance in awhile.

Blind Item #5 - Emmy Awards

This married foreign born A- list mostly television actor has more than a handful of Emmy nominations/wins. At a pre-Emmy party he met a woman who charges by the hour, or in this case night and the two ended up together most of the night and part of the next morning. It is one of the reasons he also missed the start of the show.

Blind Item #4 - Emmy Awards

Imagine the surprised look on the face of this person at a pre-Emmy party when they walked in on this married to an actress (Emmy nominee/winner), closeted B+ list mostly television actor getting orally serviced by a man in the bathroom of an unused ballroom at a party.

Blind Item #3 - Emmy Awards

This Grammy winner/nominee was one of the biggest divas of the night. If she didn't recognize the person she was just rude and nasty to people. Everyone was in her way. How come she didn't get a better seat. The swag bags should have been larger. Complain, complain, complain.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Blind Item #2 - Emmy Awards

This Emmy nominee/winner from last night from a big winner was spotted holding a crack pipe in his hands most of the night that he was rolling through his fingers like a poker player handling a chip.

Blind Item #1 - Emmy Awards

This A/A- list mostly television actress apparently got into a huge fight with her actor husband after he slipped in his sobriety. It is the reason she almost didn't make it to the ceremony and why she came alone.

Blind Items Revealed #8

February 16, 2016

Grammy Awards

This still underage singer who looks a decade older got her start in reality television. She came as the date of this guy twice her age and neither was shy about showing they were a couple. J-A-I-L

Diamond White

Blind Items Revealed #7

February 11, 2016

This former A list mostly television actor who is probably B list acting wise but has A list name recognition because of that long long running hit network show had an intervention over the weekend. Friends and family and former co-stars all tried to convince the actor he needs rehab again. He blew them off.

Matthew Perry

Blind Items Revealed #6

February 8, 2016

This foreign born permanent A list model turned reality star turned part-time television actress was once busted having sex by the pregnant significant other of this foreign born A- list dual threat actor. She vowed to never hook up with him again after being so embarrassed. Well, that didn’t last. They are back at it again even though he still has that same significant other.

Naomi Campbell/Idris Elba

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 3, 2016

This former A list tweener who had a really big week this week is being cheated on by her boyfriend with this underage celebrity offspring.

Vanessa Hudgens/Austin Butler/Lily Rose Depp

Blind Item #4

Our A+ list mostly movie actor is spending a lot less time with his beard and a lot more with his boyfriend. This makes the second or third time in a week they have been out in public together.

Blind Item #3

That big concert in NYC next week is just a money grab disguised as a charity. It is also so the promoter can feel like a big shot and pose with a bunch of celebrities.

Blind Item #2

This OITNB actress loves going to comments sections of sites that mention her old roommate and posting links to her porn past. The old roommate says the OITNB actress forced her to do porn.

Blind Item #1

This married A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee should probably wise up that her husband is just a glorified star f**ker who has been going through her money as fast as he went through other people's money.

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 1, 2016

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort had a seizure while out shopping the other day. She also tried to use a credit card reported stolen earlier in the day to make a purchase.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 5, 2016

Back in the day, this actor was headed up the ladder. Landed a great role on the NBC mini-series/movie of the year which everyone watched. The murder of a co-star really affected him though and he started wandering from guest spot to guest spot until he gave it all up to become a call center supervisor.

David Packer/V/Dominique Dunne

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 1, 2016

The star of this cable channel’s version of an ABC staple claims he runs a foundation. Nope. It went bust a long time ago. He supports himself the same way he has forever. As an escort. A very very popular one mind you.

Robert Sepulveda Jr./Finding Prince Charming

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 1, 2016

Lost in all of the Chris Brown drama is the newly married celebrity/singer/sex tape star who was in bed with two naked women, not his wife when all of this went down.

Ray J