Saturday, October 14, 2017

Blind Item #5

She might be married, but this daytime talk show host is preserving her position while pushing others out. How? Sleeping with the guy who makes the decisions. The host, who has a long career in entertainment is doing her best to make this a solo show. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

That mogul I mentioned way way back in #1 sent a $200K car to this former Disney actress. He is desperate to sleep with her. He never buys gifts. You know, except for his wife when she catches him.

Harvey Weinstein/Zendaya

Blind Item #3

This one half of a permanently attached actress (who still acts) duo you all know has been hooking up with a guy other than her husband. She is giddy with it and her husband is going to find out any day.

Blind Item #2

Back in the day she was an A list celebrity because she was willing to get naked. She was social media before there really was a Facebook. Alliterate. Now desperate, apparently she has a group of followers she treats to shows involving her and a dog. Honestly, if this was anyone else, I would say not true. With her though, she would do it if the price was right.

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list rapper is known for getting into feuds. He picked the wrong person though when he picked a fight with the daytime talk show host. You don't think she knows all when it comes to those barely legal male Asian escorts he sees at least once a week? She knows. 

Mr. X Blind Item

I didn't think it would happen soon, but it did. This still in the closet A-list reality star who jumped from one dancing show to another ditched his beard and finally stepped out with his boyfriend at a red carpet event the other night.

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

The marriage that should never have happened is showing huge cracks. This A list mostly television actress from a hit network show cheated on her husband with her ex last week. The husband should be used to it by now but bailed on the award show.

Sofia Vergara/Joe Manganiello

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 7, 2017

This A list celebrity married to a permanent A list mostly movie actor who might not quite be A+ list any longer wore a crazy padded bra to an event the other night. She wants people to think she is breastfeeding. We all know she isn't, but have to stick to the line. Oh, and if she is, how come the offspring did not make the trip.

Amal Clooney

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 5, 2017

When she had to make a choice between child and co-star who is hated by child at an important event, this long time permanent B+ list mostly movie actress chose her child, who is no longer a child.

Goldie Hawn/Amy Schumer/Kate Hudson

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 7, 2017

If you are a female and want to hang out with this youngest in the family A list reality star you first have to have sex with her brother. It is a test that A lister has to ensure loyalty.

Kylie Jenner/Rob Kardashian

Friday, October 13, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Julia Louis Dreyfus gets the top spot today.
The molester doesn't seem to have problems finding people to work for him like
Elle Fanning.
Emma Stone in London at the premiere of her new movie.
Ben Affleck had daddy duty yesterday.
The Goopster is a pleasant shade of Valentino orange.
Jamie Bell and Kate Mara hitting an event together.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Kirsten Dunst strolling through LA, alone once again.
Kylie Minogue and
Laverne Cox were at the Attitude Awards in London.
Either Madonna or the other woman read the weather forecast wrong in Portugal.
Priyanka Chopra overseas filming Quantico.
Rihanna has a new level she has reached the past few months of just owning it.
Victoria Beckham in NYC visiting her son at college.

Blind Item #12

Think this former A list singer has changed? He hasn't. That was a 16 year old girl he brought to a party the other night. 16 might be generous. The dress he made her wear showed off everything and he told others she was the best he ever had. At this point he thinks he can get away with anything because he has. It is maddening.

Blind Item #11

The good news is this former B+ list actor/part-time producer who all of you know from a very big acting family has given up drugs. Hey, he gets to see his oldest child now. What he has not given up are the strippers. The married actor has sex with them nonstop. His wife doesn't seem to care though.

Blind Item #10

Of course the widow is up to no good. Of course she wants to spin the tale so it looks like she is the only one seeking answers. The proposed documentary is a chance to spin the narrative away from the greedy person she is who only wants fame and her deceased husband's fortune to someone who cares. No one buys it, but she thinks they do. Oh, and for those who saw the death certificate, don't worry. The address thing happens all the time like that. You don't want to make it easy for people to know the home address and come over all the time.

