Saturday, March 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7

March 2, 2017

Look out in the next week for this Victoria’s Secret model and her actress girlfriend to be “caught” outside looking as if they are having sex by a pap. The model is thirsty for attention and knows it would be a great way to get it.

Stella Maxwell/Kristen Stewart

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 2, 2017

The other day I told you about this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress you all know agreeing to only interact with fans long enough for the studio to get photos of her interacting and then she blew them off. Yesterday, she told an entire group of fans that had been waiting for hours to see the former franchise actress that they should all f**k off. THIS is why the studios dislike her. She is constantly trying to tick off the people that buy her tickets.

Emma Watson

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 2, 2017

Apparently these two celebrity offspring models think they are more popular than they really are. Each of them has three bodyguards while traveling overseas that they make the companies that hire them pay for. Here in the US, they have no one because no one will pay for it for them.

Bella and Gigi Hadid

Blind Item #4

This one named former daytime host was set to land a new big deal. Then, she trashed a family member and the deal was pulled.

Blind Item #3

To boost ratings, this late night cable host is egging on this Housewife to double down on her feud with this alliteration daytime talk show hist.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born Academy Award winning/nominated actress is doing the franchise thing but it was shut down for the weekend because she showed up drunk to work Friday.

Blind Item #1

Our favorite north of the border television actor broke up another relationship. This time with a foreign born co-star who told her boyfriend she was breaking up because of distance. Nope.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 6, 2016

The family of this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress from a new hit network show won’t speak to her or have anything to do with her because she has sex outside marriage. That is the least they should be worried about with her.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 5, 2016

This part-time model wannabe host who is seriously thirsty got into one of her regular arguments with people she meets at parties. The model, who is married freely admits she married, at least partially,for money and got into the face of a woman who wouldn’t admit she did the same. As usual, the model didn’t have her facts and had no idea the woman she was arguing with was the rich one and her husband dirt poor when she married him.

Courtney Sixx

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 1, 2017

This superhero movie will probably bomb. I hope it doesn’t, but the buzz has not been good. In any event, the ever present bodyguard of the foreign born A- list mostly movie actress set to star in it, accidentally dropped his gun while his charges were shopping. The people around him in the store freaked out a bit to see a guy with a gun.

Gal Gadot

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 1, 2017

This permanent A list singer is not being dropped by her label but she is unwisely thinking about dropping them because she thinks they are not supporting her. Honestly, they would probably be glad to be rid of her.

Mariah Carey

Friday, March 17, 2017

Blind Item #12

Those national chain pharmacy workers out in West LA. Yeah, you know who you are. You sure do turn a blind eye to the ever frequent employee pickups of this former A+ list tweener turned a-hole A list singer who has a massive oxy problem. That is a huge amount of pills every month.

Blind Item #11

Lost in the hackings today were some very very compromising videos of this former A+ list Disney actor. The thing is though, his ex leaked his sex videos. Portions anyway. She wants a very big check or more will get "hacked."

Blind Item #10

It always cracks me up about how much this actress talks about human trafficking and the like while one of her siblings makes her living selling herself.

Blind Item #9

I'm not sure how she counts sobriety, but the reporter doing the story about the Grammy nominated singer who used to be a tween star should have asked what all those pills are that she carries in her purse.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 1, 2017

Our former Disney actress turned future porn star thinks a “love triangle” is going to be the best story line she has been able to deliver. The fact that she can rub some dirt in the face of a reality star she hates just makes it all the better for her.

Bella Thorne/Chandler Parsons/Savannah Chrisley

Four For Friday - Irish Actors

That time of the year where I write some blinds I have been saving about Irish actors.

#1 - This B list actor is set to be A list this year as he graduates from a lot of tv to headlining multiple movies. He was in a book based franchise that didn't do as well as it could. On that film set, he was almost numb because he was shooting heroin at every opportunity.

#2 - This multiple Academy Award winner/nominee got an actress a part in one of his movies on the condition she take his son's virginity.

#3 - This married network A- list actor has been hooking up with a waitress at a fish and chips place he met while on set filming early this season.

#4 - The actor above also cheated on his wife with a co-star who is from Ireland too.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Old Hollywood

May 31, 2016

This reporter was one of the most respected reporters of her time. She landed some interviews that are still considered important a half century later. Some of the interviews she landed were just being in the right time in the right place. Her Hollywood interviews though were her knowing more than everyone else and using that information to get exclusive interviews. (Aline Mosby)

She launched the career of this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress and in return was privy to every actor and actress in Hollywood who hit on the permanent A+ lister. The reporter is also who introduced her to a permanent A+ list celebrity who would ultimately be her downfall.

Marilyn Monroe

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Old Hollywood

May 31, 2016

This reporter was one of the most respected reporters of her time. She landed some interviews that are still considered important a half century later. Some of the interviews she landed were just being in the right time in the right place. Her Hollywood interviews though were her knowing more than everyone else and using that information to get exclusive interviews. (Aline Mosby)

She knew all about this closeted permanent A list singer. The singer would always sue people if they hinted he was gay. The reporter had audio recordings of the singer talking to several different men and offering them money for sex. She used that for access and also to keep him from testifying against one of her employers at a libel trial.


