Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blind Item #4

With one tweet, this A+ list singer could put a stop to the homophobic slurs her fans are heaping on this openly gay foreign born A list singer. She won't though. She loves it and won't ever say a word to protect him or stop her fans. If her fans only knew the truth about her.


  1. Taylor Swift and Sam Smith

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Taylor Swift who is a self loathing closeted lesbian

  3. I don't understand all the BI about Taylor. If she were gay why would she "love" the abuse being hurled at someone because they were gay? There are so many contradictory stories about her in BIs.

    1. Many who are gay and closeted and / or in denial will to do anything to detract people from picking up on it.

      There’s a reason why virtually every man she has publicly dated is closet gay or bi. Those “relationships” served them all.

      Not that hard to understand.

  4. Gots to be "taylor"
    Anyone see her on SNL last night?
    and I quote from "Amadeus"

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: "I never knew that music like that was possible!"

    One hears such sounds, and what can one say but..."Salieri!

  5. I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
    I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
    I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
    I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
    I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
    I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
    I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
    I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
    (Look what you made me do)
    (Look what you made me do)
    (Look what you just made me do)
    "I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now"
    "Oh, 'cause she's dead!" (oh!)

  6. The downfall of this hateful money obsessed closet case will be epic. Even if it comes 10/20 years from now. It'll eventually arrive.

  7. Is she mad at Sam? Did he try to out her or Did he hit up Hiddleston?? W TF is the matter with her?

  8. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She's kind of like the politicians who preach family values and go after gay rights, then get caught in a bathroom stall having a gay liason years later.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. These Taylor Swift is a lesbian succubus blinds, are boring me to tears.

  11. Lots of projection in the attacks on Swifty.

  12. I don't understand all these blinds here about Taylor being gay.

    Not saying she isn't, but really, there truly isn't anything to support that, in real life.

    1. It's amazing how strong denial about GLBTQ still is among the public.

  13. I have a story for you. #2 and #1 played for a second division football club in the 1990s. #2 would have #3, the club’s director, send over 2 cooked chickens to his hotel room for he and #1 to have sex with. #1 got a wishbone stuck up his willy, and a paramedic was called. #3 turned up and offered the paramedics $3000 to keep quite. The paramedics’ bodies were found at Corley services along with the remnants of the two chickens

  14. Who's projecting? She's tacitly encouraging the attacks by not stepping in to say "Stop it." Because the attacks against someone else deflect from the rumors about her. That is why she allows it.

  15. Why is it up to Taylor to stop the attacks. Wouldn't any "out of the closet" singer could do that.

    1. It's her fans attacking him. But let's all keep in mind how Taylor and her defenders have no problem at all with this approach the next time someone else's fans go after her. Hypocrites.

  16. Not a Swiftie by any means, but....
    So where has all the support for Taylor been when she's been attacked by other celebrities and their stans.
    ...that's what I thought.

    1. You mean like when she publicly lied about a Black man to make him evil and her the white Victim again? Seriously? (And you wonder why white nationalists consider her an icon.)

    2. LOLOLOLOLOLOL you're funny.

  17. he shouldn't have faved a hate tweet about her, he knew he would get shit for it. probably wanted some publicity. I don't know why taylor has to come to his defense cuz some of her fans are awful.

  18. Any artist who notices that his or her fans are engaging in threats or hateful targeted messages against an individual or a group should step in and make a statement denouncing it. It is the right thing to do.


    taylor swift's fans are psycho.

  20. if she thinks she's too important to denounce her white supremacist fandom, then she probably won't denounce the homophobic slurs.

    What I want to know: since the ACLU called her out, will she write a hate-song about them?


    She is 28 years old in a month. I just....yikes. I get it, she's catering the average maturity level of her fans...but still, yikes.

  21. I'm not a fan of either one of them, i think obviously Sam Smith and Taylor Swift are both assholes. As are the over the top fans of any public (or private) personality.

  22. To be fair, Kanye being an idiot dumbass crosses all color lines. So any embarrassment brought to him is well earned.

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Amy and Beebopcowboy: Hey, morons. Taylor doesn't have a "white supremacist fandom". Those people are just trolls and their pathetic trolling deserves zero attention.