Blind Item #9

Everyone always assumes this foreign born B+ list actress is an Oscar nominee/winner. Nope. She has a BAFTA nomination/win for the movie, but no Oscar. She has struggled getting good roles. She finally landed a great pay cable role which aired first elsewhere. It landed her several offers until the sometime model walked in and producers noticed the 30 pound weight gain. Suddenly the offers went poof.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 6, 2017

This former cable reality star had a very successful show. Now she has been pushed off it for involuntary reasons so to speak. She thinks she is famous enough that she can propose any reality show and it will be given a green light. Nope. She will be lucky to get paid for a couple of interviews before being told to hit the road.

Abby Lee Miller/Dance Moms

Four For Friday - Real Life Horror

You are working a lot. Movies and television offers are flying in. You have an actress girlfriend you are planning on marrying. You even get her a ring and ask and she says yes. Things are going great for at that time, an A-/B+ list actor. The girlfriend was at the same level.

One tiny issue. Your house is bugged. You are followed everywhere. You get people at your door wanting a few minutes of your time every few hours, including the middle of the night. There is nothing the actor can do. The actress doesn't understand and has also noticed the same group of people has started following her. They don't do anything else, but they follow her.

It becomes maddening that the actor boyfriend doesn't do anything about it. The actress goes to her A list actor ex who makes a few calls and the next thing you know, the people at least are not following the actress when she is alone.

This goes on for months and months. Finally, the boyfriend gives in to the demands of the people and breaks up with the actress. The actress doesn't understand. She is ticked though and throws away the engagement ring. The actor says the hell with it and tells the actress he is willing to give them all up for love. He buys a new ring and things are great for about a month. That is the amount of time, the actor tried to stay on vacation with the actress and not tell anyone where he was.

When they returned to civilization, everything stepped up in intensity. They were everywhere and were knocking more frequently. They went back to following the actress. It was too much for both and the couple split.

Defeated and alone, the actor went to ask for forgiveness. He was told what he needed to do. He needed to marry someone who was suitable and to breed more children who would also be suitable. He did as he was told and became a little robot. The thing is, they also told him what projects he could work on because they didn't want him to go astray. Gone were the big budget movies he landed and then had to back out of. Think his agent was happy? The actor has been limited to a couple of indie movies because they had suitable co-stars and directors. His career has gone to hell, but he is definitely back in the fold which is all they care about.

Your Turn

Your normal food fare when you go out to the movies. I normally just do popcorn. Here is the thing though. I don't like if I am responsible for putting the fake butter on because it really gets out of hand.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 6, 2017

How much are you willing to be the arm candy of an A+ list mostly movie actor during award season? Are you willing to do a threesome with another model and the actor's best friend? Apparently two models were this week. I heard the blonde was the winner.

Leonardo DiCaprio/Lukas Haas

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 6, 2017

I love how this Teen Mom likes to pretend she is best friends with this A list reality star with a really really successful side gig.

Kailyn Lowry/Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 6, 2017

What happens when you catch your boyfriend getting a bunch of naked pics sent to his phone? You get an angry A list singer/actress who should know better yelling at him in public. I have zero sympathy for her. None. If you date a guy who knows more hookers and strippers than people who aren't, then this is going to happen.

Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez

Blind Item #8

This former Disney actress was told in no uncertain terms they wanted her to attend the premiere of her latest movie and not create any sideshows or publicity stunts. I see where they are coming from but the movie is going to bomb anyway, so why not try to give it a boost.

Blind Item #7

One person who came, but was not invited to an event was the girlfriend of this B+ list celebrity offspring who is an actor/jack of all trades. His mom, who has A+ list name recognition does not approve of the girlfriend. The girlfriend can't be stopped though in always managing to get through any obstacles in her path.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 6, 2017

I don't know if this former A- list tweener star used last night. What I will tell you is a drug dealer, who is not his usual texted me to tell me the former tweener was looking for drugs. The dealer I was in touch with does not deal crack so our tweener had to look elsewhere.