Blind Items Revealed #2 - Old Hollywood

May 31, 2016

This reporter was one of the most respected reporters of her time. She landed some interviews that are still considered important a half century later. Some of the interviews she landed were just being in the right time in the right place. Her Hollywood interviews though were her knowing more than everyone else and using that information to get exclusive interviews. (Aline Mosby)

#1- There was this permanent A+ list singer who blew off an interview with her. One week later after she told him she would release the story of him having sex with a 13 year old he gave the reporter an interview and gave her a dozen other interviews over the course of his career.

Elvis Presley



Blind Item #8

Everyone likes a premiere, but even those attending realized that having any kind of event for this television movie event was kind of a waste of time. The whole thing had been eclipsed by better acting and a better project. Our B+ list actress with A++ list name recognition was there though. She hardly gets any acting work.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor with a superhero franchise and not named Cumberbatch is such a pretentious f**k. Seriously. He went to one of the best schools in his home country but tries to act like he had no privilege at all growing up which is a complete lie. He likes to pretend he struggled to find a place acting when he has been given one break after the next because of how he grew up.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 1, 2017

Let me see if I can keep this all straight. This married barely relevant celebrity is ticked off because the rapper she cheated with on her former A list husband with is now hooking up with a female A list rapper who has been repeatedly trolled the past week.

Larsa Pippen/Future/Nicki MInaj

Blind Item #6

While trying to find fans to sleep with, this B+ list mostly television actor from a hit network show of which he may no longer be apart was taking selfies before an interview. He was an a-hole to any woman who did not meet his standards or was with a guy.

Blind Item #5

Unable to get her hands on any coke while out of the country, this A list mostly movie actress who recently ended marriage number two was self medicating with booze. Not wine, but booze. During the day, she was limiting herself to a couple of swigs an hour from a flask in between interviews for her new movie.

Blind Item #4

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who got her break on a long running network show has a very big heart. That being said, she has not stopped dating the guy she has been seeing for awhile so I wonder how this whole marriage thing she is in is going to work itself out.

Blind Item #3

Apparently our former tweener turned repeated rehab visitor who is a decent singer also spent some time on her recent disappearance in a mental facility which was unknown until a day or two ago.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blind Item #2

Speaking of vacations, it is that time of the year where this married, closeted B+ list take what you can get actress goes on one with her long time female lover. They usually take a few vacations a year, but this one they take every year because it is where they met.

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list reality star who everyone hates apparently only finally got around to telling her new boyfriend about her gift that keeps on giving while they were out of the country on vacation because she thought the news would go over better there. Umm, maybe when you first started having sex would be better.

Long Island Medium Gets Her Brain Tested To Prove She Has A Gift

In a nationally televised interview Thursday, Theresa Caputo, star of TLC reality series “Long Island Medium,” said she has scientific proof her powers are real. Uh huh

In a segment on the program "Fox & Friends," Caputo said her brain was scanned in front of a doctor while she “channeled” and alleged the scan showed different activity than other people’s brains. In a video, Caputo is seen wearing a white cap with wires coming out of it, while she promoted her new book, “Good Grief.”

“They did find that I do access a part of my brain that we typically don’t and that my brain actually goes blank,” Caputo said. “It’s almost like it flatlines. Like, it’s clear as I’m channeling.”

The 50-year-old, whose TLC series premiered its new season last month, said she thought everyone could talk to the dead but didn’t realize she was different than others until her late 20s and early 30s. Uh huh

“I always said that my brain doesn’t work like everyone else’s,” she explained. “I always said since I was a young child, ‘Mom, I don’t feel right. I don’t feel like I belong. I feel different.’”

Though Caputo has been called a fake before, she maintains her work has changed lives.

Former Power Ranger Pleads Guilty To Killing Roommate

"Power Rangers Samurai" actor Ricardo Medina has pleaded guilty to killing his roommate with a sword.

Medina, 38, entered a plea Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court to voluntary manslaughter.

He is facing six years in state prison.

Medina had been charged with murder and faced 26 years to life in prison if convicted on that charge.

Prosecutors say Medina stabbed Joshua Sutter in the abdomen with a sword two years ago at their house in Green Valley, a mountain town north of Los Angeles.

The two had argued over Medina's girlfriend and Medina initially claimed the stabbing was in self defense.

In addition to his fatal abdominal wound, the autopsy showed Sutter had sustained sharp force injuries, including hand injuries consistent with defensive wounds.

Sutter’s sister Rachel Kennedy told local TV that her brother would have been 38 on Thursday.

Medina played the Red Lion Wild Force Ranger on "Power Rangers Wild Force" in 2002, and he was the voice of Deker on "Power Rangers Samurai" in 2011 and 2012.

With a six year sentence, and already having served two waiting for trial, it won't be all that long before he is released. If I remember correctly, initially prosecutors were not even going to charge him with a crime so that murder charge always seemed like a reach.

Blind Item #12

This one named foreign born A list rapper is going around telling porn stars he is starting his own porn company. It is just his excuse to have sex with them all and not pay.

Blind Item #11

This A list celebrity trainer is up to her old tricks. Now she has her claws out for the money of this A-/B+ list actress/writer who has no idea what is about to hit her or her wallet.

Blind Item #10

Two east coast sports owners have decided they don't like a player so made a deal with the other owners to keep him out. Blackballed. Those two owners also share another commonality.

