Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee went from one franchise to the next and when a new movie comes out, should vault her to A or A+ list. Anyway, she says she is tired of pretending and is going to come out.


T. W. said...

Gal Gadot? Angela Basset?

Barbara RiceHand said...

Jennifer Lawrence?

Barbara RiceHand said...

Whoever it is should just come out, no one cares either way.

filmfanb said...

Lupita Nyong'o Star Wars and Black Panther.

Anonymous said...

Lupita Nyong'o

Tricia13 said...

Rooney Mara?

Tim said...

Lupita Nyong'o won an Academy Award for 12 Years a Slave and is now appearing in Black Panther after being in Star Wars. (Fun fact: She was born in Mexico.)

T. W. said...

+1filmfanb I forgot Lupita was in Star Wars. I am a Trekkie anyway so...

Sd Auntie said...

lupita is so gorgeous!!! luminous Lupita! just as long she does not date Leto or that Somallian rapper with a wife.

Don Kieballs said...

I would love if a huge (and non couching) actress comes out. Hopefully someone completely unexpected, like Dame Judi Dench. Actually a lot of the guesses already posted would be great.

queenblair28 said...

Brie Larson? The first franchise is Kong and the second franchise is Captain Marvel? Her fiance Alex Greenwald was rumored to be in a relationship with one of the Hanson brothers a long time ago.

Don Kieballs said...

Shelley Long

Rosie riveter said...

Omg Gal Gadot or Lupita Nyong'o ?
Either would be lovely! 👍❤🌷
That SNL skit that Gal Gadot was on recently, where her boat landed on the Isle of Lesbos is hilarious. Kate mcKinnon tried to get Gal to kiss her to see if she was a lesbian hahaha

Nonya Bidness said...

Whoever it is, good for her!

BestMan said...


trufflepig said...

I would love if a huge MALE star came out. Male homosexuality or bisexuality is still so much less accepted than female bisexuality or homosexuality. These double standards make me angry. We need more openly gay actors to change that. It would have to be someone so big that the studios CANNOT drop them. A permanent A lister in Enty speech.

That being said, of course the actress in the blind should come out as well.

IanPhlegming said...

How can people possibly guess Gal Godot? No Oscar nom, only one franchise. The other two guesses sound potentially legit.

Amazed by how people's wishful thinking deludes their logical thinking when the facts are right in their face. But that's the times we live in!

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Too bad I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!


I know: bad joke.

Newbomb said...

Thats great. I love lesbians. I already have a good collection of their movies.

Kelly said...

Sandra Bullock, possible Oceans 8 franchise, last franchise Miss Congeniality? Franchises may be too far apart and that's assuming they make a follow up to Oceans..

Brayson87 said...

Yeah where's that #metoo campaign. All of the closeting leads to so many problems (beards, blackmail, worse) down the line. I think CDAN would be half empty without it.

Anonymous said...

Gadot is married with kids

Don Kieballs said...

I think the Gal Gadot guesses are just wishful thinking. She was in Fast and Furious before Wonder Woman, so that is 2 franchises, but no oscar noms.

Catty said...

Enty says "Academy Award winner/nominee" which suggests she has won at least one year and been nominated at least one year. Only Jennifer Lawrence, from the above guesses, fits.

Zenny said...

Winner/nominee means it could be either one.

Hanniam said...

Lupita fits, too.

Hanniam said...

Zachary Quinto coming out wasn’t chopped liver.

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

Ive thought that about your posts as well.

Orville said...

I believe it is NOT a big deal. Nobody cares about lesbians anyway. Lesbianism is not viewed as a threat to the family or social order. Lesbianism is boring it is NOT taboo.

AAnon said...

Jessica chastain - huntsman, x-men ?

Dno if I would say "a-list" but whoever writes these blinds rates people on his own personal preferences so I guess it just means he likes her

The Woodman said...

+1 Kelly - it's Bullock, Enty has blinds about her ...

Unknown said...

Brie Larson actually makes sense. Captain Marvel will put her into A+ status. She's been "engaged" for quite some time. The movie she recently directed "The Unicorn Store" had an all-female production team (actually she said those that "identify" as female). We'll see what happens this year. Shouldn't matter, she's a great actress.

Jennifer Low Rents said...

Sandra Bullock? Yes please!

Sign Name Below said...

Sorry, this is NOT Sandra Bullock in this particular blind. Sandra already is A list and if her rating needs to be boasted, Enty would write "return to A/A+ list". However, I believe he still rates her A/A+. This is someone who has been close but not yet superstar. That is not Sandra Bullock.

jessorella said...

This always makes me laugh!

jessorella said...

She was in the Fast and Furious movies before WW and Justice League.

Mem said...

Lupita and Brie fit best. Jennifer Lawrence is already higher than A-, so is Sandra Bullock, and as others have said, Gal Gadot isn't Oscar-nominated.

Anonymous said...

He’s not huge. Below average. I’ve been in enough locker rooms to tell.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I saw that skit. It was BRILLIANT. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Scandi Sanskrit said...

@AngryLiberalKTS: I don't always agree with you on everything you say, but I totally agree with you today (hey, that rhymes). 👏🏼

Scandi Sanskrit said...

No, I laughed, David. 😂😂😂

Spike Ghost said...

the universe will smile if Lupita decides to come out. it would be a beautiful day

Scoob said...

+1 Lupita

Wasn't there a blind in the last couple days about avoiding the press and the studio/agent being fine with it that was her as well... kinda makes sense

Unknown said...

There’s been some blinds about Brie being gay. I think it’s her.

Anonymous said...

A lot of women would be happy with Gal Gadot :D


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