Thursday, January 11, 2018

Himmmm Blind Item

It has been rumored before, but this A+ list mostly movie actor has decided to retire from his superhero role after this forthcoming movie. He says it's getting stale, and there's other pursuits he wants to work on while he still can. He will announce it this Spring before the movie is released. He and his team are still trying to figure out how to tell the studio this weekend. They will freak out over it.


Chancey Gardener said...


filmfanb said...


Tricia13 said...

Haha-RDJ we can’t wait for next chapter:)

I Think So said...

Robert Downey Jr.?

Boldblonde said...

Cool blind :)

just sayin' said...

Haha...we don't ever get RDJ blinds, do we. Hmmmm.

Don Kieballs said...

I love the RDJ guess for the blind just because that would be fun, but I'm assuming it's Batfflek?

Tricia13 said...

Let us guess-you running for Prez😉

james2051 said...

Wolverine, Ironman or Captain America.

Alexandria said...

Robert Downey Jr won't be Iron Man anymore 😭 And he wants to work on Sherlock 3 and Dr.Dolittle, is that it?

Don Kieballs said...

Wolverine is already dead to me without Jackman. I could care less about who plays Capt America, it's a bland character tbh. RDJ is the only IronMan and it would be a very difficult role to replace (or at least the Tony Stark character). And to find an actor that would fit in all the franchise movies like RDJ did would be challenging. Maybe he can just leave it all to Cheadle (who I love) and it would all still work.

Don Kieballs said...

RDJ 2020 with enty as vp? A change is coming

Anonymous said...

I don’t blame him. I was a bodybuilder more than 15 years. After that long you start to positively detest the goddamn gym. Endless amounts of chicken and protein shakes. You start to wonder where is the fucking light at the end of the tunnel?

Tricia13 said...

Hahaha-now that’s a hot ticket.
Entry better lay off the bacon and get in fighting shape though.... they go through massive physicals lol

Unknown said...

Well damn.

Krab said...

Yay, Himmmm! And I don't blame you. Iron Man is getting super stale. You can act, so get some good roles.

The Woodman said...

Has to be RJD, w/ Avengers: Infinity War coming out in May 2018. Batfleck doesn't work b/c no solo or ensemble movie coming out w/ Batman anytime soon.

Wouldn't it be cool if it turns out that Hmmmm is who everyone thinks he is and gave us the scoop? Would even be cooler if he did an "I'm Hmmm" reveal a la Iron Man ...

Anonymous said...

Chris Evans has been long rumored to be ending his run on the Marvel franchise, but it's never been confirmed. Thinking it's him.

Newbomb said...

This must mean RDJ was offered his old role in the rumored Weird Science sequel.

Muckduck said...

Haha this cracked up!

Muckduck said...

This is a ticket i can get behind!

sharoncat said...

Nooo RDJ :(

Spider Rico said...

@himmm If you are RDJ pleasssse do little personal indie films that shed light on important subjects. We have run this superhero - let the The Michael Bays have it. It's time to have art/film to raise awareness and shed light on the human condition and who we are. No other medium can do this more powerfully than film. Good Luck in your next cinematic journey.

Tricia13 said...

That would just be an embarrassment of riches...CLASSIC film...though it would be hard to make without Paxton as Chet “well I didn’t think it was a whales d...,honey/“catatonic? Do you think they’re happy bring catatonic in a closet?!”

Hermes Trismegistus said...

@Don Kiebalis

While Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine was fine, he wasn't really close to what Wolverine was in the comics. Wolverine was a short (literally 5' nothing), unnattractive jerk, not tall and handsome. I'd honestly like to see a non-Singer-verse X-Men film, for multiple reasons, that was closer to the source material.

On RDJ possibly leaving, I wouldn't be suprised. He's been at it for at least a decade now. It may be time to hang up the mantle and move on.

Rosie riveter said...

Haha this is a great blind/comments


Don Kieballs said...

Are we part of the team that's supposed to help figure out how to tell the studio? Try the trick where you pour chili in the toilet and say your sick so you can leave work early. Can't they just use the actor who played the young RDJ in Civil War?

IanPhlegming said...

He's still a hero, this A+ guy, if you can believe all the rumors and dot-connecting.

Mag said...

RDJ as Iron Man is the reason I got pulled into watching the Marvel movies in the first place. If someone is irreplaceable, it's him.

