Saturday, September 23, 2017

Blind Item #5

I noticed the tabloids this morning are all being perfectly quiet about this rapper who shot up the fame ladder almost overnight hooking up with two women last night. Maybe they want a payoff or an exchange later. Maybe they are afraid of the momager. This is going to be a mess.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 26, 2017

Always a delicate balance when a fan becomes a stalker. This foreign born A list dual threat actor is about to get a restraining order against a super fan who has taken it to a stalking level. The problem is she is very popular with many of his fans and there could be some backlash.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Item #4

Apparently what was holding back this nearly dead former tweener from heading into rehab is that he is too Hollywood. He wanted to go to rehab as part of a show or make some money off it. He definitely wanted to film it.

Blind Item #3

Things have been going great for this B list mostly movie actress from the vampire franchise. Her career was in a steady at least I'm earning money kind of phase and the love life was stable. Now? The future husband and her have been having big issues. In the past it has been because of her faithfulness. This time though it has to do with a brief fling she had an testimony she doesn't want to give.

Blind Item #2

This kind of forgotten member of this former A+ list tweener family group who was just as popular as the rest of them is getting some pressure. The pressure is coming from his wife who wants to move to LA so she can do more things in front of the camera even if he doesn't want to. 

Blind Item #1

After just seeing this reclusive A- list reality star just twice, this escort says she was offered a $75K car if she would be willing to just spend a night or two with him. Apparently most escorts don't want to stay longer than necessary.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 26, 2017

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actress stars in a pay cable show which has been discussed here many times. Comic Con was a mess for her and the leading man. Where do I begin? The cold shoulder on the red carpet where they basically ignored each other. It started because an interviewer earlier in the day pointed out to them they ignored each other when they came in to the interview and came via separate entrances and had separate PR people and he wasn't even sure they were going to come. Their whole facade just crumbled last weekend.

Caitriona Balfe /Sam Heughan/Outlander

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 25, 2017

This foreign born A- list director who is probably still more famous for who he was married to rather than his directing managed to escape the negative publicity surrounding one of his favorite athletes turned actor. Our director was there for the bad events but managed to keep his name and face far from the scandal.

Guy Ritchie/Vinnie Jones/100 dead foxes

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 25, 2017

Don't believe the hype. For their to be another installment of this former television show turned movie franchise, the lead actress, who is an A- lister would want to be aid more than any other actress in history by a wide margin. As much as the other stars would do it for $1M, our actress would want about $50M between salary and box office and that isn't going to happen.

Sex And The City/Sarah Jessica Parker

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 16, 2017

This A list mostly movie actress has a superhero franchise. She also has two men who know about each other, but there is a third guy who none of them know about. That third guy is also a superhero who is a hookup partner our actress is madly in love with. Problem? That superhero has so much personal baggage going on right now that is about to explode and it would envelop our actress.

Scarlett Johansson/Colin Jost/Kevin Yorn/Chris Evans

Friday, September 22, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Amal Clooney directing the paps to go left or right to get her from a good angle.
Halle Berry headed into Kimmel.
James Corden free sampled himself through the fro yo store.
Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green after spending some more of her money.
Heather Graham showing off her new work at the premiere of her new movie.
Katharine McPhee was also there.
Kanye West out spreading the love.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today. Mila Kunis out doing errands solo.
Matt Smith and Claire Foy loving on each other at LAX.
Prince Harry is in Toronto.
Long time no see Paula Patton.
Rachel Bilson gets hugged by her mom after lunch yesterday.
Robert DeNiro and some Tom Cruise sized lifts.
Sienna Miller after her performance last night.

Blind Item #12

Funny how two spas which catered to men in Los Angeles have been shuttered over the past couple of weeks. One via anonymous health department complaint and one a big fat bribe to the owner. Our closeted A list singer is willing to listen to rumors about certain things, but others he is going to nip in the bud before firing back.

Blind Item #11

If you have some Ambien and a little meth, this still technically married A-/B+ list mostly television actor from a very hit, very long running network show will hook up with you. He would prefer you probably to be a man, but is open to all offers.