Blind Item #9 - Kindness

Pretty sure I am being trolled by his PR people since no one has ever had anything nice to say about this actor ever. However, apparently the former network A- list actor with his own show who has crashed and burned since, including in a reboot, that despite his presence, I really wanted to succeed was being nice to people. More than one. He was nice to people in wheelchairs. Apparently his girlfriend looked flawless and the birds chirped as he interacted with fans who all had stars in their eyes and were healed of their wounds in his presence.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 31, 2016

Well, at least I have to give credit to this A- list daytime actress for creativity. She is going to rehab but has managed to convince her fans she is disappearing for awhile for another reason.

Kirsten Storms

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Kindness - This foreign born no longer a superhero after his final installment A list mostly movie actor spent a good hour signing autographs and taking photos on the set of his new movie. He actually held up production for 30 minutes just so he could get to every person.

#2 - This a-hole of a director is actually an Academy Award winner/nominee for writing. Anyway, he was teaching a college class and got a student pregnant. Our director has been with a classic sounding actress for many years so he wanted the student to terminate the pregnancy. Once she did, he berated her for hours and just trashed her by calling her every name he could think of before telling her he no longer wanted to see her.

#3 - Our favorite closeted former network actor is slowly peeking out of the closet. He loves telling the story about the time he made out with a gay porn star. He says it was an accident. Umm, our actor has every single porn the guy has been in.

Your Turn

Are you scared of heights?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 28, 2016

This foreign born actress on a hit pay cable show that is ending has left her husband. Again. Whenever she finds someone to hook up with she leaves him and says she is never coming back. This time though, it sounds permanent.

Jemima Kirke (and she finally confirmed it. Took her long enough,)

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 27, 2017

This married foreign born A list mostly movie actor usually just cheats on his wife with random hookups or one line actresses from his movies. Now, the soon to be underemployed actor is telling his hookups that his marriage is over. Hmm, maybe that is why he said no.

Daniel Craig/Rachel Weisz

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 1, 2017

Her relationship hit the skids when she cheated with her co-star, but now this recent Academy Award nominated/winning actress has been dumped by the co-star. So, all of that worked out well.

Michelle Williams/Casey Affleck

Blind Item #8

This former A- list mostly television actor from a long running network show still on the air turned B+ list mostly movie actor was being a huge d**k to everyone on a recent set. He may not still be cheating on his wife (that I can find), but he has turned all that anger against every person he works with on a set.

Blind Item #7

The husband of this permanent A list mostly movie actress with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations is really playing with fire when he keeps hooking up with the college woman who applied to be an intern at his office for the summer.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 1, 2017

This now former A- list mostly television actress from a cable show which saw better days a couple seasons ago in a different place looks a decade younger and it is not just because of some recent plastic surgery. She says she can breathe again after getting away from her co-star.

Connie Britton/Hayden Panettiere

Blind Item #6

It was pretty awkward for this former television vampire to run into a bunch of exes and maybe not exes while at a party with her new actor boyfriend.

Blind Item #5

This celebrity offspring of an actor all of you know, was going from party goer to party goer asking to borrow $10 because she forgot her wallet at home. She used it to buy drugs.

Blind Item #4

Just like most of the robberies in this reality family, one only needs to look at an outcast family member to see who gave up the information for a little cut.

Blind Item #3

This married B- list actress who only gets that high because of her A list name and not because of any work she has done in the past five years misses when she was called world's sexiest so has started calling paps when she is wearing something will get her on lists or websites that specialize in that kind of thing.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blind Item #2

Unless they do some last minute Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck thing, the shocker of a split announcement is coming between these two foreign born A+ list celebrities. Biggest split in last year.

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actress with A++ list name recognition does not act much any longer it seems. She is however, having sex with a gunrunner who has supplied guns to countless wars.

Willis Family Star Charged With Child Rape

The star of TLC's "The Willis Family,” Toby Willis, was arraigned on four counts of child rape.

The disgraced reality star pleaded not guilty to the charges and his trial is set to begin July 18, according to The Tennessean.

Willis was arrested in September and charged with one count of child rape after an alleged encounter with an underage girl 12 years ago. According to court documents obtained, a relative accused the father-of-12 of sexual assault.

At the time of his arrest, Willis' wife Brenda released a statement saying, "I was shocked and devastated by the revelation of events leading to Toby Willis’ arrest. As these are very trying times for the Willis family, I kindly ask all to respect our family’s privacy. As a mother of 12, my first priority remains with my children and helping them through this traumatic event."

"The Willis Family" premiered in 2015 on TLC and follows Willis, his wife and their children whose names all start with the letter "J." The network did not renew the series and its final episode aired in April 2016.

The family of entertainers first became known when they reached the quarterfinals on season 9 of "America's Got Talent" in 2014. Before their TLC show, they had a reality show on GAC called "The Willis Clan."

Mischa Barton Gets Two Restraining Orders Against "Exes" Says It Is Revenge Porn

A sex tape featuring actress Mischa Barton is revenge porn, according to Barton’s attorney, who issued preemptive warnings this week amid reports the video is being shopped around. “This is a painful situation, and my absolute worst fear was realized when I learned that someone I thought I loved and trusted was filming my most intimate and private moments,” Barton said in a press conference Wednesday.

“It has been reported that naked or sexually explicit images of Ms. Barton are being ‘shopped around,’” attorney Lisa Bloom said. “Ms. Barton does not consent to any disclosure of any such images. She believes she was recorded without her consent by someone she was seeing at the time.”

“There’s a name for this disgusting conduct: revenge pornography,” Bloom said. “Revenge pornography is a form of sexual assault, and it is also a crime and a civil wrong in California. And we will not stand for it.”

“No woman should have to go through this,” Barton said.

