Saturday, November 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6 - Anniversary Month

December 3, 2012

This A+ list all movie actor has always had a bit of a shady reputation behind the scenes. It may have to be with the fact that he does his best to stay closeted while everyone in the world knows he is gay. There is a very seedy side to the actor and one of the reasons he does not like living in the US. Teenage boys. Underage boys here in the US, but not where he lives. Likes to rotate them monthly if not weekly. Loves them to be dark skinned because the actor says it goes will with his skin.

Kevin Spacey


  1. I was surprised to learn that 16 is the age of consent in a large majority of states, it's 17 in a number of others, and 18 in only ten.
    16 is also the age of consent in all of Canada.

  2. Ten years ago, while in my dentist's chair, we talked about our favorite actors. He had been the personal dentist to some famous actors in the 60s. I mentioned Kevin Spacey as my favorite and he became totally irate. He went on to tell me a story about how his just-out-of-HS son had been propositioned by KS and how it had caused his son to move back to NYC from LA and go into another line of work. He went on for 20 minutes about how he and his wife hated Spacey. He said that was why he moved to London. He was in a lot of hot water with the parents of young men he had taken under his wing to mentor. so this scandal comes as no surprise to me. Kevin is still my favorite actor. His talents are undisputed. Nothing can change that. Hope he gets help and makes a return to show biz.

    1. There is no help for sexual predators. Nothing.

    2. You took your own kid out of showbiz because of people like Spacey yet you still idolise him?
      So it's ok for him to rape other kids...just not yours?

  3. What else can anyone say about Spacey? It seems there are many, many more vile stories and countless other child victims of his that we will never know about. He's been doing this shit for years. And people in Hollywood are STILL protecting him.

  4. @ Boo, I'm disappointed that you would choose to continue to idolize a man who molests and rapes children. "Nothing can change that..." Would you feel the same way if one of his victims was YOUR kid?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Boo: You hope he gets help and returns to show biz? Really? The guy should be in prison. There have also long been rumors that he almost killed a couple of boys (maybe more) because of his violent tastes.....But he's SO talented!!

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Child molesters don't "get help and return to showbiz" you bumbitch
    they go to jail where they belong

  7. Sexual predators don't need to be anywhere near an industry that attracts an endless stream of young and naive hopefuls. Spacey = career over.

  8. He's lucky if he doesn't land in jail where he will be killed. His career is over and if he likes young boys, he should probably move his vile dick to Thailand, where the age of consent is 15. This is one POS who needs to go away and hide for good.

  9. What's funny is that Kevin essentially plays all roles the same way, in a detached, aloof, cold and dissociative way. He comes across as worthy of a DSM personality disorder diagnosis most of the time. According to his own brother, this is how Kevin actually is and behaves in his day to day he has no "true" and "undeniable" talent, because he has been playing HIMSELF most of the time....

  10. Space should be on Megan's list and castrated as penance.

  11. @Boo, he never has tried to get help,everyone,including you,knew this was constant and deliberate behavior, and he never came out because he knew this stuff would be out with him. I give a lot of the younger actors a bit of a pass because we know they were victimised by the likes of Spacey. The people who were his victims need to get help and want to,but it's clear they were afraid to.

  12. It's true that KS is very talented and a great actor. Would I enjoy a comeback though? No fucking way.
    No role he could ever play, would distract from the tarnished, grotesque view I have of him now.
    James Spader could easily fill in for him, and without the unpleasant aftertaste.

  13. Why isn’t he behind bars yet?

  14. There are a ton of talented actors and if you remove Kevin Spacey from the equation, someone else gets a shot to show you they're just as good or better.

    50+ male actors are plentiful; starring roles for them not as much. Send pedo scum to jail and let some non-criminal who's been slogging along in minor roles for thirty years take his place. We don't have some horrible shortage of talent.

  15. Kevin Spacey is talented at convincing people that what you have seen in his roles onscreen is an act instead of the core of who he is.

    There is no help for pedophilia.

    He is a rapist and a scumbag. He is an abuser. He revels in the pain of young people. Think about that while your patting him on the back for his "art."