Blind Item #10

A little out of the norm, but a movie being released soon starring this pirate but not in a pirate role is in trouble. The movie is meh. The thing is though it is way over budget and the producers are trying to save money on the score and music which is causing lots of arguments and there is one school of thought which just wants no music at all in the movie which would be interesting.

Blind Item #9

Always full of good cheer and a gallon of booze is this A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She showed off her booze temper this week and is about to go dramatically off the rails in a bad way.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 24, 2017

This married late night talk show host kept hitting on this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. It was ridiculous how hard he was trying to hit on her and even more painful to watch her put him in his place.

Jimmy Fallon/Charlize Theron

Four For Friday - Ships And Stanning And Stuff

It has been awhile since I have written from this space. Fitting, I suppose because this format is where it all began almost 11 years ago. Anyway, for those of you have never been here before, welcome. Also, you can still e-mail me by clicking that mail looking icon over on the right or just typing in Facebook and Twitter links are over there too, but I also suggest this Facebook link which I need to make an icon. It is a companion page to the site and uses the same photo from back in the day as I am using again. I don't have a part in it, but think it is great. Due to the limits imposed by Blogger, I can only move a few months of posts over each day. Except for two months worth of reveals, all of them are here from 2006 to the present. Another few days and the blind items will all be here too.

Usually on Fridays if there is more than one item, than I try and number them to have four separate items. Hence the name. I will number these as I go, but I'm going to make it more free form and see where it goes. Just a lot of bits and pieces that have accumulated over the past few weeks.

An unmarked car waiting in front of an apartment building every morning at 4am. The Vancouver police noticed it because they were watching a building next door which was rumored to contain a stash house for a bunch of drugs. Every night this car would be there. They noticed a couple of things. It was always there right before 4, and about half the time someone would emerge from the building and get in the car which would then drive away. The other half the time, no one would emerge and the car would leave at 415 empty.

Last week the police had the car pulled over about a two blocks from the building on a morning it had pulled out empty. According to the driver of the car, he was paid a certain sum of money every month to show up at the apartment building at 4. He was a full time limo driver and had met this almost network B+ list mostly television actress (#1) about a year ago. Each time she called for a limo he was the one who was assigned to her and they established a rapport. She explained that she often spent the night at her co-star's (#2) apartment but never knew in advance if it would happen or not. The thing is it was hard for her to get a cab at 4am to run by her place to get ready to go to the set. Would our limo driver be willing? So, every morning he is there waiting.

Sticking to Vancouver, it seems that this doing another season of the reboot A-/B+ list actress from one of the all-time ship relationships never to go public (#3) is miserable in a new deal she signed for appearances. The deal is with a company run by this foreign born showrunner who loves royalty. Our actress can't stand the guy and didn't want to sleep with him but wants roles in his shows so signed a deal to make appearances. It is not going well and apparently he does try to sleep with her every chance he gets.

Finally, moving away from Vancouver and a network show that is finishing its run, it was quite the surprising thing to see this actor (#4) from the show on the arm of another woman/not his wife (#5) other than the co-star (#6) from the show. For the past few months, things have seemed to have been cooling off. This just was further proof that this ship couple everyone wanted to have emerge in public just might never have that day. They are both moving on from the show soon and from the looks of it, he is moving on now rather than later.

Your Turn

Every so often in this space come questions that divide us all. This is one of those times. Is it as big as the toilet paper over or under? No, perhaps not. But still, this is important. When placing silverware in the dishwasher, do you put the silverware handle up or handle down in the basket? I prefer to be able to empty the dishwasher by getting a handle in my hand and not the blade of a knife or the tong of a fork. Your thoughts?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 15, 2017

She went, but this A+ list singer was not happy about going and it was fake smiles all night long, especially when she had to hug it out with this foreign born A list singer.

Beyonce/Rihanna/Diamond Ball

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 14, 2017

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who had a gap between the departure of her hit show and new work basically has it all on the line for a new movie about to release. She is resourceful though. If it bombs she has a trip to Dubai in the works for the end of October.

Nina Dobrev/Flatliners

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 14, 2017

Don't be shocked when this former A+ list singer turned A lister with an upcoming tv gig sacrifices her tour for the good of the show. She doesn't want to go out and play places that are not sold out anyway and using Groupon to even get it to three quarters capacity. She is not going to lower that salary though.