Bloom said Barton “is courageously standing up for her rights” in fighting the release of any such images.

“I have a message for anyone who attempts to traffic in these photos or videos of Ms. Barton: We will find you, and we will come after you,” Bloom said. “We will fully prosecute you under every available criminal and civil law.”

So far, however, Bloom says she didn’t think the reported video or any images from it have been published, but won’t say whether they have gone to the police with the information.


NCAA Tournament

If you want to play in a tournament against me and some ESPN guys that we do for fun every year, feel free to join.

Just click here.

Blind Item #12

As much as this C+ list celebrity/ex-wife of a former A+ list celebrity thinks she is going to hook up with this current A+ list athlete, she won't. He likes guys. If I were him though, I wouldn't tell her because she will sell the story in about five seconds.

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the hype. The long lost daughter of this former singing couple (not together) is not lost. She is in the family and is well taken care of by her mother, although she calls someone else that term.

Blind Item #10

At this point, I feel like this former child actress who was great as a teen actress and is now a wreck as an adult reality star should do what Lindsay Lohan should have done. That is go do some easy LA jail time and don't worry about probation and drug tests and what not. Do your time and be done with it because you are just going to keep failing drug test after drug test and dragging your case and the negative publicity out for years.

Blind Item #9

This former A- list almost network actor crashed and burned his latest time out. He is in the closet. Has been. The thing is, most of you know he is in the closet and he is only fooling Kneepads and US Weekly readers. His career is in the tank. He has been dragging around his former co-star as a beard hoping something will pop. They are both miserable and her career is even more of a dumpster fire right now. It is painful to watch.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 1, 2017

This A/A- list very smart model lost her cool when a pap kept taunting her about her Oscar dress and how the Goopster had worn it five years earlier.

Karlie Kloss

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - I have to give this foreign born closeted A list athlete in his corner of the sports world credit. He keeps plugging away at trying to find a beard and in the meantime just sends out waves of things from his PR people linking him to any single female celebrity who happens to walk into the same building where our athlete is.

#2 - I guess this foreign born former A- list singer has been told by his people that the whole eloping with a guy thing is not going to work out so well for his career so he is making up crap about dating the bazillionaire ex wife of a permanent A+ list athlete.

#3 - The C- list celebrity offspring of this still alive permanent A+ list singer is HIV+.

Your Turn

The one thing people should do when they visit your town or city. This is going to sound cliche as hell, but if you want to do everything LA in an hour or two you could do it at Hollywood and Highland. The mall has the Dolby Theatre. You can see the Hollywood sign. You can go see Kimmel. You can go to The Roosevelt where the first Oscars were and have a drink by the pool without a reservation. You can see the hand and footprints from Old Hollywood. You can eat at a celebrity owned restaurant or two depending how far we are walking. Missing would be a view of downtown to the ocean which is something I love. Is this LA? No, but it is what people think LA is and it does incorporate a lot of what Hollywood is in a one or two block area. The idea of this is the one thing people should see. They can only see one thing in your town or city.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 23, 2016

This red carpet host/radio personality/celebrity offspring spends more time trying to recruit celebs into Scientology than actually interviewing them.

Kerri Kasem

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 23, 2016

Billboard Music Awards

This celebrity was probably C+ list at best prior to this week. 95% of you probably have never heard of her. She has been arrested more often than she has been on magazine covers. That all started to change this week though when that high profile talk show host recently started hooking up with her and then next thing you know she is being asked by the mainstream tabloids to do special projects for them and to attend gift suites and to be a fashion judge. Soon, she will be everywhere.

Kayla Quick/Michael Strahan

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 22, 2016

This former porn star/Charlie Sheen mistress convinced her fans into giving her $40K for rehab. She never went to rehab and is staying with a friend in LA while pretending to be at rehab.

Rachel Oberlin

Blind Item #8

There is talk that the actor I want to play the next Bond got his foreign born co-star from his yet to be aired show, pregnant. He is like the good looking talented version of Kevin Federline. Prolific.

Blind Item #7

I kind of feel for this foreign born A- list actress who dumped a beloved Canadian. Her try to stay hidden actor because he wants to keep his options open had almost an entire bottle of booze while chain smoking cigarettes and then said he had to get back to the hotel to have sex with his girlfriend. I'm sure she was thrilled.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 1, 2017

I guess what goes around comes around as this former A list athlete who is probably retiring and is a home wrecker is being cheated on by her athlete boyfriend who was part of the home wrecking.

Ronda Rousey

Blind Item #6 - Kindness

This was unexpected. That child actress from that long running period piece on cable which ended a few years ago does some good work now in a role. She also picked up the tab for three dry cleaning stores that specialize in reduced price cleanings for homeless and disadvantaged people looking for work and needing work clothes. It was not even actually the amount, but the thought that went into it which was really nice.

Blind Item #5

It was kind of sad to see this original 90210 alum cheating on his significant other. He looked a little desperate too going off with someone who is still in college.

Blind Item #4

This A- list dual threat actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is from a large acting family makes her boyfriend meditate for 30 minutes before they have sex. Every single time. Until he does, there is no sex. At the same time she does some kind of spiritual incense burning.

Blind Item #3

Network actress/writer on an ensemble show to the same thing in her own show to wanting to do movies but telling people she still wants to do her own show is in love with the guy she has wanted forever. They went to a recent big big event together and she thought they were good, but he is still seeing any woman who remembers him from his one good role.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blind Item #2

Apparently what porn studios most have their eyes on is a ten minute sex video starring the drug addicted celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations is super young but just showed off the newest work done to his face. IN a decade he is going to be regretting this.

