Saturday, June 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 31, 2017

Apparently the acting of this foreign born model/worst actress in the world’s acting is so bad the entire theme of the movie she is making had to be changed or it would have looked more ridiculous.

Cara Delevingne

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 31, 2017

I wrote here a couple of months ago about how this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee hates the new girlfriend of her long time significant other ex. Well, that hate has taken a new level rage after she warned him about keeping the girlfriend away from the kids and then saw pap pictures with her there with the kids.

Naomi Watts/ Liev Schreiber

Blind Item #4

This former A list mostly television actress from an iconic show who is barely holding on to A list in the movies broke off a trip early because her husband was caught cheating again.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the spin. This foreign born former boy bander from back in the day turned A- list singer in his own country tried a version of bath salts and it freaked him out. No other story is correct.

Blind Item #2

One more installment of the franchise to go which has already been filmed. This married foreign born dual threat actor has been hooking up with a woman who works at his local pub. Apparently he goes over to her place every morning when her parents go to work.

Blind Item #1

Want some creepy? Back in the day this A+ list mostly movie actor installed cameras and a sonogram and a bunch of medical devices in a luxury apartment in NYC when his wife was expecting. Now, he has loaned it out to someone in the same field who belongs to the same group.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 31, 2017

This princess was sexually assaulted on a date with a son of the leader of this oil rich country and was told to keep it quiet for fear of ruining relations between the two countries.

Princess Beatrice

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 17, 2017

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress says she wants to marry her boyfriend but she is sure spending a whole lot of time with her long long time girlfriend. They look stronger than they have before.

Amber Heard

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 17, 2017

Pretty easy to drop that 50 pounds you said you gained while pregnant when you weren’t really pregnant and were just wearing a fat suit. Plus, now when you are this permanent A list singer, people all want to know how you lost the weight so quickly. What is the secret.

Janet Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 17, 2017

She looks so old that even though she is barely in her 30’s, the parts this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is being offered are generally the mom roles. Oh, and not mom to newborns. Nope, mom to teenagers.

Lindsay Lohan

Friday, June 23, 2017

Blind Item #11

That reveal I gave you earlier is pregnant.

Blind Item #10

This back in the day A list mostly movie actress was beloved. She also was the best talk show guest. She has written what is apparently the  best tell of all time to be published upon her death.

Blind Item #9

There are so many back room deals being made right now that the awards show for this cable channel is going to be ridiculous and laughable.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 22, 2017

Billboard Music Awards

Apparently last night, the game was to have every reporter on the red carpet to ask this former singer from a group that couldn’t sing turned reality judge if the rumors were true about her landing a big movie role. Of course they aren’t true but she is hoping all the questions will lead someone to think of her.

Nicole Scherzinger/Wicked

Four For Friday - The Mouse That Roared

The subject of this blind is an actress that I consider A list. If you're a certain age, then you know who she is and probably would call her A list too. She's is pretty low profile, but I think she probably likes it that way. The reason is because she was once involved in a very notorious situation that brought a lot of attention onto her that she did not want. Most people who can remember what went down think they know the whole story, but the thing is, the accepted narrative is only a tiny piece of the entire situation.

I'll call our actress Ms. L. When she was younger, she was considered one of the most intriguing and talented people of her generation. She hung around a group of other very young and dynamic people of similar ages who were really enjoying themselves during those times. Ms. L eventually entered into a relationship with an uber famous man who I'll call Mr. M. They appeared to be very serious about one another for quite a while- until a very disturbing incident occurred. Ms. L was collateral damage in that situation, in terms of everything that took place.

The sad truth is that Ms. L was actually herself a victim of relationship violence that at times was so severe that she required hospitalization. Even years later, she has serious residual trauma from her past situation that almost no one knows about. This violence escalated after the above mentioned incident occurred. Ms. L was also subjected to physical and emotional intimidation to prevent her from talking about things she had seen and witnessed in her situation. She was essentially silenced by threats and kept quiet out of fear for years.

Anyway, fast forward to now. Ms. L has kept her mouth shut for a very long time, but has received extensive treatment for trauma and PTSD-type problems. It has taken a long time to heal and she has been fortunate that she has had good psychological care and support from her loved ones. Again, virtually no one knows she has had any of these problems-- she's been very good at hiding it. The only people who know the severity of what she had to endure are close family and only a few friends who have been sworn to secrecy. Ms. L also suffered from some repressed memory issues about what happened to her and only recently has been able to recall all the horrible incidents in detail.

Ms. L has a young female actress friend who recently became aware of Ms. L's story. I'll call her Ms. C. Ms. L confided her story to Ms. C as a cautionary tale so that the young actress would be careful not to get herself into a similar situation. Ms. C. is an outspoken feminist and looks up to Ms. L as a mother figure and she's urging Ms. L to go public with her story. Ms. L has also gotten to the point in her therapy where she is no longer afraid and is ready to tell all. She's angry about being silenced and her family, friends and medical team are supportive of her desire to go public.

