Thursday, February 22, 2018

Blind Item #11

What is never discussed is why this restaurant went out of business. It might have something to do with the hundreds of thousands of dollars this family embezzled from this A list rock star. The very first day on the project, they embezzled $100K by saying the architect was charging $110K when he was only charging $10K. They were the masters of the fake invoice.


sandybrook said...

Guy Fieris restaurant in Times Square which everybody said sucked?

Tricia13 said...

Sammy Hagar/Cabo Wabi?

Anonymous said...

Angels & Kings, Pete Wentz's place.

T. W. said...

Guy Fieri comes to mind but I thought that had something to do with child abuse allegations.

Don Kieballs said...

wasn't there a recent blind about Hagar and Mexican cartel after him for $10 mil? If he was the correct guess to that blind, why would $100k be the reason for the restaurant closing?

Since I'm not sure, I'll make Alice Cooper'stown restaurant in downtown Phoenix my guess.

Olga/Maddie said...

Would it be about both Chris Cornell and the K family?

NY Doll said...

Black Calvado. Chris Cornell.

NY Doll said...

Calvados. Sorry

sandybrook said...

As far as I can remember Guy gave no reason for shutting the place down. I'm not sure about molestation reason.

joshg g said...

Fieri paid off child molestation victims with his sale

joshg g said...

Hagar sold off some residential property to pay off cartel

joshg g said...

Fieri blind, he's #2

Dusty Fairy said...

Guy is not an A list rockstar. Sheesh.

Teaching in the trenches said...

1000% Chris C

Anonymous said...

Alice Cooper's restaurant?

jonesy said...

good day y'all!
ya, i'm gonna go with the widow vicky k. and her disgusting, grifter family. they had a restaurant i do believe, and my guess is they were bleeding chris cornell left right and center.

T. W. said...

@Dusty Fairy - the blind does not say the A list rock star owned or invested in the restaurant.

sandybrook said...

Who said he was? He ran a restaurant licensed to him by someone. And someone embezzled a rock star with phony costs.

spank bank said...

Yep, its Alice Cooper's place.

The family referred to is Shep Gordon, Coopers manager who ran the operations of the restaurant. (Good doco on him:

txredhd said...

I think the Kushner's were (are) involved in Guy's resturant. I'd look it up but I'm at work and I'm sick of looking at the news.

BestMan said...

The Widow has a new video professing her love. I can see her manipulation. Gay men see all.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Vicky Karayiannis is the reason Chris Cornell is no longer with us. She sucked him dry. Evil cunt!!

thecatwhisper said...

It's Chris Cornell. there's was a restaurant in Paris, I believe. I think it might of been some kind of partnership between Chris and Vicky's brother. God, I hate Vicky and her family...

Sara, Making It Work said...

That Shep person looks sketchy. If this is him & Alice Cooper, that makes me sad. Alice seems like a decent guy.

Digitalis said...

The black Calavado was a vanity project for VK's felon brother. Don't think Christ was as involved with it as he may have wanted to be.

Why oh Why, Enty, are all these horrible news stations continuing to let VK prattle on about her "relapsed husband" when they were separated/divorced & he had no drugs in him when he died? Why can't we escape the nasal, whiny voice of this woman who partied on his tomb? What's really happening there? Give us some blinds, something! Her October boyfriend failed to materialize.

Truth Be Told said...
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Anonymous said...

Could be Chris Cornell/Karayiannis-family

"Rumor has it that a series of poor decisions were made there including getting the singer to invest a large sum of money into a business run by her family. Bad idea."

"What is even funnier is that his current wife and her family are so financially shady that the singer has no idea how badly he's been ripped off. Yet."

Cornell blinds are usually really, really obvious though.

Shawny said...

Planet Hollywood?

Bradford said...

Alice is a very decent guy and does a lot for the community. I hope this is not him.

Swcczenmom said...

Alice cooper is considered A list

Hanniam said...

Alice deserves better than this. What a crap move.

Brayson87 said...

Should have gone with Subway.

Blast said...

Karry-anus family strikes again....was not the first or last time they embezzled either.

Where's the $100K personally "promised" last year to Childhaven Children's Charity, Icky??? Where's your Foundation's tax return? Sorry, are you too busy scrubbing the internet of anything negative about you in order to lay the 'foundation' for your (non)dramatic entry into the reality tv world??

WitChi Wotcha said...

Shep has been Alice’s friend and manager without a contract for over 40 years and they’re still close and strong. He and his family have no need to embezzle Alice’s money while doing loads of work with charities including food banks on Maui. Watch SuperMensch and see how he works with “coupons”. Look elsewhere peeps.

Tyson said...

Oh, easy peasy .. the greasy Karayianus'

irishyvonnedanceparty said...
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Scandi Sanskrit said...

"Gay men see all." 😂😂😂😂😂😂

I LOVE YOU. 🌹🌈⚡️

zerooptions said...

She was all over ABC yesterday, it was outrageous to watch.
Lies in the morning on GMA, lies at night on nightline.

BluePedal said...

I wonder if anyone would eat at a Marilyn Manson's restaurant? Or a Ozzy Ozbourne's Chicken stand. Or a Johhny Rotten's Sushi Bar?

Jennacheryl said...

I know Jon Bonjovi owns a "pay what you can" restaurant, so maybe not him but for some reason I am thinking someone associated with BonJovi? Like Richie?

1SICRN said...

Karayiannis Family, Chris Cornell, Black Calavados.
Thanks Enty.

Carpet Rider said...

They sure didn't waste any time profiting off of him if this is true. Shameless leeches from the get-go.

ladybugmo1 said...

Well shit! We literally ate at one of his restaurants last night because my daughter loves him. I even bought her a shirt.

Unknown said...

I love Alice Cooper. Brilliant when he said that the only reason he'd vote for Bush, was because Don Henley supported Lurch Kerry.

schweetyfleety said...

Calvados- Chris Cornell and the damnable Gypsies!

schweetyfleety said...

Ditto that- she is a waste of skin and hair and her family are greedy, social climbing scum. Allegedly of course.


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