Aaron Carter

Blind Item #6

This B+ list model who is a celebrity offspring went to thank this foreign born A lister for the massive amount of money he spent on her during a life event. Instead of some one on one time he wanted her to join him with six strippers he hired for the night.

Blind Item #5

The hot seat continues again. This time with the Executive Producer of this top daytime talk show. All the people he has hired know what they had to do to get hired. One of them is set to speak which will cause a huge firestorm. 

Blind Item #4

This A-/B+ list mostly television actor is higher on the list than he has been since he was married back in the day to an A+ lister. The insurance company for his television production will not be paying for delays because the actor was using illegal drugs when he got hurt.

Blind Item #3

This A+ list mostly movie actress fired her nanny because the nanny started dating a guy. Our actress doesn't want her employees distracted. Meanwhile, the actress sleeps half the day and has a staff of a dozen simply because she can't be bothered with life most of the time.

Blind Item #2

She can spin all she likes, but this former singer turned reality star turned host/singer turned sometime singer celebrity from a celebrity family had a drug overdose. So, don't believe what she is spinning.

Blind Item #1

This A- list mostly movie actor is a celebrity offspring. He has not exactly had the best reputation the past few years and wile he was drinking there were plenty of women he forced to do certain things. It is why his actress wife finally divorced him. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

The traditional rule is anyone who wears velvet gets the top spot. Margot Robbie wore velvet, so she gets the top spot. I have to encourage people to wear velvet, so this is my small contribution.
In any other day, Martin Scorcese, Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro would have got the top spot.
Britney Spears is back in Vegas.
Idris Elba and his public girlfriend.
Isla Fisher is back in LA.
Also in LA are Jeff Goldblum and his wife who went to a Thor screening.
Jennifer Garner and the family after school yesterday.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Jerry Seinfeld does some car door gymnastics.
Lucy Hale filming a movie in Vancouver.
Lea Michele is all smiles after getting her butt kissed by Andy Cohen.
Melissa Benoist filming a wedding scene for Supergirl and every other CW show in some kind of spic crossover that even includes Gossip Girl and 7th Heaven and every show that has ever existed even on WB.
Minka Kelly doing a stroll for the paps she called.
Renee Zellweger headed into Kimmel.
Tara Reid in the dress and shoes her guy bought her three hours earlier.

Blind Item #12

Craziest hookup I have heard about this month, maybe even this year. Foreign born trees singer hooking up with the married foreign born celebrity chef who doesn't have a show on FOX but ALL of you know even if you have never watched a cooking show.

Blind Item #11

This former A list mostly television actor turned A+ list mostly movie actor should watch out. He is playing with fire if he confronts an old cast mate. She knows about his preference sexually and will definitely play that card.

Blind Item #10

This A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner just changed her meds and I would advise you to stay out of her way if you run into her. The actress, who has done some network television, went off on an assistant and threw a vase. Across the room. Through a window. Two or three seconds later, the actress was screaming why no one had picked up the vase and the glass and cleaned up outside so no offspring would step on it.

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress on a hit pay cable show that has been on for years is once again having marital issues. The fact she is hooking up with a male co-star on a movie probably has something to do with the issues.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 7, 2016

This A- list mostly movie actress sounds like she could be foreign born, but actually isn't. She is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has been very fortunate the past few years. Her career could have crashed and burned when she refused the legendary advances of this producer/mogul. He threatened to destroy her career but she found a mentor who actually is not afraid to go to war with the mogul and the mogul backed down.

Saoirse Ronan/Harvey Weinstein/Jodie Foster

Today's Blind Items - The Predator

I can't believe what I read today. One of the biggest predators over the past two decades wants the world to feel sorry for him. Yes, it sucks that you got assaulted by men. You know what though? You fought the guys off or avoided them. Did you give the women you encountered the same choice? No. You pressured them into sex all the time. You cheated on your significant others with every woman you could find and when they called you out on it you called them wh**es.