As for the BI, "other pursuits he wants to work on WHILE HE STILL CAN" suggests that's not someone young like Chris Evans, but rather someone older, who may soon be moving into another category of roles age-wise. I'd guess RDJ or Ruffalo. But apparently MR is under contract with 3 more Marvel movies to go. Also, there's been speculation that Infinity War may be used to somehow write Iron Man out of the storyline. So I say it's RDJ. :(

Don Kieballs said...

HA! Mag called you old RDJ

Unknown said...

Time for another list of “who is good” in Hollywood @himmmm
It’s been a while.

Alexandria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jo said...

RDJ!!! Man I hope Himmmm is actually you. Or if theres multiple people its one of you. I think this is great news. Iron Man changed my world when I saw it as a kid. RDJ, you're my literal hero lol. Best of luck in future endeavors!
*got me to comment on here for the first time after lurking for a year!*

Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BoyWander said...

If himmmm is him, I'd like to think that part of his other planned pursuits is continuing and expanding upon the real world superhero work he's doing right here, right now

The Woodman said...

Everyone likes to chat about the $$ he's made doing the character ... but think about all the other folks he made $$ for, and kept employed, by launching the MCU as successfully as he did ... from the other actors to the studio to, most importantly, the support folks who work on all these MCU films and never get the credit they deserve. Well done, RJD - one of Hollywood's best comeback stories ... #redemptioncanbeathing

Unknown said...

Johnny Be good Part II....finally!

Don Kieballs said...

Hermes - I know it's very very bad form for me to not worry about sticking to the original, but I really can't see anyone else in that role. I understand the desire of those who loved the comics to see them portrayed accurately-my ex is a HUGE comics fan.

But I will admit to being confused about the new show, The Gifted, and how Blink and Polaris are less powerful than in the XMen movies, which happened before The Gifted (since the XMen are gone in their timeline). Again, I admit to an ignorance of comics canon, and I'm basing this on the XMen movies only, so I could be wrong about the timeline.

just sayin' said...

Maybe he can't bear one more day on set with goop.

Mag said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
longtimereader said...

I'm sure a $20/30m+ cheque for a few days of cameo will help change his mind. They can just cgi the iron man bits around that.

Mag said...

@Don Kieballs, you snitch! :P ;)))

Definitely not old, though. Just clearly older than most of the cast. BTW, Tom Cruise is roughly the same age (slightly older). Watching him cling to the MI franchise (and other action hero roles), and waste his actual acting talent, it's quite easy to see why RDJ wouldn't want to be Iron Man for life ;)

Me Again said...

Do you need me to tell them for you? I am used to having people freak out on me.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I remember RDJ from the Brat Pack days, and yet I still call him Tony Stark more often than not... he IS Tony Stark to me. Nobody else could be Iron Man.

Truthseeker said...

Sigh, the ONLY thing that gets me to watch a "superhero" movie is Iron Man. so "he" better change his mind or my hubby is going to be angry I wont go to the movies with him anymore..

RunninOnMT said...

Oh man, this will break my son's heart, he IS Tony Stark but completely understand the decision also. We will always follow "himmmm" in any project regardless, we love RDJ! ;)

Rock The Catwalk said...

Haha, Tricia and Sarah - LOVE IT!

RDJ for President! Who would be his running mate???

Let's get these bumper stickers made!

Apple Pie is Good said...

Long time lurker....I'm on the RDJ bandwagon.

Jane said...

Going to miss you in that role DAMN IT! I would much rather you be happy though, so break a leg.

Love a Good Story said...

No artsy message films please, just good stories. If the story happens to have a message, fine, but story always comes first.

Anonymous said...

I wanna see RDJ in some Sci fy like Aliens. Will be Amazing!

Sal Salington said...

Whoever is or is not Himmmm, I'm sure the phones at Disney have been busy this morning.

I like the idea of just passing it on to Cheadle. Obviously doesn't have the same box office power, but it makes sense story universe wise.

Samantha Willow said...

Good luck sir, but please continue making non-superhero related films because we love you. #Chaplin

Don Kieballs said...

Mario Batali Update: Someone made the cinnamon rolls and wrote and article with pictures and it is amazing.

"One of the cinnamon rolls has a fucking erection."

Marlin said...