  16. This 'get help' thing is just a cliche of a US culture which is pathetically obsessed with psychotherapy as a replacement for religion as the answer to all ills. None of which changes a person's character or sexual predilections. It's pointless. It's a charade, just another form of self-obsessed navel gazing, and from people who've spent a lifetime happily going about their rapey business nothing more than a cynical playing out of contrition no different from some medieval king going on a public pilgrimage to atone for his sins. It's why Weinstein checked into that facility for a week to address his made-up 'sex addition' which by pathologizing his disgusting attitudes and behavior across three decades suggests he's not entirely responsible for his actions, which he is. Character is the issue, not addiction. Rapists and gropers aren't ill, nor are they addicted - they're just shitty, low people with shitty low characters who take advantage of people when they can manage it.

    1. Say it louder for the people in the back!! Agree with every sentence.

  17. Well put Rinky.

    Before all this blew up I never gave any thought to Hollywood as an entity. I guess it's a given that it's full of assholes. But I presumed that those big budget films were made by people passionate about film making and/or consummate professionals.

    Now I wonder how they manage to get anything done at all.

    It's like Hollywood is another version of the Co$. It behaves in such a similar way.

  18. Hey, once you go black....

  19. I obviously touched a nerve by my post. Perhaps you didn't read my comments on the Amanda Byrnes blind about taking my young actress daughter out of the business in 1984 because I was already seeing this inappropriate behavior being displayed. If my dtr. had been molested by KS (she's the wrong sex for that) I would have made a phone call to Bensonhurst and it would have been taken care of. That said, I was attacked by a man on PCP whom I didn't know and thrown out of a second story window. Spent 8 months in hospital. He was caught and put in jail. When I was able to talk the Cops told me he was out of his mind on drugs and was horribly remorseful. I told the Officers to tell him I forgave him. That night he hung himself in his cell. To err is human. To forgive is divine. When they told me of his death I was so thankful he knew I forgave him.

    1. Yea, but did he know? It's not like they went straight to him to tell him. The fact that he killed himself has nothing to do with you, just KS doesn't care about his victims. Narcissist only care about their self-indulgent selves and how they can satisfy their personal "needs". Fact is, it's healthy as a survivor to "forgive" - it gives you power. But try not to apologize for their behavior. Just don't

  20. age of consent in mexico is 12, and hawaii is 14.

    so fucked up!!!!

    1. Hawaii is 16. 14 year old not allowed to have sex with anyone 5 years older unless married. Which is not acceptable to me and I'm an actual Liberal.

  21. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Shut up Boo. Just stop talking. Seriously.

  22. Kevin Spacey should be in jail, if he returns to the entertainment industry in any way I will remove every TV from my house and only read books for the rest of my life.

    Boo, I'm sorry for your personal story. I'm a huge believer in redemption and forgiveness, but Kevin Spacey has blood on his hands and he must be held to account. I am not his victim, it is not for me to forgive him. Too many of the people in that position seem to be dead now, so what can be done for them? Your first post saddens me.

  23. @notthisagain, it's a hold over from simpler times when people were lucky to live beyond their 30's. It used to be commonplace for people in their teens to marry, even early teens. Life has changed a lot and quickly in the last century since the industrial revolution.

  24. M Ag: Shut up? Why? My views don't correspond to yours? I'm 75 years old and have lived a life you can only dream of. No one is taking my voice away ever again. I worked with the Harvey Weinstein's of the media for 48 years. Never saw any 'stars' I worked with molest anyone. These men who are being accused are from a different era. Entitled. Selfish. Never heard the word no in their life. Where were all the condemnations of Woody Allen from his peers when he married Soon Yi? What you are witnessing is the beginning of the twilight of the -------. You are all going down. You are going to be blown away by what is going to happen in the next six months. Trust me.

    1. Welcome to the pack mentality of CDAN, Boo. Its been a while since the truly revolting group was all here. But tonight its back to a small degree. Name calling and shaming you for having an original comment or opinion is common. There's no way 90% of these people can understand or actually willing to comprehend your posts.

