Sunday, April 23, 2017

Elizabeth Thomas Is Reunited With Her Parents

The Tennessee teenager who was kidnapped by a teacher more than a month ago — and recovered in California this week — has been reunited with her family, an attorney for them said.

Elizabeth Thomas, 15, was in a safe location and resting comfortably, attorney Jason Whatley said in a statement, adding that she was being evaluated and treated by mental health experts specializing in trauma.

"There is no doubt that she suffered severe emotional trauma and that her process of recovery is only just beginning," he said Friday.

Whatley noted that while the family is "extremely grateful for the thoughts and prayers" that they have received, they are asking for privacy following the ordeal, which began March 13 when Thomas and 50-year-old Tad Cummins disappeared.

Whatley added that he was "taken aback" by how small Thomas looked upon meeting her, and said the law enforcement and media were misguided by using photos of her appearing older.

"Elizabeth is a little child. The primary photo used and reprinted ... is very inaccurate," Whatley said. "She is a little girl in every sense of the word. This was the abduction of an impressionable, little child."

Law enforcement, including the FBI and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, helped in the recovery of Thomas on Thursday morning in the small community of Cecilville, California, after a caller tipped off their remote cabin location the night before. Cummins was arrested at the site.

The caller, Griffin Barry, owned the cabin, and said he found it suspicious that Cummins didn't have money and silenced Thomas from speaking up.

"He talked for her a lot," Barry told NBC affiliate KOBI. "[Thomas] was kind of shy and timid, or something. He said she was 24, and he said he was 38."



  1. Is castration an acceptable punishment for a pedophile like this?
    Mean? Yes.

  2. Marianne12:16 AM

    Absolutely!!! Nope not mean at all @David sounds like that punishment fits the crime!!

  3. sandybrook12:48 AM

    They will have a lot of fun with him in jail, let's see how long he lasts.

  4. Green Carmen Ghia12:57 AM

    Praise Jesus. Elizabeth is safe. Of course, maybe it would have been better if Jesus hadn't let her get kidnapped in the first place but, hey, Jesus is busy. Fellating Trump.

  5. She went with him willingly. So she doesn't get a pass to be coddled. She ran away with him on purpose, and I am sick of people saying she didn't know better. She is 15, she knew better. I can't believe so many people forget what they were like at that age.

  6. That's out of line.

  7. Who cares? He TOOK her and that is all that matters. Stop making excuses for perverted old men like this.

  8. Oh please1:43 AM

    Severe emotional trauma? What a country of snowflakes. She told him she wanted to run away, and she never looked forced in any of the surveillance photos. In fact, she looked more into him than the other way around. Fifteen year olds today are much more jaded than they were 20 years ago.

  9. Human brains are not fully developed until around age 25. Teenage brains work differently than adult brains. That is science. Society revels in hoisting blame on females. This man groomed her and took advantage of her. He is the adult in this situation, he is the married man in this situation, he should have not taken her regardless of any circumstances.

  10. Sd auntie2:50 AM

    Basically your condoning the grooming and rape if a minor! Blaming the victim indicates to me that you perceive teens as ready willing and able!! Wonder why you would make such a statement and what your interactions with underage people are like. You sound like a fustrated teacher or megans list patron!!

  11. HH3143:37 AM

    I don't think he will go to jail. She left with him voluntarily and she is of age in her home state. One thing might get him in trouble is going across state lines, which may make this a federal crime. And while I do not want to blame her, as she is only 15 and lacks judgment, I wonder where the heck was her family. As soon as someone saw them kissing and reported that, he should have been barred form seeing her or any other schoolchildren and her family should have kept a close watch over her. I feel sorry for his wife, she clearly had no notion this was coming

  12. RenShaw3:39 AM

    He's a sicko and they better throw the book at him.

  13. A Nun4:04 AM

    In Tennessee, the age of consent is 18. There is a romeo and juliet law, which means if the two consenting to have sex are within a close age range of each other, charges won't be filed.
    She is one of 10 kids. Her mom isn't allowed contact over something to do with smacking one or more of them, not really clear on that, but mother isn't around for the last year. Not allowed to contact kids.

  14. HH3146:20 AM

    I read somewhere that she can leave her home without permission, which she did so I doubt kidnapping charges will stick
    I don't know about sex with a minor, I doubt she'll want to press charges
    Basically I don't think she is going to cooperate

  15. A Nun7:05 AM

    It doesn't matter if she cooperates or not. She is 15. Roman Polanski's victim thinks he should be able to come to America. Just because the victim says they forgive what happened to them, doesn't mean you can just throw out the laws which were broken. This is Tennessee. I live here. Laws protecting children are enforced. He will not get off after hurting a child.

  16. Jennifer7:20 AM

    That girl must be mental to have walked off with THAT. Rob Lowe he is not. ew.

  17. Jennifer7:22 AM

    Is your last name Duggar by any chance?

  18. IDontKnowHer1:20 PM

    I just hope she is safe with her family. I didn't get the idea that she had the most happy life. I apologize to Elizabeth if I am under the wrong impression. I just wish her safety and happiness.

  19. Knock it off. There is NO pedophilia here. Calling TEENAGERS victims of pedophilia only serves to dilute the seriousness of it when it's actually happening to children.

  20. What's interesting to me is that a 15-year-old can be charged as an adult for murder, but yet it seems to be inconceivable to some that a 15-year-old should decide to have sex. No, she shouldn't have decided to have it with a 50-year-old teacher (Daddy issues, anyone?) But this whole "little girl", "little child" thing has got to stop.



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