They are actually pretty good friends. I like the chemistry between them.

Unknown said...

A Weird Science sequel -- a real sequel with the original actors and a new story, like they used to do, not a stupid reboot -- just might get me to the theaters for the first time in almost a decade. I can't imagine how you'd do it, but I'd have to see it to find out.

Spitbite said...

@Chancey Gardener - Ha ha ha! Meta! It's like wakening from the Matrix.

Spitbite said...

...or Being John Malkovich...

Florin said...

If Iron Man bites it in one of the next two films, I hope they continue on with either Cheadle or introduce RiRi from the comics. Re-casting Tony would be a HYUGE mistake.

Alexandria said...

I could picture him in funny silent films, if we're already fantasizing here lol. But I still hope there will be Sherlock 3...and more BIIIG movies.

L said...

I hope they won't kill Tony (or Cap), I won't be able to handle that. I'd rather have them retire from superheroing and disappear somewhere nice and continue to live their life there. Love Marvel but i could only watch CA:CW once, it was like watching your parents divorcing in front of you. Imagine watching them die.
Just don't recast them. There is only one Tony Stark, and it's RDJ.

HH314 said...

Hey RDJ if you do it, make sure to get a clause to prevent some other asshole playing the part. I do not want to see another Batman mess. Just have your character killed. Enjoy your millions
PS. I think you'd make a GREAT serial killer like Anthony Hopkins with Hannibal Lecter

Kimberley said...

@ Rock the Catwalk - I nominate Keanu Reeves for his running mate! (Another good guy.)

Nonya Bidness said...

Yuck. You do realize that Charlie Chaplin was one of the OG underage girl predators, right? I forgot RDJ played him. Eww.

Rachewbacca said...

(...and agree, Nonya, the Chaplin subject matter isn't great and the real Chaplin was quite the chickenhawk, but RDJ's acting in the film was stellar)

jw11 said...

RDJ, spread your acting wings on some more complex material again! Love it! Tony Stark will always be there.

Queen Bee said...

Definitely RDJ!! I'm not even a super hero/comic fan but I've seen enough to know who the big actors are :)

SkittleKitty said...

Yes! More non-Iron Man things.....

bridgie said...

If this blind is about RDJ, please please please let him free Mark Ruffalo too! They're both far too talented to make superhero movies forever.

Jeannie said...

I hope giving up Iron Man means more movies like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!

Tricia13 said...

Another GREAT person.
Uncle worked with on a very quiet,wonderful film. Salt of the earth 🌏

just sayin' said...

I agree Rachewbacca -- Less Than Zero and Chaplin are 2 of my favorite movies because of him. himmmm. I figure he very wisely let Tony and Sherlock pay for his kid's comfortable childhoods thru to grad school and beyond, and now it's time to follow hissss artistic dreams. Go forth RDJ!

Unknown said...

Chris Evans can go for all I care. The cap America movies were the only marvel movies that I didn’t really enjoy. Rdj too. Iron man 1 is great but the other 2 were meh and although I like him in the other movies, I was never a huge fan of those movies

Unknown said...

Rdj could a sequel to Back to School. Just use a Rodney dangerfield hologram and comedy gold ensues

Unknown said...

@tricia13 I heard the same about MR when he worked with friends in Toronto. Apparently he’s lovely.

Unknown said...

Does it get any better than RDJ?! No way! He’s the complete package and my all time favorite!! I’m so happy to see the life he’s built and want only the best for him!!!

Unknown said...

Does it get any better than RDJ?! No way! He’s the complete package and my all time favorite!! I’m so happy to see the life he’s built and want only the best for him

Tricia13 said...

Absolutely 👍is.

Tricia13 said...

Or Less Than Zero another one of my faves and he gave another -exceptional,if not poignant performance...
“Sub Zero:Julian’s Return”?

Tricia13 said...

Or “Lesser Zero”
Hey entry can your friend Susanna Hogg add another track to the sequel?🙏🏻

Tricia13 said...


Missy Bigbritches said...

If we are all agreed about who this superhero is, then may I suggest "Kiss Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Bang?"

rinaisrad said...

He can do anything, he's so good doesn't even matter.

Tricia13 said...

So is Ethan Hawke (same film)who enty knocks around for womanizing(which ain’t cool), but is similar in that he’s ultra kind,intelligent and “regular “(or as well as one can be on that distorted world). He a forever NYC resident (law so that helps....)

lutefisk said...

