Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

April 2, 2013

Back in the day this actress had a career. I make it sound like it was a long time ago, but it really was not that long ago. She probably thinks it has been forever since she was popular and loved and talked about constantly in the news. She was a big thing. Not ever A list, but a very solid B+ lister. Mostly television, but she dabbles in movies. Actually, right about now she would be willing to dabble in whatever you gave her. At just about the height of her fame, which was within the last decade she was involved in several high profile relationships. Very high profile. She loved the attention. When she got dumped in one of the relationships she vowed to never put her heart on the line again. The thing is that in that previous relationship she had developed somewhat of a reputation for wanting publicity and no one really wanted to date her. She found someone eventually. Problem was that he was married. It didn't bother our actress. She was all for it. She had the guy wrapped around her finger or so she thought. During the relationship our actress got pregnant. She told her boyfriend who confessed all to his wife because he wanted her to know. It was at that point, that she made a very strange decision. The wife had dumped the husband so he was free to be with our actress and our actress was thrilled and everything was going great, but she wanted a career and not a family so without even telling her boyfriend, she had an abortion. She thought he would be thrilled that they could just focus on each other and make their art together and she could be his muse. He was devastated and dumped her and since then, the word is out on her and she has barely managed to work since.

Rose McGowan/Robert Rodriguez


Joel Theriot said...

Holy Cow. This is a reveal.

Glue said...

I'm not a fan of kicking someone when they're down.

Karolyn Stephens said...

I was pretty much done with her when she tried to get the hashtag 'RoseArmy' (that she created) trending after she started receiving attention for Weinstein.

Tyler said...

Welllll.. that sucked. She earned the stigma she's saddled with.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

I don't mean to be evil, but was she truly pregnant?
Or, did she just say that to get him to leave his wife?

Deviant behavior on her part if true, either way.

sandybrook said...

Rosie has plenty of issues she needs to address.

annieroo said...

Roberts side of the story very sad imo

Unknown said...

Robert has 5 kids and he screwed up his family big time. I support and believe Rose but being a home wrecker where there are numerous children is just so wrong. Now she is so obviously self medicating and has no career to speak of. Get counseling and cleanse your karma while fighting back against the Weinsteins. I'd apologize to the Rodriguez family too

AvignonVagabond said...

She had an abortion. Big deal.

tami jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AKA said...

Why would she apologize when he is the one who left his wife and kids? It wasn't a smart decision on her part but she didn't force him to be w/ her.

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

Least of everybody's problems. Digging up shit on victims is pretty low. I would not doubt Rose has issues. Most survivors self medicate and are emotionally scarred. She has mentioned she goes to therapy. Rose didn't break up any marriage. That's nuts.

SeeingClearly said...

And Rose's issues could have been there prior to the rape. People with mental illnesses get raped too. People who are mean and cheaters or drug addicts get raped too. It doesn't make the rape any less wrong or criminal.

Rinky said...

Oh, I don't disbelieve Rose was a bit of a mess, or selfish, or career-climbing or adulterous back in the day given she started out with Manson and his gang of creeps. Half of Hollywood, minimum, seems to abide by the same lack of principles to get ahead. Change partners like most people change socks. Doesn't nullify the good she's done in outing Weinstein and doesn't make Weinstein any less of a rapist and bully who needs to be taken down. You don't have to be particularly moral to become a victim or have a whiter than white past to do some good in the present.

Sd Auntie said...

Well that's what I would do. He is parting the price now.

Sd Auntie said...


Sd Auntie said...

Yes, you are correct.digging up crap on victims is not good. Fully support her on takedown of pig face weinstein.

sickofthissht said...

Does anyone find the timing of this reveal suspicious? I'm not saying it didn't happen, but why choose now to reveal it? why, as someone else said, kick a victim when she's down? Especially since this site has previously been very supportive and encouraging of victims, including Rose.