I remember this network show he was on almost a decade ago which reminds me of a character from a TGIF show. He was recurring but seemed like a main cast member. I don't even think he missed an episode of the one season it ran. He was cheating on his first wife with his soon to be second wife while at the same time cheating with a co-star who he told he wanted to marry. He then got involved with another cast member and told her he wanted to marry her. Remember, this is while he was already married, had a girlfriend his wife knew nothing about and was now promising two other women he wanted to marry them. The first co-star he said this to is someone you all know from that hit almost network show that ended a few years back. She could definitely stir up some trouble. He would talk to her about religion a lot. Well, she introduced him to some actress friends of the same faith and picked off the ones who wanted a career and told them if they had sex with him he would get them a job on the show. He didn't have that power. He did this repeatedly. Producers were furious and were fielding calls from agents who had heard from their clients that the actor had promised them a role. When the show was canceled at the end of the year, it was estimated by a producer that the actor had slept with 20-30 women he knew of. Half of those women he promised roles too.

See, this actor had a role back in the day which made him recognizable. He has taken advantage of it since. Three weeks ago I saw him sucking face with a woman who was not his wife. I say woman, but if she was in college, she was a first year student. She was new into town and he said he could introduce her to people. I spoke to her when he got a call from his wife. This college student didn't know the actor was married and said he was looking to settle down with someone. The student had seen him in that show from the past and couldn't believe he was interested in her. They had been on the way to dinner and then back to his place. Yes, back to his place. They had already hooked up all afternoon. I guess he has a crash pad. Do you suppose she was the first? I don't think so either. I asked her later if he got back in touch with her. She said I was wrong about him and they were going to be together forever. Uh huh. 

Your Turn

How many of you work more than one job?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 27, 2017

This studio boss asked this permanent A lister to set him up with someone for sex because our married studio head wanted to see what type of woman he would end up with. She was completely different than the barely starting or need a career resurgence actresses he normally hooks up with.

Harvey Weinstein/Jay-Z

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 20, 2017

This B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family where she is still the least known family member has been taking her turn hooking up with this married studio boss to try and really rev up her career.

Harvey Weinstein/the actress has not spoken about it yet, so I will wait until she does before revealing her name, but the clues are pretty obvious.

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 22, 2015

A little payback from the wife of this always cheating studio mogul. She has been seeing someone very very quietly and only when out of town.

Georgina Chapman

Blind Item #8

That late night host is feeling pretty smug about himself and his latest career get. It is going to come with a huge price though. The person formerly holding that space the late night host inserted himself into has already started indicating she is going to spill a lot and the tea will be overflowing. 

Blind Item #7

There is a lot of drama between some female former A+ list gymnasts. Apparently there is an abuse bill making its way through Congress which came about because of the sexual abuse suffered by gymnasts at the hand of the team doctor. One of the top 3 US gymnasts of all time is trying to stop the bill. She says she is looking at it from a business perspective and is perfectly willing to throw everyone else under the bus.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 5, 2017

It is amazing how good the PR team of this just about permanent A list mostly television actress is. Amazing. She has the world convinced that she is not to blame for a franchise ending. The franchise would end if she was not involved. Anything else can be written around and honestly, not many people would care. She is being the one with the demands but has the entire world focused on someone entirely. Well played.

Sarah Jessica Parker/Sex And The City/Kim Cattrall

Blind Item #6

This foreign born former A list singer from a manufactured group turned reality judge blew up the marriage of her boyfriend in a very public way and now she is doing the same with one of his co-workers.

Some Harvey Weinstein Musings From A Former Top Executive Of His Company And The Family Member Behind All The Leaks

Just some random, off the cuff remarks about some Harvey Weinstein stories that this long long time executive of his company witnessed first hand.

"Once on his private jet, he asked the select group of execs, including 2 women, to go to his bedroom for a meeting. No one thought this was odd. But when they got into the room, he proceeded to strip down to his boxers and get in bed. And held the meeting just like that."

