Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Your Turn

A movie or a tv show everyone seems to love or talk about but you really disliked and are afraid to say something.


  1. sandybrook2:06 AM

    I'm not afraid to say I dislike anything. But I don't watch network TV, and most talk would normally be about shows seen there in general. So, all of those shows.

  2. HH3142:07 AM

    I thought Stranger things was stupid. Also, I did not get into Westworld at all

  3. MontanaMarriott2:11 AM

    Till this day I never ever got the whole Matrix Trilogy craze. I found it the most boring piece of garbage. Yet everyone I know calls it a cinematic masterpiece.

    Same thing with Citizen Kane, saw it, liked it but did not think it was this magnificent piece of cinema.

  4. Malibuborebee2:15 AM

    When have I ever been afraid to say something?

    Hint: Never.

    Most televisions shows are awful and even the "good" ones aren't all that good. I watch a lot of British tv. It's not that they don't make crap, they make plenty of crap. They just have more good programming than we have here.

  5. Barbara RiceHand2:17 AM

    I hated Everybody Loves Ray or whatever. And I always voiced my opinion. I did not like the mom or wife on their. Smh.

  6. The Notebook

  7. Malibuborebee2:18 AM

    You're right about the Matrix. It was flash in the pan sci-fi kid stuff whose success was special effects driven.

    You're totally wrong about Citizen Kane. Like 10,000% wrong. Welles was a genius (as a filmmaker) and that movie is a masterpiece.

  8. Hothotheat2:19 AM

    Grease. Grease 2 was better.

  9. Laura Ramona2:29 AM


  10. cebii2:38 AM

    Friends - let's laugh at embarrassing situations!
    CSI, especially Miami. David Caruso has to be the worst actor in the history of the world. I can't watch him, ever.
    Game of Thrones - I read the first two books and gave up because nothing good EVER happened and every character I was interested in died, and, after two episodes, decided the show is no better.

  11. Emmaf2:41 AM

    Big Bang Theory.
    Downtown Abbey.
    Desperate Housewives.

  12. June Gordon2:41 AM

    The porn DVD "Scatty Granny the Tranny #34"

    In #1 thru #32 and even #33 I agreed with everyone that she looked like a real woman, but NOT in #34, which is everyone's favorite because of the Christmas theme.

  13. slits2:43 AM

    Meryl Streep, although not afraid to say it. Unbelievably overrated in my opinion.

  14. slits2:43 AM

    Oops . . . just saw it meant TV or movie. Whatever.

  15. There is a recent episode of the How Did This Get Made podcast where they discuss Grease 2 with Anna is awesome and very funny. You should check it out!

  16. Udsctb2:45 AM

    I hated Love Actually--ugh!!!

  17. I totally get it. She's so good and polished in every single role that it's almost boring.

  18. Saul Netanyahoo2:56 AM

    Game of Thrones, Tommy Boy, David Letterman Show, Friendz, Jaws,

  19. June Gordon3:00 AM

    Meryl Streep is good in many roles, but she is not good in every role.

    She can be such a mannered ham, constantly drawing focus to herself by twitching while others say their lines.

    And she may as well have been in Community Theater for Mama Mia, although that movie was hard to be good in that garbage.

  20. BadgeBunny3:01 AM

    Star Wars! I didn't care for it as a kid, still don't like it now. Even my kids don't like it.
    I also don't get Spongebob Squarepants. Phineas and Ferb is so much better.
    Jimmy Kimmel is an automatic channel change.
    The Cranberries. I know, not a show or a movie. Whatever.

  21. TiggyTea3:01 AM

    Melrose Place, 90210, and any reality shows

  22. Rando3:02 AM

    Friends. That 70s show

  23. Hayley3:04 AM

    Big Lebowski, The Goonies, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High come to mind

  24. Candy Crush3:17 AM

    This is Us. Buying into the hype, I watched the pilot and thought, "This show will be lucky if it survives the first month." I just don't get the popularity of a show that gratuitously tugs on your heartstrings--and the audience says, "more please."