Katy Perry/American Idol

Blind Item #8

Now that she doesn't have to pretend she cares, it won't be long before this one named singer ends up in rehab for the first time in forever. She won't be able to stop herself from using more frequently. She tried to keep it hidden before, but won't now.

Blind Item #7

Considering she is working on about an hour of sleep a night, the energy levels for this former tweener turned adult singer/actress filming a new movie for the A lister are pretty high. The bags under the eyes though are going to be tough to remove from screen. They give her a totally different look than the part requires and the director actually said something about them. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 14, 2017

It is all fun and light when the cameras are turned on but this A- list mostly television actress is causing chaos behind the scenes of her rebooted show with tons of demands that are making the crew really dislike her and causing a divide within the production.

Debra Messing/Will & Grace

Blind Item #6

It was always this B list mostly television actor who was headed to A list that had the drug issues. Big drug issues. He has recovered and he has a decent career, but not like what he had before. His celebrity girlfriend was just some pot and wine and then turned into more pot and a bottle of wine and now takes a bunch of pills for aches and pains she says she has but really doesn't and washes it all down with a bottle or two of wine a day.

Blind Item #5

This former B+ list syndicated actress who was never as famous as one of her co-stars has performed the same type work though for the past decade. Surprisingly, the lesser known has really succeeded and made well into the mid six figures a year but now wants to be an actress again. She has been spending some of the hard earned money on a PR team.

Blind Item #4

The equally as famous sibling of this permanent A+ list athlete has not had as much success family wise. She has suffered a half dozen miscarriages over the years.

Blind Item #3

A no show at the premiere of a movie was the boyfriend of this former A list mostly movie actress who probably wishes she could get those easy superhero sidekick gigs again she once trashed. The boyfriend found someone younger which makes me sad, because despite her foibles and her drinking, I really like the actress.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of diva's, buried in the performance contract of this former A list singer with A list name recognition is a clause that says no matter how late she is, as long as she performs for a certain amount of time, the promoter is responsible is for refunding patrons their money. So, yes, she could be 8 hours late, but if she performs for at least 60 minutes, nothing comes out of her end.

Blind Item #1

This not even one hit wonder who really only has any kind of musical career because of this reality family was the biggest diva this week. She acted like she was Mariah Carey when Mariah could still move. THe demands were pages long and the organizers basically told her she could take what she got or walk. She stayed. She can't give up any chances at all.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Trying to imagine a Britney Spears/Mariah Carey reality show. I'm guessing a couple of minutes usable footage a day.
Evangeline Lilly is The Wasp in Atlanta.
Fergie is still trying to make sales happen before giving up for good and becoming the passed out has been in the upper left corner of another remake of Hollywood Squares.
Courteney Cox heads for a dinner out.
Gerard Butler making sure the paps get a good look of what he perceives to be his cool look.
George Clooney carrying a bag which is not trying to sell any product. Very rare.
Janet Jackson didn't want to be noticed which is why she went to eat at The Ivy. Robertson might be a shell of what it was, but you only eat there if you want attention.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Julianne Moore and her husband in NYC,
Lily Collins out running errands yesterday.
Nicole Kidman will attend anything right now related to Big Little Lies. If you host a picnic at your house with a screening of the show, she will come.
Rachel Bilson gets some attention because of the Hayden Christensen thing.
Robin Wright looking like she could kick my butt.
Selena Gomez filming the molester's new movie.
I'm really hoping Shania Twain either lost a bet or owed someone a really big favor to wear this.

Mr. X Blind Item

What closeted C-list actor who you probably forgot was in a franchise, announced his engagement to a beard that popped out of nowhere. He's been quietly talking to that superhero show producer to see if he can get a recurring role on one of his shows. Hence the beard. 

Blind Item #11

Another little nugget to add to the feud of these two actors from a BBC show all of you know. The slightly more famous of the two disliked his co-star so much that when he was required to give a line for the lesser known actor to respond all he would say is, "Blah blah blah, your line." It drove the other actor crazy because he had nothing to play off at all.

