Friday, April 14, 2017

Four For Friday - The Father From Hell

This celebrity couple, who I'll call Mr. and Mrs. M, were A+ list back in the day. Mrs M. was already an A-list celebrity in her own right when she met and married Mr. M. Mr. M. was, to put it mildly, very bad news. Before he met and married Mrs. M, he'd risen from an obscure backwater and made his money from various shady business ventures. Mr. M. got away with his grifting for the usual reasons- because he was an attractive guy with a charismatic personality. He eventually made his way to Hollywood and worked there with moderate success before moving on to other business ventures in New York and Europe, where he met Mrs. M. He reeled her in the same way he charmed the other people he'd ripped off in his past. During their marriage, Mr. M was never faithful to Mrs. M and was also a prolific substance abuser and batterer.

Mrs. M. put up with this behavior for a very long time- and was very good at hiding the abuse. And for a long time, the facade of their happy relationship remained untarnished and eventually, they had a child together. Not long after the birth of their child, Mr. M, beat the crap out of Mrs M. yet again, leaving bruises on her face and body. This particular beating was so bad that the photos taken at their child's christening had to be airbrushed to cover the marks so that they would not be seen in the images released to the press. Mrs. M still, incredibly, continued to hide the brutality of the situation she was living in from many of the people around her. Eventually though, cracks in the facade of this couple's situation began to appear to those around them.

Mr. M's drinking and drugging eventually became more unmanageable and he made several ugly scenes in front of friends and in public. This helped open the eyes of those around the couple and helped them connect the dots about what was happening. Many of them became extremely concerned about the safety of Mrs. M and her child. By this time, their child was in pre-school and was also being exposed to the substance abuse and violence in this family situation. Mr. M was a careless parent when Mrs. M was away working- and would drink/drug himself into a stupor and not watch their child. Several times the child was injured or placed in grave danger because of this neglect. Mr. M also continued to cheat on Mrs. M, and eventually he met a young woman and became totally obsessed with her, giving her lots of money and jewelry.

He even had the nerve to take their child to meet his new girlfriend-- and they partied and eventually passed out, leaving the child unsupervised. This poor child then had a terrible mishap that could have been fatal. This was the final straw for Mrs. M, who finally left Mr. M for good and filed for divorce. One good thing to come out of all this was that Mrs. M. had a close male friend who had secretly carried a torch for her for years. We'll call him Mr. R. Mr. R. had no problem stepping into the void left by Mr. M. and was a good guy who helped Mrs. M. heal from the trauma of her bad marriage. He was also a much-needed father figure to Mrs. M's child. His relationship with them both was a positive and healthy one. Unfortunately, that happiness was short lived when Mrs. M. died unexpectedly. Friends who knew Mrs. M. believe that she must have had a premonition about her own death, because only months before, she had gone to great lengths to establish an ironclad Will and Trust for her child. She did not want Mr. M to have access to any of her money or to be able to harm their child ever again should something happen to her. When Mr. M was told about her Will, he became unglued and threatened to smear Mrs. M's public image.

This guy truly had no soul. He went to court and demanded temporary custody of the child. During the first week he had the child back with him, he drank excessively and in a drunken stupor nearly burned down the house over this poor kid's head. Even though he tried, Mr. M was not able to overturn the financial portion Mrs. M's Trust, which had named Mr. R and Mrs. M's sister as the Trustees of the child's inheritance. Mr. M was enraged about this too and and made a huge scene at a memorial service for Mrs. M. because of that. Their child was now old enough to understand what was going on and experienced the added trauma of seeing this all go down. Really terrible stuff. The legal fight over the child and the money/estate continued for a while longer. The child also continued to suffer while being forced to have visitations with Mr. M., who they were terrified of. Eventually, Mr. M signed an agreement with the Trustees in which he relinquished custody of the child to Mr. R. in exchange for a cash settlement.

Essentially, Mr. M took the money and ran. He went on to marry and divorce several more times and eventually went broke and died a couple of years ago. (Not surprising, but Mr. M rarely had contact with his child after taking the cash settlement.) Mr. R did a great job raising this child, (who is now a young adult) and in spite of everything that happened, this kid is a very solid individual. The best part of the story is that when Mr. M died, no one claimed his remains, so he received a pauper's burial. The child and their friends (who know about the history of this situation) recently found out where Mr. M's grave is located. They've developed a ritual where they visit the grave regularly to spit on it, jump on it, curse at it and dump urine on it. It's become such a past time that they have recently started posting photos of these junkets on social media for their friends. The friends suggest new and disgustingly hilarious things for them to do when visiting the grave.


  1. sandybrook3:21 AM

    Absolutely no idea?

  2. Sara Clue3:51 AM

    Christina Onassis; married several times, died young and daughter Athina was raised by her last husband and inherited her fortune.

  3. this is a tough one.
    mr and mrs m are both dead, but were celebrities, so this makes me think they were not actors, but something else. this also strikes me as something that happened in the 80s given the clues about the age of the child. enty says young adult but i consider early 30s millenials young adults these days lol

  4. Tricia133:57 AM

    Good guess but I think they were strictly European based(don't think he spent time in Hollywood etc) .... I think by "backwater " Enty meant "backwater town" somewhere in the US but it's a tough one for sure

  5. Simon4:01 AM

    That is an excellent guess! Good job!

  6. i like this guess too but cristina's ex husband is still alive isnt he?

  7. Tricia134:12 AM

    Yep-Thierry Roussel (Athonas dad) is still alive.

  8. This one is a challenge...great blind, Enty. Going to do a little googlin'

  9. this is making me think. maybe thierry r. isnt really athena's bio dad. if thats the case this blind makes sense

  10. Jessica4:22 AM

    Trying to think of a European film producer of 70's, 80's time frame, died fairly recently

  11. just sayin\'4:32 AM

    she looks an awful lot like him.