  25. GoTrollUrSelf3:23 AM

    I got over it long ago to the point where if fanboys & tweeners are all (like a school of fish) singing a show's praises, I skip it. Pop-up popularity usually fizzles within a week or so. Why waste the time?

  26. Tricia133:23 AM

    Not uneasy saying it just haven't caught so many shows that people really culty and into :a few examples are Xfiles(won't be watching reboot;Game of Thrones; sBreaking Bad/Better Call Saul etc;And The zombie stuff (Walking Dead etc)

  27. Lurky McLurkster3:28 AM

    The Leftovers. Hannibal

  28. Camilla3:44 AM

    Breaking Bad, Orange is the etc., Girls.

  29. Emily4:06 AM

    Game of thrones sucks. Also not into walking dead which gets me in trouble with a lot of co-workers/friends.

  30. Malibuborebee4:10 AM

    You're proving the worthlessness of your opinion\, "slits" because whatever you may think of her, Streep's a very accomplished and skillful actress. Only an idiot and/or a pretentious twat would pretend otherwise.

  31. Malibuborebee4:11 AM

    I just pretend that Mamma Mia and Whatsit and the Flash never happened.

  32. Malibuborebee4:12 AM

    Big Lebowski?

    No way. It's fabulous.

  33. Malibuborebee4:14 AM

    No Zombies. No Vampires. No supernatural bullshit of any kind.

    No sit-coms. Ever. They are the wire hangers of television.

  34. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:49 AM

    The Sopranos (it is good, but not THAT good)
    Anything by ernst lubistch (sp)
    The deer hunter
    The first and last seasons of Breaking Bad (whenever Gus did not appear)
    dr who

    And many more.

  35. Sarah5:05 AM

    I hate Love Actually. I do not think it is that great or uplifting of a movie. I also do not understand the hype behind Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies. They are long and not compelling to me.

  36. AndrewBW5:28 AM

    Seinfeld. I found the show 99 percent tedious. The one percent of it that was funny was really funny, but I didn't have the time to wade through the rest of it. Which is why Seinfeld has the best clip shows -- they cut out all of the stupid stuff and left the funny parts.

  37. Lost in Translation, Black Swan -- hands down two of the worst movies ever. Lost in Translation convinced me that the Oscars are seriously fucked up and out of touch, and Black Swan only confirmed it.

  38. Michelelala6:33 AM

    I did not like Borat; I found it very mean spirited and I'm not especially nice.

  39. I'm a massive Buater Keaton fan and i love a lot of his work but The General to me just doesnt do it for me. Sorry Buster. I think Our Hospitality is better by a ton.

  40. Game of Thrones. Can't stand it!

  41. I can't stand it either. All these shows have the same formula with the musical montage at the end sung by alternative-voice-hipster-girlsingers that are so effing annoying too.

  42. ^^^ sorry everyone, the above was in response to the comments about This is Us. I should not be trying to post here on my phone without adult supervision. ?

  43. Derek Harvey7:38 AM

    Twin Peaks

  44. stacey7:43 AM

    I loathe the show Empire, but cannot say anything or I will be accused of being racist.

  45. Bubbles Cash8:42 AM

    Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Friends all are not funny. I also do not like super hero movies or Star Wars. I also hated MASH mainly because the hair styles did not match the era.

  46. Slits is entitled to his/her opinion without some lout criticizing him/her, Borebee.

  47. Marybel8:46 AM

    Game of Thrones

  48. Chingers8:51 AM

    The Wire. The Jinx

  49. Sasha McDoneygall8:53 AM

    The schtik's getting a little tiresome, June.

  50. Robert9:47 AM

    +1 has been for some time

  51. BadgeBunny10:03 AM

    My teen-aged son made me watch episode 1 of The Walking Dead.
    The torso granny really upset me.
    Don't get me started on the poor horse...
    Just no.

  52. Scandi Sanskrit10:25 AM

    Well in that case, you should be scared.

