Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Island

This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when the feds were questioning lots of people. The thing is though, lots of those people lied to the feds. Some were granted immunity and still lied. Why? Going to jail for lying to the government gets you Martha Stewart time and a book deal. Telling the truth gets you jail for a long time and no career or friends when you get out.

Can you imagine a place where Hollywood types and rich executives from around the world can gather in one place and have sex with underage boys and girls without any interference from any governments or parents? Yeah, well there was such a place. There probably is a replacement somewhere. The problem is in finding it. When people are flying in from different corners of the globe, it can be tough. When your only choice before was to fly in a private plane to a private island, people knew where it was.

I think there is some shady stuff going down in Joe Francis Land, but nothing like the hundreds of teen boys and girls that were raped and abused and forced to be with men for weeks and months on end.

Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn't speak English. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn't want any record. No record means the feds didn't even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.

There will be way more than these three who go down if it happens. There are probably a dozen A list types who spent time on the island.


  1. Spacey, Singer and Spielberg

    1. I can't find any information on Spacey almost killing these boys. not saying it didn't happen I'm just wondering what happened

  2. Well, the island has to be convicted pedophile and child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's hideaway in the US Virgin Islands. Orgy Island I believe was the nickname.

  3. This is sick, disgusting and horrid, please, let these people go down and pay

    1. A successful bootleg operation is not enough. We need to get nasty to make them understand we mean business.

  4. lolita Island Rinky

  5. I'll take Polanski for the director because he doesn't want to get caught doing it again.

  6. Permanent A list Director-Woody Allen?

  7. Epstein's private jet was The Lolita Express. I've seen the island referred to as Orgy Island though.

  8. I hope it's not Speilberg...that would really be Woody sounds good and I don't give a f... about him.

  9. I'm going to go throw up now. 🤢

  10. Spacey, Singer & Cameron? Thinking James Cameron has to be in that mix somewhere....

  11. jeffrey epstein's island is the most famous, but i'm thinking it was a hawaiian island. in michael egan's lawsuit against bryan singer he alleges being assaulted in l.a. and hawaii. taking a boat from l.a. to hawaii also makes more sense for an l.a. resident than flying to florida, then taking a boat. the house was the m&c estate, some place new now. i want epstein brought down as much as anyone but i'm not sure he's a central figure here.

    1. No one took a boat from L.A to Hawaii. It's 6 hrs by plane from California to Hawaii

  12. Just a quick Google search shows Woody Allen is known to be friends with Epstein.

  13. spacey's the most likely to turn right now, but james franco has been rumored to be bloody rapist.

  14. i'm convinced that the source of epstein's wealth is his pimping. though he's not as rich as he looks: his manhattan mansion was given to him by his mentor les wexner, owner of the limited stores.

  15. I so can't wait for all these bastards to go down. Even if it doesn't get to a court of law, at least remove them from the industry and reduce their access to vulnerable people. (I know they can do whatever they want on their own time and their own dime, unfortunately.) Tarnish their legacy forever as karmic retribution for how they leveraged their status and power to hurt other people.

  16. #2 is definitely Singer. Damn, I thought he was going down a few years ago but no one came forward to back up that one kid and he was hung out to dry.

    You can fly to Puerto Rico, then boat to any of the islands around it easily. An American going to Puerto Rico for 48 hours of "rest" doesn't raise eyebrows.

    #3 sounds like Woody Allen more than Spielberg to me. No real reason, just does.

  17. I always thought Enty called Woody Allen a child molester because of the trial with Mia Farrow and his daughter but what if Enty was alluding to this or some other intel he was aware about? Plus I could see anyone else dealing with a prison term, Woody?!? He would probably slit his wrist than go to prison.

  18. Epstein's perv island has been known about for a long time and these people were allowed to go free despite multiple, multiple eyewitness/victim testimonies. It is a complete disgrace.

    1. Yeah. This was all over the alternative media 4-5 years ago, but we were called conspiracy theorists for bringing it up, then Epstein gets busted and does 13 months in jail and we all said, I told you so. Just like the whole pizzagate stuff. It sounded ludicrous but then you go to the owner James alefantis’ Instagram page and it’s filled with children in very disturbing and suggestive poses. But hey, cnn said it’s a conspiracy theory, so I need to be like frank drebin and say nothing to see here. Lol. Human trafficking is one of the worst and biggest crimes occurring around the world and it leads to the upper echelon of power. This Hollywood stuff needs to be exposed, then the politicians on both sides of the isle that are engaged in this vile behavior from trump to Clinton.