  25. The next few weeks we will see a lot of celebrities "dying" (suicide) because they know they gonna be exposed by media.

    It´s like the Batman TDK sentence: You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

  26. @Boo, I think you have every right to your opinion, and I guarantee All of us are going to have a favorite star go down in flames. I get no pleasure out of seeing this happen,but I can't defend the indefensible.

  27. @austin - people didn't always marry very young in past times. Aristocracy did to make political alliances and to maintain the dynasty's power. Records show medieval peasants and people of lower status often married comparatively late - into their mid-early twenties - because they couldn't afford to marry earlier and girls were often in contracted service until then. Societies that perpetrate child marriage en masse generally stay in ignorance and poverty as do ethnic groups within otherwise successful modern societies that maintain that 'tradition', for example the Roma and certain Middle-Eastern Muslim demographics that have strayed into Europe more recently.

    Age of consent was raised to 16 in Britain in the late 1800s because of the huge amount of sexual exploitation/prostitution of children within the cities post industrial revolution.

  28. Rinky, I'm not up on how things were in Europe Europe. I was referring to America, back in the days when most people were farmers, etc. People got married young because few went beyond grade school (if they even finished that) and because length of life before modern medicine more often than not meant 30's. Back then marrying young had the twofold benefit of producing a dependable number of offspring to help with the work (many babies died compared to now also), and having parents live long enough to raise and teach them the skills to survive.

  29. @Boo

    dont worry, we are listening. forget people who are dismissing you.

    I will NEVER close my ears to your story or others. fuck anybody else who gives you shit for speaking your truth.

  30. @Boo, wow, I responded to the wrong comment. Not yours, Boo, yours I completely disagree with

    fuck your thinking he deserves a comeback.

  31. I keep wondering if Spielberg is the third name in enty's blind about the island.

    he founded dreamworks w/geffen as one of the collaborators.

    that weird letter crispin clover wrote about spielberg appreciating your boys' sexuality was weird af.

    I dont want it to be him but, it might. the whole 'he'd kill himself if it came out' seems like spielberg...but Im not sure.

    1. I thought the person was Woody Allen who would take their own life if exposed - but could easily be him as he is so beloved. And if it were Woody I think Enty would have called him the molestor as he always does.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      In Julia Phillips’ book she mentions cryptically that Spielberg “uses children...”

  32. @Rinky, forgot to say thank you for sharing. Very interesting read.

  33. +1 Rinky with the 'get help' idea, there is no fixing some people. As has been said by others on other posts, these POS's are getting off on controlling others and causing them pain....and should be locked up for the good of society.

    I never bought in to Spacey being a fabulous actor, he always seemed wooden to me.

  34. @boo. You should not be attacked for your opinion. I have always loved KS. I am disgusted by his behavior. I will never view him the same way. Did the same with Woody Allen. I will never enjoy their work again. . It does not take away the fact that I truly enjoyed most of their previous to the scandal work.

  35. So just out of curiosity, what should the age of consent be because 18 is just as random number as all the rest.

    And I agree, the industrial revolution has changed things drastically within the last 100 years or so. If you look at the history of the world, people have been getting married younger (both boys and girls) longer than they've been waiting as there was no high school or college or grad school. Granted, I understand this to be a huge improvement for females as we historically didn't have power, rights or a voice to make these decisions for ourselves. If a 14 year old did desire marriage, she usually didn't get to marry the hot 16 year old but the paunchy, balding 43 year old widower. So definitely an improvement on that end. But the way the female body is designed, one didn't get a period at 11, 12, 13 for the purpose of waiting until 35 to have a baby. If we look at just nature, a woman of child bearing age is at her most fertile the younger she generally is even if that's 13.

    I understand living in a modern age and being autonomous; hell, I didn't think about having kids until around 34 or so. But judging other cultures who do things differently might not be the way to go as ours has more than its fair share of shit to be raked through the mud for. In other words, we don't have all the answers anymore so than the next.