Mr. M and the other people involved in the past situation have of course gone on with their lives as if nothing happened, and have no clue that Ms. L could potentially expose them. If she does decide to go public, there will be added shock value because those who witnessed what was going on and did not intervene will also be called out publically. The best part is that Ms. L also has journals and medical records that document the abuse which will be undeniable.

This story has the potential to be huge and will shine an important light on relationship abuse survivors. Ms. C is also anxious to help publicize Ms. L's story and has a lot of power to do so because she has a massive following on social media. I hope Ms. L can remain strong and maintain the courage necessary to come forward.

Your Turn

Would you date or let someone date this guy?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 16, 2017

She was the highest paid yachter ever and I told you this before. Now, it is all coming out just how much this foreign born A list model was earning for yachting. I knew it was the high six figures per stay, but even I didn’t know it reached seven figures. That is mind blowing.

MIranda Kerr

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 16, 2017

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who all of you know. I mean all of you – hooked up with a flight attendant during a flight – while she was working. Hopefully she was on a break.

Orlando Bloom

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 16, 2017

Speaking of OITNB actresses, this one is arguably the most famous of them all. She went off on her agent because she thought she was a lock for a role, but she lost out to someone similar to her but a decade younger.

Laverne Cox

Blind Item #8

This A- list mostly television actress isn't ever leaving her hit network show that has been on forever. She might however leave her husband if she keeps hooking up with her co-star. It has been going on for awhile now.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born former franchise actress turned A- list mostly movie actress tried harder this week to be more friendly to the press. To some degree it worked, although she still cut several short when she didn't like the questions. Her team told her she needs to do a 180 after her last few press runs for movies because studios can always find someone else.

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

June 15, 2017

He won’t ever say it publicly, but this A list manager knows that his A- list singer client was in big trouble until a few weeks ago. Sales had been lagging, everyone talked about her attitude first then her diva pose rule and then her acting and finally her singing. Now, she has changed the whole thing and has probably five or six years of goodwill she would never have received.

Scooter Braun/Ariana Grande/Manchester

Blind Item #6

Never a good sign when this known for his looks more than his acting married B+ list actor hits a bar. He hit several of them this week while out of town and away from his wife who would never agree to him drinking.

Blind Item #5

This broke B+ list rapper had his card declined while trying to impress a woman he picked up the night before. He then had another card declined, before finally getting a third to work. He blamed it on being out of the country.

Blind Item #4

This permanent A- list dual threat actor who everyone knows in lots of different ways is married. His wife had to have help carrying our actor to his room while out of the country this week.

Blind Item #3

This nighttime talk show host fathered a child that his wife doesn't know about.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Blind Item #2

This former B- list take anything she could get actress who only got parts because of who she was married to and her unique look is hooking up with some rich guy in his 80's and had herself added to his will a week after his wife died.

Blind Item #1

This reality star who is a reality star as part of a family that is really only on reality because of the dad paid $5K to be the date of a NBA player.

Federal Appeals Court Says Brendan Dassey Confession Was Coerced

The confession of a Wisconsin inmate featured in the Netflix series "Making a Murderer" was improperly obtained and he should be re-tried or released from prison, a three-judge federal appeals panel ruled Thursday. Brendan Dassey was sentenced to life in prison in 2007 in photographer Teresa Halbach's death on Halloween two years earlier. Dassey told detectives he helped his uncle, Steven Avery, rape and kill Halbach in the Avery family's Manitowoc County salvage yard. Avery was sentenced to life in a separate trial. A federal magistrate judge ruled in August that investigators coerced Dassey, who was 16 years old at the time and suffered from cognitive problems, into confessing and overturned his conviction. The state Justice Department appealed the ruling to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, a move that kept Dassey, now 27, behind bars pending the outcome.

A three-judge panel from the Chicago-based 7th Circuit upheld the magistrate's decision to overturn his conviction. Wisconsin can appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, ask for a review by the full 7th Circuit or re-try Dassey within 90 days. Johnny Koremenos, a spokesman for Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, said the office expects to seek review by the full 7th Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court, and hopes "that today's erroneous decision will be reversed."

"We continue to send our condolences to the Halbach family as they have to suffer through another attempt by Mr. Dassey to re-litigate his guilty verdict and sentence," Koremenos said.

Laura H. Nirider, an attorney who aided Dassey's defense, called it "a victory for Brendan."

The appellate panel split, with Judges Ilana Rovner and Ann Williams affirming and David Hamilton in dissent. The majority opinion by Rovner said "no reasonable court" could have any confidence that Dassey's confession was voluntary. It cited "the leading, the fact-feeding, the false promises, the manipulation of Dassey's desire to please" as among many factors that cast it in doubt.