  19. This seems super nutty, like McMartin Devil Worshipping Sex Games With Pre Schoolers circa 1985 hysteria stuff. Could this be real? Seems utterly insane and not at all probable. Do celebrities really want to have sex with children so badly that they'd go to pedophile island all at once to do it? It boggles just about everything. Not just the mind.

    1. Me too Jeff. It's all so bizarre and stomach-churning.

    2. Its real, in Australia, the Victorian police, along with OTO members, take children from school, to a house owned by Victorian Police Service.

      Children are raped and filmed.
      Movies are sold. One of our TV networks is involved.

      The woman that blew the whistle was Dr Reina Michaelson. A young Australian of the year.

      She is now under a gag order, and two men who published her report online have been gaoled for contempt of court.

      Our politicians are heavily involved and child services is our national pedo ring.

    3. JM, re-inveatigate McMartin. A retired ex-FBI agent (high up-headed several field offices) did more than some digging, and what he found will BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF! The thing is, everything these sick fucks do is "too crazy to be true"!

    4. In light of recent fbi vault releases you may wanna revisit your use of the word "hyateria" there

  20. @jeff ..... have you looked at the Epstein case? He did habe a private island where he took young working class girls his fixer Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of Robert Maxwell the newspaper tycoon) picked up for him at her health club. He groomed them into sexual services via 'massages' and he had a continuous slew of celebrities visiting his island. His private jet was known colloquially as the 'Lolita Express' and its passenger manifest contains a veritable who's who of the political and celebrity world. Often together, for example Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey, together. Epstein's activities are proven, not rumoured. Look how low-rent pedos act in the normal world - they cluster, form little networks and sometimes 'party' together with their victims shared among them. Now think how people with much more social cachet and power, no constraints on their movements and endless cash would behave given the same proclivities. It's not unimaginable that those with certian tastes would have a haven to indulge them.

  21. Didn't crispin glover out spielberg as a creep years ago?

  22. I just can't. There is no punishment worthy of these beyond sick bastards.

  23. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Flight Logs: Kevin Spacey Flew On Lolita Express With Bill Clinton And Jeffrey Epstein

  24. Not surprising that Bill Clinton has been there but kinda surprising that Hilary has been there too

    1. Why is it surprising, she is a vile disgusting woman. There should be a Washington blind item site. If there was, she and trump and her husband would be on it more than Selena Gomez on here

    2. Bobby, it's been proven the only flight DJT ever took on Epstein's plane was once, from FL to NYC when his plane was grounded for repairs.

  25. I think number 3 is Woody Allen. Allen hung out with Epstein. Does anyone remember that Allen interview from the 1970s, where he makes a joke about being "caught with a love nest of fifteen 12 year old girls." Who makes a joke like that? Who even thinks about something like that, aside from a fantacizing pedo? Hopeing for Karma here.

  26. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”

    Other politicians, celebrities and businessmen, including presidential candidate Donald Trump, have been accused of fraternizing with Epstein.

  27. There's barely an A-list actor or politician or royalty NOT on that passenger manifest. I don't doubt some of them are not pedos but maybe keep closed eyes and mouths as to the rest. Globalists associate with the powerful regardless of national boundaries. Our nations and laws are nothing to them. Only power - wherever it lies - in the arts, political or finance worlds - interest them.

  28. @longtimereader: Do tell ...........

  29. Jouis appears to be a Russian bot or troll.

  30. The Qatar angle also interests me. Look at the Qatari investments in various parts of the arts world as well as finance. Look who spends a lot of time there. It's the same names, always.

  31. Geffen has a pair of mega yachts and runs in some of the same circles, no? Passenger manifests/boat logs?

  32. First of all, I am stunned at everyone's sleuthing skills. My jaw is hanging open. How you did this so quickly is beyond me. These guys should be afraid.

    Second, I too am baffled. Children?? I don't get it. Where do they even find these kids? What is the appeal? How did they manage to get all these foreign governments off their backs the first time? No one is that slick of a talker all the time.