"It was common for him to ask someone to “babysit” one of the mistresses (those Italian girls) during events so they wouldn’t approach Georgina."

"He would not let anyone else hire his interns. He personally hired them. Because, well, you know why."

"If there was an event he didn’t want to attend, one of us had to go no matter what. That was just annoying."

"Personally, I’ve been alone with him after hours and he was respectful to me."

"This is a power grab by Bob. What no one is saying (and it’s key) is that their mother died recently. These stories would’ve leaked sooner but Bob didn’t want their mother to see this go down."

"Page Six said something about him not using a computer. That’s b.s. He always caught up on email over the weekend."

I also noticed that Rose McGowan started hitting out at Bob after leaving him alone for the first part of this. Think back to that blind she wrote a few months back.

Blind Item #5

The wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor is staying silent about how they met so long ago. Yes, there is the story for public tabloid consumption, and she has stayed true to that version. The thing is though there are a whole lot of reporters digging into the past of her husband and she wants him to spill to try and keep her secret safe for the sake of her children. So far, the A+ list actor cares more for himself and how bad spilling will make him look.

Rose McGowan's Twitter Suspended By Actors She Is Calling Out

Want to silence Rose McGowan? Well, if you are Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, you start making phone calls. Who did they call? Their best buddy over at Twitter. The next thing you know, their fiercest critic has been silenced. Now, Rose McGowan looks like she is some stark raving lunatic and they are the calm measured ones. They have managed to get her suspended from Twitter while Nazis and racists and misogynists remain free to terrorize. Think it will happen again? It will if they want it to.  Do you really think the average person was reporting Rose to Twitter? In the volume needed to suspend? 

Blind Item #4

This closeted, former vampire franchise actor turned failed A+ list actor turned A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is being wooed by this A+ list director to star in his very own movie again. The catch? He supports the A+ director when the s**t hits the fan which it will when his Harvey type stories start pouring out like a waterfall. 

Blind Item #3

This former A list primetime soap actress who has been in this spot a lot is a mess. She nearly had her arm broken by her boyfriend and is abused fairly regularly. This is the guy she says she loves. Meanwhile, her offspring is in trouble with their own issues and from what I understand nearly overdosed a couple months ago.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of awful people, this iconic infamous permanent A list music producer is having some issues. His soon to be ex-wife has stashed away every single penny of his millions and sold off much of his royalties to her benefit. Then, there was the guy she met who made a porn of the two of them and is out there floating around on the internet. 

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group has a much younger girlfriend who has been trying to get him to change his will to include her. If you think the widow is bad, this would be way worse if she accomplishes her goal.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today.

Angelina Jolie took her kids to a Halloween store yesterday and dropped some serious coin on scary stuff.
Kirsten Dunst is walking like this because paps were taking pics under her dress.
Uh oh. An Adidas day for Katy Perry. Must have been one hell of a party.
Blake Lively has a new haircut. It's called the Claire Danes.
Mila Kunis trying to shake the paps.
Margot Robbie at the premiere of her new movie.
Sean Bean and his wife look so in love. That is what the other 34 wives thought too.

Blind Item #11

Do you think this late night talk show host will ever apologize for all the college women he groped at bars? The wannabe actresses who wanted to be on his show in a bit? The way he would force them into a corner before he would try and kiss them?

Blind Item #10

This former Disney actress has barely said two sentences about Harvey. She has a lot more she could say but won't. She is one of the victims and doesn't have to say a word. I think she thinks people will take it the wrong way because she went all in on the sex for roles and the Marchesa dresses. The whole Harvey train. This is not Bella Thorne although it wouldn't shock me at all if she has a Harvey story or 20. 

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A list rapper has spent six figures on detectives to find dirt on the accuser of her family member and the accuser's family member. 