  12. just sayin\'4:34 AM

    plus he's from a wealthy pharmaceutical background from birth, not backwaters.

  13. Foolmt6:44 AM

    This is not Christina Onassis. Her ex husband is still alive. Plus none of her husbands was A+.

  14. spiffypaws7:22 AM

    I'm just glad the kid has found a way to heal

  15. French girl7:26 AM

    What celebrity child has been raised by her dead mother's partner ?

  16. For coming from a wealthy background, he sure seemed hungry for her money. He certainly didn't marry her for love. But he had the sidepiece all along, not later. She's now his wife.

  17. Cindy Who?11:25 AM

    This is not Onasis. She never had a sister. Man, we need Enty to reveal this in July.

  18. IDontKnowHer12:06 PM

    The couple met after he left Hollywood for NY or Europe. But she left the child for work occasionally. Model, possibly?

    Definitely not Onassis.

  19. IDontKnowHer12:09 PM

    Tigerlily Hutchence, but she doesn't fit. Tuki Brando doesn't fit either. I can't think of another orphaned child who would still be a young adult.

  20. Hot Cola1:52 PM

    Serves the dread basterd just right.

  21. Hot Cola1:53 PM


  22. Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrar sort of fits

  23. Take it back. He's supposidly robbing her charity

  24. Scandi Sanskrit6:51 PM

    Mr. and Mrs. M! What a brand...

    Makes me want to steal a bag of mint M&M's!

  25. Sd auntie9:00 PM

    Lee Radzwill was Jackie's sister and passed away a few years ago

  26. Sd auntie9:03 PM

    Athina no longer speaks tonhervfather and is getting a divorce.

  27. Sd auntie9:12 PM

    Oops sorry, christinas brother died before she did and Thierry is still alive. Muchael H died first and his kid was too young. Have no clue who it is. Horrible person

  28. Meg00m1:38 AM

    Instead of messing with a grave of a bum...why not constructively honor the mother and step father that saved you?seems like a better way to spend precious time.

  29. LauraOK3:01 AM

    Natalie Wood was married at least once (maybe twice) to Richard Gregson from London. He seems to be a "sometime" agent, producer, writer - and they had a daughter, Natasha Gregson. After a series of complicated events, and Natalie Wood living in LA, she married Robert Wagner, and her daughter became Gregson Wagner.Natasha. I think the Woods had other small children, but when Natalie died, Robert Wagner ended up raising Natasha. Natasha is married with children and seems remarkably well-adjusted. I can't find any mention of Richard Gregson dying, though. He was born in 1930, and had written "fluff" articles about how wonderful Natalie was and extolling his "adventures" in Hollywood - even though he lived primarily in London. They have the appearance of articles written by someone who needs the money, not someone who really knows anything, still...guess this one is a long shot.

  30. LauraOK3:03 AM

    ***Autocorrect! Natalie Wood's daughter's name became Natasha Gregson Wagner when Natalie married Robert Wagner.

  31. Charis5:12 AM

    This was my 1st thought too, but it does look like Gregson is still alive.

  32. Foolmt3:39 AM

    So the timing of this doesn't exactly fit, but a lot of other details line up, including the father suing the estate of the mother, and him dying a few years ago. What about Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay, with the child being Mariska Hargitay?

  33. Shortly before his death, Mickey Hargitay did a cameo on SVU, playing a grandfather on a subway escalator riding with his granddaughter when they stumbled on a crime victim. That hardly seems like estrangement.

  34. Charis7:53 AM

    Wikipedia says she was raised by her dad & stepmom. Plus she has brothers. This sounds like a single child.

  35. dianavonthirstybird12:34 PM

    Sister Lee, although Botoxed to the gills, is still currently alive. Saw a pic of her last week and she looks like a stick figure in a wax museum.

  36. Audrey Hepburn had a son, Luca, by her second husband, Andrea Dotti.

  37. By all accounts, Hargitay was a good father.

  38. Audrey Hepburn was a good guess but her son was an adult when she died so there wouldn't have been a custody battle nor forced visitations.

  39. What most, if not all, of you are missing is that the kid is now a young adult. I'd even say he's likely just 18 to be so immature as to defile a grave, talk about it on social media (facebook, most likely) and have friends make suggestions on how to up the ante.
    So, what celebrity (from a backwater town) died not that long ago (broke-assed) who fathered a child with another celebrity who died about 14 years ago. He met the mother in NY or Europe.
    I'm stumped.

  40. Bump. I want to know who this scumbag is....

  41. Nosyknickers6:57 AM

    Never been so obssessed with a blind had to comment. Who the hell is this? It's driving me nuts!

  42. Foolmt10:04 AM

    This may not be a Hollywood actor/actress type. Maybe it's a politician or royalty, or maybe a society couple. Ugh I don't think any of our guesses is even close.

  43. debbie7:32 AM

    Burton as the stepfather might fit but can't keep up with the lineage. lazy

  44. John Casablancas. Or Gerard Marie.

  45. In neither of these cases is the A-list female deceased so they don't fit.

  46. Cassandra Harris (Brosnan)- For your Eyes only

    Dermot Harris- record and movie producer brother of Richard Harris

    Chris Brosnan

  47. Actress: Jane Mansfield

    Husband: Mickey Hargitay

    Daughter: Mariska Hargitah

  48. I was thinking this, it seems to be one of the closest fits, only Cassandra had two children with Harris, Chris and Charlotte (RIP).

    Peter Sellers' ex-wife, Lynne Fredericks, died when her daughter was young and she was very troubled, I don't know who her kid's father is though. This is bugging me so much, I need more clues!



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