Saturday, December 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 19, 2017

Thought it was pretty interesting that this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee, aging and openly gay was talking about the casting couch when he has personally casting couched lots of very young men at parties hosted by that A list director.

 Ian McKellen/Bryan Singer

Blind Item #4

This foreign born one named singer who tried to make a little holiday music for the first time was spotted doing lines of coke. Guess that sobriety thing went away. She had a lot of years being sober.

Blind Item #3

You know that serial cheating foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who finally got busted cheating with the B+ list actress? Yeah, that a-hole. Anyway, he is cheating on the actress with some random retail clerk he recently met. Let us not lose sight of the fact, he is still married too. 

Blind Item #2 - Widow Doxxing

Apparently if you are the wife of a singer or musician and you speak out against the widow, then you get doxxed by someone associated with the widow. It gets worse. The unknown person has been posting photos of the children of those speaking out. I'm guessing it is an older family member related to the widow.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A+ list athlete who is still playing in the NBA today is on a two week streak of having sex with different women each day who are not his significant other.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 19, 2017

This A-/B+ list mostly television actor who also raps and is on a hit network ensemble show tries to pay random women on social media to pay for sex. He better hope one isn't a law enforcement officer.

Yazz The Greatest

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

December 18, 2017

This B list mostly television actress only gets that high because of some of her past movie choices. This has been a good year for our actress. Kicked the drugs after an embarrassing episode and is doing amazing every time I see her. She has also been volunteering at a suicide prevention hotline a few times a week.

Selma Blair

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 18, 2017

This B list mostly television actress is making the switch to low budget movies after her network television career hit a wall of cancellation. At a recent visit to do something nice for kids, the actress was assigned multiple people to attend to her. They weren't there to protect her, but to make sure nothing bad happened at the very public event because she was incredibly wasted for 10 a.m.

Keke Palmer

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 18, 2017

This A list performer who was big in the tabloids a decade ago had a big life event recently. At the party he kept asking "Which b**ch here is going to suck me off?" Yeah, same a-hole he has always been.

Criss Angel

Friday, December 22, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Emma Watson in London yesterday after finally getting some work.
Amber Heard uses her tongue as a toothpick after lunch with Elon Musk.
Kirsten Dunst out shopping alone
Goldie and Kurt in Aspen.
Kate Moss doing some angry smoking.
Katy Perry in Miami for a photoshoot.
Amy Adams with Christmas shopping shock.
Naya Rivera on a booze and ice run.
Pamela Anderson taking a holiday break from her Ecuador Embassy second home.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like your pic included with stars like Aaron Paul treating this pap confrontation like a hostage situation with his wife, then by all means, send in your pic. Because I don't want anyone to miss your faces on Christmas, there are only 4 days remaining to see your photo in Random Photos. E-mail your photo to and don't worry, I will get to everyone.

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1

Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Selma Blair and her boyfriend took the dogs Christmas shopping. You know, because there are not enough people and chaos in stores right now. Throw in a couple of dogs to add to the holiday shopping season.

Blind Item #12

You know that quirky sounding almost television show that was just recently not renewed? Well, one of the reasons very well could be that the celebrity offspring creator of it is the next one who is going to have his treatment of women exposed. That almost television outlet ahead of this one for a change.

Blind Item #11

I guess this A- list actor who killed a potential franchise all by himself while avoiding that other franchise he wanted no part of is finished with his long time girlfriend. Perhaps the fact she was still married after all these years was the final straw or perhaps it was the former tween actress turned A- list adult singer who orally serviced him in the Beverly Center parking garage that made him finally see the light.

Blind Item #10

These two long time co-stars, not named Kerry or Tony went Christmas shopping together. One of the co-stars is married to a serial cheater and the other co-star was in a marriage where he serial cheated, so this should work out really well. She, being an A- list actress on a long running hit network show, is basically hooking up with the same guy she is already married to. It makes no sense.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list mostly movie actress finally has a new movie on the way out after what seems like forever. 2018 is going to be really different for her. The closeted Academy Award winner/nominee broke up with a long time girlfriend who was not quiet upon her departure from the place where she had been living courtesy of the A lister.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 14, 2017

A very good friend of this former B list actress who started as a child turned reality star says she was the middleman so to speak of a financial transaction which saw the former actress put herself out publicly in a place which cannot be good for her career. I hope it was a lot of money.

