Thursday, October 05, 2017

Mark Salling Pleads Guilty To Child Porn

Former Glee actor Mark Salling has reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty to possession of child pornography.

The plea agreement filed Tuesday in federal court in Los Angeles states the actor is admitting he possessed images of prepubescent children. The agreement states a search warrant found more than 50,000 images of child porn on Salling's computer and a thumb drive.

Prosecutors and Salling have agreed to ask a judge to sentence the actor to a prison term between four to seven years. He will also be required to register as a sex offender, pay restitution and abide by restrictions on where he can live.

Salling's attorney Michael Proctor did not immediately return a message seeking comment.


auntliddy said...

Pos. When i think of the lives he ruined i cld cry. He'll have a great time in prison, they love perverts, esp of children.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

So sad that grown ass men think of (under-aged) children in a sexual way.
(I don't understand it.)
Besides, you'd think in today's computerized world, some one, some where has the ability to track your computer search/usage via spider software.

cc423 said...

You know... when you go to court on child porn charges, it's best not to look exactly like what everyone thinks a pervy old guy looks like.

Tyler said...

He'll also be subject to 20 years supervised release after completing his prison term. He actually got off pretty easy with 4 to 7 years, especially considering this isn't the first instance of sexual deviance he's been charged with. I can't help wondering if he was sexually abused as a child or something.

hunter said...

I just can't imagine looking at a 6-year-old and thinking, "yeaaahhh, I'd like to tap THAT!!!"

Just does not compute.

shakey said...

One down. 14,587 to go!

Sadie said...


AprilInParis said...

50,000 images on his computer???? He's sick. I predict he'll kill himself.

Unknown said...

What the fuck is wrong with people? It's one thing if it's a teenager that looks like an adult, but who the fuck gets turned on by little children?!? This guy won't do well in prison, that's for sure. Karma will literally bite him in the ass.

HeatherErica said...

Wow. You were spot on the money there...


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