    I get that these guys are rich and powerful and that people can be wealth-struck sometimes (we all see that day to day on the micro level in our lives, I'm sure). But still though. How was this allowed to go on?

    1. Money talks uh huh Money talks, dirty cash I want you etc....

    2. It is very disturbing stuff, and when you hear about it, we try to just think that this stuff is not possible and people can’t be this sick. But people are this sick and just think about blackmail and extortion. Look at all the high level politicians that are brought down because of scandal, and think how easy it is to blackmail someone to keep secrets so your secrets don’t get exposed. When these issues are put into the public, they can be easily be dismissed as conspiracy theory or people are labeled tin foil hat wearers. Then most people who don’t know about this dark side will just write it off as the musings of a crazy conspiracy person. Even people on this site that read crazy shit all day long about celebs have a hard time wrapping their heads around it. Cognitive dissonance

  33. Clinton did take 26 trips on the Lolita Express. The manifest shows this. Nothing troll about that statement or anything else Jouis said. Those are just facts. Anyone who thinks Billy Clinton isn't a sleazy piece of shit at this point is a naive fool too caught up in partisan politics to understand how the world actually works.

  34. @rinky Thanks for that NY Post link (I think). :) I'd heard about Jeffrey Epstein's penchant for cruel sex with underage girls especially in regards to Trump but didn't realize how extensive all of this was. It's just grotesque.

  35. Funny someone mentioned Qatar. Really, all of the powerful in that part of the world are suspect as well as most in every other part of the world. Wondering about those man made islands built and being built in that area and elsewhere. With adequate money power and influence, easy enough to build your own island haven nowadays.

  36. If these guys are that well connected then maybe not much will happen. Low hanging fruit like Spacey or Ratner will be offered up but no one of real significance.

  37. Crispin Glover didn't really accuse Spielberg of pedophilia, for the record. I don't know anything about Spielberg's personal inclinations and I have no idea who the director is here, but I have read that essay Glover wrote and it also links Spielberg with Goebbels, the Columbine massacre, the erosion of modern civilization, climate change, and a bunch of other stuff including not giving Orson Welles money when he could have and not properly describing Stanley Kubrick's work in a speech that one time. I wouldn't
    taken anything in that essay as a clue.

    I mean, maybe he was telling us something coded in there deeply. But that entire essay is whackadoo and also has some weird anti-Semitic overtones.

  38. Flirtychick, sadly this world of well over 7 billion humans has no shortage of starving, desperate people in it, including many destitute families and children/orphans - literally everywhere/every region/every country and continent. Human slavery and trafficking, for the purposes of sex or otherwise, is rampant.

  39. @Rinky, I noticed some odd grammatical & stylistic ticks in Jouis' post and then clicked on the profile which had a link to a SputnikNews Pro-Fillion propaganda piece. That's why I think it's a bot or troll.

  40. @karky .... One of the many interesting facets re: Qatar is the art investment. Unlike the stupid Al Saud family, the Qatari head saw the need to diversify their means of welth production outside of fossil fuels. The western art world was one of their big investment targets. Now, you can see noted Sleazebags such as Jeff Kooms on his megayacht fucking around the Gulf constantly. Also, Damien Hurst and other 'New British artists' willingly took the chocolate. Abramovich too. Hence her association with the power brokers. See also the Podesta boys and their collection of sick pedophile 'art' openly displayed in Tmy's house. The last piece of the Qatar puzzle is of course 'Rosetta Stone' Diana Jenkins, the Bosnian ex of the Barclays Bank head, who Himmmm exposed here as pimp and purveyor of celeb meat to the Arab world some years back. It was actually that that set me ona quest to learn more about this web of pervesity.

  41. ghislaine maxwell recruited for epstein at more places than her gym...the most notorious being donald trump's mar-a-lago. virginia giuffre, the woman who tried to sue donald trump for statutory rape last year was . the case was settled out of court. i've always wondered, why were teenage girls working at the pool at mar-a-lago?

  42. 1) kevin spacey
    2) bryan singer
    3) woody allen

    let them all fall.

  43. somebody should call the FBI

  44. If the person that wrote this has proof, then they are morally obliged to go to the authorities, not share it with us for gossip purposes. Sickening.