Blind Item #10

This marriage is on very shaky ground. This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee has been spreading lies which his wife has believed. I mean he has been honest with her about some really really personal things so she believes what he says, but his latest lies are about some people he is involved with sexually and there is just a lot of baggage. He had his wife go to bat for him and this is all going to turn out very badly.

Blind Item #9

After four years of trying to get herself sober and failing and reducing herself to basically drugs for sex and living on couches and in drug dens, this foreign born former A- list model/B list actress/world class athlete has finally managed to get herself together. She has filmed a few roles this year in straight to On Demand, but 2018 should be good for her. It has been a long time.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 13, 2017

Seriously? The woe is me stories are already trickling in for this former back in the day A list singer who is living off fame from three decades ago. Whenever she gets a new projects she always has some sad tale to make her stand out from everyone else in the gig and her latest reality thing is no different. She has never changed her spots.

Debbie Gibson/Dancing With The Stars

Today's Blind Items - Starstruck - Kindess

I loved the way this was written, so tried to keep it as is. Had to delete some identifying things, but the starstruck, fun quality is still in it.

I used to work at a popular bar in a mid size city in Canada. One Monday, a co-worker asked me to cover her shift for her, I obliged thinking it would be an average Monday. Myself and another server were working on our upstairs patio and it was not busy at all. We were standing around (extremely bored), when an English man came by and took a look at our patio and menu and asked if he could reserve it that day for a private function. I told him that our patio is first come first serve and we don't take reservations but if he wanted to, he could ask my manager. So he did ask my manager, and received the same response from him. It was then that the English man said, "I don't really like to name drop, but my client is playing at the arena tomorrow and we will make it worth your while." Another waitress immediately said "Oh my god, that's __________!!" And she managed to convince our manager to close down the patio, which we never do.

Myself and the other servers were skeptical that ____________ would come by, but a few hours later, he comes up the stairs to our patio with his whole crew and also the opening band, _________. I could feel myself getting hot and sweaty and my heart was pounding -- I guess you could say I was starstruck. There's just something about seeing a person in the flesh that you only see on TV. Anyway, he walks over to me and immediately orders around 40 Jag bombs for himself and the whole crew. Apparently they were celebrating a crew members birthday. Myself and another server were chosen to serve him and his party, but every other server kept coming up to the patio to do busy work (clearing a glass or plate here and there) just to catch a glimpse haha. He was in great spirits and kept floating from table to table laughing and socializing with his crew. He ordered a couple of gin and tonics with a cucumber slice from me and I spilled a little bit on him (shaky hands -- again, starstruck). He didn't mention it and just said "you are absolutely wonderful, sweet pea" -- a bit of an overstatement for bringing someone a drink, but I appreciated it. It should also be stated that his crew and the opening band, ________, were also extremely nice -- a truly classy group.

His manager definitely stuck to his promise about making it worth our while. _______ and his crew of 40 racked up a $3000 plus bill in under two hours and tipped me and the other server very well. I made a lot more money than I was expecting on that Monday evening. Not only that, but we were invited to hang out with ______ and his crew after. Our manager kindly let me and a few other servers off early so we could party with him. We ended up bar hopping to different downtown bars with all of our drinks paid for. _____ was nice to every single person he spoke to (and it was a lot of people). Myself and the other servers were invited to his concert the next day (for free).

The next night myself and the other girls got ready together and made our way to the concert. We were treated to an amazing show. ___ is truly talented and I was so impressed at his musicianship! It was also impressive that he could perform that well considering he later told us that he was up partying till 5 am.

Side note: the maintenance guy who works at the restaurant was gifted with front row seats, and he ended up proposing to his girlfriend (who has brain cancer) during the show, which ___ acknowledged during one of his songs.

After the show, we were brought backstage where we were again treated to unlimited free drinks. The opening band was there. ___ came later and everyone was praising him on the awesome show he put on. It was hilarious because he started telling a story and we were all crowding around him in a circle listening, and the circle just kept getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller to the point that you were fighting for your spot to be near him (oh the power of fame). I'm not one to compete, so I backed off trying to hanging out with ____ for a while to hang out with my coworkers, the crew and the guys from _______. We got a bit drunker and went back to one of their tour buses and had some pizza.