Hamilton, in dissent, wrote: "The majority's decision breaks new ground and poses troubling questions for police and prosecutors. It calls into question standard interrogation techniques that courts have routinely found permissible, even in cases involving juveniles."
Avery and Dassey contend they were framed by police angry with Avery for suing Manitowoc County over his wrongful conviction for sexual assault. Avery spent 18 years in prison in that case before DNA tests showed he didn't commit the crime. He's pursuing his own appeal in state court.
Their cases gained national attention in 2015 after Netflix aired "Making a Murderer," a multi-part documentary looking at Halbach's death, the ensuing investigation and trials. The series sparked widespread conjecture about the pair's innocence and has garnered them a massive following on social media pushing for their release.

Authorities who worked on the cases insisted the documentary is biased. Ken Kratz, the prosecutor, wrote in his book "Avery" that Dassey was "a shuffling, mumbling young man with bad skin and broken-bowl haircut" who could have saved Halbach's life but instead involved himself in her rape and murder and Avery is "by any measure of the evidence, stone guilty."

Blind Item #11

Ahh, nothing like watching a permanent A list singer so drunk she can barely put together a performance for people who paid big money.

Blind Item #10

This is getting creepy. It is stalker-ish. There was the fake editing to make it look like you attended something you didn't and now you want to use the same surrogate they used for their first baby for your next child.

Blind Item #9

Don't believe the hype. There is no movie based on this A+ list reality star. The "preview" is a nice montage of women you will see yachting this summer here and abroad.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

June 15, 2017

This foreign born A list rapper is folding under some serious pressure. She is out right now trying to buy an incredible song because her last few singles have sucked. Her television show was not picked up and no talent shows want to hire her because she is a pain. If she doesn’t come up with something soon, her label is going to drop her.

Nicki Minaj

Today's Blind Items - Cocaine Career Crash

If I asked you who killed their career the hardest during this back in the day primetime network hit you would guess this actress. Guaranteed. You would be wrong though. Oh, she did her fair share of things and displayed some truly awful behavior and impressive drug use. But, it pales in comparison to what her co-star managed to accomplish. Her co-star was already on double secret producer probation after basically trashing her former hit show and walking away from it while signed to a contract. Her departure crushed the show.

When I say someone does coke 24/7, it is usually an exaggeration. Not this actress. When she was awake, she was snorting. Paycheck after paycheck went to coke. She partied every single night. This was one of the biggest shows on the air. She was in demand. There was nothing she couldn't ask for and she did. And did. And did. She was a nightmare. One of the biggest shows of the decade and she was fired and had to watch someone replace her, playing the same character and cashing all those huge paychecks. Did our actress work again? A handful of one off things, but nothing else.


Blind Items Revealed #4

June 15, 2017

This former tween rapper/actor turned social media faker spent about a tenth of what he claimed to have spent on strippers recently. Oh, and half of what he did spend was given to him by the club for bringing in a certain number of people.

Bow Wow

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 15, 2017

This drugged out foreign born former A list boy bander who is out on his own now and was the first to go is hooking up with someone who is definitely not his girlfriend.

Zayn Malik

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 15, 2017

It is not exactly what she meant, but the PR people of this A list singer are having to placate a bunch of industry people about awards and award shows and swear she wasn’t including them in her list. She is going to have a tough time getting nominations or awards this year.

Katy Perry

Blind Item #8

When he has to film more than one week's shows at a time, this married host usually has a stripper hanging out in his trailer to keep him entertained during breaks.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born permanent A list model was turned down cold by this one named rapper who I thought had sex with anyone that moved.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 15, 2017

Don’t believe the hype. This is one conspiracy that is not true. This former A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family did not transform into this a-hole YouTube host.

River Phoenix/Mark Dice

Blind Item #6

This actor/singer who is slightly better known for his music had a fan orally service him and a family member before a show this weekend while in front of a dozen or so people.

Blind Item #5

Mr. Commando, who is making other news this week and as I told you before, not dating a foreign born actress who hates his guts, was drunk as a skunk on a red carpet this week.

Blind Item #4

In addition to dropping almost $250K to record his album, this B+ list mostly television actor doing a famous reboot about to start paid $25K to a tabloid to say nice things about his record.

Blind Item #3

Did she not know she was going to be a beard? I can't think of another reason the closeted foreign born former boy bander split with her. Maybe the whole no labels thing makes him think he doesn't need to any longer.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Blind Item #2

One of those original boy bands has not really reunited like the much bigger ones. Anyway, one of the members got one of his teenage parishioners pregnant.

Blind Item #1

Want to know what you do when people stop thinking you are A+ list? Well, if you are this actor who jumps from franchise to franchise, you get one of your buddies to tell the world how virile you are and how women throw themselves at him and how he has sex with them all. None of it is true, but the actor is thrilled.

Cosby Jurors Names Released - Ten Out Of Twelve Jurors Wanted To Convict

Judge Steven O'Neill ruled Wednesday that the identities should be released of the jurors who deadlocked in the Bill Cosby sexual assault trial.

The judge stated jurors may not discuss what was said in the jury room during deliberations.