'Flipping Nightmares' Star Armando Montelongo Hates Other Flipping Shows

Armando Montelongo was flipping houses in real life and on TV long before "Flip or Flop" came along. "Our show is different because we're literally showing the worst of the worst," Montelongo said. "It's not like other house-flipping shows that their budgets are subsidized by the network. These are real numbers and real budgets."

Montelongo, who starred in the first season of "Flip This House" in 2005, said fans have grown tired of what he calls "cookie cutter flipping show."

"Fans are tired of being bored of house flipping shows," he told us. That's why he decided to get back into the reality TV show business.

"[Fans told me], 'We want the original house flipper back. We want the guy who started this all to do a house flipping show.' And truth be told, I was bust my a-- with my businesses for eight years but now it's time and we're having so much fun making the show."

his time around, Montelongo is joined by his wife Whittney. At first, she was reluctant to appear on the show.

"She really didn't want to be on the TV show," Montelongo said. "But I kind of convinced her to be on the show against her will. She's fantastic! She is America's next sweetheart." (and really did want to be on a reality show)

I am still always going to be partial to Flipping Out.

Orson Welles' Final Film Will Be Finished And Released By Netflix

Orson Welles' last film finally has a home. Netflix has acquired the global rights to Welles' "The Other Side of the Wind" and will finance its completion and restoration.

Netflix's announcement Tuesday brings to a close the decades-long mystery surrounding one cinema's greatest filmmakers. Welles never completed the film, which he began shooting in 1970. The "Citizen Kane" director died in 1985.

"The Other Side of the Wind" is a Hollywood satire about a filmmaker attempting a comeback. Its stars include John Huston, Dennis Hopper and Peter Bogdanovich, who has assisted in its editing.

Producer Frank Marshall will oversee the film's completion.

Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos says that having grown up worshipping Welles, releasing his last film "is a point of pride for me and for Netflix."

Blind Item #12

This late night talk show host has acted as if he didn't want to hang out with this A- list mostly movie actor because of the actor's history with women. Nope. It is because the talk show host was asked to be an alibi last year when the actor was having an affair and brought the mistress to the talk show. The actor later had the talk show host say to the actor's wife that the actor was all alone.

Blind Item #11

The hate and the planning were in full effect this weekend at the Kids' Choice Awards. This former member of a group walked the orange carpet while her ex bandmates waited in a van down by the river. OK, the parking lot. The former member did her thing at the show and left. The old members then came into the venue just in time to pick up their awards and then they too left.

Blind Item #10

Seriously, this former B+ list mostly movie actor who is more famous for who he was married to was so coked out the other night that he sweat through his shirt and pants. At dinner. Inside. In air conditioning. The girl he was having sex with for the night just seemed thrilled to be in his presence which is how he likes all the women he finds.

Blind Item #9

This former A+ list singer has not been asked back to this network reality show because of the sexual relationship she had with a female contestant. It almost resulted in a lawsuit.

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 3, 2017

Everyone stopped and took photos with fans the other day from this fairy tale show. Most cast stayed 15-20 minutes. This alliteration actress told fans she was too busy but then hung around the entire time waiting for her significant other to finish being nice.

Ginnifer Goodwin/Josh Dallas

Today's Blind Items - The Coke, The Bad And The Ugly

One group of readers will love this blind and another group will just click the next button. Those of you who are on board, will really love this one. After this MTV reality star made her first stop in LA at a house for the second straight time, I started asking about it. Previously I thought it was just a guy who produced porn. He does produce porn, a lot of in fact. He also is a pimp in the sense he will connect porn stars with people who can afford to date them and then take a little cut. Anyway, one of his biggest money makers is selling drugs to celebrities. Yes, our reality star wanted to do porn. Yes, she was told it would have to be with a partner because she wouldn't pass talent testing at that time. Yes, he was happy to sell her drugs to last for her visit. So, each time she has returned to town she has made the trek to the dealer. Her order has grown exponentially each time. Not only is she using pretty heavily now after a short break, but her significant other is up to his eyeballs in addiction and he spends her money like water when it comes to buying drugs.

Out of town and with a huge supply of drugs to get them through three days they head to their hotel. One of the people I know at the hotel said all was quiet at check in and even up to four hours after check in. It was then, that things began to go downhill in a hurry. The noise complaints were first. First, from the room next door, then the room beneath them. At this point it was just loud music and a video game being played at a volume of 100. Apparently the couple started watching porn and had the volume up on that to 100.

The front desk called and the noise quieted down. For a few hours. Later that night there was arguing and screaming and furniture being tossed around. That, according to the room's neighbors who called to complain once again. Oh, a side note. It was 4am.

The "star" has red marks all over her neck and arms and even face when she emerged the next day. Her significant other was there with his arm around her neck. They started looking at some brochures in the lobby and he grabbed her to kiss her. When she tried to pull away he grabbed her even harder and stuck both his hands down her pants from behind. When she resisted again, he grabbed her face and shoved his tongue down her throat. She pushed him away.

Later in the day, when they came back, she was begging him to please forgive her and promised to buy him the boat he wanted if he would just forgive her. That night was more of the same in the room. Noise complaints and partying. The time was close to dawn. For the next 24 hours, no one left the room. There was no noise. Not a peep. My spy was at her house when she heard there had been no noise for almost an entire day and evening and actually said to herself and her roommate that she wouldn't be surprised if the pair had died of an overdose.