If you will be filming anything at Cold Coast Studios let me know. I know THE best places for pizza and bagels!!!

JMC7r said...

This isn't that surprising. It's fairly common knowledge among movie geeks that every Phase One movie Avenger's contract with Marvel Studios is up after "Infinity War." This doesn't mean the superhero identity goes away, but those core Avengers are out. Except the Widow, w/the recent announcement that a writer's been hired for a "Black Widow" solo movie (took 'em long enough).

But with this mass exodus of the Phase One heroes, I can't help but wonder if we're going to see a "Wake the World" moment in "Infinity War" or "Avengers 4" where we finally see the T.V. Heroes, the presumed-dead-by-the-Avengers Phil Coulson included, on the big screen.

Peeka said...

Will be sad to see him go, but if they must fill the role purely on looks alone, Colin Farrell looks Tony Stark-ish.
Can't wait for new projects from #TeamDowney! Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, Charlie Bartlett, Due Date... just to name a few

Nonya Bidness said...

Still not sure there is just one source for Himmmmm, or that it's RDJ - how does he have the time?

Not a big fan of the last decade of his movies, except for Sherlock Holmes. I prefer older school RDJ; Less Than Zero, The Pickup Artist,etc., and LOVE his bit parts in Bowfinger, Back to School and Weird Science.

I'm partial to Wonder Boys, as I met him twice when they were filming it. He was so nice... he stopped in the small toy store I worked at to get something for his son Indio, and then came back in a few days later with pics of himself to autograph for us as one of the guys had asked him to.

So glad for him that he turned his life around and found such happiness and success. Not in the industry, so one of my very few celeb experiences.

Kat has left the building said...

This was an old blind and has been revealed as “m.e.”

Who the hell is “m.e.”?

SarcasticBimbo said...

I'm not surprised by this. I read a year ago (at least), that RDJ was ending his association with Iron Man after Infinity Wars.

jessorella said...

LOL! You’re chancy, Chancey!

jessorella said...

I’d love this if he’s outing himself as per most of the other guesses, but I’m going with Chris Evans. I get the feeling he wants to do more independent stuff and some directing. That and my 10yo son is certain that Bucky is going to become next-phase Captain America.

Anonymous said...

Add me as another who was never into comics, but got drawn in by Iron Man. Can't stand Captain America, and the only other cape I pay attention to is Scarlett, for obvious reasons. RDJ is on a short list of actors who's movies I'll see just because they're on the marque. Iron Man was fun, but it's time to move on. I wish someone would tell Depp that. He's another one who's a lot more than just Captain Jack Sparrow.

Tricia13 said...

Good to see you back Kat... still lovin’ the avi... old school 👍

Sekrit said...

Pretty easy to rule out DC because no one's been a character for long enough.

Chris Evans' contract is ending, that wasn't news at all and that's why fans (and moi) are excited/nervous/sad about the upcoming movie, so it's not news the studio doesn't already know.

There's been news the past few days about if Thor will be surviving/generally just in more Marvel movies after IW, but Hems seems to be still enjoying being Thor.

The only other Avenger I can think of is RDJ and that would be devastating to fans and the studio. No one could be Tony Stark, that would be it and I wouldn't want to see anyone else attempt to be him. I'm sad just thinking about that. However between stand-alone IM films, Avengers and Spiderman, it definitely takes up RDJ's time.

All the other Avengers and 'heroes' would be fine, the only other person I can think of is Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Although he loves his character and always says how very grateful, there isn't much room for Loki in the next 'chapter' anyway, unless like Tony, where he pops up in other movies.

However, even just announcing a retirement of Tony or Loki would put the studio and fans into a tailspin.

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

Well it's not hulk or Thor because they have stated Kevin has mapped out more movies for them, everyone knows Drax is look in to go back to wwe. Does sound like it could be RDJ or Evans

Sekrit said...

Oh, also, if you're a Captain America fan or just curious who some people think will be the next Cap, I read this not long ago and it's a fun piece

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Why does it say "while he still can"? Is he in poor health? Is his health deteriorating?

just sayin' said...