    1. They’re probably worried about their own safety too and the fact they don’t want to be sued either

    2. Exactly. And if you honestly believe the FBI isn’t already aware of everything that is on this site, then you are incredibly naive. No offense. These sick pedos are protected and have been for a long long time. Jeffrey Epstein only went to jail 13 months, 13!!!! For what he did, he should have gotten life.

  45. I wonder if the FBI follow this site at all?

  46. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "Woody Allen spotted with millionaire convicted child sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein on Upper East Side stroll (2013)"

  47. These are the upper echelons of the rich and powerful. The government could care less. The only crime the government will NOT tolerate is tax evasion. You better believe the government wants their money and they will pursue to the ends of the earth to get it. Anything else is fair play especially if you are powerful enough to have political connection$$$$$$. As long as you make a hefty contribution to a major politicians war chest all your troubles will cease to exist.

  48. Anonymous1:32 PM

    And I'm NO troll....just ordinary person..and also to remind....

    "Not just for pleasure. Allegations that guests were vulnerable to blackmail after their interactions with underage girls were videotaped were frequent."

    1. Yeah, the CIA do a lot of that too...Blackmailing

  49. Why? The top leadership/brass of the Feds are most likely in on it, and or brought to heel via bribes blackmail extortion etc. Rank and file wouldn't be able to do a damn thing, sadly. Hence the results of the previous investigation. Of course, it just takes the constant and growing pressure cooker of the general public/populace to speak up and keep the pressure on and the pigs will hopefully start sweating cooking roasting and squealing.

    BTW, I'm thinking back again and again and again to a not too long ago, mature/adult audience targeted comic book series by Garth Ennis called The Boys, which at first I thought was just a brilliant but crass send up to all of the big superheroes of both D.C. And Marvel. But no, it parallels sooooo much of the disgusting pervs and the expertly tailored facade constructed for public consumption - in particular a storyline involving a parody of the X-Men called the G-Men, run by a child rapist grooming his tween and teen superheroes...even the G fits for the mogul and the franchise fits for the director. Another story arc features an annual convention (called "Herogasm", which at the time of reading one would have thought was a send up of Comicon...but no) the superheroes and the highest echelons of government and business at a tropical island where anything would go with zero consequence including references/allusions to this sort of perversion. Highly encourage everyone to read the 72 issue series as well as a couple of limited series particularly the one dealing with the island retreat.

    "In a world filled with caped superheroes and masked vigilantes, the boys, a secret CIA-backed covert black ops team, protect us from the super-powered "heroes"."

    The series is set between 2006–2008[1] in a world where superheroes exist. However, most of the superheroes in the series' universe are corrupted by their celebrity status and often engage in reckless behavior, compromising the safety of the world. For this reason, a superpowered CIA squad, known informally as "The Boys", is charged with monitoring the superhero community; the name is Butcher's contribution, a reference from his neighborhood that those in power would send "the boys" to handle anyone causing trouble.

  50. Wasn't there a blind here about a similar situation with an A list actor? Most guesses were for Clooney.

  51. Jesus Christ... This CANNOT stay hidden! I'm going Spacey for the actor - ready to flip now to try to claw back some redemption and control his own "history" at this place. The second I don't know, and the third I'm going for Michael Bay. Disliked him intensely since his treatment of Megan Fox.

  52. Wow, that one's eeaaasyyy, obviously Jeffrey Epstein's Orgy Island.
    Academy Award winning Actor who had a preference for boys who didn't speak english must be Kevin Spacey, oh boy, what kind of sick shit is he into, if he almost killed some of them.

    A list director who went for children younger than 16 on the island probably is Bryan Singer .

    And the A list director that kids called grandpa and who would rather kill himself, I'd say Steven Spielberg, he's on top of the top and has way too much to loose. Also he made so many "kids friendly" movies, he would never want anyone to know he's a pedophile.
    Woody Allen kind of fits too with his lolita fascination, but I feel like he would want to have sex with kids, aaaall the way on the island.

    And for the rest, I hope FBI is investigating every single contact on Epstein's black book. There are like hundreds of names, including Alec Baldwin, even Ralph Fiennes. Or investigate everyone who ever was friendly with Epstein, because I guess I never heard of Spielberg or Woody Allen conneted to him and yet here we are.

  53. Enty I have followed you for years. I know a lot of what you post is BS. But you seem to be spot on with some things. I am calling you out. Please don't be a coward. Please expose these predators. I know you can do it.