  53. Scandi Sanskrit10:27 AM

    I can understand why someone would dislike "Downton Abbey" and find Aspie characters annoying. "Heroes" was better in its earlier seasons, and then I got bored.

  54. Mooshki10:28 AM

    Forrest Gump. So overrated.

  55. Scandi Sanskrit10:33 AM

    I tried to like "Star Wars" too (only because my brothers like it so much). I'm more of a "Star Trek" kind of girl (it was my preschool-age daytime telly thing). People think I'm a huge fan, though, just because I have one SW link on my blog (the Darth Vader "noooo!" thing). I'm thinking about removing the link now.

    I feel horrible saying this because Carrie Fisher just passed away, but the only scene I felt comfortable (gezellig) in was the Jabba the Hutt scene in the bar. Must've been all those deserty landscapes. Hated them. Unlike "Star Trek" where I love every single fucking scene on the Enterprise (but only up until the '90s versions, the 2000's felt cold/distant for me).

  56. Scandi Sanskrit10:47 AM

    I don't tend to be afraid of saying things when it comes to films/TV shows ( male characters, like: I strongly dislike Captain America, and I'm not afraid to say that I wouldn't have liked Doctor Strange so much if I were chronically healthy—it's true).

    I'm more scared of saying anything about female characters/actresses because when you say you dislike a female character, people tend to say, "you're just jealous" or "you're a self-loathing misogynist." It's just the course of conversations these days. Especially the ones with the "sweetheart" public image (because then you know they have an entire army of fools to attack you if you're caught disliking their fave). Even if you know for a fact they're a bitch IRL and weren't very nice to you when you met them. There's a local female celeb that YouTube keeps running her advertisements for lately, she reeks of I'm-better-than-everyone-else, can't stand her, can't wait to hit the "Skip Ad" button. Kept my annoyance to myself.

    When I think I'm at risk of being labelled a 'misogynist', I STFU about it. Because it's like, "I think Hillary should've focused her smearing on what kind of employer Trump is and how he hired illegal immigrants to build the Trump Tower instead of focusing on the gender-based issues. And she comes off like an elitist." Fiminists will be like, "you only hate her because she's a womyn!" And I'll say, "but I don't hate her just because she's a woman: I wouldn't have found Michelle Obama annoying if she ran for office." And they'd be like, "OMG now you're just pitting womyn agaynst each othyr!" You seriously can't win (or have a constructive conversation) with people these days.

  57. Southern Smartass3:25 PM

    Game of Thrones, definitely. The Matrix. Risky Business. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Silence of the Lambs. Firefly.

    Anything that's got a zombie in it or is dystopian. They've been done to death and not my taste to begin with.

  58. Fireflies4:36 PM

    Modern Family

  59. NoseyNeighbor7:30 PM

    The Notebook
    Stranger Things
    Walking Dead
    Star Wars

  60. D.R.B7:45 PM

    Breaking Bad

  61. Emmaf9:40 PM

    It's not the Aspie/ASD characters I find annoying, as we have a house full of ASD here so that's understandable. Its the female characters and the sad stereo types. BBT just irritates like a bikini full of sand. Grates.

  62. SarahS11:21 PM

    Never saw the Matrix or its sequels. It looks so AWFUL!. Same with that Kill Bill series

  63. SarahS11:21 PM


  64. SarahS11:22 PM


  65. SarahS11:22 PM

    Yeah, I definitely agree with Big Lebowski. I found it so boring and it's typically the genre that I like the best.

  66. SarahS11:23 PM

    The acting is some of the worst I've seen in awhile. It's really bad.

  67. parkdove5:14 AM

    Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Bewildered as to why these people are so popular

  68. Can't remember Ma name10:41 AM

    Kate Middleton. I live in Australia a lot of people still chat about the Royal Family, I once said I didn't think she was that pretty more that she's a bit boring and but above average looking. I nearly got my eyes scratched out and people said I was jealous. Be keeping that to myself next time. :/

  69. Sex & the city (snobbish, fake and vain. SJP is a bad actress)
    Big bang t. (boring, overrated)
    Orange is the....
