Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Blind Item #12

This multiple Oscar winner/nominee is an A- list mostly movie actress. She is back on drugs and I blame the boyfriend. He knew she had issues but just kept pressuring her to join him.


  1. JLaw drinks a lit, someone put her on drugs too?

  2. JLaw is as A grade as it gets - she's the highest paid female actor in Hollywood. Michele Williams is a better fit, which is very sad if true.

  3. I hope it's not Michelle. She seems like a good person who has a very dark story or two to tell...

  4. JLaw is only A grade because of the reasons we here all know. @Drama

  5. Rooney Mara/Joaquin Phoenix

  6. Those Phoenixes are surely cursed...

  7. Williams is engaged to her boyfriend, who isn't in 'the biz' and appears to be relatively normal.

    Law or Mara would make sense, but agree JLaw should be at least A or A+ based on recent history etc.

  8. No way is JLaw A-.

  9. Everyone guessed so far has multiple Oscar noms.

  10. Need to avoid people, places and things.

  11. Emma Stone / Dave McCary (rumoured here and elsewhere that she was a Cokehead)

  12. J Law stole hunger games from Hailee Stenfeld when she was alweady cast because Harvey had a big hard on..auditioned her for Silver Linings Playbook by Skype as well! not crying for her at all

  13. Wait what? You mean Hunger Games could have been good?

  14. i don't know anything about rooney mara but joaquin phoenix would be that guy, i think.

  15. Hailee Steinfeld was 14 when they cast the hunger games. JLaw gets plenty of hate for the shit she does do, let’s all make up complete bullshit too.

    1. But Hailee really was one of the actresses up for the hunger games, I think the front runner.. and then Jennifer Lawrence got it out of nowhere.

    2. She was one of eight and Jennifer didn’t get it out of nowhere. She was in the running and already had an Oscar nomination. Obviously that had more cache.

      And I’m no J Law fan but she’s a better actress.

      People are starting to start deranged on the hate.

  16. That is sad. A former addict sometimes doesn’t need much push to get back in it. She should have better people around her. But also you can’t blame the guy that much either, she shouldn’t be around someone using drugs that she used to be addicted too. I know that if I take one drink, do one line or crush one pill it could end me. I dropped all friends and only stay around people who are clean and support me. And many times I think, ‘boy I’d like to drink or do pills’ but I know it just takes one time for someone like me. Rock bottom is a place I never want to see again. Never,

  17. But just to throw in a guess. I’m gonna say Jesse Spano...lol. Nah I kid.

  18. JLaw was #2 for Bella in Twilight earlier. What did Harvey have to do with Hunger Games? She was already on a star trajectory before any Weinstein movies.

  19. That star is fading fast for a reason.

  20. J. Law gets all the hate for exploiting the system that victimised hundreds of actresses, eh?

    Once again, a woman takes the blame for the doings of a man. Or many men. Guess we'd like her more if she had been assaulted, huh?

    Sadly, I think this is Williams. Regular people do drugs, too, so the fact that her boyfriend isn't in the business is meaningless.

  21. I hate the idea of it but Michelle Williams is the only one who can have multiple noms and still be considered A-. And she definitely used with Heath back in the day. Plus, isn’t her boyfriend in finance? Almost as bad as HW.

    I think it’s her. But thinking outside the box maybe Octavia Spencer.

  22. Fun fact... Rooney Mara is the heiress to Pittsburg Steelers and other assets from mega wealthy family.

    1. Her mom's side of the family (the Rooneys) owns the Steelers and her dad's side owns the NY Giants.

  23. @Kay 100% yes.
    @AnnyoungBluth (who I read at first as "AnnoyingBluth", my apologies!) 100% agreed. JLaw didn't get it out of nowhere. Girl can act. Winter's Bone (phenomenal performance) and X-Men were already under her belt. (Hailee Steinfeld played the little girl in "True Grit" by the time Hunger Games was cast. If SHE had gotten the role, it surely would have been "out of nowhere".)

    People are upset because JLaw is a pretty, young, rich woman who used men's weaknesses against them to get what she was qualified for anyway.

    Be mad at the system, not the people who learned how to work it to their advantage rather than be disadvantaged by it.

    1. I can’t comment on Winters none as I didn’t see it, but everything I’ve seen her in was average as funk. That red Sonja looks hilariously bad with the Botox and god awful accent. I think she is the definition of average, that’s why she had to ride the Weinstein train.

  24. I'd say it'd be Michelle Williams, as JLaw is not A- (yet, but we'll see what happens to her career now Harvey isn't pulling the strings), but her boyfriend proposed and is now her fiance. Although I'm suspicious about how fast they got engaged,...

    Anyway, that only leaves Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin is not meant to be a nice guy, so that's where I'd place my bet.

  25. Lol she was off drugs okay then