We came back to the backstage area and I overheard ___ telling one of my coworkers that he was good at relationship advice but not at relationships. So, I (possibly fueled by alcohol), decided to ask for some advice. At the time, I had been sort of seeing this guy who I really liked but rarely asked me to hang out -- even though we texted all day everyday for about 2 months. I explained this situation to ___ and he said "It sounds like you're his back up plan. Don't be a back up plan. You're too good for that." It's completely obvious advice looking back on it, but it was just what I needed to hear at the time. I took his advice and stopped talking to the guy in question. I thought it was pretty cool that one of the biggest current pop stars, who specializes in writing love songs, gave me relationship advice.

So, it was definitely a memorable Monday and Tuesday. I definitely never thought I would be so lucky to hang out with _________ for two days straight. I dealt with a lot of people working as a server at a bar (including other celebrities -- none as famous as ___ though), but ____ and his crew displayed such kindness and class that is really rare these days (unfortunately). It really impressed me that a huge celebrity could be nicer than a lot of "regular" people and also would treat some random waitresses to an experience that they would never forget. So glad I decided to pick up that Monday shift!

Your Turn

Best birthday party you ever had.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 13, 2017

This group had one of the best debut albums of all time. They have tons of hits. They are probably permanent A list. One of the members has had some drug issues which led to a couple year break. Now? The new record didn't do very well and they are playing to half filled arenas that are only half filled because they have discounted tickets in every city.

Green Day

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 13, 2017

The entire night was scripted door to door for this married couple's recent date. It was all done to make sure paps could capture every moment. One thing that changed was that this former A+ list rapper was not supposed to drive. His meds make that very dangerous.

Kim Kardashian/Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 13, 2017

She went to two NYFW shows yesterday but our favorite former tweener turned A- list singer/B list actress called out sick from shooting her new movie.

Selena Gomez

Blind Item #8

This B+ list mostly movie actor has at least one decent franchise. He also never wears his wedding ring. He says it gets in the way of his energy when it comes to finding new women who should be a part of his life. Probably learned that crap from that crazy group he belongs to.

Blind Item #7

Left out of an interview this A list singer gave about his former "boss" was how the two married men would find women to party and sleep with in vacant, fully furnished apartments owned by the boss.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 13, 2017

This foreign born A list dual threat actor publicly debuted a new girlfriend this week. I'm guessing she doesn't know about the two different women he bedded at the same time last week.

Idris Elba

Blind Item #6

Apparently at an Emmy after party, this A+/A list mostly movie actor/part-time director was brought to a party by his girlfriend to meet some of her co-workers. None of them had nothing nice to say about him. One of them. They said he was a d**k and that he was angry and that he treated them like crap.

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list singer is out on the road trying to make a tour work but dancers have been quitting and others have been selling stories about her. There has also been multiple arrests of members of the crew. The whole thing is just a mess.

Blind Item #4

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress gets that high because of her hit network show. Her family is worried about her because she has been struggling with some relationship issues and gained 30-40 pounds in the past couple of months. Her health is a big concern.

Blind Item #3

Apparently this B list mostly movie actor who at one point in time had a chance to be A+ list decided he was going to come out and marry his long time boyfriend. That is what caused the announced "split" with his long time significant other.

Blind Item #2

This celebrity offspring is trying to make it as a male model. He definitely has the genes for it. The thing is though he is known around Malibu for being the go to guy to get great drugs. Tuns out having connections can hook you up in different businesses.

Blind Item #1

Apparently the nonstop fighting between these two judges on this long running network voice competition show is going to now be decided by PR teams. One PR team is trying to make it look like the Oscar winner is a horrible person while the other PR team is trying to make it seem like the former tweener is the horrible person.

Bernie Casey Has Died

Bernie Casey, one of the NFL’s fastest receivers in the 1960s and an actor and artist who gained fame in the 1970s and 1980s, has died at the age of 78.

Born in the small town of Wyco, West Virginia, Casey became a college football and track star at Bowling Green. In 1959 he was a key player on the 9-0 Bowling Green team that was voted the small college national champion. One of Casey’s college teammates was Jack Harbaugh, who later became a coach and is the father of Jim and John Harbaugh.

