Monday, January 23, 2017

Blind Item #1

Apparently we are all just going to ignore the erratic behavior brought on by drug use and excessive partying of this foreign born A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show. I would say she is a big candidate for an overdose unless she gets help.


  1. Tricia1310:36 PM

    Sophia vergara?

  2. Spectator10:39 PM

    Oh my god man, she's so hot. Like the kind that all men would lose over. Men would really kill for a woman like her.

  3. MontanaMarriott10:40 PM

    Pryanka Chopra to be different?

  4. Guesser11:54 PM

    Sophia is not A- List she is A+.There must be some other foreign born actresses. Priyanka did seem a little it of it on a show I saw her on. Besides, if Sophia, Enty would say something about her husband.

  5. Until she opens her mouth and speaks.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf1:23 AM

    Enty thinks everyone is an overdose candidate except himself when it comes to alcohol consumption. Enty drinking himself into a coma is presented as a joke. He's not usually right about overdose/imminent death, FWIW.

  7. Enty is probably trying to say Chopra's injury was because of drug use but I think that's probably reaching.

    Slow news day so he needed to make a few fake blinds.

  8. Stella12:52 PM

    Remove the network TV and replace with HBO actress and you'd have Sophie Turner, from Game of Thrones. She's always high, a real party girl.