Nope. They emerged the next day and were the happiest they had been since checking in. It was like none of the past few days had happened. Five hours later they were back. Having paid another trip to the dealer, they bought enough to last two weeks. It has been downhill from there. Fights and broken furniture. Pipes and the remnants of plastic wrapped needles. The stench in the room was apparently overpowering and might never be the same. At one point, our "star" had a bloody lip and looked like she had been slapped on that side of the face from the mouth to the eye. They spent thousands of dollars on room service and complained because their employer had only agreed to pick up $500 of the total.

Your Turn

Is Snow Day the best movie about snow days? Are there any others? Would you consider a horror movie where everyone is snowed in a snow day movie?

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 3, 2017

It has been almost a year, but this married foreign born permanent A list celebrity only works out at a gym when one specific woman is there. If she is not there he does not show up.

David Beckham

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 1, 2017

It is not all about taxes for this celebrity billionaire. Apparently he would also like to get the government to not call this creepy organization a cult any longer in this country. Being labeled a cult by the government has really hurt business in this country.

James Packer/Scientology/Israel

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 18, 2016

I didn’t think dropping acid was a thing that was all that popular right now, but this Hunger Games actor who has not had much luck outside the franchise definitely did just that before heading from a restroom back into the restaurant where he was dining.

Josh Hutcherson

Blind Item #8

This foreign born model turned "actress" continues to be one big mess. She needs rehab but knows if she goes she will lose whatever momentum her horrible acting career has brought her. I want her to hang out with Taryn Manning for a weekend to see what would happen.

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly movie actor gets multiple chances and keeps screwing up his performances and the movies in which he stars. He also got back together with an ex because he thinks she is the only one who will keep his drug addiction secret from the media. They all know. They just won't say anything without someone coming forward and she won't. Hell, even if she did come forward they would be quiet. I'm not sure why he gets kid gloves treatment.

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

February 1, 2017

This back in the day A list singer went from a boy band to a band he created. Then, he decided to try his hand at management and that went to crap. He tried to go back to the boy band but they hated him and accused him of stealing from them.

Michael Bivins

Blind Item #6

The other night, this A list mogul/wannabe rapper was inspired to have a 70's themed style party. He wanted it to be like a porn set from that time period. The only thing that was a bit off was he let his girlfriend run solo while he hung out with guys while he directed them in their solo scenes.

Blind Item #4

This A list director who often puts himself in the shows and movies he directs is now fully integrated with an A+ list mostly movie actor and his crew. He is also still hooking up with this former Glee actress just like back when she was dating her co-star. This time though the director has been cheating on her.

No Buyer Yet For Mischa Barton Sex Tape

That drugs for sex video being shopped around of Mischa Barton still doesn't have a buyer. The actress, wearing just a grey hoodie having sex with a guy also half clothed just has not found the right person who wants it. The interesting thing is that it is online video sites that are most interested and VIvid seems to be taking a pass. Maybe because it is hard to identify Mischa. One potential buyer said with the stills he saw, he is pretty convinced it is Mischa. The fact Mischa has not said anything yet could mean it is her video or she is so wasted on drugs she doesn't care.

Blind Item #3

This always has been and always will be screwed up A list royal of an older generation is being blackmailed by some "yacht owners" who have video of him having sex with multiple teens under the age of 15. It is not the first time he has been caught in an underage scandal. He was able to buy his way out last time.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Blind Item #2

While she leaves her closeted husband at home with their child, this B list closeted singer with A list name recognition has her lover out on the road with her.

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actor who will be back to B+ next season was a very bitter man at a recent event towards his now former actress co-star. He thinks she hated him enough that she whispered to producers to get rid of him.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress was making movies pretty much in her own language until recently. The last couple of years she has hit the big time. While promoting her latest movie while out of the country though she was a drug addled mess who will be lucky to work again if anyone saw her like that while promoting.

Philadelphia Motel Sued Under New Sex Trafficking Law

A lawsuit filed in Philadelphia accuses a motel in Philadelphia of regularly providing rooms to human traffickers who exploit girls, forcing them to be prostitutes.

The complaint, filed on behalf of a Philadelphia girl, who was 14 years old when she was forced into the illegal sex trade in 2013 and exploited for two years, is the first such lawsuit of its kind under Pennsylvania's 2014 human trafficking statute, her attorneys say.

“This lawsuit is the first among many to come that will hold hotel and motel owners, among others, accountable when they knowingly allow victimization of the most vulnerable in our society,” plaintiff's attorney, Tom Kline, of Philadelphia-based Kline & Specter PC, said in a statement.

The suit contends that the teenage girl, now 17, was enslaved and forced to perform sexual acts with men in 2013 and 2014 at the motel, and that the motel — for its own financial gain — regularly provided rooms to her traffickers.

It contends the defendants "knew or had constructive knowledge" that the girl was "being sexually exploited."

The owner of the motel said he had not seen the lawsuit and was not aware of any minors allegedly being victimized in the motel. "We just rent the room and that’s all we can do," he said.

He said he has a close relationship with the police and if there's unruliness in a room, the motel guests would be told to leave. "It’s hard to control anybody," he said. "If we think a lot of people are having a party in the room, we kick them out."