Keshia Knight Pulliam defending Bill Cosby

Four For Friday - Annexin A2

Yes, I think it is the most unusual title I may have had for a big blind. It is the focus. The person who has been investigating this for the past decade spent about 30 minutes talking about Annexin A2 and how it works in the body and I just wanted the person to get to the good stuff. The long and short of it from what I understand is that it plays a big part of having a certain kind of cancer. Apparently there is also a way to inject this protein into your body and promote a certain kind of cell invasion which can kill you.

I need you to go back in time a little over a decade ago. Much like last year it was a big political year. Candidates from both parties were desperate to be the next President. One of those candidates had some political baggage. Baggage that was going to come out. Baggage in the form of a written diary that this female former A- list celebrity had kept in longhand for decades. This diary spelled out some very big secrets when it came to sex between herself and some of the most powerful people in politics. When it came to the election, if it came out, it would destroy one of the candidates. The diary mentioned the candidate in detail and also mentioned family members of the candidate. Everyone knew there was a diary. Would the diary be believed? Could they discredit her? Honestly, that would have been tough. Were the entries speculation? Some of it could have been. However, they also knew that she had a year of pillow talk with one of the most powerful people in the country. They couldn't take that chance.

Attempts were made to buy the diary. Attempts were made to find and steal the diary. There was one attempt to burn down the home where they thought the diary was located. Finally, they decided to incapacitate her. Their rationalization was that it would incapacitate her and she would be sick for a year or two, but would recover. They were also told during the year of campaigning she would be at her worst and even if she could or did try to speak, they could blame it on the illness and that she was not to be believed.

They waited until flu season. She always got a shot every year. She always did it at an event to encourage others to get theirs. An event that had dozens of volunteer nurses giving shots. One of those nurses gave a very special injection to the celebrity.

Just as predicted, she got sick and developed tumors and was out of commission for a little over a year just like everyone said. It was all a big sigh of relief that they had got away with it and no one died. Our celebrity recovered and people went on with their lives. Then, our candidate thought about that diary and thought about it turning up again if they decided to run again. What would happen if they did it again to her? The scientist said it would probably end up killing the person, especially with the last illness so recent.

Well, once again, our celebrity got a flu shot at the same public event and the same nurse was back four years later. This time the celebrity got sick and never got better. She died.

There is a footnote to this story. The reason the person got in touch with me and gave me a ton of documents and letters and pictures was not because of what happened before, but what happened recently. Last year this A+ list politician was at a public event getting a flu shot and what looked to be the same nurse from before. Before you knew it, the A+ lister was near death. Apparently when you are young you can beat it once, but if you are older, your chances diminish relative to your age.

Your Turn

When do you open presents? Christmas Eve? Christmas? Both?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 9, 2017

This tool of an actor who is probably B+ list and can be seen on almost television show is married. Did I mention he is a tool? He has one of the worst reputations in Hollywood and didn't do anything to change it the other night when a woman turned down his advances and he called her a c**t.

Danny Masterson

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 7, 2017

This A- list celebrity who has a famous ex she probably wishes she was not connected to went to a party last night. She said it was the first time she went out in months and prefers to hide in her apartment because of the stares she gets when she goes out and the paps who follow her everywhere.

Monica Lewinsky

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 6, 2017

This former A list "singer" turned not any kind of singer at all turned reality judge is desperate for cash. Hard to believe she has burned through all the money she has made the past decade, but she has. She really wants to be on that Idol reboot.

Paula Abdul (aaaaand she didn't get the job)

Blind Item #8

No, it isn't sexual violence, but this A list artist who is used by studios everyday and is the best of the best when it comes to comic book movies is still emotionally and verbally abusive to women. A string of them apparently. If you try to end a relationship with him, he will berate you and demean you. If you actually go through with ending it, he will do everything he can to try and ruin you financially or make sure you can't get work in that very small corner of the entertainment world. His day is coming. 

