Thursday, December 07, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Hailee Steinfeld doing the morning show thing today.
Anne Hathaway and her husband bundled up in NYC.
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez spend an hour taking selfies.
Elle Fanning made an appearance at an award show honoring women last night.
Camila Cabello was there with
Ashley Benson and
Eva Longoria.


  1. Love Elle’s dress.

  2. Is Eva pregnant or just trying??? Love Ellen's dress too

  3. I've always wondered who the bigger narcissist is JLo or ARod? I think it's him.
    I see Ashley Benson is getting desperate for work.

  4. What is Eva L wearing?

  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Eva Longinthetooth

  6. No real winners in this one either.

    P: Steinfeld - youthful poon, nuff said.

    M: JLo - my guess is she's the most experienced and skilled pole smoker of the bunch.

    B: Benson - i really got nothing. Longoria looks to be twice the woman i remember. Elle is a can of Bon R B Gon. No idea who Camila is. Ann with an E has a butt that needs to be in a jell-o mold to look good. So i'd roll the dice w/ Benson.

  7. I should've been a stylist dammit.
    They could look so much better!

  8. I think everyone looks nice. I love Hailee's top -- she looks super cute!
    [SERIOUS] - any ideas what most celebrities use for skin care products, especially Jennifer Lopez? She does NOT age! I just looked it up and she's 48! How is that possible?!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 8 PM
      It’s mostly fillers. Injections are new facelifts these days.

  9. OT: ABC Evening News just had a shot of the smoke from the California fires from the International Space Station. Horrifying.

    Hope all CA readers/posters (and Enty) are safe

    1. Thanks ON. Winds were so strong today and it was kind of scary.

  10. Thanks for the link, Anna! I agree but she seems to look the most "natural" out of a lot of people her age. I'm curious what products, other than retinoids, they might be using in between treatments.

  11. Is that horrible fire anywhere near your home/apartment? Let us know. I just look at the videos and still pictures of this conflagration and cry my eyes out. How many thousands of animals and birds have died? They couldn't make a movie about this cause no one would believe it. LA on fire! Prayers are going out to all of you.

  12. OT DM is saying Bryan Singer is being sued for raping a 17 year old and forcing him to preform oral sex ona yacht that happened in 2003.

    1. Age if consent in Washington is 16, no crime there. How can someone force you to perform oral sex w/o a knife or a gun or threats of violence? I never understood that w/ all the allegations against Cosby. Dont open yer mouth and there is no oral sex.

  13. Ms. Lopez, and Mr. Rodriguez make a really cute couple. I hope it lasts for them.

  14. Sexual assault consists of involuntary sexual contact, no matter the age. More details to come but sounds like force or coercion. As far as Cosby, his victims were considered incapacitated due to the drugs he slipped them without their knowledge.

    Also, homosexual sodomy became legal in all states in June 2003 so this may play a factor as well (not 100% sure when it became legal in WA state).

    1. Victoria: i know some of the cosby accusers were drugged, the kne that came to mind was the one who was in a dressing room chair and turned aroind to his cock out and said he forced her to give him oral. There millions of married men out there who couldnt force their wibed to give oral.

      If ya cant coerce people into sex, we gonna have deflation of world population.

      I did read more about this story. Said Singer forced the kid to the ground and put his cock in the kids face. I figure arm twist to his knees. So he could been crankin the kid's arm until he opened his mouth. Out on a boat so maybe threats of going overboard for non compliance.

  15. what the heck these ladies all look like they purchased their dresses by the yard! is that even a dress Eva is wearing or attempted channeling of ‘sexy’ darth vadar ? or or I know she's going to flash boob then we all must purchase a watch. for $49.99 Ashleys dress isn't too bad till the end, way too much work having to scooch around all night like that. I would demand to be carried. and I dont think I like Elle's dress maybe if straps were gone with an au naturel C cup keeping it in place. I dislike the length too. can't decide if it should hit the floor or knee. actually straps are ok just overall appears ill fitted and best left as is, strapped to entirely different person. and what's up with Anne's face? she fought hard to roll into them pants and the wall won. hand now forever locked out for leverage (dude looks like he hasn't removed earbuds since 2011) or looked up. cut to Jlo and Arod gazing into mirror. “I'm cute. no you are . no I am. ok You are. no I am. ok WE are!” yeah! let's go change, meet back here and do it again!

  16. I was going to say "Nice Pictures" but after reading Lucy's comment I am rethinking.

  17. @jerkula: are you saying it’s ok to coerce someone into sex to keep up the population?! Plenty of people are procreating and no one should have to have sex if they don’t want to. Your trolling needs to stop.

  18. Camilla Cabello's dress is fugly.

  19. anyone else here come from the daily mail monday? some of you people here are disgusting pigs... so much negativity and trolling... count jerkula, as a victim myself, we are disgusted by your comments and the person who wrote an entire essay trashing all the pics, get a life.. at least on daily mail we can down vote stupidity, bye bye

    1. BP: who is this we you speak for, i want to see the ballots where they elected you to represent them. Until then, fuck off to a safe space, cunt.

  20. judge not, fuckwad. nobody in the comment section is big enough
    to qualify for omnipotence. and I'm not gonna
    try and sway you on what to post or what I find appropriate
    because that would be ridiculous..

    is biased beyond comprehension.
    whether we admit it, deny it,
    or still owe on it, doesn't matter.
    what does is our experiences

    you think someone sucks?
    don't read me. anyone can be a critic, all ya gotta do
    is shake your head at everything, don't pay for dinner,
    and leave earlier than everybody, save the fucking
    pep-speeches and shallow pleas for "Better Than This"
    unless you're prepared to gain a sense of humor. oh wait you do have one in the form of an arrow LOL suck my downvote clown

  21. Himmmmm, did you cook a shish kebab according to my recipe? Please note, I've opened a secret recipe that has been kept secret for a thousand years. Now I hide in the ruins of New Stalingrad, which remained after the fall of the remnant of meldonia.
    I miraculously got a smartphone, for this I had to destroy six mutant Communists, and destroy an evil mutant named Lulya-Kebab.
    And all in order that the holy recipe of the Cossack cuisine will not be forgotten!
    You have to cook a shish kebab according to my recipe so that our nation of Viking warriors-Cossacks would live!
    While I'm writing this message, the meldonium mutants are storming my home! It's like in the game "Stalker"!
    Prepare my dish, or the evil mutants will attack your country !!!!

  22. I’m crying at all the smart snark today.

    Count Jerkula’s comedy is what makes crazy days and nights a LOL experience - for me at least. His comments are beyond ludicrous and are not to be taken in anyway seriously a majority of the time. Oftentimes, his ridiculous humor is timed to lighten up a situation we usually have our panties in a twist about & serves as a comedic release valve. {He reminds me of an un-pc version of one of the old men on the balcony of the Muppet Show}. He is CDAN OG & adds to the hijinks & drama I, for one, would miss him if the trolls ran him away. Thanks for the many belly laughs Count��

    1. Yer welcome, Rosebud.

      The lack of couth some of these noobs have is disconcerting.

  23. What in coat as a dress hell is Eva wearing?

  24. @Urban Rosebud say it again for the people in back.

    1. I will upvote for maximum exposure⬆

  25. Minority opinion here but I feel jlo and a-rod a real couple and I think they are very similar and will maybe last awhile. Anne Hathaway married a normal guy it seems? Good for her. Refreshing to see.