The owner said he had "no knowledge" of the teenage girl in the lawsuit being victimized or of any other minors who may have been exploited as prostitutes in the motel's rooms.

According to the lawsuit, the girl's traffickers lured customers to the inn through internet advertisements, had men call a number to negotiate a cash price for sex, then had the men go to the motel's front desk, where an employee directed them to a room where the girl was staying at.

The room where the girl was forced to be a prostitute "contained used condoms and condom wrappers and the room frequently smelled of marijuana," had "Do Not Disturb" signs on the door and frequently had men and other minors go in and out, the suit further contends.

The girl, identified in the lawsuit only as M.B., "was visibly treated in an aggressive manner by traffickers" and "exhibited fear and anxiety" in the hotel, the suit says, adding she "dressed in a sexually explicit manner" while walking the hallways.

Despite knowing about or seeing signs of human trafficking, the hotel, its manager and workers failed to report the crimes to authorities or otherwise stop the girl's victimization, the suit says. The girl, as a result, suffered physical harm, mental anguish, humiliation, and other harm, the suit contends.

Man Who Killed His Twin Daughters Only Wounded Wife So She Would Suffer

Randall Coffland called 911 Friday evening to say he had just shot and killed his twin 16-year-old daughters, and also shot his estranged wife, St. Charles police said Sunday.

On the 911 call recording released by police following a news conference Sunday, Randall Coffland can be heard saying, apparently to his estranged wife, "I want you to live and suffer like I did."

Moments later, Anjum Coffland called 911. She can be heard screaming, "My girls are dead," and calling out her girls' names.

She told dispatchers her estranged husband had shot her and their daughters. She was shot once and suffered gunshot wounds to both her legs, police said.

When officers arrived at the Cofflands' condo, they found the girls, Tiffany and Brittany Coffland, and their 48-year-old father dead, all three from single gunshot wounds to the head, police said. Anjum Coffland, 46, was listed in stable condition Sunday at Delnor Community Hospital, they said.

Police said Randall Coffland shot his estranged wife and daughters before turning the gun on himself.

"This is a tragic and horrific event," Deputy Chief David Kintz said at the news conference.

Police called the incident a domestic situation. St. Charles police have been working with the Kane County state's attorney and the Kane County Major Crimes Task Force in the investigation.

Randall, Tiffany and Brittany Coffland had been living together in the First Street apartment, while Anjum Coffland had been living in another St. Charles apartment, according to authorities.

Today would have been the girls' 17th birthday.

Blind Item #12

A new closeted couple. A B list actor who is playing out the string as his cable show ends and a B- list actor who got killed off his show because he was being a pain.

Blind Item #11

This oft fired comedian/actor is going to be fired again and might even get a lawsuit headed his way as a bonus. He is currently on a pay cable show but he trashed the world and his boss and is probably back on drugs again.

Blind Item #10

You just know that this permanent A list singer is freaking out right now about people spilling the beans on all the illegal prescription pills she takes. It is going to come out unless someone is paid off.

Blind Item #9

This B+ list mostly television actor from an acting family has a fairly popular cable show on a channel that was poorly named. Anyway, everyone assumed he had a girlfriend, but when out of the country the other night he and another guy were making out and left hand in hand. It wasn't as if he was hiding all of this so, maybe just assumed wrong or he enjoys men and women equally.

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 28, 2017

How can this former A list teen star get closer to his now dead idol? Well, he was turned down by the offspring so, instead he got a really bad nose job.

Corey Feldman

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Kindness - This Ryan Seacrest wannabe actually did something nice. He raised close to $1M for charity in one night. He even paid for all of his expenses to the city and his expenses while he was there which saved tens of thousands of dollars.

#2 - This A- list mostly movie actor accidentally let everyone know what kind of bondage games he and his actress wife play. He didn't care but his wife was mortified, especially when a waiter mentioned it at dinner the other night.

#3 - Well, I guess this Walking Dead actor gave his co-star girlfriend the slip to hook up with this foreign born actress out of the country as usual. This is the most messed up relationship ever.

Your Turn

Oldest person you have known

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 17, 2016

Just because she is married doesn’t mean this A+ list reality star would pass up a chance to make a lot of money hooking up for a night on a yacht. The offers have been few and far between the past couple of years.

Kim Kardashian

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 13, 2016

This about to be divorced A- list director is trying to keep what happened in his marriage to an actress secret. Apparently the director was literally caught in mid-thrust with another woman by his wife.

Len Wiseman/Kate Beckinsale

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2016

These two celebrity offspring daughters are financially supporting their celebrity mom. They don’t mind paying for her bills, but are getting ticked off her bills include tens of thousands of dollars a month for shopping and her “contributions.”

Gigi and Bella Hadid

Blind Item #8 - Kids' Choice Awards

This A- list actor who does the television and almost television thing at the same time supposedly has a girlfriend but had no problem hitting on the entire flock of Nick and Disney barely legal teens. He could be their grandfather but he doesn't care.

Blind Item #7

This A- list actor/director from an acting family was hitting on this teen hard before a flight the other day. She was headed back to school after a weekend home so lets assume she was 18 although with this guy, you never know. He paid for her to upgrade to first class and sit next to him the entire flight where he kept ordering wine for her and making out with her. They left the plane together and went off with his driver together too.

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 28, 2017

This foreign born B+ list singer with an alliteration initial is freaking out because her long term female lover from back in the day who used to abuse our singer on a frequent basis is trying to work her way back into our singer’s life.