If you want women to speak up, why smear their reputations while they're in the thick of their fight? Like, who's side are you on, CDAN? Were you paid to put this out now? Has Rose done something suddenly to piss you off? I don't understand. You are actively helping the other side smear a rape victim when you choose now to reveal this, or (an even worse possibility) this blind isn't even true and was made up to smear Rose. Either way, FUCK YOU ENTY.

annieroo said...

Blogger Rinky said...
Oh, I don't disbelieve Rose was a bit of a mess, or selfish, or career-climbing or adulterous back in the day given she started out with Manson and his gang of creeps. Half of Hollywood, minimum, seems to abide by the same lack of principles to get ahead. Change partners like most people change socks. Doesn't nullify the good she's done in outing Weinstein and doesn't make Weinstein any less of a rapist and bully who needs to be taken down. You don't have to be particularly moral to become a victim or have a whiter than white past to do some good in the present.

I suspect you are more likely to become a victim if your childhood was as chaotic as hers.

October said...

She grew up in the Children of God cult, which is well known for sexually abusing children. I think there is more in her past than just this and just Weinsten.

Misty said...

I don’t believe Rose was a particularly good actress to begin with, and I’m wondering whether her outing Weinstein is some kind of revenge tactic she’s using. I’m not saying I dislike her, but pretty messed up.

Do Tell said...

This blind does seem a bit vindictive, given the timing.

Do Tell said...

Vindictive against Rose, that is.

Anonymous said...

This is the retaliation gossip where we are apparently GASP that she had an abortion for career and relationship reasons w/out getting permission and hiding it. And she should be ashamed for being all 'uppity' towards a rapist... nobody deserves to be raped and there is no time rape is okay. It's like when the defense dig up unflattering information on rape victims in court.

"But your honor, she wasn't a virgin before the rape. Surely she's a lying harlot who wanted it"

Raspy said...

I agree you can't take the settlement then as soon as another actress speaks out decide you're the toughest and badest.

Mstyles said...

I don't see the big deal in the abortion, in my opinion the affair was way worse. He was married and has lots of kids. That isn't even a stable environment to bring a child into, the aftermath of an affair? No way.
A friend of mine did this same whole thing with her married with 4 kids boss but chose to have the kid and now it's been 15 years and her and her boyfriend, yup, he NEVER married her, hate each other and have hated each other the whole time. And their kid is an asshole.

Dannette said...

I don't care about mistakes or problems this woman has made or had in the past, and I also don't care if she's motivated by revenge, money or love/hate. Thank you Rose, I enjoy when you stay on top of the latest asshole comments (hi Alex Baldwin).

Mary Lamb said...

So now Enty performs abortions? Oh wait, maybe someone who works at a clinic told him about it? Or, maybe, it's complete bullshit?
IF she was pregnant, she very well could have miscarried, especially with her history with drugs.
Or she could have had an abortion. Her life, her body.
I'm on the FUCK YOU ENTY train.

kgg said...

why is the blind reveal alll about poor adulterer rodrigez and its tone of how hes the victim???? he was cheating on his wife and knocked up his mistress? ohhh pooor him.... please give us a break!'doing the right thing...?' that would entail the cheating jerk to be faithful to his wife ... unreal!

auntliddy said...

If all this happened its nobody's business but hers and im not exactly sure what everybody supposedly is so upset about that they wont hire her. Repeat: its no ones business but hers and partner.

auntliddy said...

Wow, that is pretty heavy. The cult makes an overt point of saying and using children to flirt with and recruit new members. Even if they have to have sex with them. See River Phoniex, Joaquain and family.

angie said...

To the irate among you, your own bias and sexism is showing. This is a gossip site HELLO that gave everyone involved equal treatment and even shoveled the dirt on Wienstein first.

The best way not to have a blind like this written about you is to keep your hands off married men and don't abort your lover's child behind his back.

Rose may be your favored spokesperson of the moment but for all her rhetoric she's no saint and lives in a glass house all her own.

Unknown said...

She needs to apologise for Rodriguez choosing to cheat on his wife and leave her and his family?? Why is it only the women are blamed?

