Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Blind Item #8

Have I mentioned how the coke use of this foreign born A- list dual threat actress is out of control? Well, she was in her home country where coke prices are crazy high. It didn't phase her. She has spent $50K on coke in a week. 


  1. Yep she's been home recently (3rd attempt at posting this ENTERN!!!!!)

    1. Sandy I thought it was my WiFi lol- I moved out of the country and I assumed so(might be ) .... seems Enty on his own schedule today for sure lol

  2. Ruby Rose is in Australia?

  3. It's faze, not phase. She was not fazed. Jesus Christ.

    1. ^this^ One of my big spelling/usage peeves!

  4. @Megley, take it easy. We all know what Enty meant. No need to call down Jesus out of heaven for that. LOL.

  5. Yeah right. That’s retarded. I don’t believe those numbers. That’s just someone trying to act like bigshit and lying.

  6. @Megley, to be fair, she probably couldn't pass through solid objects. So she was both unfazed and unphased!

  7. holy crap....$50,000 on cocaine?????????????

    dude. I know cocaine is expensive, but seriously. go to another place to buy it if germany is that much.

  8. That's totally possible as an actress I'm sure she gets ripped off big time. 7 days partying alone and with others - 50k USD easy.

  9. A gram of coke is about $85 in Germany, i doubt that she bought half a k and then some...

  10. Australia has the highest coke prices in the world IIRC.

  11. Funny how so many people ignore that Alicia Vikander is a drug addicted.

  12. Think of all the refugee children that would feed!

  13. Had to check on havocscope and Germany is not even top end expensive for Europe.

    Kuwait $330 per gram
    Australia $300 per gram
    Germany $87 per gram

  14. No Tricia Florida needs you. Where he hell in anybody's universe is Ruby Rose A-list anything much less tv and movies?

  15. This had to be Ruby Rose.
    Coke prices in Australia are very high as shown by the post above.

  16. I'd expect Helen Mirren to have consumed a fair share of coke in her younger days. IIRC she's admitted some. But she's a bit old to be doing that kind of binge. Jack Nicholson excepted, heavy coke users seem to die in their 50s in hotel rooms.

  17. Ruby Rose. In the 90s the going rate for a gram was between 350-400 in Aus. I was astounded when I moved to the US at how cheap it is here, and how common, never met coke snorting soccer moms before this.

    1. There are a lot of funny comments on here about coke, but I think Karen wins with the never met coke snorting soccer Moms before coming to land of coke US.

  18. I’m from Australia and yes, it is VERY expensive here. Rebel Wilson is in town with the gals from Pitch Perfect

  19. @John Doe, I've been meaning to tell you that you crack me up, thanks for the smiles.

    When you're spending 50K on drugs, you'd think you need to reevaluate your life, guess not. Especially if its Kruger. Its not like she's rolling in the dough.

  20. I heard very high prices for usually very good coke in Australia. Crack is easy to make and you will go thru it quicker. She has to be using with friends to spend that much. I bet the dealer was with her.

  21. @Lol - are there previous BIs on Alicia?

    I'm newish here - what's the dirt on Dianne? All I know is that she was cheating on JJ with Reedus.

  22. @Khaleesi - I believe there was another blue nd intimating that DK is a Nazi, and another blind that she likes it (possibly too) rough.

  23. Sorry. Entry brings out the English major in me. But still. I summoned the son of God to help Enty master written English.