  54. links for more info about the epstein pedo ring:

  55. oh! and this! lawsuit coming to jury trial against jeffrey epstein on december 5th.

  56. Glover didnt out Speilberg explictly, but did allude to him having a questionable fascination with children. Rumors have run hot and cold on Speilberg for years, and not many can fathom him being a pedo given the his PR spin machine. Then again, we don't always know what happends behind closed doors ...


  57. Interesting to hear that the newest allegations concern Brett Ratner and the Piv (surprised it's taken this long to get to Piv,really).

    I'm going with
    1. Spacey
    2. Cameron-he knows boats.
    3. Woody Allen

    I have not heard anything about Spielberg before, I would be truly shocked if he was one of the two listed.

  58. I'm having no problem at all thinking ANY Republitards in Captain Sh*tStain's regime. Including the orange sphincter himself. He is bored as F with Melanoma, since she has spawned the special needs Barren. I know the two of them are coked to the gills, and as long as she has $$$ for stilletoes and more coke, she lets him do what he wants. He is so bored with her and all his puzzy-grabbable bleached blonde whooores around him, a 12 year old sounds like the ideal diversion! Bring the Trumpspawn men along for the ride!

    1. ^This disgusting comment should be removed, especially since a child is being attacked.

    2. ^This disgusting comment should be removed, especially since a child is being attacked.

    3. Ol lassy dog has a serious case of TDS or is quite the perv themselves! PROJECTION much???

  59. One thing I have noticed about these alleged paedos is that they have a Peter Pan syndrome. Very childish on the inside, but appear to be adults.

  60. OMG why did I leave on notifications for the comments on this one. I NEVER do this. OMG did someone just throw Ralph Fiennes name into the mix because noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Ralph and Joseph were my crushes back in the day so this would be devastating. I ever tell the story about the time someone suggested the Fiennes brothers were illegitimate descendants of some royal family? Weird story. Ok now back to mourning the possibility of Ralph being a sicko.

  61. @AprillnParis All I know is that His name is in Jeffrey Epstein's contact book. He always looked like decent guy to me too, but I don't knew why would he ever want to have anything in common with convicted pedophile who run whole child sex trafficking ring. There is always possibility that Epstein got Ralph Fiennes's number through someone else though.

  62. I sure hope Spielberg is involved. Other than crazy Glover, is there really any evidence????

  63. For what it's worth, lots of wealthy people flew on Epstein's Lolita Express at least once. My impression is that he used the jet service to rub elbows with the rich and famous and feel them out for who might be interested in his more specialized services. They didn't all go stay on the island. Then there are those who visited once and never associated with him again, while others stayed there dozens of times. Not everyone in his appointment book is sure to be guilty or aware of what he was doing.

  64. Apparently Spielberg is close friend with Bill Clinton, not really evidence but always a link. On the second thought I think that Woody Allen fits more, just read that even his adoptive daughter accused him of abuse. I'd be just surprised that he didn't allow himself go even further than that, he seems twisted as hell. I believe that he looks like he would like to be called "grandpa" yup.

  65. In the days of decent gossip threads, the rumours were:
    Spielberg is bi, likes twinks, the other rumour was he likes them younger than twinks 14-16.
    Lucas is gay, uses casting couch. Christensen was supposed to be an example.

  66. @Cail Corishev, I'm relieved then, there is so many people in there, going through the list, that's like 100 pages was getting heavier and heavier, and some of the people who are there, are the people I respect a lot. In that case it's just the matter of finding those who went on the island multiple times.

  67. @karky - The Boys! YES! Huge fan of Ennis and funnily enough,a friend of mine brought up the weird parallels to the series in all this pedo stuff the other night.

  68. And yeah if Ralph Fiennes is involved with any of this I will be very disappointed. I don't idolize anyone in that industry but still, it will remove any last shreds if respect if even people like Fiennes knew shit or saw shit or worse, did shit involving underage kids.

  69. Donald Trump is Epstein's business partner in the pedo ring. Bill Clinton is, but so is Trump.

    And the reason this is all coming out is that we've had a President who was NOT involved. Neither was Dubya, but his dad was.