Scandi: I think it means while he can still play the romantic, dashing lead or father of school age kids. In 10 years he'll be in Mel Gibson / Robert De Niro territory, better-suited to being the father of millennials or even a grandpa.

beebopcowboy said...

if this RDJ and Iron Man, cool. I actually always felt he should get a role that gets him an oscar i think he has it in him but it would need to be a superb script

Kikibunny said...

+1...iron man is the only comic book movie I'll not only watch but actually get excited about...kinda like when I was a kid going to see the original star wars...I had a big crush on him back in the 80s as comeback ever...brings a tear to my eye!

Itttt said...

Ohhh, Tony Stark...rarely has there been more perfect casting. Sighhhhhhhhhhh. I would gladly watch a hundred more IM movies with Himmmm. ☹️😢😭😰😥😓😤🤯🤬😡

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Oh thank you! It's good to know it doesn't mean somebody is ill. 💛

Anonymous said...

@Alexandria Anna - I love the Sherlock Holmes, hope RDJ makes many more...

Anonymous said...

Tony Stark eating a cheeseburger at a press conference sitting in front of the podium....hilarious...I can't think of any other actor pulling that off like RDJ

Major G said...

I'm going Chris Evans. There's been rumors about him leaving the MCU for a few years. Shame. He's a great Cap

Freckles said...

it would be great to see RDJ do a Kiss Kiss Bang type show on HBO or Netflix

MatineeIdolx said...

There are certain celebrities that if I ever met in real life I would probably just have a heart attack and die. RDJ is definitely at the top of my list. Hot, smart, funny and seems like a genuinely nice guy...that is a lethal combination.

Alexandria said...

Hahaha Matineeldolx - the other night I was watching David Fincher's "The Game", and with my friend we were trying to figure out who would be dope company to play the game with and to drag down with me lol. RDJ was one of them 😂

LizOz said... fire 🤣🤣

Mango said...

Please guys, RDJ is NOT Himmmm. And TBH, ugh... the Himmmm posts and the subsequent comments are always a little cringe-worthy. Have a little dignity.

Alexandria said...

Of course he's not. He said so himself, that it was already legally proven that he has nothing to do with Himmmm 😂

J said...

RDJ was already out. Iron Heart, an african american teen girl will be replacing Himmmmm.

Mehitable said...

If this is RDJ, I would LOVE him to do more movies like Restoration. Restoration is a GREAT film, and I think, his best. Very moving and meaningful, great performance. I cannot recommend enough.

Mehitable said...

If this is RDJ, I would LOVE him to do more movies like Restoration. Restoration is a GREAT film, and I think, his best. Very moving and meaningful, great performance. I cannot recommend enough.

just sayin' said...

+1 Mehitable Storm, RDJ's range in this role is wonderful, but for me the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are arguably the real stars of the movie.

IDoTheRobot said...

+1 Mango. ❤️

lucy said...

oh my gosh I really really liked reading this! you need this! and i hope it is something entirely of your own creation. you gotta be like me. you must look at something and think I can absolutely improve upon this. if not you should. like for me in my world it's porn but you if of the industry you have been surrounded in scenes your entire life not to mention life you've lead you need to pen to paper to screen Your vision. your view, I think would be phenomenal! brainstorming with like-minded individuals with only intent to tell kick-ass story and if it's true and if it follows path of purity and you fully believe you cannot fail. sequels can be great but why not develop something totally fresh and unique. toss your own money behind it and really lay it out there. if you believe, you can make it happen and the time is now. but you can't ever lose sight or be tripped up by stuff you musnt faulter that's why you need to put your own money in it so you only must answer to yourself. OMG you can do whatever is rolling through your mind. you got something. what is it!?

Anonymous said...

I mean how grueling can the physical actually be.... Look at the unhealthy hog currently in office.

88mph said...

With all the sad tales here lately, I'm glad to see something that genuinely makes me laugh. Thanks, Himmmm. And Chancey's first comment couldn't be any more perfect.

Spike Ghost said...

I was gonna say Chris Evans but RDJ makes more sense. Chris has said he wanted to do different things but he's been doing those things between Marvel movies so it seems like he can do both. Marvel hasn't really done anything super interesting with Iron Man in a while (it managed to make me despise him in the last Spider Man movie, his relationship with Peter was so creepy and the movie seemed to want to acknowledge it but also not acknowledge it) so it checks out.

also LMAO Chancey


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