DumDumPop said...

Jet, no one is saying that Rose is a saint, and most of us aren't and for that matter, NEITHER ARE YOU. But you do have to find it intriguing that Enty has been revealing and posting blinds about predators and then reveals a blind that makes her ex, the same ex who worked with her rapist, seem like a victim when there's stories about Rodriguez as well. I mean get real, you really think Rose is the only person Rodriguez has gone after? Also, I'm not a pro-lifer so excuse me if I could care less if the woman got an abortion. We really don't know if it even happened or if it did, what her reasoning really was, but this is a big reason why many feel the timing of this blind is suspicious. Enty done goofed here.

DumDumPop said...

Also, here's my theory on why Enty released you all remember a while back when Enty dropped a hint that Rose was posting blind items through here? Did you all fall for that? I think that maybe Rose's people, just like RDJr's people, didn't like that implication and probably sent Enty a few letters to cut it out, and he posted this as a retaliation. He could have written this about anyone.

angie said...

I didn't imply I'm a saint DumDumPop, and certainly didn't resort to using conspiracy theories to prove my point. You tried hard to advance a fault finding agenda, but still pretty weak tea there. If the site played favorites it wouldn't be CDAN. Full stop.

auntliddy said...

Bollocks to that!! I say take the money and then say whatever you want!!! These bastards deserve to be punished. Call a press conference, return the check and out the predator!!

auntliddy said...

Thats the same as sayinh, well if she didnt want to get raped she shldnt hv worn such a short skirt. There is never any justification for rape or molestation. Never.

Mary Lamb said...

Jet's husband cheater on her and she's still blaming the woman.
That's what I'm seeing here. I could be wrong, but not likely.

Also, blaming the other woman is ridiculous. HE was the adulterer.
Put the blame where it belongs.

DumDumPop said...

Jet, I'm not even using Conspiracy theories...Robert Rodriguez worked with Weinstein for Planet Terror and Rose even TALKED about this on her Twitter how it was triggering to see her boyfriend work with someone who raped her. This is a straight up fact and you can do a quick search to verify my words. Robert is NOT in the clear here and there are rumors about him using the casting couch too. And in fact, if Robert wasn't guilty of that then I'm sorry but...HELLO??? What the hell was going on with him and Rose in the first place? Dude was in a position of power as her boss. So PUH-LEASE, babe...spare me the accusations of trying to spin some yarn. I could care less to impress you and I don't knit, okay? I speak the truth.

But since we're on the subject of Conspiracy theories, what exactly are you doing here on a blind item site that peddles said Conspiracy theories? You seem to have no trouble believing this silly ass blind. Nothing that I'm presenting is even out of the ordinary. Robert Downey Jr had to hire a lawyer to put this site in it's place because you have people casually running around claiming to be him. All anyone is doing is questioning why Enty has now switched teams to try to paint Rose as the bad guy. We all know she's a flawed person but this blind is bullshit. I mean, come on, use your head here...

Pink_Palace said...

I re-read this blind after reading your response.

You are sooo right!!!

Enty or an Entern is slut-shaming her w/this post.

I always wondered why these 2 broke up, but as the saying goes, if he cheats with you, he will cheat on you.

Does anyone remember her car crash, when she had to get plastic surgery as she was so badly injured?!? Was she driving? If so, I now understand why it happened. I find it odd that she has kept her hair super short ever since.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a former Heidi Fleiss girl or European Yacht babe, nothing in fact would shock me about her, but it is soooo irrelevant in her case against Weinstein, unless she could sue him for damages...

Pink_Palace said...

I haven’t been around since the NY Post article or whatever paper that was. Came back when the Harvey news broke, as I am sure others did too.Can someone please share the info on RDJ hiring an atty in regards to CDAN? Also, can someone share a link to the “hint,” that said Rose was sharing gossip?


Alicia D. said...

