Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blind Item #6

The A list television personality might want to watch his step.  Since he's an established bully among other things, trying to badger others on TV might not be the best choice right now.  There is one person in particular who is waiting for an opening reveal all about him which will open the floodgates for others.  Get that popcorn ready.


Tricia13 said...

Andy Cohen?

MontanaMarriott said...

Harvey Levin?

D Brown said...

Andy Cohen and Kathy Griffin?

sunnydaze1109 said...

Matt lauer and maybe Anne curry

AvignonVagabond said...

Andy Cohen and Wendy Williams

Itttt said...

So many possibilities. Would be amazing to see someone blindside and take Matt Lauer to task, just flip the script and turn the tables on him during one of his douchey interview bits.

just sayin' said...

last night he said he's so afraid that by the end of the year "everyone" will be taken down. poor scared andy. boo hoo. and his sexless beard bethenny frankel agreeing with him all over the place that many of the victims are either liars or just assholes for talking.

auntliddy said...

" douchy interviews"- i love it!!!

Lala said...

This might be out there, but what about Alec Baldwin. Established bully, for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if he was rapey.

irishyvonnedanceparty said...

Matt Lauer and his interview of Corey Feldman on the Today show

sandybrook said...

Sean Hannity vs. John Boehner right now. A total POS.

Sd Auntie said...

Wend y passed out on her show. Another one who needs rehab

Ivy said...

Sean Hannity.

Shaloo said...

Simon Cowell

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

Matt Lauer

Lindsay said...

Matt Lauer/Ann Curry. First thought was Andy Cohen/Kathy Griffin but 1) she already did her reveal on him, and 2) haven't heard he's a bully, per se - just that a giant douche. Rumors starting up that Matt is trying to oust Megyn Kelly.

Mstyles said...

Pls be Andy as I think he maybe the most vile person in Hollyweird.

Itttt said...

M Styles: really? Excuse the ignorance as I don't know the behind the scenes stories, can someone share his reputed behavior?


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