Monday, March 06, 2017

Blind Item #2

Apparently this closeted A list reality star with a nice side job rebelled at fixing her up with any guys this past month while she has been working every day on her side job. I think at some point she is just going to take things into her own hands and let the chips fall where they may. I think it will take her falling in love to do it though.


  1. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Kendall Jenner

  2. Casting Girl11:35 PM

    If it is KJ..she should just come out. Cara & Stella are out and it hasn't hurt them.

  3. JustReading11:47 PM

    KUWTK is probably her side job these days.

  4. longtimereader1:57 AM

    Isn't she dating lauren perez still? was she made/paid to go to that styles birthday from that blind from yesterday?

  5. RenShaw2:16 AM

    The family has considered showcasing her coming out to boost ratings but they also want her closeted. Obvs they are conflicted about it and using her like this makes me hate them more.

  6. information desk2:40 AM

    The paid birthday party was Chris Martin not Harry styles and Kendall is in Paris now

  7. Wth would Chris Martin want any Jenner/Ktrash at his bd party?? Is he THAT hard up for friends?????


    Chris Martin is lacking friends because when he was married to The Goopster she kept him on a very tight leash. He has had to start over from step 1 and it's difficult at his age. He's paying the price of hooking up with her now.

  9. pmk considers her coming out to boost ratings, but the problem is: ken-dull can't read & like has like difficulties like to make like 3 worlds like simple like sentence (like)...

  10. She has always seem like the mentally healthiest person in that family. I remember when the show started, she seemed sad because she seemed to know at those youngest years- the family was bizarre. Hopefully, she comes out with it, herself respectfully and move on. People just don't care that much- it is the cheapening of personal issues that is disturbing. Life your life , Kendall. Of your group, you are thought of as a model first the others as " tabloid flash of the week". Own your own life- is the absolute healthiest statement you can make

  11. texasrose7:14 AM

    Ironic that the most camera/publicity shy Kartrashian/Jenner girl is a model.

  12. NotKendallAtAll2:18 PM

    You merely recited a string of insults that you personally have decided constitute truth. Your statement has nothing to do with the usually recommended approach to persuasive writing: main thesis, supporting evidence of THAT thesis, etc.

    Jealous much?



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