  24. Taylor Swift is the new Gwenyth Paltrow. Both former country singers. Both fake. Both ruthless. Both lie about where they are from. Taylor is from Pennsylvania. Gwyneth built her career on claiming she is the real Park Avenue Princess. Both narcissistic personalities. Lying about their roots.

  25. So T. Swift is a closeted homophobe? Mkay. While I do think she is probably a lesbian, or at least bi, I don't buy the homophobe part. As for Sam Smith, he recently retweeted some shade about Swift. It seems like a dick move considering she has been pretty supportive of his career in the past. I don't see where she has any obligation to stick up for him, he wanted attention and he got it.

  26. Lisa -

    There are a lot of country music fans in Pennsylvania. It's not like she was living in downtown Philadelphia.

  27. @GingerGirl, it's not surprising for lesbians and gay men to bully each other. Unfortunately it's quite common. I'm in the community and have seen plenty of it.

  28. Yeah. If she lived downtown it would change everything.

  29. Dirty little secret: gay men and gay women don't like each other.

    1. Straight men and straight women don't like each other either.

  30. So much swifty defense! Not worth it...she's more product than person 🤷🏼‍♀️

  31. Gays are more vicious to each other than anyone else. Gay, male, old or fat? You may as well be dead to most gay men. Lesbians have an absolutely extraordinary rate of domestic violence against each other, beyond any other group. People can give it a rest with the LGB-alphabet soup virtue signalling. There's nothing special or virtuous or worthy of interest there more than any other group of people.

    As for Taylor Swift, I wasn't aware anyone over high school age gave a fuck about her autotuned crap or celebrity squabbles with equally dumbfuck 'talents', gay or not gay. I certainly don't.

  32. Is Hiddleston gay then? Never understood his appeal, but whatever.

  33. RINKY: "Gay, male, old or fat?" Goes for straight, male, old or fat too. Young people seem to prefer other young people to engage in sex acts.

  34. So Smith shades Swift and she should come to his defense? He made his choice, probably for publicity. Now I only clicked on the Buzzfeed link above so I don't know what's going on elsewhere but aren't her fans pissed at Reese too? I've hated her since the whole Do You Know Who I Am DUI debacle that she managed to survive without enough fallout. Did Swift really play her birthday? That move by Reese looks like one of those hypocritical girl power moves. Since Reese is straight no one cares that she's not coming to her defense? But she has to stand up for gays? Not a fan of hypocrisy.

  35. It's not so much about coming to his defense as it is about stepping in and telling her demented followers that are hurling homophobic remarks to stop hurling offensive slurs that only reflect on their own lack of character and intolerance.

  36. I must have missed when ex drug dealer and killer JayZ and his retarded wife Beyonce, denounced their BLM fanbase, you know, when BLM members where killing police officers of all colours and looting & burning down business.
    This shit doesn't only work one way and killing people and destroying property is worse than saying mean things on twatter.

  37. I must have missed where Beyonce and Jay-Z had anything to do with this blind. They don't.

  38. Do Tell: you might miss a lot of stuff, like hypocrisy. I was giving an example that underlines the attitudes of these peasants with torches and pitchforks who scream bloody murder over mean words, but not about actual murder, cause they're so 'tolerant'

  39. Hang on, minor artist shades swift for publicity and gets the swift equivalent of the beehive attacking him for it. Reap what you sow sunshine. Meanwhile a blogger calls swift some kinda nazi with no proof and gets upset when their 'when did you stop beating your wife...?' gets called out by her lawyers. These are thin bread enty...

  40. Longtimereader & monteverde: couldn't agree more.

  41. She's Hot and writes songs. Gonna need hard evidence to turn on her. She might be a Republican and that doesn't seem to bother me either.
    Ok, She might be evil.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. @monteverde, that is quite a leap of baseless logic to assume that people objecting to homophobic slurs (which are way more than just "mean words," and it is the same as saying the n word is just a "mean word") are not ALSO objecting to murder, animal abuse, child abuse or anything else offensive. Are you assuming that they only express themselves on celebrity timelines and only concern themselves with Tay Tay feuds? Kind of a misinformed assumption, if that's the case.
