Thursday, November 09, 2017

Your Turn

Something that makes you feel old.


MJ said...

lately, almost everything

MJ said...

( is a state of mind )

sandybrook said...

My back....😥

Unknown said...

When the title of an article on Yahoo asks "Who is Corey Haim?" meaning there are actual people that are too young to have any clue who he is!

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I lost my pocketbook when visiting the old age home. I searched every nook and granny.

no said...
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no said...

Instagram filters

B626 said...

Hard Rap music

Elissa said...

I officially felt old when my youngest child started voting. For the wrong guy.

lucy said...

that sign in the liquor store that says you must be born on or before today's date 1996 to purchase alcohol

just sayin' said...


John Doe said...

Lately, everything!

Kelly said...

trap music

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

The arthritis in my neck!


PotPourri said...


AndrewBW said...

My body. Arthiritis in my neck. Bad knees. Hands stiff from 35 years of computers and video and arcade games. Declining libido. Getting old ain't for sissies.

alphacranberry said...

A child whose diapers I changed has graduated two kids from college.

Marlin said...

I remember getting a Big Mac for 55 cents and going to a Saturday afternoon matinee for a quarter (after watching cowboys and Indians movies). Walking a half mile to first grade with friends (no parents). Having a party line telephone. Watching my grandkids be whizzes at technology while I have no idea how to lol.

Moose said...

That crappy vinyl recordings, with all their scratches and skips and popcorny sound effects, are now beloved by hipsters for their retro, authentic feel. And that I had between 800-1000 classics that I replaced with cassettes or CDs and threw out because I did not want to move them one more time. and now they are worth a fortune on Ebay or discogs.

Alexandria said...

Nothing, I refuse to grow up. Not happening.

Kimberley said...

Ditto Moose! I gave away all my vinyl years ago to someone I felt sorry for and was penniless, so that he could make some money. The only ones I regret are some singles that were unique and probably very valuable. Also gave all my CDs to my local charity shop (thrift store.)
What makes me feel old: having to wear reading glasses (I have a chain on one pair too!)

shakey said...

Pretty much what everyone said above, the fact that I'm a Great Aunt for the second time (though I like to spin it as I'm a *great* aunt), and when much younger people hear a song that I loved as a teenager then say how much they like "the oldies". And those musicians are dying off. When Sting goes, I will be in mourning for a long time.

Glue said...

Completely off-topic but has anyone else noticed that the Charlie Sheen accusation story got life yesterday afternoon and by this morning was dead?

Very few sites are reporting it and even then, it's buried.
Something is going on...and things are getting covered up again since Charlie Sheen said he "categorically denies the accusations."

Amartel said...

Cassette tapes are now considered retro. That, and the sign at the store about birth date for drinking age.

hothotheat said...

My back.

Mrs Meat said...

When I hit the dance floor to throw some slick shapes and my knees start hurting. DAMN it.

Count Jerkula said...

-- Having to yank hairs out of my inner ear

-- The broad at the barbershop asking if I want her to trim my eyebrows

-- Piss dribbles

-- Gray pubes

-- It is legal to bang bimbos born in this millenium

Sd Auntie said...

Haha Count. Well my issues are poor eyesight and short term memory loss. Rely on my phone to get around....

just sayin' said...

glue: i noticed, and am also upset that the guy fieri story hasn't developed yet. am very hopeful about amanda bynes though.

Spiffypaws said...

jesus, looking in the mirror! Guys ignoring me, which NEVER used to happen! Blinds about tweeners; I never know who they are.

MamaLo said...

That I just turned 35... today! :)

MamaLo said...

BTW, been around here a long time as a Reader, left for a while but recently returned due to the format change & decided to create a CDAN-only Acct so I could finally chime in :) Feel like I already know a lot of you, but Hello! Hi! I'm Laurie (aka MamaLo)

Dena said...

I don’t like staying out late anymore, I’d rather be at home in my pjs from dinner time on.

Count Jerkula said...

I love staying out late still, but if i am not out of the house or have concrete plans by dark, i probably aint goimg anywhere.

Count Jerkula said...

Happy Birthday!

Count Jerkula said...

@Spiffy, how long has hit been since guys stopped lookin? I might need your Age, Height and Jeans Size.

MamaLo said...

Thanks Count! I've missed you around here :)

Unknown said...

Lots of the abbreviations and chatter on social media like Instagram, and even some social media itself, like Snapchat. I don't get it. And technology, period. I feel old and stupid. I'm 45, and have arthritis, and constantly feel like I've had the shit beat out of me.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

@Zophie Enzo!

Join the old person club!

Doesn't mean you are old.

Just experienced!

just sayin' said...

hi mamalo! enjoy 35, that's a great age! and when you're ancient like me you'll look at 35-yr-olds and think they look like kids.

Crazycatlady said...

I have been watching that as well...

Crazycatlady said...

I seem to keep going blinder each year. Like, how much thicker can my glasses get before I can get robot eyes or something.

Anonymous said...
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monteverde said...

My knees and not being able to have more than 2 glasses of wine in a row, or I'll need to recover for 48 hours.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I don't (I can't seem to remember my age most days, I just remember the birth year—but then I don't do the maths to the current year and so it never matters). Eh. 👩🏻🍺🗽🦄

Scandi Sanskrit said...


Scandi Sanskrit said...

Don't let it worry you. Last time I was in America, they carded me when I was in my mid-20's!

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Grey pubes sound really awesome!

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Happy, happy, happpyyy birthday! 🍻

MamaLo said...

Thanks a bunch, Scandi! :)

Unknown said...

LOL. I love early to mid 90’s rap music. Today’s rap makes me feel really old though. It’s such garbage compared to the classics.

stuffnthings said...

Feeling like I grew up with River Phienix and Corey Haim because I did, just not neighbors/pals

stuffnthings said...

Oh and college students asking me if I watched the O.J. trial and they mean the movie and I say yeah, I remember all of it from the Bronco trip...I was sitting on my the long drawn out shit show...(blank stares)uh...I was 20


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