Blind Item #7

Before this permanent A list singer who loved singing about sex died back in the day, he had literally sold every piece of furniture and fixtures from his home to buy drugs. There was literally nothing of value left in the house.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 1, 2017

Pretty tough to give up drugs when you bring your drug dealer with you everywhere you go. This foreign born former boy bander will be the first to die from that group. I'm actually surprised he ever leaves his house.

Zayn Malik

Blind Item #6

At least once or twice a week, this Housewife who has done lots of other things knocks on her neighbor's door and the Housewife leaves her kid(s). Doesn't sound so bad until I add in the part that it is usually the middle of the night, the Housewife is drunk and has met someone online to go hook up with.

Blind Item #5

I guess all of that "charity" money and all of those introductions of willing actresses to certain members of this police department has been worth it for this disgraced producer. He also got police jobs on the side as security guards and bodyguards to celebrities and politicians. He would then use what they heard as his own blackmail service.

Blind Item #4

I din't mean for this to turn into beard day, but when this probable Oscar winner for supporting actor this year is seated right next to his actor boyfriend but is dismissed as important by tabloids because the actor is kissing his beard is beyond perfection as far as staging goes.

Blind Item #3

This directionally challenged rapper has a new former reality star to send out to clients. He is doing a booming business.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born closeted singer is getting much much better at the bearding game. I think there are two good reasons. Number one is he has a very money motivated beard/celebrity offspring. Second, they actually created photos that make it look like they were secretly captured as a couple and then sold to an outlet who is known for posting anything from the beard. Done and done. 

Blind Item #1

This reality bar star is trying to gloss over a certain story about the former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort. According to her, the bar star couldn't stand to attention so to speak during their hookup and cried about it for an hour, before confessing why he couldn't.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Emma Stone gets the top spot because it is Christmas and she is always on my nice list.
Not on my nice list is Darren Aronofsky. I really am not sure what Jennifer Lawrence ever saw in the guy, but apparently she was willing to have lunch with him again yesterday.
Kirsten Dunst gets her belly rubbed by random strangers. They do the same to my belly.
Yes, the picture is two decades old, but the good news is the Gallagher brothers have kissed and made up and in true Christmas miracle fashion, one can hope for an Oasis reunion.
Melanie Griffith taking a smoke break with her dog.
Mandy Moore is a foot taller than the doorway.
A bonus engagement picture of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
Courtney Stodden in the room where Janis Joplin died. A great motel. If you dig around the site, you can find a blind that features the motel.
Sofia Vergara filming Modern Family.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

You too can look up at photos such as Robert DeNiro wearing shoes only Tom Cruise could love while filming with Al Pacino on the set of their new movie. Just six more chances to remain to get your photo in Random Photos. Then on Reveal Day I will post them all again on one of the biggest days of the year. Feel free to e-mail them to Don't worry if you have not seen yours yet, you will.

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Teri Hatcher and her daughter out to lunch yesterday.

Blind Item #13

This barely there celebrity/actress offspring of a foreign born permanent A list actress/singer almost overdosed last week but is still taking a ton of drugs. She is going to end up dead and probably dead the day after she says something on social media about being sober. Don't believe her.

Blind Item #12

I know I already wrote about the former A+ list tweener actor turned A- list adult actor who loves his makeup. I have to say though, someone was up close to him yesterday and said it was kind of strange because he was sweating so much, the makeup was running and looked awful. Plus, it also looks like he has just botoxed and juvidermed the heck out of his face. 

Blind Item #11

The singing was great. The acting sucked. Apparently the acting really sucked and the editing is going to take forever to try and get something usable out of her acting. I did mention it sucked right? Not the only reason the movie is delayed, but a big part of it. I think our A- lister is going back to focusing on music. I also think the A+ list co-star of hers should be a little more kind to the foreign born model because she is about to start spilling about one of his most notorious ex-relationships.

Blind Item #10

I don't know why this B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family keeps dating guys who treat her like crap and why she just doesn't come out already. I think the latter part is because her family would freak out and they are all very career conscious and pious and would think her coming out would drag the other acting members of the family down. Fine, but at least find better men.

