Monday, March 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 29, 2016

Apparently there is a recording of this married former reality star turned wannabe A+++ lister who has a 50/50 chance of getting that status having sex while out of the country. The sex was definitely not with his wife. Might explain a few things.

Donald Trump (six months before the story broke everywhere)


  1. sandybrook1:48 AM

    Yet it hasn't been released, just speculation from Intelligence agencies warning him

  2. just sayin'1:52 AM

    i cannot WAIT til this tape goes public.

  3. B.S. Detector1:54 AM

    Enty is using that phony dossier as his source.

  4. I really hope so !!!!

  5. JustReading2:01 AM

    We'll see the collusion intel before we see the tape, I think. More pressing to prosecute.

  6. Sd auntie2:10 AM

    Can't wait and wow. Hee hee

  7. JaneDoe2:10 AM

    Nope, not surprised and first time a man has cheated but truth will come out eventually. Remember, they do have a young son to consider. Conservatives and "Family values" people will not take this well, though.

  8. Betsy DeVos2:11 AM

    If this actually existed, it would have been made public by now.

  9. Simon2:14 AM

    That dossier was b,s, even Obama administration dismissed it

  10. nancer2:19 AM

    i never want to see it if it exists. he's repulsive enough fully clothed.

  11. Why is it I get the feeling that everything that was "negative' about Trump was released to the press/media through an intermediary for and on behalf of Trump?
    For Example: The Billy Bush tape was released the same day as the disclosure of the "Russian Hacking" the DNC.
    Trump had to have had a hand in that.

  12. melissa2:37 AM

    A. I highly doubt this exists. 2. He cheated on one of his wives publically before so why would anyone be shocked by this? D. If it did exist, he has bought it by now.

  13. Sadie2:38 AM

    Well the story the former Playboy Playmate told about her long affair with Trump (while he was married to Melania) was bought for $150K by Trump's pals at the NatEnq who are still sitting on it. Trump no doubt paid off plenty of people to hush up his more sordid sorties.

    It'll all come out eventually.

  14. Sadie2:41 AM

    This has been their modus operandi: when something really damaging is about to come to light, Trump does something totally nuts and the media runs off to cover THAT (e.g. saying Obama hacked him while Sessions' lies about the Russians are coming to light).

    I think the media has FINALLY figured out there is a method to Trump's madness.

  15. just sayin'2:43 AM

    trump seems to have no shame about his behavior, of any kind. i suspect strongly that the only aspect of this tape that terrifies him is that the world could see the size of his member. or lack of size, as would seem logical. i also suspect he's bought off every single female who's ever seen it, otherwise there would have been something in a blog by now about whether it was tiny, normal or egg-shaped, like his friend jeffrey epstein's.

  16. Please...these conservatives with their family values don't give a damn about this. They elected him for christ's sake with with pussygate and more already out there.

  17. marlo3:04 AM

    nobody gives a shite what grown women DT phacks, it's not like he's a liberal Hollywood-type kiddie fiddler who defends an entire pedophile religion, that subjugates women and hurls gays off tall buildings.....oops, did I offend any of you pedo-defending libtards here? never mind

  18. HH3143:53 AM

    I do not care about his sex life (gross!!!)
    I wanna see his tax returns!!!!!!!!!

  19. HH3143:57 AM


  20. Dutch4:44 AM

    They don't care. Otherwise they wouldn't have voted for hi. This is a cheetoh that has been married three times and his affairs were all over the newspapers during his first divorce.

  21. JustReading4:44 AM

    I think of it as The Harpy Defense - consists of flailing your arms & screeching about anything/everything when something you don't like happens.

  22. JustReading4:50 AM

    He's in a very deep corner and is chewing off everyone else's legs to get out of the trap. Reince Priebus's right leg up to the knee is under the rear wheels of the bus right now.

  23. BETTY BOTOX4:58 AM

    Was he having sex with a woman or Mr. Putin? My gawd! That's a tape I'd cash out my savings for!

  24. shakey6:43 AM

    Maybe he'll be like Gene Simmons and keep his socks on.

  25. shakey6:47 AM

    Maybe he and Putin are doing the wobbly H together on the tape. Poor girl, whomever she may be.

  26. information desk6:51 AM

    Trump got elected bc he will close the borders and tax all exported goods and services plain and simple
    Hillary was all open the foreign flood gates
    Let em all in

  27. I feel the same way about this as I did about bill making his 'o' face gettin in the Oval Office...

  28. foolmt7:53 AM

    Please. That was Milo, the uber-alt-righter who defended pedofiles.

  29. Scandi Sanskrit8:14 AM

    This whole "family values" PR thing conservatives do in the States is gross (and they say gay people are the ones ruining the sanctity of marriage). Even actors play the "happy family man" role to win conservative Academy voters during Oscar season. It's gross. What happened to being men of substance?

    In the Netherlands, people get away with running two terms as prime minister as a single man. It's a good example/role model of someone who doesn't give a shit about conformity in their private lives but still manages to be professional at work.

  30. fairmont19558:17 AM

    Conservatives and "family values" people are usually the first to be guilty of that which they condemn.

  31. Brooklyn Girl8:22 AM

    He's a pig. Always was, always will be. Aside from his sex escapades he acts like a 5 year old. He will get his one day.

  32. Hortensia10:01 AM

    What? Getting "golden showers" is sex? Since when? That's just plain debauchery. tRump and his clan have all been snuggling up to Putin, because if Putin doesn't get what he wants, the tape of tRump's golden showers will be shown on Russian state tv. Guaranteed.

    And, thank you, JustReading!

  33. Ettacettera11:03 AM

    Don't care who he care that he is certifiably insane.

  34. Good memory. Oh, he's a dog and there are plenty of stories on him out there. I don't think people will care though. Seems he can't do any wrong for his flock

  35. Shortie12:40 PM

    Marla Mapkes said Trump was the best sex she ever had. Now that seemed like fake news. Could not be impossible that hebis anything but awful and repulsive in bed.
    Anyone have any stories they can pass along?

  36. Shortie12:46 PM

    Meant Marla Maples of course. I have seen her up close and she is stunningly beautiful.
    How she had sex with that reptile is beyond imagination.

  37. Sandra9:06 AM

    Very FAKE NEWs
    People should be more concerned that Americans have no privacy bc of Ciara
    Funny how libs are now party of no free speech and pro wiretapping

  38. Sandra9:06 AM

    Better tape is Obama having sex with his white girlfriend

  39. His young son is Austistic though so he won't have any concept of what's going on and what a sex tape means.

  40. Who, YOU?

    I'd pay to never, ever, EVER see you in a sex tape.



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