My issue with Rose is that she made it about her. I'd be all for #WomenAgainstHarvey, something like that, but not #RosesArmy. She doesn't represent all women who were violated by Weinstein. She didn't take the biggest hit.
I think Asia Argento took the biggest hit. She told her complicated history with Weinstein, knowing it wouldn't make her look great. But she was brave. However, according to Ronan Farrow, the Italian media is beating her up. Saying she asked for it, etc. But she's standing her ground and making it about everyone, not herself.
Also, Rose was mad that not enough men were speaking out. Then she got mad when they made statements that didn't include her name (ie Ryan Gosling) She's a troubled woman who needs help. Attacking people makes them less sympathetic toward you. I'm speaking of Rose specifically, not the others.

annieroo said...

I am sure there is mischief making on any blind site, actors directors etc. dumping on each other it is sorting it out when others back up the stories publicly that make it more believable. I used to think you should always take this sort of thing straight to the police but it would seem you are not always believed from what I have read.

angie said...

Thoughtful and eloquent comment Alicia D. Totally agree.

DumDumPop said...

Pink Palace, here are the Robert Downey Jr articles where he denied that he was spreading any rumors. Someone has just taken that suggestion and run with it.

I apologize for the Fox News hit, but they were the first ones along with Jezebel to show up. And here's the bit about how his legal team got involved:

"Nierob added that it will be up to the actor’s legal team to decide whether to press charges against the sites who are hosting the commenters who allege Downey Jr. is the anonymous commenter."

Also, I should comment that many many moons ago, before all this Weinstein stuff came out, Enty was trashing Rose on this site and painted her as an advantageous person who got with Robert for career purposes. From the archives:

Honestly, that whole situation was way more complicated than any of us could have predicted. I'm sure it hurt Rose way more that Robert seemed to care more about his career than the fact that Rose was assaulted by his boss.

One thing I will say, Enty DID call Rose out on her doing coke before she got that's spooky...

From 2007:

"Did I do a blind item about Rose McGowan being a coke whore? I really need to check. If she is, then she is the sweetest coke whore around. Really, most of the time coke whores are unpleasant to be around. I really find Rose to be wonderful despite her one very bad choice in a boyfriend."

Also Pink Palace, here's the post where Enty implies she wrote a blind:

"I also noticed that Rose McGowan started hitting out at Bob after leaving him alone for the first part of this. Think back to that blind she wrote a few months back."

Pink_Palace said...

DumDumPop, you are the best!! Thank you for so many details and depth, not just brushing it off. Xoxo

I think I do vaguely remember RDJ and lawyers getting involved. Everyone would kiss Himmmm’s tush whenever he/she made a comment. Someone found some possible evidence that Andy Griffith’s grandson/nephew was “one of the four” himmmm’s. And, people did “investigative work” on enty, with some coming to the conclusion that Enty was a grown-upChunk from Goonies.

Shortly thereafter this site was moved to a different format, which made it very hard for many of us to read. A group of regulars started a new group that had to be taken down as they used CDAN’s blinds as well as their own. I must admit that I loved that site because I couldn’t read this one and so many of the regulars were there. Any chance that board is still around, anyone?!? :-)

After the article ran, there were also sooo many inconsistencies in enty’s “bio” that quite a few people were disillusioned. Enty wasn’t this very overweight grown man, obsessed w/bacon, that lived in his parents basement. The type of law “he” practiced was not the one he stated he was in, and it came out that a lot of blinds were BS.

I also fell in love about this time and got married, which was perfect timing, since my favorite blind gossip group was in tatters.

I couldn’t help myself when Harvey was finally busted, as this site called him out YEARS ago!! I had to check out the

I also remember Ron Howard’s business “partner,” Brian Grazer was “exposed” here. His wife divorced him and she wrote a Blind Tell-All book that was made into a movie and/or a short-lived tv series. Gigi was her name. She had an engaging personality too.

He (Grazer) is one name I haven’t seen mentioned yet, but I am pretty sure it is out there.

Now it is time for some football, sorry everyone for such a long post!!

DumDumPop said...

