Friday, April 28, 2017

Your Turn

Do you save any of your paycheck?


  1. JustReading3:03 AM

    Yes. In addition to my 401K, etc. etc. Not much, but more than nothing. I like having a small emergency fund in case my car explodes or something.

  2. sandybrook3:04 AM

    Entern you're hilarious sometimes?

  3. just sayin\'3:18 AM

    +1000000, lol

  4. Hothotheat3:36 AM

    Yes, about $400 per month and thats not including the mandatory $270 my job takes for retirement (state employee).

  5. Sad question, Enty!
    I don't receive pay checks.
    But, since I'm a cheap bastard, I'll say yes, I save.
    How much?
    I really don't know.
    But, since I don't venture into gambling, I save on a monthly basis by NOT GOING TO ANY CASINOS!

  6. AndrewBW5:17 AM

    Yep, as much as possible. From each biweekly paycheck $150 direct deposited to savings account, $50 into a Roth IRA, $20 into a personal "mad money" fund, and maxed out the company 401(k). About a year ago my wife and I sat down and totaled up all of our assets -- house, cars, investments, everything -- and discovered that we were actually within spitting distance of a million. That really shocked me. But whatever we have is because of her -- I'm terrible with money.

  7. texasrose5:40 AM

    Yes, I always cut of a small corner and put in my pay check savings drawer.

  8. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:56 AM

    Only $270 a month? Here in the PIGS, if you earn €1000, you cost your employer €2000, the other grant goes to taxes (about 45% goes to retirement fund, that we are unlikely to have because that money is being spent on other things by our lovely liberal gov, and the only people having kids are inmigrants who do not work, just get the money).

  9. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley6:05 AM

    You mean since CNN had their $&@/:;( security goons escort me off the property?

  10. Wendy7:26 AM

    lol we live paycheck to paycheck here. My boyfriend just graduated college though so will hopefully find a better job here soon so we can actually start saving.



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