Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list mostly television actress who has a reboot coming has been self-medicating as of late. While train wreck worthy on social media, it is very concerning for her health.


  1. I use to be a huge fan but will be boycotting the reboot. I am shocked that Sarah Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman would still associate with her.

  2. Roseanne is not a train wreck wtf??

    1. Do you not see the crazy shit she posts on Twitter?

  3. I absolutely love her sitcom, still love the reruns......will not watch any old show that is rebooted. It is such a desperate move on everyone's part. Sad.

  4. Donna - regardless of now, they owe her a lot

  5. I agree about the reboots. They are never as good and kind of awkward. I used to really like Roseanne but she is bat shit crazy now.

  6. I have respect for Roseanne solely because she called out Louis CK and his predator ways back when no one else would.

    But I am concerned about her as of late. She needs some help. She owes it to herself to get some.

  7. That's a shame. I think she has a lot of interesting things to say. She's honest, and refuses to follow accepted role modeling. I hope that she tends to her personal struggles and comes back stronger. We need her.

  8. I’m so torn over this. I love “Roseanne” the television show, but it’s becoming clear that Roseanne the person is just batshit crazy. Not that any of that is news- we’ve known this forever. She was terrible to her cast mates and writing staff. I am the daughter of a psychiatrist. I am no expert, but I feel like I have a bit more experience with mental health issues than most. There’s something very artificial about her dissociative identity disorder claims. I believe SOMEONE abused her, but I don’t believe a lick of her anecdotes. They seem very coached. But her world views in the last few years have made me lose whatever respect was left. Just one facepalm after another.

  9. I like Helen Hunt for this one. They're rebooting Mad About You, too. And she's been on Twitter a lot---shilling against the political party that she obviously doesn't like. But you're probably right that its Rosanne.

    Also, Helen has had a long, long, long TV career, but she has been in enough movies and won multiple Oscars and Enty would have mentioned that.

  10. Why are people saying that Rosanne is crazy? Is it because she is politically conservative and isn't afraid to express her views when arguing with the chaff who attack her on Twitter? I don't think she's crazy at all...not any more so than any of the ETOH and drug addled folks who earn a living in Hollywood. I see liberal celebrities saying vulgar and ridiculous things all the time about Conservatives and the President and these things are very much applauded by many. Jeez, check out Leslie Jones, Rosie O, Chrissy Tiegen, Stephen Colbert...just to name a few. Talk about being unhinged! People need to chill, and take a look in the mirror and reflect sometimes.

    1. @John Doe read some of her old interviews.... preferably the ones not involving politics.

    2. at first I was going to say "but she IS crazy!" ..but then your post made sense.
      Add to your list: Bill Maher and Michael Moore.

    3. She's not conservative, even though she voted for Trump. She's clearly independent. Her goal was to take down the Deep state Which is far more dangerous than Trump would ever think of being. I personally did not vote for either, and witched she would take that same stance, but her choices are choice. I still respect what she has to say about the reality of our political landscape. She's right on on many points. But that is my opinion.

    4. I've got a cold and I'm using voice recognition so please excuse the grammatical errors. I don't think it can hear my voice properly through the snot.

  11. Enty is just a butthurted 4chan Trump supporter. They are really desperated about the Collusion investigation. Tick-tack...time is coming for Trump. lmao

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      You're crazy. Compared to the Clinton criminal empire Trump is like mother Theresa. You born yesterday or what?

  12. Not Rosanne Barr. Yet another example of the lefttrying to destroy anyone who doesn’t buy their bs hook line and sinker. You go Rosanne.

  13. One can't claim to be tolerant and inclusive when they accuse people who hold differing opinions than theirs of being "crazy".'s pretty damn offensive to those with mental health problems when anyone uses "crazy" as negative adjective to undermine and undercut someone's intellectual faculties.

    If celebs like Teigan and Rosie can brazenly insult 45 supporters and express their far-left opinions unapologetically, then so should Roseanne. Equality is a must.

    1. Yummy, Check out the newest comments on "the church" blind.

      We've found two SEC and DOJ investigations implicating Geffen in money laundering via art/property sales, offshore shell corporations, "meat markets", Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Leo Dicaprio's wildlife "charity"

    2. Thanks Schneider!! Will do now.

  14. Roseanne has always been off the chain. She accused her father of molesting her and then said it was not true. He passed away and took it all back! Something did happen to her and obviously being rich and living in Hawaii is not enough. Just stay retired and stay off Twitter.