Mr. X Blind Item #2

Don't believe the stories about this talk show host being distraught about her rival in a previous medium getting a chat show of their own. They are on much better terms now than they were in the past. It's another publicity stunt concocted by the talk show host and her former rival is in on it.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

After the Harvey Weinstein scandal , I have head that there are several big news outlets that are prepared to expose three other Hollywood honchos: that kid show producer, that openly gay director who escaped charges in the past and the biggest one of all: that billionaire mogul who has had buildings named after him. I don't know when these accusations will start appearing in rapid succession, or if they will appear at all, but after the Weinstein fracas it will probably be sooner than later.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 2, 2017

Met Gala

This permanent A list mostly movie actor didn't need to worry about his barely legal offspring last night. She turned down repeated offers of coke and other pills from this also barely legal offspring of another permanent A lister who was out of control.

Sylvester Stallone/Sistine Rose Stallone/Sofia Richie/Lionel Richie

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits - Harvey Style

#1 - According to multiple people who worked for Miramax way back in the day, at least one statement by an actress was no truthful this week. She probably hated every second it, but this B list actress had sex with Harvey and did so more than once. She also did it in his office which staff hated because they would have to freshen out the office after. Harvey sweating for 30 minutes to an hour was not fun.

#2 - This tween producer hired a lawyer once he found out the formerly annoying singer and her former co-star want to speak out. A cast mate of the former co-star is also willing to speak.

#3 - You know who hasn't slowed down their casting couch process? This A list mostly action director who is going to be filming a new movie which lends itself to topless auditions has already begun in earnest. Seriously, he has no shortage of women willing to have sex with him or do other sexual favors to land a role in the movie and he can just say it is part of the script.

Your Turn

Do you think there will still be casting couches in Hollywood?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 30, 2017

This former primetime actress has had her chances. She has hit it big in television multiple times. She just can't stay sober and recently almost overdosed after being clean for several months.

Heather Locklear

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 4, 2017

This former Housewife signed on for another round of lets cover for the rich heir so his family doesn't cut him off. They thought they were both done with the game a couple years ago.

Adrienne Maloof/Jacob Busch

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 4, 2017

This northeast Housewife has a new book out. In the original she had a chapter explaining why she thinks Donald Trump is a great President and why so many of the cast voted for him. Her editor talked her into removing the chapter because it was considered divisive. The Housewife said, "I am divisive." It stayed out though.

Teresa Giudice

Georgina Chapman Leaves Harvey Weinstein For Now

She is coming back. Mark my words. Georgina Chapman is not divorcing Harvey Weinstein. The problem she faced was the world was about to go boycott crazy on her. Plus, Harvey is going away to Europe to a "rehab" facility which means some place in Monaco.

“My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time,” her statement read.

Weinstein, 65, and Chapman, 41, married in 2007 and have two children together.

Blind Item #8

I'm trying to remember if a royal has ever come out. This top 20 in line to the throne female is about to. She is higher than that, I just was too lazy to see if it is top 10.

Blind Item #7

There are serious questions about the paternity of the child of this former A list model turned B list actress. B-? She is married to a former A- list celebrity. He is closeted. Apparently she has been seeing someone.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 4, 2017

In a bid to get out of paying spousal support and child support and because her boyfriend who was going to pay for all of it left her, this B- list mostly television actress who stars on an almost television show none of you have probably watched talked her ex into getting back together with her. Most of you saw her previous network show.

Naya Rivera/David Spade

Blind Item #6

The head of this tabloid show not in any  way affiliated with American Media Group continues to dig their head right into the butt of this A++ lister not named Kardashian. Apparently the head of the tabloid loves that he can call or text any time day or night and talk to the A++ lister. 

Jon Benet's Father Suing CBS

The father of JonBenét Ramsey -- a child beauty pageant winner who was found dead inside her parents' Colorado home in 1996 -- has filed a lawsuit against CBS over a “docu-series” about the highly publicized case.

