Monday, April 17, 2017

Blind Item #6

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

There is not a lot to be said about this network show. Certainly no redemption. Anyway, this actor really should hope the show will get renewed (it won't) because it is the only thing keeping him from drinking 24 hours a day. I give him a month where he is not worrying about the show and staying sober for the show before he ends up dead.


  1. Tricia131:02 AM

    George Eads/Maguyver?
    He's been here though

  2. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    Benjamin Bratt---Star

  3. Heather Duke1:02 AM

    Ray Liotta

  4. Tricia131:09 AM

    Or Michael Weatherly/Bull

  5. CluelessInBabylon1:10 AM

    There sure are a lot of "24" references in this BI.

  6. Tricia131:10 AM

  7. Just4Fun1:13 AM

    I think redemption is a clue. Ted Danson on The Good Place.

  8. Guesser1:14 AM

    He has been a solved blind very recently.

  9. Most of the shows mentioned here have already been renewed for next year - Good Place, Shades of Blue, Star, Bull, and MacGyver. Not 24, though. Blacklist: Redemption has not been renewed and won't be, based on its ratings, but there are four main actors (three regulars, one recurring guest) - Ryan Eggold, Edi Gathegi, the tech guy, and Terry O'Quinn. Ryan will just go back to the regular Blacklist show and Terry gets cast all the time - he's rarely not working.

  10. elle b1:28 AM

    adam pally

  11. sandybrook2:25 AM

    Sullivan Stapleton Blind Spot not renewed yet and shouldn't be. He may have been a blind though

  12. Jeanne6:20 AM

    Bull has been renewed.

  13. Jeanne6:27 AM

    He had already told them before S13 started he was leaving. The DUI had nothing to do with it. CBS wouldn't have given him his own show if it was.

  14. Nobody cares1:13 PM

    Josh Hutcherson?

  15. Allie1:49 PM

    This is about the epic failure that is The Blacklist Redemption with the actor that everyone has been, and is still bored with (Ryan Eggold) Apparently, he's a nice, friendly drunk guy, not a big deal of an actor.

    TPTB screwed up the original flag ship, The Blacklist up, so bad, that now it's endanger of being cancelled. You hear nothing but crickets from it's three stars, James Spader, Megan Boone and Diego Klattenhoff. They were all sold a bill of goods that turned out to be a bunch of baloney. All three are talented and all three have been treated horribly by the inept "Jons" (Eisendrath and Bokenkamp)

    TBL was a great show, but it's been ruined by all the "Tom Show" promoting. So, now both shows are kaput and it's all the fault of TPTB. NBC should never work with Eisendrath and Bokenkamp again. They're small time, inept, bungling stooges.

    I hear TBL is now hiring yet another character that will just screw things up even more. Stick to the three stars, tell their story and forget about all the eighty billion other people on the show that nobody cares about.

  16. Debra7:12 PM

    I agree it's Blacklist Redemption & probably Tom the blind is about. I don't know if the Twilight guy or the Lost guy are drunks but I guess Tom is the "lead".
    He is just as exciting to watch as every single actor in the original Blacklist EXCEPT James Spader. JS has been the one and only reason to watch since episode 1, his talent is enough to keep me putting up with the BS writing and frankly awful acting of the so called female lead and all the rest of the most inept FBI in history.

    Now that they have basically cut Spader to a part of an ensemble and all the rest of it is shit, the show won't get another season. I hope someone with talent and a brain is ready with a new show that does Spader justice. He can carry anything but it would be nice if he didn't have to work quite so hard to make up for the inadequate people around him.