  15. Rosanne leans more towards socialist and radical views. She has said it herself.

  16. Roseanne is great. Shes funny, creative and smart. Which could be a reason why all the others from that show want to get back together. That's the evidence of why shes liked. Everyone else is just pulling shit from their butts using old anti-Roseanne propaganda from anti-funny-women critics who are intimidated by smart women.

  17. Roseanne Barr is in fact mentally ill,she was before she was famous,it doesn't go away. Having said that,no one had a problem with her as long as she spoke Hollywood party line. Now they are coming for her,probably because she is a loose cannon who knows too much. She needs to get help and not work, especially in such a stressful setting. I wish her well, and leave the Roseanne show in the past, instead of turning it to a failure.

  18. I agree about Roseanne @Appalachian.

  19. She had a great show on ID for a season ....she hosted stories about bad moms LOL

  20. Can't wait for the reboot. Sorry it is only for 8 episodes. That cast had unequaled chemistry and the writing was fabulous.

  21. Totally agree, Appalachian.

  22. Can someone link the “church blind” pretty please?

    1. Oh wow, that church blind is INTENSE. no shit, read at your own peril.
      Very interesting,a day or two after that blind came out I have a friend over here (a couple hours away from Seattle)who is an educator in a smaller community, shes been there 25 years. Her position is involved with CPS and local law enforcement occasionally for incidents where there is suspected abuse/neglect/etc.
      Anyway. A couple days after this blind, she had homeland security and FBI come in to talk to her about possible child trafficking.
      This is a very small community with a large percentage of LDS families. Very white middle/ upper class.
      Not sure why I'm writing this except I dont believe in coincidence.
      Just thought it was interesting

  23. Lalalisa57 -

    As for Roseanne. Her personal politics or mental issues don't change how much I loved the show (except that last season). And if it gets John Goodman more work, that's great too. I like him and it made me so sad when I heard his story about Kristin Wiig and feeling like he doesn't belong among Hollywood people.

  24. I like Roseanne. But she does seem mentally unwell. Look up her interview with Dave Rubin. She is all over the place. Non-sequitur after non-sequitur. Weird.

    Whatever her mental problem are, I hope she recovers.

  25. I follow Tom Arnold and have watched some very strange stuff he's had to take from her on twitter the past week. He doesn't go after her, but she can't seem to get him out of her head. She blocked him then created a bizarre new profile so she could stalk him again.

    I'm not going to say that she's crazy to like Trump, but she's like a pendulum that just swung from militant-feminist-socialist to Trump devotee, with Melania as her idol. It takes more than policy to make that happen.

    I believe her mental illness is in charge right now. She has a background of Disassociative Personality Disorder with 29 personalities, she claimed.

  26. So far, I have liked the Will & Grace reboot. Not sure if I will like the new Rosanne, although I did love the show back in the day. Had no idea there was going to be a Mad About You.

    Don Kieballs - thanksgiving for the church link!

  27. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Aw, man, and I liked Kristen Wiig, and thought she would resist the Hollywood bullshit.

    That town will ruin anyone. Poor John. He's such a talent, and a lovely guy.

  28. When Roseanne was the biggest star on TV she was batshit nuts. But she had that power to do and say anything she wanted to. Then she lost it and went into hiding for years. Now she's back and thinks she can still get away with anything she does that's extremely outrageous. well we will see.
    As an OT based on the show anyway: does John Goodman wear a toupee? I've always thought that mess on his head was a wig, but it looks so bad, I have had my doubts.

  29. I will def check it out. Metcalf, Goodman, Gilbert are all excellent.

  30. Yeah, she is batshit but has always been as far as I can remember.

  31. Observing from the UK I have never seen so much bat shit crazy as has arisen as a result of the USA election.

  32. Why should people abandon her because they don't like her politics?

    WTF is wrong with people. Wait. That's what's wrong with people.

    We've become, "If you're not with me you're against me and I don't want to associate with you." And THAT is why there is NO constructive dialog in this country. We're terrified to hear what the other side has to say so we shut them down.

    I am so thankful I grew up in an inclusive community in the 70s when people really WERE trying to make things better instead of this hot mess going on now.

  33. Roxy...Much wisdom in your comment. We are more than our opinions.

  34. Roxy...Much wisdom in your comment. We are more than our opinions.

  35. So predictable The systematic take down on Roseanne will now commence because she's viewed as being helpful to Trump. As predictable as Tuesday coming after Monday.