John Ramsey’s suit, filed Sept. 14, also names participants in the production of "The Case of JonBenet Ramsey," specifically Stanley Burke, Jim Clemente, James Fitzgerald, James Kolar, Henry Lee, Laura Richards and Werner Spitz, the Daily Camera newspaper in Boulder reported.

The father’s suit is similar to a defamation lawsuit filed last year by Ramsey's son, Burke Ramsey, who is suing CBS and others involved with the same “docu-series” for $750 million.

The younger Ramsey claims the network’s report ignored evidence to falsely implicate him.

The lawsuit says CBS and its featured experts set out to conduct a "sham reinvestigation" of the murder with "the preconceived storyline" that Burke Ramsey killed his sister and conspired with his parents to conceal the truth.

"The accusation that Burke Ramsey killed his sister was based on a compilation of lies, half-truths, manufactured information, and the intentional omission and avoidance of truthful information about the murder of JonBenét Ramsey," the lawsuit says.

A copy of the father's lawsuit was not immediately available, but was scheduled for a status conference Dec. 15.

The body of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found beaten and strangled at her family's home in Boulder on Dec. 26, 1996, just hours after Patsy Ramsey, the girl’s mother, called 911 to report her daughter missing after discovering a ransom note.

Patsy Ramsey, also a beauty pageant winner, died of ovarian cancer at age 49 in 2006.

Blind Item #5

Even this cable reality franchise which had been slightly immune to the ratings decline affecting the other cities has now had to jump on the publicity stunt train to attract viewers. The thing is though, the producers recycle the same bag of tricks, altering it only slightly. 

Blind Item #4

Nothing is going to happen until this Teen Mom significant other puts the Teen Mom in the hospital. Even then she would probably take him back. The only help would be separation and for them both to be clean. Oh, and drug tests shmug tests. Prescriptions for her are her day to day. Crazy amounts of pills.

Ben Affleck Joins Casey Affleck As a Sexual Assaulter

Back in 2003, Hilarie Burton was a host of TRL. The former One Trill Hill star says that when Affleck made an appearance on the show, he groped her. On social media, Burton then shared a clip of the groping.

“He comes over and tweaks my left boob,” apparently speaking about Affleck. Later in the video, the actor is shown asking her, “How old are you — 19?”

“Girls. I’m so impressed with you brave ones,” Burton, who is expecting her second child with The Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan, wrote in the tweet. “I had to laugh back then so I wouldn’t cry. Sending love.”

Think it was a one off for Ben? Yeah, me either.

MTV TRL Uncensored Cold Open from steven beal on Vimeo.

Blind Item #3

How do you get someone to continue closeting for you? You try and make them a star and get them their own deal. Of course this A list mogul/television host is in a position to make that happen. He just needed someone else to technically provide the first break.

Blind Item #2

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned professional escort apparently is back on the possible marriage train after a weekend of participating in some  of the most degrading sexual acts possible. Must be why she was in such a forgiving mood.

Blind Item #1

You have to give her credit. Even in a week like we have had, this A+ list mostly movie actress has a PR team that gets her ridiculous legend building do gooder story another notch in its belt. I love how the tabloids all assume it is true or pretend it is.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Connie Britton gets the top spot because she is Connie Britton. Plus, she had to work with Hayden P for so long. You deserve a prize for that. Not that this is much of a prize.
Jennifer Garner loves not having to deal with
this. Get off my lawn because I have had a case of beer and I'm angry guy.
Hilary Duff and an on again/off again who is probably going to be off again when he finds out about Hilary and her ex.
Jennifer Lopez back in LA.
Margot Robbie hits a red carpet for the first time in awhile.
Millie Bobby Brown hit one too.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today. Pretty sure Mariah Carey's boyfriend is going to go for it right there in the parking lot.
Mila Kunis on a Monday and
in Marie Claire.
Mickey Rourke shows off his new nose.
Pink is all smiles as she prepares to promote her new album.
Rachel Bilson rushes to her baby when Hayden Christensen drops her off.
Tara Reid and that new guy who loves to do things by the month.