Blind Item #9

This former "it" actress turned indie darling of two decades ago, who works in a franchisey/umbrella type situation for a writer/director spent 30 minutes explaining why she inspects each of her dog's fecal droppings so to speak. She says she can tell the mood of the dog and stress levels by it. Uh yeah.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 18, 2017

This former stripper turned celebrity turned reality star turned wannabe reality star is doing her best to create tension in the family she hates by hooking up with the oft cheating boyfriend of a member of that hated family. It is kind of funny how she keeps finding new ways to torment them.

Blac Chyna/Travis Scott/Kylie Jenner

Today's Blind Items - Instagram Terror - The Web Continues To Grow

The Web - Part One and Part Two

Recently I wrote about this escort that seems to be in the middle of everything going on in the long running widows scandal. It turns out this escort is even more involved than previously known. When we last saw the escort, she was saving SB and sealing the tragic fate of RJ and PJ at the hands of the A+ lister.

Why were SB and the A+ lister so close? At some point back in time, SB and a family member hooked up with the A+ lister. He helped them and they helped him. SB is close to a director, an A list indie type director not named Bryan Singer. Think darker and more gritty films. He is someone who has always taken deep dives into underage sex and using that as his rationalization, has sex with underage teens constantly. Ask his current significant other actress how old she was when they started hooking up. She was very much underage, and helped him find underage teens for his "projects."

Apparently the escort and our money/fame hungry widow were involved with this group. Right now, it isn't known if they were part of the director's crowd, but suddenly they were there.

Here is where it gets a little more complicated. Our A+ lister had met some men from overseas who were interested in young men. They also were interested in young females. The young men were to be play things for rich men overseas. The young females though were a different story. Some of them were sent to Dubai to be sexually used and abused for a year or two before they either made it back home or ended up beneath one of the many construction projects.

There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. That business specialized in selling items that were all priced in that range. The crazy thing is though, if you took a look at the business, they didn't actually have any inventory. They were just funneling money for a bunch of different purposes. One of those purposes was providing Instagram models as wives to some very very bad people who had been promised wives if they signed up to fight.

Most of these Instagram models that were picked at random had no interest in going overseas even for sex. However, there were plenty that the escort found through her web of other escort friends and models she would talk to online. How to make sure the models were really interested? SB would make a personal plea or his almost equally famous family member. The models would be told easy money was waiting overseas. The models all thought they were going to Dubai. They would start in Dubai but were then transported to other places not as nice and then married off. The people getting the wives were not going to complain about not getting their first choice or try to demand a refund. These models were then paraded and used as a recruitment tool to get more people to sign up to fight.

Now, it isn't clear whether SB or the A+ lister or even the escort or our hated widow knew the full story of these models. I do know they knew the women were being sold/rented to men in Dubai. I know they took a cut of that big fee paid to that mystery business. I know the escort is still trolling for new women online to sell. I don't know who her new middleman is, but she is still doing it.

Your Turn

Your most annoying habit or a vice you try to hide from others.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 16, 2017

There might end up being a show for this fashion line at NYFW but the creator is going to have a tough time getting any celebrity to show up for the show. It wouldn't shock anyone if they canceled the show a day or two before it is set to happen.

Marchesa/Georgina Chapman

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 15, 2017

Both of these former co-stars could use a boost of positive publicity. One is foreign born and A- list. The other is also A- list. Neither has really had any luck since the end of their franchise and they were front page tabloid fodder every day. Don't be surprised if they start having lunch together every week and let the paps know about it.

Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 15, 2017

This past weekend, this cranky foreign born permanent A list singer solo and in a group performed at an event. The promoters sent over a couple of bottles of very expensive champagne to his wife and guests. The wife takes a sip of the just opened champagne and says it is flat. She then does the same with the second bottle of newly opened champagne and then empties them both out in the champagne buckets.