Casey was an outstanding all-around athlete who finished sixth in the 110-meter hurdles at the 1960 U.S. Olympic trials, and at 6-foot-4 he was a matchup nightmare for opposing defensive backs. Loving that talent, the 49ers selected Casey with the ninth overall pick in the 1961 NFL draft.

A man who understood that players could control their careers long before the players won the right to free agency, Casey was traded from the 49ers to the Falcons in 1967, but he refused to go to Atlanta. Casey knew he wanted to explore acting, and so he told the Falcons they’d have to trade him again, this time to the Los Angeles Rams. The Falcons, knowing Casey wouldn’t budge, obliged.

In an eight-year NFL career, Casey finished in the Top 10 in receiving four times. His best season came in 1967 with the Rams, when he was chosen to the Pro Bowl and scored the game-winning touchdown in the final minute of a key late-season win over the Packers, helping the Rams earn a playoff berth.

When Casey announced his retirement in 1969 at the age of 29, he said he had other things he wanted to do with his life. He had already written and starred in one-man plays, and he intended to paint and have a book of poetry published as well. In 1977, when a New York Times interviewer asked if he had any thoughts on football, Casey answered, “Actually, I’m working on a volume of love poetry now.”

Casey’s first movie role came in Guns of the Magnificent Seven, a sequel to the classic The Magnificent Seven. He suited up as a football player one more time to appear in Brian’s Song, and he later had roles in the James Bond movie Never Say Never Again, and in 1980s comedies like Revenge of the Nerds and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. In Bill & Ted, Casey played a teacher who asked Ted (Keanu Reeves) who Joan of Arc was, eliciting the response, “Noah’s wife?”

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Jake LaMotta - RIP
Ashlee Simpson and
her mother-in-law had sushi from a place other than Bristol Farms.
Jessica Simpson got wasted last night.

Jenna Dewan and
Jennifer Lopez did their World Of Dance thing.
Mariah Carey does more moving in this one photo than she did at the Hip Hop Honors performance.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Emma Stone and
Elisabeth Shue were at a Battle Of The Sexes screening.
Margot Robbie showed off her look prior to the screening.
Mickey Rourke actually put on some clothes yesterday.
Naomi Watts out running errands yesterday.
Pamela Anderson was on television this morning in London. Whatever happened to that restaurant she was opening in France?
Beyonce kissing the brass ring of Disney brass again.

Blind Item #12

Did I write about it yesterday or the day before? AT this point I don't remember, but as I said would happen, this foreign born A- list mostly television actor/recent Emmy winner/nominee has landed a contract girlfriend through Golden Globe season. She is no stranger to the work. 

Blind Item #11

This foreign born one named model/singer/reality star/drug dealer is hooking up with her former boss again in hopes he will give her a job. That would mean someone else would be forced out. 

Blind Item #10

Are they intentionally misleading the public? It is really tough to tell. They certainly are not being 100% truthful. Many regular respected, non kneepaddy publications have been given enough cash to make it seem like the wigs being worn by this A+ list reality star are her own hair. She did dye her own hair to match the wig color, but the ads selling products make it seem as if the wig is the star's real hair. It is at a minimum shady. 

Blind Item #9

I noticed there were a whole lot of before photos of this alliterate B+ list mostly television actress before the drinking began, but none after it started or the end result. She had to drink more than just her usual beer so she was a mess. Combine that with the location and it was just asking for trouble.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 12, 2017

I have been writing about this permanent A list news host for the past couple of years and her spiraling health. Last time I write about her I told you she wasn't able to remember even things like where she lived. Now, she is pretty much forced to stay inside close to 24/7.

Barbara Walters

Today's Blind Items - Mr X Old Hollywood

#1 - This is a follow-up to an earlier blind item. Most of you guessed wrong about the character actor who refused to perform with any black entertainers. I was thinking about this Oscar winner who was the first to portray a character in a series of films, but is best remembered for an '80s sitcom that premiered long after our character actor passed away. Anyways, during his Broadway days the actor would regularly go to Harlem with fellow gay actors and have his pick of the black rent boys. Hypocritical, much?

