Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Today's Blind Items - P Is For Pervert

Ahh, I miss Sue Grafton already, so why not pay a little tribute to her in the headline.

This behind the scenes power in Hollywood has been a serial molester of young boys for the past couple decades.  Let's call him "P". 

For the past few decades, this man has turned one client into dozens of some of the most powerful players in Hollywood. Back when he first started, this man, who we will call P, was not very shy about the way he molested tweens and teens. In fact, one of his A+ list clients at the time used to join in these sick events. That A+ list client, we will call M. If there is anyone who has seemingly got away with long term child molesting it is M. All of you know M. Most of you have probably read about his abuse of tweens and teens and children and adults. Most of you have read about his love of child porn. Most of you have read rumors of him assaulting people on and off sets.

With the wave of publicity that is looking for these horrible people, both M and P have gone underground. What they used to do fairly openly relatively speaking, they now do mainly through online webcams.

Several decades ago, when P was first starting out, he had a very public confrontation with one of his victims. It was in the parking lot outside where a very hit network sitcom was shot. Members of the cast and crew witnessed the interaction. It was a member of that cast that introduced P to his victim.

Another of P's victims was 12 years old at the time. P lured him back to his apartment. Once there, he plied him with pot and booze and made him watch porn before molesting him.

It is time for P to be exposed. It is time for others to step forward and pass along their stories. If you don't want to send them to me, then send them to that group that makes films exposing these awful people.


sandybrook said...

Charlie Sheen and Ari Emanuel?

Jwill said...

Oh, I miss her, too! So sad to think we will never read about any new Kinsey Millhone adventures.

sandybrook said...

Enty if you know who they are, you have to expose them yourself. You've been doing shit like this for years w\o revealing names. So now if you want it done, YOU do it and take victims you know with you.

moussemaker said...

@sandy: It's the victim's responsibility. Enty would only have hearsay, no proof.

Don Kieballs said...

sandybrook, +1 - PR, publicity. not P then R, Ari
and Sheen is too obvious to not be M

rocky619ca said...

Send links or any info to the Feds anonymously. They can track from there.

sandybrook said...

Mousemaker I'm telling him to go to authorities with the victims.

CuriousTex said...

Charlie Sheen and Mark Burg?

B626 said...

Ya gotta know by now ‘The Feds’ pick and choose who they deem worthy of investigation

pkelly491 said...

No idea who P is but M is clearly Charlie Sheen.

Count Jerkula said...

Plied his victim with pot and booze? Sounds like Rosie "the Pig" Riveter's MO to sexually abuse college girls.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Yeah, M has to be Charlie. He is under some type of protection. He never gets taken down. He must know a lot on other people. Some things can't be proven but a lot can.

Nothing ever happened to him after all was revealed in his divorces. Nothing after he allegedly knowingly had sex with women while having HIV. Ugh

Tricia13 said...

Could it be Sheen/Bryan Lourd when Sheen was with CAA?(I thought he was at one point).They all were/are

The Green Goo said...

Sheen and Jeff Ballard?

longtimereader said...

Sounds like ari, does this kinda confirm the previous hot potato blind about brother rahm?

filmfanb said...

Gonna go with Charlie and Ari too

rocky619ca said...

@B626- Well, do you have a magical solution? I mean other than going to M & P like a thief in the night and taking a bat to their manhood and hands several several times...what do you propose? LAPD is questionable as well.

Unknown said...

Maybe a little vigilantism wouldn't be such a bad idea since nothing is being done to stop these evil bastards.

Unknown said...

P = Goddard?

Ur girl herel said...
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Quickread said...

this guy came up on another blind about Charlie Sheen. There is a definite "theme" in his client list

just sayin' said...

Bryan Lourd, Tricia? He's on Himmmm's "good guy" list.

Unknown said...

Charlie sheen was one of ari Emanuel's clients at his first agency endeavor

An April 2002 lawsuit by agent Sandra Epstein against Endeavor Agency brought forth accusations by Epstein and other Endeavor employees against Emanuel.[19] In the court filings, Emanuel is alleged to have allowed a friend to operate a pornographic website out of Endeavor's offices.[19]

Just sayin...........
Ari Emanuel reminds me of frank Giustra (Clinton pedophile cronie)

Sign Name Below said...

P is publicist Jeff Ballard and M is Charlie Sheen. He repped Charlie up until the week Charlie's HIV status was revealed.

Enty points out himself that P stands for PR -- he promised on New Year's Day to be more aggressive in outing abusers and this is him helping us.

Jeff Ballard started with one client--Eight is Enough's Dick Van Patton and through him signed Adam Rich and Willie Ames. (Guessing that) Adam is the 12 year old victim who confronted him in the parking lot.

Sign Name Below said...

Enty edited the Blind? It used to say "you could argue that P for PR is too obvious so pick another letter" or something along those lines. Now...I don't see that anymore. But it was definitely there. That makes me feel even more certain that we are looking at someone in PR

just sayin' said...

You're right, Sign Name Below. I had the page open from earlier and here's what it said:

This behind the scenes power in Hollywood has been a serial molester of young boys for the past couple decades. Let's call him "P". (If you think P for public relations is too obvious you'll pick another letter obviously)

Secrets said...

I read that as it's not what you think - his PR rep. Could be wrong. But it seems to me he was saying it was someone else

Sign Name Below said...

@just sayin
Thank you! I was really confused re-reading the blind. I remembered it bc it was written so oddly that after multiple readings, I decided Enty was telling us P *is* a PR person.

asb said...

good catch! totally was edited!!!