Thank you, Pink Palace, and enjoy the game! If you know the name of the group, or if it gets revived, let me know. I'll admit it, Blind Items are a guilty pleasure of mine and I love when this stuff gets solved. I am curious about the revival of this site as well. I still find the mobile layout impossible to browse but the dark theme is much better than the newish theme that almost replaced the site.

Anonymous said...

Rose has always been fncked up in the head. It may go back all the way to her childhood.

sickofthissht said...

DumDumPop - I don't think Enty was implying Rose wrote a BI for this site, but rather, she tweeted one and it was obvious enough that everyone figured out she was talking about Harvey Weinstein.

On Oct. 13 2016 she tweeted:

Because my ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution #WhyWomenDontReport

It was reported on by Vulture and several other online outlets at the time, and Harvey was the obvious guess.

The weird thing is I just read a piece by Robert that says he was already working for Weinstein and cast Rose in the movie at her request, as a fuck you to Harvey:

angie said...

Thanks sickofthissht. Bingo

Mary Lamb said...

Hey JET, how is that 'Bingo'? Did you bother to read the article?
No, you didn't.
I have a very strong feeling that the disgusting Weinstein's people are out in force, including JET. Fuck off, assholes.

DumDumPop said...

SickOfThisSht, that case I misunderstood, but then other commentators in that post understood the same thing as me. Also I think that article from Robert Rodriguez was damage control after what Rose said. He didn't want to look bad for collaborating with a predator so he dressed it up as an empowerment move, and then everyone wins! I think I remember Rodriguez tried to say it was traumatic for him as well in another article. Either way, it's all damage control and Rose's account doesn't paint him as innocent.

angie said...

mary lamb, my comment didn't concern the article, not that you're owed an explanation, or had any business barging in half cocked spewing profanities at me. At least it's clear why you feel such an affinity toward Rose. Best wishes sorting yourself out.

auntliddy said...

Pink palace-yes, it Anarchy Gossip!! Visit!!!

Sd Auntie said...

Anarchy gosdip is BORING...sorry

Mary Lamb said...

Barging in, seriously? Sorry honey, but you're not on your own private blog. What exactly were you 'bingo'-ing then?
If you don't feel you need to explain yourself then why the fuck are you on a public website?
Open your own blog if your opinion and only your opinion matters.
That's the way it works.

Mary Lamb said...

You know what? Fuck you and your assumed 'affinity' and 'best wishes sorting myself out'.
You sound like someone who would do well to see a psychiatrist.
You are a very nasty person. Oh, and kiss my arse.
I sure hope you're cashing in. I can't imagine someone spouting your kind of bile without being compensated. The devil is in the deeds. Good luck with that, my friend.

Mary Lamb said...

One more thing, JET, do you enjoy blowing Weinstein's dick or did you just enjoy the pay for escorting women into his lair? You're making money somehow. Maybe you work for his lawyers? You make me sick.

angie said...

I have nothing to do with show business. Does it make you feel powerful to attack people and curse like a delinquent adolescent? Anonymously lobbing stink bombs from behind your monitor screen isn't powerful. It's cowardly. I don't make you sick. YOU make you sick. You are off your damn rocker and that's strictly your problem.

auntliddy said...

Different strokes.....

angie said...

Different indeed auntliddy. mary lamb if you continue your tirade enjoy because I'm done.

Mary Lamb said...

Good. Glad you're done.

Pink_Palace said...

Thanks auntliddy! I have missed your posts! Going to have to check it out!

angie said...

How disappointing. The solution is simple!
Don't like the blinds?
Don't come here.
Feel a need to assail people you disagree with?
Don't come here.
NO ONE wants your depressing drama.
The only reason to come here is enjoyment!
Thanks and have a lovely day!

Mitchellaneous said...

She's had that hash tag for quite a while. I want to say I saw it over a year ago, and I'm not a fan that follows her, so it's probably been around longer.

Sd Auntie said...

Word Mau Mau. Anarchy is lame


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