Monday, January 08, 2018

Blind Item #15 - Golden Globes

This back in the day A list mostly movie actor who still has fame from that brief comic run was at an after party last night. He says that the recent movement has really cut into the number of women he feels comfortable hitting on at parties. He told a Golden Globe winner from last night that he now focuses entirely on strippers, hookers and groupies for sex. The actress winner from last night just raised her eyebrows and took a sip of her champagne before looking for a way out.


  1. Replies
    1. I like where you’re going but would be have been A / relevant enough to be invited to the same parties as gg winners?

  2. More proof that #timesnotup... I’d hazard a guess but from past experience, not confident enough in how far back “back in the day is” - seems to be of variable duration!

  3. If it was Tequila I'd say Frances McDormand for the actress.

  4. I definitely think the actress is Frances McDormand. The actor could be anyone of a certain age!

  5. Nicole Kidman and someone?

  6. Pauly Shore was at the Netflix party, as was Laura Dern.

  7. That's what I was thinking Sirene

  8. I took "Brief comic run" to be someone who was in and out of a superhero movie, so I'll go with Val Kilmer.

    Anyway, smart move on the guy's part. Stick with using whores and if a human broad wants some, she can do the asking/pursuing.

  9. Straight men generally suck...and so do a few gay men

  10. Pauly Shore would need to pay for it no doubt

  11. No way Pauly Shore was ever A list & from rumors, sounds like Val is close to death

  12. Ok, Jax, then i'll guess Tobey McGuire.

  13. #TimesUp my a$$. 😏

  14. Whether him or not, its vomit-inducing that Pauly Shore can still get in at parties that arent at the comedy store. Doesn't anybody's 15 minutes run out?

  15. @Lizard how, exactly did time get up your ass??


  16. A little torn on this one. I wonder if he was just trying to be funny. Maybe he was hoping the actress would give him a sign she might be interested.

  17. Paul Shore? Geesh, had to google him. Forgot all 'bout him. How do those old losers get invited to GG or anything, actually?

  18. Replies
    1. Post: i am flattered that you had to google pauly shore, but remembered me.

  19. Yes TXRose that is a passive aggressive pick up line.

  20. I'm gonna go with Brendan Fraizer, just to be different.

    he's probably happily married, though.

  21. Long time reader just started posting

    The Count is hilarious, especially when some reader gets all faux outraged.

    Although the person who made the comment to the actress was kinda dumb to say it, most guys I know, yes even the nice ones are afraid to even flirt with any woman at the moment because some people can'e tell the difference between being friendly and assault/harassment anymore.

    My biggest issue is more with the distraction this is taking away from the real monsters out there among the elite, the pedos and their apologists/cover up people

    1. Thanks Nelson. It really borders on unhealthy how much i enjoy it when i trigger someone. Like the 3 joys in my life are hanging out with my kid, getting laid and triggering a loon.

  22. What happened to the hwood women who are sorry they stayed quiet for so long?
    Still staying quiet ...

  23. The ones who sexually harass create an environment for the pedos and rapists.

  24. @Sharper Teeth - OMG that made me LOL! Well played.

  25. Well that's unfortunate. And tragic.

  26. My guess is Michael Keaton.

    The main clue being 'brief comic run' Beetlejuice into Batman back in 1989/1990 is long enough to also be considered 'back in the day'. It could also be a clue from his win in Birdman which has comic book connotations.

    There is also a short 30 second or so video of him at an after-party last night with a guy and 2 younger females in tow. See for yourself - . He's 66 and looks like he's still slanging that dick to that 20 something year old that hops into the car with him.

    1. Sandy, thing that put me off Keaton is he was just nominated for an Oscar recently for Birdman, so he's still A-list, not just back in the day A-list.

    2. P.S. God bless the Macho Man.

  27. Mike Meyers
    All comedic roles from Wayne's World up to The Love Guru. 10 years ago. Back in the day?

  28. noooooooo please not Keaton I absolutely ADORE him

  29. Pauly Shore has never stopped doing comedy so its not him. Plus he's never been considered A list.

  30. At least #metoo movement good for business got sex workers!!

  31. I’m the only one who thinks he’s smart for this?

  32. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Romance isn't dead :D