#2 - They were the leading acting couple on Broadway and even did a couple of movies (they only appeared in one movie together). Heck, they even have (or did have) a theater named after them, but in their personal lives they played the biggest role of all: a married couple. Yes they were both gay and in a "lavender marriage". If you go visit their lavish Midwest estate, which they used as a vacation home/trysting spot and photo op locale, don't even bother to ask about their gay double lives because the tour guide will pull you aside and tell you to shut up.

#3 - If you're an old movie buff, you'd definitely know who this character actress is. She had a unique name and had a southern drawl to her voice. Before she got started in showbiz, she appeared in a stag film where she was pretty much naked.

Your Turn

How many days a year would you skip school?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 12, 2017

Has anyone discovered any disease this A- list singer/wannabe actress does not say she has? I think she comes up with them so she can keep making all those doctor visits.

Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 12, 2017

This is just getting strange. The wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor says she is bottle feeding, but the A+ lister says it is nursing. They cannot even get the most simple stories straight.

Amal Clooney/George Clooney

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 12, 2017

This former tweener singer who is going through some very major life or death issues right now held a gun to the head of the person he says is his girlfriend for over two hours. He only stopped because he had to use. The woman took the chance to get out of the house.

Aaron Carter

Blind Item #8

One problem when you start telling all the kneepad tabloids how you are doing so great is it leaves you limited options when something goes wrong. There are only so many times you can be rushed to the hospital with complications.

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner doesn't need to doctor shop if she is really dating who the tabloids say she is dating. She is in good hands for the various meds she requires.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 12, 2017

This reality momager is leaking to the press that the family is spending millions of dollars on security and housing and an endless list of expenses for the protection of a pseudo family member who is in charge so to speak of a soon to be family member. All of it is crap, especially anything to do with the former A+ list rapper who is basically a zombie.

Kris Jenner/Kanye West/surrogate

Blind Item #6

Apparently a book deal has been struck and the killer mother is going to make a fortune. So, the PR game begins with a bunch of she is not as bad as you think she is stories to help soften the blow.

Blind Item #5

Our three named actress who was so prim and proper at the Emmy Awards was back to her old form earlier this week. Drunk on red carpet wine, our actress started talking out loud, loudly for all to hear that she better be nominated for this British award because she needed a vacation and this way someone else would pay for it.

Blind Item #4

I wish I could write this in his voice, but I am not that good. Anyway, this actor is probably A-/B+ list because he has been on this network comedy for what seems like forever. When it ends he will continue a slide down the ladder. He was having lunch with a friend the other day when a pap came up and asked if the actor was ready. The actor said yes, and told the friend not to worry it would only take a second. The pap dropped a product on the middle of the table and took some photos. He grabbed the product and walked away.

Blind Item #3

I really hate to do two consecutive reality blinds but if you watch a certain show that has an offspring on that cable channel that loves Housewives and you still believe that one of the male stars prefers women instead of men, you really should watch a new show. No "relationship" he has with a woman will ever work out. The face of the company has had his fun and the line of men is long, so very long who have also had their fun.

Blind Item #2

The significant other of this Teen Mom has two good sources for the drugs he needs. His hometown and Los Angeles. Whenever he goes anywhere else, no matter how much he brings he runs out. Then, he tries to make do with alternatives and that;s why it is just a matter of time until a murder/suicide happens in some random town in the next year.

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. This former A list singer in a group and solo who is living off her name at this point doesn't want full custody. She doesn't have time for that. She never showed up half the time when they were doing it without court orders for the past 18 months.

Ryan Phillippe’s Ex-FiancĂ©e Paulina Slagter Filed Harassment Report

When Paulina Slagter sent a Tweet that said "When there's smoke," after Ryan Phillippe got sued for domestic violence, people wanted to know more. Apparently the more is that when the pair broke up after years of dating, Ryan wouldn't stop bothering her and left her more and more threatening texts, including ones calling her a whore. He accused her of cheating, which if you look up blinds about them is the opposite of who cheated. Yes, Ryan was dating her when he had sex with Ashley Greene and they almost burned down an apartment building. Forgot about that didn't you. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Diana Ross and her daily trip to the grocery store gets the top spot.
Elle Fanning after a workout.
Gwen Stefani and her new artwork for her Christmas record.
Long time no see Helena Bonham Carter.
Jessica Alba in between business meetings.
Kirsten Dunst at the premiere of her new movie.