A mistrial was declared Saturday in the 79-year-old entertainer's sex assault trial after the jury deadlocked. O'Neill plans to hold a retrial within four months.

Lawyers for news outlets had argued that jurors' names should be public to ensure transparency in the judicial process. Prosecutors and defense lawyers had argued they should remain secret, saying releasing them would make it more difficult to select a jury in Cosby's second trial.

Cosby denies drugging and molesting accuser Andrea Constand at his home in 2004.

Ten of the 12 jurors on Bill Cosby’s sex assault trial reportedly wanted to convict the disgraced comedian.

It was just two lone holdouts who refused to budge during 52 hours of marathon deliberations, forcing the judge to declare a mistrial Saturday morning, a juror who asked to remain anonymous told ABC News.

“(The holdouts were) not moving, no matter what,” the unidentified juror revealed.

The panel reportedly deadlocked 10 to two on the charges alleging Cosby drugged accuser Andrea Constand with something that impaired her ability to resist and then digitally penetrated her without consent.

On the charge that claimed Cosby assaulted Constand while she was unconscious or unaware that penetration was occurring — count No. 2 — the jury vote was 11 to one to acquit, the juror told ABC.

Ghostbusters 2 Twin Commits Suicide

One of the twins who played baby Oscar in the 1989 film Ghostbusters II has committed suicide. Henry ‘Hank’ Deutschendorf – who played the role of the baby along with his twin brother, William – reportedly killed himself at his home in California on June 14. He was discovered by his brother.
The medical examiner has confirmed that Hank killed himself by hanging.

Posting a tribute to his brother, William revealed that his brother had long battled schizoaffective disorder – a combination of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. He ‘fought for his life every day’ and experienced hallucinations, delusions, depression, and mania.

The pair ran a Martial Arts academy in the San Diego area. "It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my twin brother, Hank. On Wednesday, June 14th, 2017, Henry John Deutschendorf II lost his battle with schizoaffective disorder… by the end he had 25 voices, all with different personalities and opinions, but mostly agreeing they did not like Hank. Our parents will always remember him as a loving son."



Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is going to go broke if she keeps buying her new boyfriend gifts like that $50K watch. Our actress has always been really frugal but that has gone out the window in the past couple of months.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister who is probably a B+ list celebrity herself recently got out of rehab. She dumped the drug boyfriend, went to rehab and has been clean for a couple of months. She met a guy last week though who sells drugs and she is in love and the whole cycle is going to start again.

Blind Item #10

It has been a long time since anyone has spotted this former A+ list reality star who was so hated using coke, but she was this week. Multiple times.

Blind Item #9

Cannot say they don't know how to play the game. This talk show host rarely if ever gets papped. But with marriage troubles everywhere in the media, our host managed to not only get papped but also get papped mid kiss with their significant other. What a coincidence.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 22, 2017

Billboard Music Awards

Honestly, if it had not been for someone holding a card as they walked the red carpet, no one would have known who these big winners even were last night.

The Chainsmokers

Today's Blind Items - The Pact

This A-list entertainer is really in a tough spot right now. A secret that has the potential to be unearthed could cause some major problems for him. This guy is almost universally loved in his niche demographic of very, very loyal fans. And recently, his popularity has increased to an even greater degree. I'll call him Mr. G.

Anyway, Mr. G. has been A-list (or maybe even A+ in some circles) for at least 25 years. He was once considered a complete outsider in the business, but is now very rich, famous and influential. It wasn't always that way though. Back in the day, Mr. G. could not get his foot in the door anywhere to save his life, but stumbled on to a lucky break. In the process of getting that break, he befriended another entertainer, who I'll call Mr. S. Mr. S was already an A-list entertainer in his own right when they met, and he and Mr. G became fast friends immediately.

As is always the case with the fame machine, Mr. G and Mr. S's careers took some twists and turns over the years, but their friendship always remained strong, even though at times they didn't see each other very much. As is also the case in friendships between two guys, there were also a lot of ups and downs in both Mr. G and Mr. S's personal lives too. Both of these guys made some bad relationship choices, which can really test a friendship. After all, there's nothing worse than your close friend dating someone that you can't stand. Anyway, these two guys were able to somehow navigate all that too, which is pretty amazing.

A few years ago, Mr. G and Mr. S got involved in a project together which was very exciting for their mutual fans. It was something they'd both wanted to do for a long time and the added benefit of this project was that they got to work with one another more than they had in years. It was really great and they had a blast doing it. They were older now and just really enjoyed hanging out again. The thing is, during the course of this project, Mr. G and Mr. S came to the realization that they had stronger feelings for one another than just friends would. Mr. G had always known these feelings existed, but Mr. S. was in denial and had struggled with some issues rooted around those repressed feelings for years. This, understandably created a very uncomfortable and awkward situation for both of them. But because of their affection for one another as friends, they seemed to be able to deal with it without it totally destroying their relationship.

