Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Item #6 - Academy Awards

This Director nominee/winner from last night and his significant other ran into a seat filler and had an awkward conversation about how the significant other failed to forward a fee the seat filler had earned for sleeping with a producer. Apparently she was the carrot to get the producer to agree to work with our director.


Tricia13 said...

Mel Gibson

Lurky McLurkster said...

Aren't producers a dime a dozen?

david said...

In Hollywood, toss a stick up in the sir and it will land on a "producer."

Toppermadison said... unknown slept with a producer to secure a film for someone else? People do this?

Lurky McLurkster said...

and it supposedly wasn't even Mel that arranged it. It was Rosalind that did. Very convoluted

Putzywutzy said...

Good grief! You have to have a Masters Degree from M.I.T. now to understand half the blinds! In English, please! And type slowly.

David Brown said...

Not an expert but I thought that hooking was strictly a cash in advance business?

makersmark said...

wow enty. you're bad at writing. most of these dont make any sense. hangover much?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I wish more people knew about this "seat-filler" thing (too many people pretending to be big shots, bragging about "being invited" to the Oscars when they're just seat-fillers). Someone please make this mainstream.

Camal19 said...

Such a confusing blind, but I think it was Mel's wife who slept with a producer to get him to work with Mel. Either way...this is a dumb blind. He could have been telling the truth...or could have been joking. People take everything so seriously an actor says, just to make a buck.


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