  70. Clinton is involved, I meant to say, but so is Trump.

  71. I'm not sure about Spacey for this. 'Mostly movie'? Sadly there are enough other sleazeballs to fill in the gap.

  72. Re-reading the description of the last person ... it seems this is Woody Allen. Recall that Mia found out about Woody's relationship with Soon-Yi when she found photos. The perv in the BI also took photos. His "creepy self," - I don't consider Spielberg particularly creepy and we've all seen the photos of Woody working on the set of his new movie, so he's back after a hiatus. The "grandpa" thing seems to fit too. Makes me want to take a shower. Yuck.

  73. I've never said much about "Yachting" because it is always consenting adults, same thing about models going to UAE/Dubai for parties..all consenting adults and no one gets hurt. This is brutal as hell and more than anything, I hope these kids are set free from this Hell Island. They are minors. Think back when you were 12. What if this were you, your siblings, your children? This is just the biggest injustice I've seen in a long time. And the Conspiracy to keep it covert is horrific.

  74. And what piss me off is parents of these boys and girls. They're equally to blame, just like pedos who took the advantage of kids. It's their job to protect them. I know some of them might be kidnapped and stuff, but from what I read is that many girls went there willingly when offered money. It's sooo freaking easy to manipulate teenager to do something they don't understand, and what will fuck them up for life. And younger child even easier.
    Parents should get their shit together, because they're making it soooo easy for all kinds of predators.

    1. These are probably children from third world countries or Eastern Europe. They do not have the same mindset as Anericans and the funds keep the family afloat. Sad but true. Blame the perpetrators and educate on how damaging it is to the victim. It takes a village to change customs and morals

  75. 1. Charlie Sheen
    2. Bryan Singer
    3. Garry Marshall

  76. Per latest announcement: Kevin Soacey is "...taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment."

    Hopefully not on "child rape island 2.0".

    Just keep the pressure on. Keep google searching for these known perps' names adding terms like rapist, rapes, child rape, pedophile, criminal, sex assault, etc.

  77. kim hunter, you're right. i wasn't seeing epstein in this obviously epstein blind.

  78. For the director, Quentin Tarantino.

  79. The "kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny" line implies it's not Allen. Many many people have scrutinized his relationships over the past few decades, and as far as I can tell, he doesn't seem to mind too much.

  80. A - list Director I am going with Rob Reiner. The rest, I think have been nailed: Epstein and Spacey. Possibly Geffen.

  81. Almost word for word AJ Benza used this blind on his podcast. Either he is reading from CDAN or he fed the story to Enty.

  82. Has anyone noticed all the bizarre instagram activity by what often appear to be school girls, some in uniform, references to "daddy," roses, all kinds of shit that makes me think it has to be related to this Epstein fuck. I haven't had a chance to read much in detail, but downloaded te probavlt causw affudavit for his arrest.

  83. Sorry for the misspellings. I'm using my phone and words were overlapping my post.

    I do find it hilarious that Epstein's penis is described as "deformed" and "egg shaped" in the arrest affidavit

  84. Another thing I read is how he had cameras in rooms to record his guests. So what if some were recorded doing fucked up shit but not on the level of abusive, more just their inner dark kinks they wouldn't want exposed. Or what uf they didn't knkw the virls/boys were underage. This is how culy leadee types vontrol you, by finding your daek desires (which lots of people have and aren't necessary bad) and then usimg that to vontrol you.

    Ugh, i widh the word's didn't oblverlap my typung. Im doing thid blind.

  85. the thing is zophie enzo, no one was there to do anything other than rape underage kids...that was the whole point of going there.

  86. Little Saint James Island in the US Virgin Islands situated conveniently near to South America where they probably traffic kids from.

  87. Sneaky feeling from Qanon posts on 4chan that Trump is taking these fuckers down.

  88. Can you link to this? I’d love to read it. Thanks in advance.

  89. Joel Scumaeker so rumoured to be involved and I was looking something up and someone posted this on IMDb in 2014

  90. This is on gay forum data lounge from 2011. Really relevant stuff here including one from a guy saying when he was 17 he was "raped" by spacey. Also talk about Brian Singer messing up Brad Renfroe. Really terrible stuff that people knew was going on for a long time

  91. Photo from Brian singers pride party

  92. Saw this That ole pedo Joel Schumacher did both Coreys filming The Lost Boys. Fact.

    —Jason Patrick

  93. I think we should rush to judgement and build the gallows NOW!