Now keep in mind, both of these men are what would be considered classically heterosexual, so no one would ever suspect anything like this had taken place between them in a million years. And no one could find out either, because it had the potential to seriously damage both their careers and personal lives. Because of this, Mr. G and Mr. S made a pact that they could not let anyone discover their secret. At least not until they could figure out what they were going to do going forward. Unfortunately, someone connected to one of these men began to suspect that something transpired between them and started causing problems. And this triggered a chain of events which has had some unintended consequences.

Because of all this, Mr. G is terrified that this secret will be exposed publicly. Due to those fears, he has had to withdraw from some important events which has raised quite a few eyebrows. The secret, for now, is safe-- but who knows what will happen in the future. If this situation eventually gets outed, it is going to be a major story, so you better have your popcorn ready.

Your Turn

What grade was your best yearbook photo?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 19, 2017

What do you do when one of the millions of children in this reality family gets pregnant? You have a shotgun wedding so hopefully no one finds out the truth.

Joy Duggar

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 18, 2017

This A list country singer is performing in an unusual place this weekend. As part of his deal, he wanted to make sure that booze and women would be provided with no consequences.

Toby Keith/Saudi Arabia

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 18, 2017

Things appear to be over for this former A+ list singer turned reality judge turned singer turned reality judge turned part-time actress and her long time significant other. The singer/actress has been hooking up with a guy on set and partying every night with him too.

Christina Aguilera

Blind Item #8

Why yes, that was this foreign born closeted permanent A list singer seen finally out in public with her very long time girlfriend. The two went shopping together while out of the country and have gone to dinner multiple times too.

Blind Item #7

This barely legal foreign born singer is pretty close to A list right now. He is also closeted and recently had to pay $50K to a guy who had a sex tape of the pair.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 13, 2017

This one named female singer took to the stage this past weekend and was high as a kite. Considering she does not get much work right now, and the buzz around town, you would think she would have tried to be 100% sober for this one.


Blind Item #6

This still barely legal former Disney actress who is known to tabloid and website readers in a completely different light than those who just watch her shows doesn't think she will live to see 21.

Blind Item #5

This Academy Award winning actress who seems to have given up on television after one bomb has been hooking up with the married CEO of this foreign based massive beauty/makeup company.

Blind Item #4

One of the leads in this upcoming sequel has been trying her best to avoid any interaction with the rest of the cast because of the dislike there is towards her from many of the cast. To do this, she has been skipping events.

Blind Item #3

The mom of this still underage reality star turned mostly movie actress went off on the director at a recent screening for making her daughter look bad in the movie and for making a movie that will kill her career before it starts.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Blind Item #2

This final member of this acting/celebrity/singling family has a song out that is so heavily produced that the original recording and the finished product don't even come close. You won't see her singing it Acapella anytime soon.

Blind Item #1

This network reality star is set to marry her fellow network reality star, neither of which were in The Bachelor or any of its incarnations. She might want to question where he is going during the day more closely because it is not going to work out. Well, I guess there is some cardio in it.

Daniel Day-Lewis Quits Acting

"Daniel Day-Lewis will no longer be working as an actor," a rep for the actor said. "He is immensely grateful to all of his collaborators and audiences over the many years."

His rep added, "This is a private decision and neither he nor his representatives will make any further comment on this subject."

The 60-year-old's acting career has spanned four decades. He won Oscars for best actor for his leading roles in "Lincoln," "My Left Foot" and "There Will Be Blood."

His last film role was in 2012 in Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln." However, he will appear in "Phantom Thread" set to premiere on December 25, 2017.

Prodigy Has Died

Half of the New York hip-hop duo Mobb Deep, has died. Prodigy was 42.

The rapper's publicist said in a statement Tuesday that Prodigy was hospitalized a few days ago in Las Vegas "for complications caused by a sickle cell anemia crisis." Prodigy has battled sickle cell since birth and was in Las Vegas for a performance.

The exact cause of death was not clear, the representative said.

"It is with extreme sadness and disbelief that we confirm the death of our dear friend Albert Johnson, better known to millions of fans as Prodigy of legendary NY rap duo Mobb Deep," the statement read. "We would like to thank everyone for respecting the family's privacy at this time."

Prodigy was born Albert Johnson in New York. He found success in the '90s with fellow rapper Havoc in Mobb Deep. The duo's hits included "Quiet Storm" with Lil Kim, "Shook Ones (Part II)" and "Hey Luv (Anything)."

Prodigy released a cookbook of prison recipes last year, based on his time in jail. The book, "commissary kitchen: my infamous prison cookbook," was released on Infamous, Prodigy's own imprint at Brooklyn-based Akashic Books.

Blind Item #11

This pretty much kicked off from a Bravo reality show not named anything Housewives says that her drug dealer knows lots of men who have paid for the services of one of the women who is still on the show.