Guesser said...

Remember what a mess Adam Rich was? And people gave him a hard time over it,more so than other young stars. There seemed to be a lot of troubled kids on that show.@Tricia13,Hmmmm is coming for you for that!

Tricia13 said...


Sign Name Below said...

I just realized that the parenthetical comment about "P" being too obvious was not supposed to come to us. It was a note from Enty's source to Enty. Entern was supposed to remove it before the BI got published. So definitely a PR person. ;-)

PotPourri said...

There was a lot of troubled kids on Eight is Enough...a couple of the adults struggled as well too.

I know Charlie Sheen is nasty, but how come no one's ever been able to prove anything in court? He has many enemies...

just sayin' said...

Haha, right again, Sign Name Below! That totally explains it!

Itttt said...

Charlie shithead Sheen is protected because he is (was) undoubtedly a key asset of Operation Mockingbird. His dad probably is/was, too. Clowns In America, folks.

Unknown said...

Sign name below, you are on to something with this eight is enough thing
I think perhaps ari Emmanuel is too new , and we are looking at someone going back to the 70s 80s.
And more PR than agent.

Lucius Cassio said...
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Lucius Cassio said...
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Sign Name Below said...

Jeff Ballard's past and current roster of clients looks like a Who's Who of Enty Blinds.


I had never heard of him before today. Thanks to the Kinsey Millhone-like sleuthing of @The Green Goo and @Quickread

BayAreaGirl said...

@Sign Name Below, Good catch. Here's a creepy pic of Ballard with Chad Allen.


Sign Name Below said...

+1 @Quickread

Beyond EMF said...
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346NYC said...

James Rhodes, an incredible Pianist from the UK,
has just written his memoir with accompanying album,
about his abuse at the hands of his Cockney boxing coach
at the north London prep school, Arnold House.
Pretty harrowing stuff.
Many other boys were victims and either ended up killing themselves
or dead.

The book is called "Fire on All Sides."

Rhodes was challenged by those who didn't want him publishing the book,
and took his case to the Supreme Court. HE WON.

The interesting friend who publicly supported his plight?

I don't have an opinion one way or the other about Benedict Cumberbatch,
but this makes me really really like him.

Here's a link to an overview of his story. His book/album will be released in a few days.
His music has always brought chills up and down my spine.
It's real music. Pure music. Beautiful.


Beyond EMF said...

@Sign Name Below + @BayAreaGirl

1992 flashback of Charlie & Ballard


Sekrit said...

An Open Secret has long been helping abuse victims get their stories out there and about the abuse culture in the industry itself not only with their documentary but tirelessly through social media. Especially right now.

Texas Gal said...

When I pull up Jeff Ballard's web page, it brings up a banner for "Meet Beautiful Asian Women in (fill in the blank city) Seeking Older Men" and "Would You Date a Lonely Asian Lady in (fill in the blank city". Eww but odd. Only on his web page.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I'm sorry, I do sympathise with victims of child abuse (even Kevin Spacey—but only to a VERY LIMITED extent), but that JR person (as an adult) makes my skin crawl. IDK. There's just something about him that makes me not want to trust him? I've seen some things/patterns that just bother me a lot about him... I usually doubt myself, but I'm going to trust my gut on this one.

I don't know what people see in him. I first became aware of him when he tweeted Benedict's Time cover in 2013, odd. Back in the day when I frequented those skeptic blogs on Tumblr, there used to be all these anon asks saying how Adam/Martin/Amanda (or whoever else) were all "users/bad friends" and Benedict should only hangout with JR. Why would anyone want a man to isolate himself and only have one friend? I don't understand what people see in him!

I don't doubt that Benedict has good intentions and a good heart, but it makes me wonder if he is probably a terrible judge of character? Man I go missing on CDAN for ONE day...

Anyway, I just want everyone to know that I DON'T condone what Kevin Spacey has done as adult (I think that once you're an adult, there is NO EXCUSE to abuse a child). And I think it's important to stop child abuse to end the cycle of abuse.

Also, aren't you the one who posted that horrible conspiracy theory about Elon Musk? Come on, stop it.

Sign Name Below said...

@BayAreaGirl And here is a creepy picture with him and his "buddies" celebrating his birthday in NY. They all look to be 30-35 years younger than him. He uses the hashtag #bestfriends on an inordinate amount of instagram photos with very young men. He seems like a nice fellow but this is all wrong.


fouxdafafa said...

Wasn’t there an old blind about a show that was guessed to be Eight is Enough and how several of the child actors were abused?

Shawni said...

When are these ugly #metoo stories of the children finally come out? I look every day for a story to break. We need the exploitation of the children to stop. Someone needs to take one for the team and expose this ugly fungus to daylight.

Anonymous said...

CS is depraved.
I wonder what Burt Reynolds was hinting at in his interview when he dissed Sheen. It's quite a strong thing to say about somebody, only people who rape and abuse inspire than kind of response.

TheEnd said...


This is no scandal; it's an industry-traded secret. Jeffrey Ballard hurt and continues to hurt young actors. He drugged and buggered Ricky Schroeder and repped Corey Feldman during Gremlins. When did it become okay to blame the victims of sex crime simply to advance your career?

BayAreaGirl said...

@Sign Name Below, creepy indeed.

Sign Name Below said...

@TheEnd wrote
"When did it become okay to blame the victims of sex crime simply to advance your career?"

To whom are you referring?

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mattjj1995 said...

not sure of whom you are referring but if they have already been called out then why won't you name them?? also, why won't you name them???


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