Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blind Item #4 - The Suicide

I don't usually do named blinds on the weekend. This will be quick. There needs to be an independent investigation into the recent suicide of this actor. It was way too much of a coincidence that he was talking to reporters about the permanent A+ list producer/icon and the A list mostly movie director and ended up dead a few days later. He had been involved with them from an early age. 


  1. “Veronica Mars” actor Brad Bufanda

  2. Brad Bufanda, Harvey Weinstein and Ratner?

  3. Very hard to tell if someone jumped,fell, or was pushed, the suicide note was a nice touch,though.

  4. I think there is a connection to Singer if this is true. Not Weinstein.

  5. Geffen and Singer. Tho Singer has produced more than directed but known more for directing.

  6. All of this recent controversy was the first thing I thought of when I heard of his suicide. The fact that an association is here as a blind and not being reported to police is just disgusting. For all the bravery of victims coming forward - those of you in H'wood who KNOW and keep silent are just as bad if not worse than the pigs doing to deed.

  7. Brad Bufanda. Very disturbing story. Unfortunately his suicide had been near-buried under the Spacey stuff. I didn't know him as an actor and haven't looked at his body of work yet ... does anyone know if he worked with The Usual Suspects at some point when he was younger?

  8. Poor sad. I hope there were cameras in that garage. Maybe he left written documentation about what h appenned! POS Singer is my guess.

  9. Can anyone find a connection to Geffen/Singer?? I looked at his work and could find none.

  10. Again with "why isn't this reported to the police" schtick. Have any of you actually ever left your house? The police don't investigate based on rumor and gossip, as is reported here. They require evidence.

  11. Hope Singer & Geffen get outed soon. Someone should come up with a hashtag that taunts both of them.#bodycountm...#ringaroundtheboys#Godiswatching
    I hate sexual predators, especially those of children. Hell would be an escape for them.

  12. I can't find any connection to above alleged assaulters. This guy did very little besides Veronica Mars. 1 or 2 episodes on tv. Small roles in small movies. He might've just been hopelessly depressed. Hollywood will do that too.

  13. I was afraid of this. I wish they would bring Singer down next, but he seems to be one of the dirtiest players and won't go down without a BIG fight.

  14. It appears there is also a $cio connection:

  15. Obviously Brad. Poor guy. His life story reminds me of the other Brad (Renfro), and so so many others. What kind of life can these guys have as adults when they spent so much of their childhood being raped and abused and pumped with drugs by the Hollywood pedophiles who gave them their careers? Once these dudes get past their early 20s they're not attractive to the pedophiles anymore and the calls stop coming. They're not prepared to do anything else in life and don't have real people who love them to turn to.

    It gets to a point where they have to rationalize the misery of their continued existence---to themselves. All of us are God's children. We have value. Our lives are precious. When people take that away from you as a kid and offer you money, drugs, and sex in exchange there's really no coming back from that.

  16. One news report stated he leapt/fell from the 13th floor of one of the towers at Park LaBrea on the 300 block of S. Fuller. What is this about a parking garage? What reporter(s) was he talking to - Enty can you put people in contact with said reporters just as you noted for the Guy Fieri BI?

  17. geffen and singer absolutely had something to do this. it is DISGUSTING how untouchable they are.

  18. Brad Bufanda / Geffen. Just imagine. Geffen is involved with another mysterious suicide. Shocker! Pretty sure Geffen and Love had Cobain killed. Suspect he's been involved in many others. Now, this one.

  19. Spacey needs to name them..Geffen/Singer..not be their fall guy. Disgusted.

  20. Spacey is nobody's fall guy.

    Richard Dreyfuss' son Harry just posted a piece on buzzfeed saying that when he was 18, Kevin Spacey groped him:

  21. My husband is seriously into politics. I used to work in the field, so I steer clear these days. Very very few are able to stay in them and be unscathed. In order to get your bills passed, you quite frequently have to sell your soul to the Devil...

    Why do I bring this up? Mr. Blue_Palace loathes HW gossip and frowns upon my interest.

    However, as someone noted in the past couple of days, Hillary has all of a sudden been thrown to the wolves. Blue did research as to why, and of ALL places, the notorious Alex Jones of Info Wars has been quite busy talking about Epstein, his island, his close relationships to those going down and to President Clinton. Alex Jones stated the same thing as our CDAN commenter, the Dems are busy throwing the Clintons to the wolves so that they don’t get taken down,

    I cracked up that Mr. Blue knew this, but he gave me more details than those shared here.