Blind Item #10

This B+ list mostly movie actress who you all know despite her not acting very much or very well the last few years did some recent reality television. Her success was because she knew what was coming so to speak.

Blind Item #9

This mini me Ryan Seacrest wannabe is on vacation with his significant other. He told her they could either have threesomes every night or she could leave the room while he had sex with other women. It is why he specifically chose this vacation spot.

Mr. X Blind Item

The marriage between this actor/singer and this has done literally everything but is primarily a host has survived lots of cheating from both sides. What looks like will bring it down though is the views she has about certain things. It is causing a huge wedge between them.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 17, 2017

They are both single so nothing salacious in these two hooking up, but it is going to end in disaster. This B+ list mostly television actress is recently television unemployed after walking away from a hit. She is hooking up with this never can get 100% sober mostly television actor who has A+ list name recognition. They are working together right now and she thinks she can fix him. Doubtful. Also, the nights when she is not at his place he has other women over who also think they can fix him.

Jennifer Morrison/Matthew Perry

Today's Blind Items - It's Even Worse

Just about five years ago I wrote about this actress and the strange cult in which she is involved. I even revealed it about six months later. I thought it was bad then because it involved group sex with underage people. How could it get worse? Our actress and her co-leader have started branding the pubic area of the teens and others to mark them as permanently owned by our actress and the freak co-leader. Videos are taken of the naked women to hold over them in case they try to leave the group. The women also have to provide further videos every month of themselves having sex. Crazy crazy stuff.

Your Turn

Do you crack your knuckles?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 17, 2017

This former A+ list child star who still has A+ list name recognition despite acting only a handful of times since he was a child has been trying to convince a woman in his life to join him in shooting up heroin rather than just snorting it. He hates using with needles by himself.

Macaulay Culkin

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 13, 2017

This one named permanent A- list singer who is closing in on permanent A list status is married. You would never know it though by the way he hits on people or that he never wears his wedding ring. Oh, or that you never see him with his wife.


Blind Items Revealed #2

June 13, 2017

If you are looking for a reason for that upcoming divorce between the model and the businessman, it is because he could not stop cheating. The same thing happened while they were dating.

Elle Macpherson/Jeff Soffer

Blind Item #8

This former child actress turned can't get an acting job turned celebrity turned B+ list mostly television actress continues her troubled life. She was spotted using while at a charity event.

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list singer turned singer wannabe actress is desperately trying to get pregnant with her boyfriend. He had to visit the set where she was filming, multiple times when she was ovulating and did not really visit any other time.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 12, 2017

This former A list tweener actor turned singer?!? is always short of cash. Well, he was. He probably still tells his ex he is. How did he get so flush with cash recently? Got paid off by the guy who made his life so miserable when he was younger. All our actor had to do was stop talking about it.

Corey Feldman

Blind Item #6

Apparently this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor had no qualms cheating on the former actress he calls his girlfriend or the frequent co-star with whom he hooks up. Our actor has been on a whirlwind of groupies on a press tour.

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure how this A+ list mostly movie actress takes it. Her director boyfriend is always criticizing her to the point where it feels verbally abusive. He has never complimented her.

Blind Item #4

To make sure he can continue using drugs even when he is out of the country, this A list mostly movie actor sends an assistant to the country four or five days ahead of time with the product. Then, if they are busted, he would send another. No one has been busted yet.

Blind Item #3

This B+ list mostly television actor who is probably best known for dating this A- list actress who you all know has been on and off with the actress because he can't stop watching porn every chance he gets.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Blind Item #2

This former tweener pulled a trifecta. The B+ list singer got a job and coverage of that job to hide that she is making much more money yachting this week.

Blind Item #1

This country singer probably more famous for her reality show than her singing says her new record was inspired by some kind of nonsense. She got her new record by writing a check to a guy is how it happened.

FBI Searches Home Of Florida Mom Who Vanished At Sea

Friday’s all-day raid of Isabella Hellmann’s condominium dispelled any idea that authorities are satisfied the woman’s vanishing was an accident.

About 20 FBI investigators Friday morning pushed through yellow evidence tape that the agency had used weeks earlier to seal the front door of the unit, which Hellmann shared with Lewis Bennett, her husband since February and the father of their 10-month-old daughter.

FBI spokesman Michael D. Leverock said Friday morning in a statement that the agency “initiated a court-authorized search” at about 9 a.m. as “part of the investigation into the disappearance of Isabella Hellmann.”

Bennett has told the U.S. Coast Guard he was awakened early on May 15 — one month ago Thursday — after the 37-foot catamaran Surf into Summer struck something about 30 miles west of Cay Sal in the Bahamas.

He said he came topside to find that the vessel was taking on water and Hellmann was gone. A Coast Guard helicopter rescued Bennett in a life raft about three hours later.

A four-day Coast Guard search failed to find Hellmann, 41. Both the Coast Guard and the FBI confirmed May 26, eight days after the search was called off, that they were conducting a “missing person investigation.”