Jessie J

Blind Item #6 - Kids' Choice Awards

These two celebrities are both former reality stars. They also share a connection to one reality star family. The two would not stop talking to each other all evening and were texting each other when not talking. They know that if they did a reality show together it would be epic. They just have to decide if to do it as bf/gf or just as friends.

Blind Item #5

Apparently the actor ex of this A list mostly movie actress has been buying escorts for their son on father/son weekends together.

Blind Item #4 - Kids' Choice Awards

This still underage celebrity offspring has already had several rounds of lip fillers and botox and was asking people whether she should get a breast enlargement. This family is so strange.

Blind Item #3

The assistant to this foreign born A list celebrity with A++ list name recognition is sleeping with one of the offspring of the celebrity.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Blind Item #2 - Kids' Choice Awards

This B+ list singer who was recently Grammy nominated was spotted texting the woman she is dating and really groveling about why the closeted singer could not bring the girlfriend.

Blind Item #1

That married relative of a very very large reality show family has been hooking up with a guy for the past six months who is not her husband.

American Guns Star Convicted Of Selling Guns Illegally And Tax Evasion

The star of the reality TV show “American Guns” faces up to 15 years in prison after his conviction last week on firearms and tax evasion charges.

Richard Wyatt, 53, ran a Denver-area gun shop called Gunsmoke that was the setting for the Discovery Channel show for two seasons in 2011 and 2012.

He was found guilty Friday of selling guns without a license and failing to disclose $1.1 million in income to the IRS after a trial in Denver Federal Court.

Marshals took Wyatt into custody right after the jury announced its verdict.

Wyatt lost his federal firearms license in 2009, the paper reported.

His lack of a gun license failed to stop him from negotiating a contract with the Discovery Channel to star in “American Guns,” according to the paper. The contract earned Wyatt about $500,000.

Prosecutors claimed Wyatt kept selling guns without a license in a conspiracy with other gun shops that were licensed.

Agents with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raided Gunsmoke in 2015, seizing 583 guns and ammunition.

Tyra Banks Is The New Host Of America's Got Talent

Tyra Banks is hosting the 12th season of "America's Got Talent." NBC said Sunday that the supermodel, Emmy-winner and creator of "America's Next Top Model" will be joining the competition series alongside returning judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel.

Banks will be taking over hosting duties from Nick Cannon, who left the show earlier this year after eight years in the post. Banks said she looks forward to "connecting with the dreamers" and will try to get a few to "smize" for the audience.

Contestants in the popular summer series come out to compete for a $1 million prize.

I think this is a really odd choice. I know she "hosted" ANTM but this is a different kind of hosting.

Blind Items Revealed #7

February 28, 2017

Apparently this A+ list mostly movie actor who is almost up there as far as directing goes is trying to simplify his life which is why he has been giving up roles and basically walked away from a television production. Rehab is a strong possibility but he can’t do it with a ton of projects to juggle.

Ben Affleck

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 7, 2016

This A list reality star with a side gig didn’t know it at the time, but she was carrying some drugs in her purse belonging to the boyfriend of one of her best friends. The boyfriend slipped it in the bag when he thought they might be searched going into a club. Nice guy to leave her holding the bag so to speak.

Kendall Jenner/Zayn Malik/Gigi Hadid

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 6, 2016

Staffers on this popular daytime talk show are buzzing about the married host’s affair with a member of his staff.

Steve Harvey

Blind Item #4

This wannabe actress who is definitely the most well known of her siblings, all of whom are celebrity offspring of people you all know is addicted to plastic surgery. Hey, it runs in the family. The thing is though, so far she has only had her shin shaved. Don't be surprised though if this year she finally goes for the major chin reconstruction because she thinks it is keeping her from working. Honestly, it is her acting that is keeping her from working.

Blind Item #3

Still waiting for one person to see this former B+ list mostly movie actress at an event attended by her foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor significant other. No descriptions or pictures. Just some random shot that could have been taken by a PR person.

Blind Item #2

Not too long ago this former talk show host/singer opened for the singer who loves underage women. It was her biggest solo exposure. Since then though, the gig has gone to someone with actual talent, albeit someone who has not had a hit in forever. Apparently our former talk show host tried to sabotage the other singer so the former talk show host could get the gig back.

Blind Item #1

This rapper/former actor who has a name that kind of sounds like a bike had to stop a recent show multiple times to go off stage and take some hits from a crack pipe. He is in bad shape.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 4, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie director is an a-hole when it comes to his ex, who is an actress. He will call her or text her to tell her who he had sex with last and describe it all. The guy is not nice.

Tim Burton

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 4, 2016

They might have made happy faces for the cameras, but our favorite foreign born singer/wannabe actress was out with friends last night and trash talked the A+ list singer she was supposedly all good with the night before.

Rita Ora/Beyonce

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 3, 2016

Met Gala

The attendee who ticked off Anna is still not liked or even acknowledged by this permanent A+ list singer. Totally ignored her last night and brushed off attempts to have them speak.

Lady GaGa/Madonna

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 3, 2016

I have written about her before being rude to people who she considers beneath her. She hates her fans. A lot. One guy she thought was a fan is actually an A+ list producer. She yelled at him for even daring to talk to her. An hour later, her agent called because he had heard how rude she was to the producer and wanted to know if it was true. Our actress then tried to make things right with the producer, but he wanted nothing to do with her and has told every person he knows not to work with her.

Amy Schumer