    Sad, because President Clinton seems to be a very charismatic and fun guy. Yes, he is a womanizer, but I’m sure he would be a hoot to share drinks with, in a small group @ a I don’t want to think the worst about him, and I won’t, unless he suddenly disappears or heads to “rehab.”

  22. The thing is it doesn't take a pattern of behaviour to indict old Bill, just a single one of incident. Anyone is capable of having done some Epstein style gig at a party one time, nobody would surprise me if evidence came up. And Repubs will dig up any evidence that is half true.

  23. Sociopaths are often exceptionally charismatic and charming to a fault as long as they're getting their way. They have a habt of getting to the top. This is a guy who bombed a vital pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan purely to distract from the Lewinsky grand jury appearance. Pretended it was some WMD thing when it was in fact just a factory that supplied half of Sudan with necessary medicines and left them unable to source vital drugs afterwards, causing the population to suffer immensely. Chris Hitchens had Bill Clinton's number 20 years ago., He called him a charismatic sociopath then and described occasions when as a working journalist he challenged his bullshit to his face and saw the charming, likeable mask slip completely and something exceptionally ugly and aggressive was revealed.

  24. I don't follow politics, but unfortunately I know a lot about how psychopaths operate. The poor guy who died could have committed suicide due to what he was put through by someone like that. Trust me when I say that those types make you wish you were dead. I dealt with it at a much later age and am not in the public eye, and I still thought I was going crazy until my doctor friend helped me. I mean I literally thought I was going nuts. In hindsight, it's easy to see that wasn't the case, but in the middle of it, it's like being in hell. So I don't know about the specifics about what happened to this guy, but if he was abused by a psychopathic sexual predator type(s) he very well could have taken his life. That doesn't mean he did though. And for whoever said report it to the police, you can't just go tell the police someone is a manipulative asshole. Someone with some actual details of why it may not be a suicide would have to contact them, and even then they may not get anywhere. The criminal justice system is full of flaws.

  25. Aaron Ashmore was in a couple of episodes of Veronica Mars with Brad Bufanda. Aren't the Ashmore twins linked to Singer?

  26. He is linked to Chad Michael Murray and the other young attractive male actor on Cinderella Story with them. I checked out their acting profiles and there are some similarities to theirs and others.. seem to loop back to Malcom In the Middle and this show on MTV called undressed where every millenial male actor seems to have done a guest spot including Christopher Pettiet..

    1. And remember folks - I bet a lot of uncredited aspiring stars, actors, musicians all fell prey to these sick people. The last thing they want is a paper trail to their depravity.

    2. I keep looping back to Malcolm in the Middle. I feel like something happened there. I also question Frankie Munitz.

  27. at Pink. I think the Jeffrey Epstein thing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the undoing of the Clintons. The second issue will be the uranium deal and the kickbacks to the Clinton foundation. The third will be how the Clintons bought the DNC and how absurd it is to believe that Donna Brazile did not know someone got paid 9 millions dollars for the Russian dossier. Once those things start rolling, the pay for play that is the foundation is going to undo them both which occurred during her tenure as Secretary of State. And the last of it will be how Obama put the party into 24 million dollars of debt which seriously compromised the 2012 election and lead to the easy way Clinton bought the party. and let's not forget how Brazile, who had such a crisis of conscience allegedly, was fired from CNN for giving questions to Hillary during the debates. And that uranium deal will unravel some extremely problematic issues for Obama and what he did and allowed under his DOJ. Anyone recall Clinton and the Attorney general meeting on the tarmac to "talk about their grandkids"? i, for one, am buying extra popcorn.

  28. kj, the Clinton’s had so many “gates”attached to their names while he was in office. He was impeached, but they still didn’t go down. She somehow became the candidate after Benghazi...She is detestable. Trump is just as detestable, and he was friends w/Epstein, but somehow he remains unscathed - @ least in that scandal.

    Urthor, I get what you are saying, but both parties throw as much crap up as possible, waiting for something to stick.

    Zophie, sorry you went thru that ordeal. Hope you are much better now.

  29. Just posting to say you're not forgotten, Brad Bufanda. Hopefully, those who caused your death will be brought to justice sooner than later.

  30. Pink_Palace - The Franken, Rangel & Sam Seder scandals have Roger Stone's fingerprints all over them and I think it's fair to say that he'll be the driving force behind any Clinton "revelations" going forward. Any thoughts?

    KJ - The Uranium One deal did involve bribery, but it's really quite mundane compared to the crap the Clinton's pulled in Haiti. Uranium One was always going to go through, as the right people had been greased. Personally, I'd be disappointed if this was the thing that actually brought them down ( won't be)



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