Neither agency has said whether Bennett is a target of their investigation or even if they suspect foul play.

But on June 1, the FBI sealed the front door of the couple’s condo at Pine Ridge at Delray with the yellow evidence tape.

On Friday morning, neighbor Anne Fennimore, whose condo is on the second story immediately above Hellmann’s residence, said she and other neighbors were ordered to stay inside as agents approached the front door downstairs.

“One yelled that they had a warrant to search the place, and then broke the (tape) to get inside,” Fennimore told The Post. She said she saw six crime-scene technicians in latex gloves enter the condo. They appeared to find no one inside, she said.

At the complex, near the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Florida’s Turnpike, federal authorities had arrived in unmarked black SUVs and an unmarked sedan pulling a small trailer containing items marked “investigative material.” Palm Beach County sheriff’s vehicles blocked access.

The Coast Guard on Friday said it continued to work with the FBI but had no comment.

The Coast Guard has confirmed it has lost track of the catamaran. And a relative of Hellman’s has said authorities have told the family the boat sank in more than 4,000 feet of water.

On May 24, the Coast Guard said responders inspected the boat “the best they could from the surface” and never saw what it might have struck. But the agency did say at the time that the hulls had neither visible holes nor obvious places where water could have filled them. A Coast Guard photo shows the catamaran upside down with one pontoon below the surface and the other above the water line. Another shows the entire boat floating just below the surface.

On Thursday, family and friends used the one-month anniversary of the disappearance to post videos on a “Find Isabella” Facebook page.

Friends have said the family fears Bennett and the baby have left the United States. Family members, friends and neighbors have said Hellmann told them she and her husband argued regularly over Bennett’s desire to return with her and the baby to Australia; Bennett has dual British-Australian citizenship.

Miles Teller Arrested For Public Intoxication

Actor Miles Teller is out of jail after being arrested for public drunkenness over the weekend. However, the 30-year-old star of “Whiplash” and “Fantastic Four” denied the charge on social media.

San Diego Police officer Billy Hernandez said Teller was arrested Sunday morning after officers spotted him swaying and falling into the street.

While Teller wrote on Twitter Monday that "there was no evidence to charge me with a crime," Hernandez said the actor was booked on suspicion of public intoxication, a misdemeanor.


Blind Item #12

This foreign born one hit wonder was out of the country this weekend and offered herself up to various producers and singers higher on the list than her (just about everyone is). She got zero takers. Apparently the word is out that if you hook up with her and she has your phone number, she will be bugging you 24/7.

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the hype. This singing/rapping married couple want another season of their reality show so are trying to make it look like they are together. By my count, the rapper has at least three women pregnant right now and has a woman living with him who is not one of the three.

Blind Item #10

This superhero is working on another franchise. The thing is, he has a string of women that he hooks up with but tells them all they should keep quiet about it because he likes his privacy. He just doesn't want them to know about each other. A female stunt performer on the movie though has been very public about their fling which is causing him issues.

Blind Item #9

I guess if the executive boyfriend of this Academy Award winning actress is going to hook up with random women at his company then it is fine that our actress has been hooking up with her bodyguard.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 16, 2017

The A- list (for now) star of this massive box office bomb took out his stress with some strippers and hookers at a party out of the country. His long long time girlfriend might want to ask him about it when he gets back.

Charlie Hunnam

Today's Blind Items - Created A Charity To Beat Women

Yeah, you read the title right. This A-/B+ list country singer is a Grammy nominee/winner with a handful of platinum and gold singles and albums. When he was still a teenager he beat a classmate who wouldn't sleep with him but her family didn't press charges. Since then, he has consistently beat the women he dates but has never been arrested for that. After a very close call though, he had an idea. On a tour earlier in the year he had visited several countries in a region and discovered he could get away with beating women in that region if he threw some money at them. So, what did this a-hole do? Started a charity for women in the region so he would have an excuse to visit all the time and have the poorest of the poor women coming to his charity for help where he could pick and choose who he wanted to be with. The guy is sick.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 11, 2017

There was talk earlier this year of killing off this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actress from this meh ABC show. No one really likes her. But, since the show was doing poorly anyway they figured what was the point of going through all the headlines if the show was going to be canceled anyway. It is still on the bubble.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 9, 2017

This comic spends all his days hosting and all his nights doing comedy. His wife hates the weather and shopping where they currently live most of the time so he is moving. I think he is moving because the cheating is getting harder and he needs to escape some of the women in his life.

Steve Harvey

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 12, 2017

If you hire this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort for the night, spend your time with her at a hotel. Also, you should be aware that if you fall asleep or take a shower, everything you brought with you, may in fact be stolen by her.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #8

This foreign born permanent A+ list singer will never make it through her current endeavor unless she gets her eating disorder under control. It has been getting worse the past six months.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor has a very quiet reunion for the first time in a very very long time with his former co-star who is also an A- list mostly movie actress. The message boards will be hopping if a picture is released. They were seen by several other diners.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 12, 2017

I think it is fair to say that this B list mostly movie actress has A+ list name recognition who would probably be a B- lister headed to C if not for that name. Never let it be said that the right marriage/partnership can’t help with that. Anyway, she is the best drunk ever. The only time she ever lets go is when she is drunk and when she is out in public it is even better. It is also about the only time you have a chance at getting an autograph or picture too unless she is getting paid.