  36. In the Victorian era, the average age of menarche was actually around 16. Girls getting periods at eleven or much younger as we see nowadays was not at all common outside of individuals with serious medical hormonal problems that we now refer to as 'precocious puberty' and is treated medically as it's not atall good for the body or development. Much better nutrition and also increasing rates of childhood obesity in girls is behind a lot of the problems with girls getting periods earlier and earlier. Whatever age someone physically matures though, the brain does not catch up alongside it so it's irrelevant in a modern society that treats children as individuals with rights and not as chattel or breeding prospects.

  37. Boo: to err is human, when you make an error once.

    When your error becomes chronics and expands over decades, and involves dozens and dozens of victims, then you're just a mentally perverted piece of shit, with the morals of a sewer rat, and there is no rehabilitation.
    You probably also think that hugging a terrorist might stop them from blowing people up...

  38. Well said, monteverde. Sick of people excusing longstanding pattern of horrible behavior as a 'mistake', which implies something that happened entirely by accident as opposed to a highly deliberate choice.

  39. Exactly, Kevin Spacey is just a piece of shit, ya'll. You can find a dozen white guys to replace him, NOTHING of value is being lost here, let's get real. And his acting wasn't even that special. I have seen his movies and I'll never understand the obsession.

    Also I gotta confront what Boo said up there. Listen, just because you haven't personally seen these stars molesting other people doesn't mean things have never gone down. The fact is: they're always happening and the sad reality is that they will continue to happen. But people won't get away with tolerating them and letting it pass by because money anymore. Bob Weinstein didn't know what he was unleashing when he decided to call out his brother.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. You may say he prefers them dark but amongst the service / hospitality staff in London Spacey has a reputation that he would fuck a stab wound given half a chance.

  42. This is the way I see in this avalanche of Hollywood sexual deviancy exposure:

    Some men (and/or women) use their position of power to gain sexual favours. As wrong and distasteful as this might be (and I think it is), I don't see anything criminal in this, when the other side has the option to say no, and go do a different job. I believe plenty of CEO cocks have been sucked to get a part, and now all of a sudden the same women are acting like poor victims, jumping on bandwagons for publicity.
    In this business, what the fuck to do you expect? Go be a doctor then. Or a chef. Plenty of non exploitative jobs out there.

    On the other hand, you have really dark and twisted monsters who get off by torturing young women, men and even children. They get pleasure int he pain of others. To me this is a whole different story. The 2 are not the same. Child rape does not equal a Hollywood biggie, asking an adult woman if she'd like to play hide the salami for a part. NOT THE FUCKING SAME!

    It bothers me that the media and the people seem to draw some sort of equivalence. There is an inability to conclude of what's a crime, and what's a mere nuisance.

  43. Irresponsible to keep secrets like these when underage people are being abused. It’s not just salacious gossip for entertainment this is criminal predatory behavior and people helped him commit crimes by keeping his secrets.

  44. ""

    I was surprised that the UK media is actually printing a story that connects Spacey and Prince Andrew. They don't mention Spacey and Andrews mutual friend with the pedo Island, Jeffrey Epstien.

    Just running this story however, makes me think they have been researching the links and been digging around to see what kind of relationship the two had.

  45. by the way. Revered and loved musical entertainer Freddie Mercury made Spacey look like a choir boy. It's rumoured that during a particularly rough sex session that caused a rent boy to have a prolapsed rectum, Freddie shouted " This one's broken, get me another".

    His Rolls Royce was regularly seen around North London for years picking up the street boys.

  46. I think Jeremy Renner could take over roles that Kevin Spacey otherwise would have done.

  47. People have commented that they never cared for Spacey as an actor because he gave them the creeps. That’s your intuition warning you to stay away because you’re in the vicinity of a predator. IMHO he’s a psychopath and it’s well entrenched. He’s been allowed to get away with this behavior and people have covered up for him for so long. He could go into a long-term inpatient treatment program with psychotherapy and behavior modification programs but I highly doubt he would internalize any of it. There is no saving his career. Best course of action: lock him and throw away the key. I would not be surprised if he took himself out first.