Phil Collins/Orianne Collins

Blind Item #8 - Rock Star Serial Rapist

It is hard to believe it has been this long, but the person I spoke to is in her early 40's now. She says that she thinks she is the inspiration for one of the songs written by this permanent A list singer/band. She says that when she was 13, she had sex with the lead singer of the group and he knew how old she was. She says it was consensual, but, come on, she was 13 and he was about a decade older. She does say that after the first time, when he was abusing drugs he would call her over to his place and start out nicely but then would rape her or beat her while they were having sex. She says this went on for about four months until she found out he was doing the same thing to several other teens at her school. Later when she heard one of their songs, it was almost word for word, their sexual experiences.

Blind Item #7

It amazes me that no one ever calls out this closeted foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor and the fact he has his trainer with him 24/7. Our actor barely sees his wife, but has his male trainer  with him day and night, but all the kneepad tabloids talk about his great marriage. I don't want the guy outed, but you could ask questions about how the marriage really is. Not too well at the moment, other than he needs her for some red carpets.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 14, 2017

Over the next couple of weeks, several groups and one very large company is going to come down hard on this film/documentary maker. With his recent mea culpa, he inadvertently admitted his headline making documentary was not real and not accurate. He lied about the basic premise of it and now is going to feel the heat about that project and others.

Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me)

Blind Item #6

This former Twilight actress was yelling at a pap on the phone inside a grocery store yesterday. Apparently he didn't show up on time so she was wandering the grocery store just waiting and waiting. He finally showed up and she walked out for her photo to be taken and this town makes me shake my head everyday. 

Blind Item #5

Speaking of cheating, this A- list mostly movie actor who was once married to the tall one before cheating on her all the time is not even be discreet about his latest affair. He really does like those blonde college aged women. His wife has been through a lot. He is just openly cheating in her face at this point.

Blind Item #4

This barely there celebrity/former flash in the pan reality star is cheating on his supposed girlfriend. I mean the A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show thinks they are boyfriend/girlfriend. So, I doubt she would be happy that he has been hooking up with fans and also someone who was on a different version of his reality show.

Blind Item #3

I talk about this A list director a lot, but no matter how much I talk about him, there always seems to be more. He was famous for his parties. This one is right up there with the most outlandish. The director and his friends dressed as priests. The teens they invited to the party all were required to wear school uniforms and to look as young as possible. Finally, all the guests were to meet in the parking lot of a local school and a school bus was sent to pick them up. 

Blind Item #2

Speaking of celebrity offspring, an offspring of a now deceased permanent A lister who ran an empire based around his voice, is living in a $5M house. Nothing interesting about that. The thing is, because of an ongoing legal battle, the offspring has no money. She lives in the house without any running water or electricity. She and her friends sit around and smoke pot all day while stealing electricity from a neighbor and using a fairly nasty swimming pool as their bathtub. From the looks of the way they use lock cutters on a weekly basis, she is also probably squatting in the place.

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actor who does have a dormant franchise to go with his dormant hair follicles has an oft troubled offspring. That offspring is going to have even more trouble if people find out about his Nazi loving past and his hatred of Jewish people and minorities. Even now, he is into some pretty disturbing stuff.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Elizabeth Banks is back in LA after doing a ton of promotional work for Pitch Perfect 3.
Helen Hunt doing her favorite thing - surfing.
I'm guessing Jennifer Aniston didn't want to be bothered yesterday.
Kate Bosworth on a red carpet last night.
Kate Upton out walking her dog.
Lindsay Lohan bailed on her family a few days shy of Christmas to head back to the land of the desert yachters. I guess by her hat we know who is buying.
Nicole Kidman continues filming I Look Old And Plain So Give Me An Oscar.
Zendaya looking gorgeous in a buttery fly dress in Australia.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Do you dream of being in a Wahlberg family Christmas card? Yeah, me neither, but I do like their hamburgers. Anyway, if you want to see your photo in the Random Photos, there are just seven weekdays remaining. Reveal Day is fast approaching. So, e-mail your photo to

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5 - I have to include what she wrote to explain the photo. A lot of stuff in one sentence, but very well said. "Attached is my reader photo...I jinxed Edelman when I met him in May (because I'm a Steelers fan, but I hate Ben R because he's a's the only jersey I have though) and he was out for the season due to an injury during the Lions/Pats pre-season game.  And I live in Michigan.  I think my jinx was effective.  ;)"
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Tom Hardy filming his new movie in Atlanta.