Katie Holmes

Blind Item #6

This one named foreign born B+ list singer is letting herself be styled and basically managed by this A+ list singer. The A+ list singer also, despite kneepad type reports is also hooking up with the B+ lister whenever she can.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born pretty much permanent A list singer was wasted out of her mind at an event this past weekend. She has been much better as of late but was nowhere close to coherent this weekend.

Blind Item #4

This A list mostly movie actress who I always think must have an Oscar nom/win but doesn't is having some personal issues. She does not want either of the men she is dating to know about the other so she is really freaked out when she sees paps following her when she is about to meet the one guy who is like her and who they want pictures of.

Blind Item #3

This former A list mostly television actress from a syndicated show back in the day who is now an A- list celebrity hopefully realizes her boyfriend has other groupies he also regularly hooks up with.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Blind Item #2

This one named permanent A- list singer is having big issues with his marriage. His wife is not only going to spill about his love for guys, but has some video too.

Blind Item #1

This A list Broadway actress who is probably B+ in everything else has done the greatest job of being closeted I have ever seen. No one has ever suspected.

Cars 3 Beats Wonder Woman

"Wonder Woman" fell to second place in its third weekend in theaters, but it's still doing the heavy lifting for the otherwise lackluster summer box office. While many worn out franchises and franchise hopefuls continue to struggle to find a significant North American audience, smaller films such as the Tupac biopic "All Eyez on Me" and the shark thriller "47 Meters Down" were able to break through the clutter and make a splash this weekend.
As expected, the third installment in Disney and Pixar's $1 billion "Cars" franchise easily took the top spot, but its estimated $53.5 million in earnings told a more complicated tale.

"Cars 3" had the worst opening in the series' history -- "Cars" opened to $60.1 million and "Cars 2" to $66.1 million -- and it was one of the lowest debut totals for the Pixar brand. It was also a disappointment compared with the top films over this weekend in 2015 and 2016, noted comScore senior media analyst Paul Dergarabedian.

A year ago, Pixar's "Finding Dory" debuted with $135.1 million. In 2015, Jurassic World" raked in $106.6 million in its second weekend.
"That kind of tells you the state of the industry," Dergarabedian said.
The G-rated "Cars 3" got an "A" CinemaScore and generally positive reviews, but it will have to contend with "Despicable Me 3" which opens in two weeks.

"Wonder Woman" was knocked down to second place with $40.8 million, bringing its domestic total to $274.6 million, while holdover "The Mummy" slid to fourth place in weekend two with $13.9 million.

Alyssa Milano Files Lawsuit Against Former Business Manager

Alyssa Milano has filed a $10 million lawsuit accusing her former business manager of severe misconduct that caused her to spiral into a financial disaster.

The suit accuses accountant Kenneth Hellie and his firm, Hellie, Hoffer & Co., of forging her signature on checks, failing to pay overdue bills and taxes, and inducing her to make bad investments in businesses in which he was also an investor, without disclosing the conflict.

Hellie’s actions, according to the suit, left Milano and her husband, talent agent David Bugliari, “with millions of dollars in debt and their credit in ruins.”

The suit was filed Friday in L.A. Superior Court in Van Nuys. Reached by phone on Saturday, Hellie declined to discuss the specifics.

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 9, 2017

Apparently he has fans. This former B+ list mostly television actor probably rose to A- list when he got his own rarely talked about on this site network show. This week a sales person told him she was a huge fan. Our actor told her to prove it by going into a changing room with him.

Jeremy Piven

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 8, 2017

MTV Movie Awards

This former almost network vampire is hooking up with this married former A+ list mostly movie actor turned A list mostly television actor. He wasn’t there, but she was definitely talking about it.

Kat Graham/Brad Pitt

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 8, 2017

MTV Movie Awards

This former Teen Wolf actress got the most double takes. Too young for all that plastic surgery. Botox has also made her face go in strange directions.

Holland Roden

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2017

MTV Movie Awards

This Awkward actress was threatened with violence from a female reality star from the network who wrongly thought the actress was hitting on a potential customer of the reality star. Pretty sure if it was somewhere else, the reality star would have thrown a punch.

Molly Tarlov/Farrah Abraham

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 5, 2017

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress from a long running hit network show has been seeking solace from the marriage that should never have been in the arms of another man.

Sofia Vergara

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

June 11, 2017

Don’t believe the hype. This A+ list rapper had to leave the country to meet with some people he could not be seen with in this country or the s**t would have hit the fan. He did come up with a nice cover story though.
