Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Item #15

I just can't with the widow any longer. The widow's mom is joining in with trolls to try and change the narrative to fit what they need the narrative to be to allow them to make as much money as possible off the death. Apparently they have a bunch of his hair from brushes and such and are getting it cut and packaged so they can sell it one tiny piece at a time. 


Tricia13 said...

Vicky Kiairraynis Cornell

auntliddy said...

So creepy. I dont want anyone's death hair.

filmfanb said...

That is weird

Malignment said...

I guess the folks guessing that blind about the person with sexts from an A+ lister will need to admit it wasn’t Trump/Omarosa now .... and then immediately head to reality TV to get their inside scoop (lmao)

Tricia13 said...

What’s next-his discarded dental floss?
What a friggin sideshow those women are....

Sign Name Below said...

@Tricia13 I agree!

jessorella said...


Count Jerkula said...

I can't believe anyone cares enough to buy brush hair. I have read this jerkoff's name more since he died than I ever did while he was alive.

Springflower said...

Vicky Karaiyannis and Toni, her mother. How could you love them, Chris😩 Those vile bitches 😠

Tricia13 said...

😰 it’s amazing his sobriety seemed to be as strong/ enduring as it was considering. Never met him but my sister did and said he was lovely. Humble,kind and amazingly charismatic. She was”quiet and distant”. Dayum I wish my sis had accidentally spilled a dress no on her fake tits lol

Tricia13 said...

A drink on her dress AND fakies😉

Anonymous said...

They have been trying to blame his death on drugs so maybe they're having his hair tested?

Brayson87 said...

Just wait until they start selling necklaces with bottles of his ashes.

Unknown said...

Please don't give them any ideas!

B said...

@Brayson: He's at Hollywood Forever, so she can't do that at least, lol

cc6818726 said...

Well I guess all that bacon (and blow jobs) the LSAers bribed you with worked.... that and the fact that February is probably a slow traffic month for the website. This one is better than the widow selling scrap pieces of his jeans. Hats off to you... you sure know how to siphon traffic and money off those desperate LSA old trolls... Everyone's got to make a living somehow.

CeeCeeSays said...

There is a special place in hell for these disgusting greedy bitches!

Brayson87 said...

@B, why should that matter, the ashes will be as real as those guitar straps and clothes lol

Unknown said...

Maybe someone enterprising with money will buy some hair and have it tested for real.

They proved napolean was poisoned with arsenic like 170 years after his death

usernametaken said...

Every ounce of honour and dignity his legacy should and could have had, is being turned into a complete shitshow. Disgraceful on all levels......

Samantha Willow said...

gtfo. I can't wrap my mind around men who marry women like that. There are plenty of good-looking women who also have good hearts.
RIP Chris and Chester, let's hope one day we get justice for you both.

Jack Benimble said...

Well, Enty warned us that they would not go quietly. Why is that? When has anyone ever seen a celebrity's nobody of a wife, much less their MIL, behave in such an atrocious manner?

Courtney Love is a goddamn saint compared to these two.

Carpet Rider said...

Greedy pathetic creatures, Cheers Enty for keeping everyone informed!

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

It really is despicable. Courtney love didn't even steep so low!

JrSlims said...

That's if you assume Kurt Cobain's death was a suicide.

Sd Auntie said...

Why would Chris marry somebody like this? Just sell the damn Burkin bags stupid woman!!!

Unknown said...

Shut up cucumbers.

Blast said...

@cc6818726 Yeah, Enty's smart enough to turn his online posts into an income. You seem to spend a lot of time doing the same thing but without the income....guess not so smart.

Me. said...

I'd like you to talk about the other grieving widow, Talinda B. She has shown her true colors this week by making that unfortunate statement that says Chris was not depressed at the time of his death and that he suffered a "delirium because of the medication he took."

B said...

I never understood the appeal with her: She's not attractive and is clearly an awful person. You won't tell me she was wonderful to him. What was he thinking?

Unknown said...

Cucumbers has a shorty mind.

Dark Heart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kikibunny said...

In other news producer jill messick committed suicide apparently over the weinstien drama

timebob said...

I loved the story George Takei on Howard when Scottie bought a giant roll of scottish plaid fabric and sold it a snippet at a time at fan events as "authentic" piece of star trek memorabilia worn on the show by Scottie. He made a bundle off of it.

Todd Brink said...

Funny thing is @auntliddy, Death Hair was my stripping name

Renegade said...

Someone bitch slap this vicky skank already

♤♡♧◇》《♧◇♡♤》《♤◇◇♧》《♤◇◇♧ said...

Hahahahaha. Good one.

DramavilleKC said...

Seriously asshole,go back to your so fake minion Instagram account.

They must be paying you really good to do Satan's work for them.

cheesegrater15 said...

Holy shit. Why do I have a feeling this is an answer to part one of the blinds.

Drumstixx said...

So sad

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Buying something like that feels so intrusive. I don't think any respectful fan would buy such a thing. Especially if they thought the deceased artist wouldn't have wanted it.

Unknown said...

Well,hopefully she will read this and realize just how pathetic and weird selling pieces of his hair is and will abandon that project. I don’t think any self-respecting fan would buy something like that, but one never knows. I’ve heard of people keeping Elvis’s toenail clippings, ffs.
I remember back in 2005 when I called the radio station and talked to the hosts at Sirius Octain and told them how much I love Chris Cornell and his music, and they asked me if I was offered one of his crusty old flannels, would I take it. I told them there is no value in having a favorite musician’s old clothes, if I couldn’t be with him, I sure as hell didn’t want his clothes, and that goes for his hair, which he would have thrown in the garbage if he had lived. It’s just weird.

Jennacheryl said...

Could it be Krystal Hefner? Her mom was wearing a blue sequened ball gown to Heff's funeral.

Unknown said...

Honestly, I find this kind of thing a bit unbelievable. What I am wondering is, does she tell someone these things, that they’ll sell pieces of his jeans, and now pieces of his hair to make money, when they won’t do these things, because they know Enty will post about it and him being wrong will discredit his site a bit? And they can hide their real shenanigans by putting out a bunch of lies mixed with truth to the public. If people are confused or don’t believe part of what’s out there, they will get tired and let it go. Idk it’s just a thought. I mean, I just find VK and her mother to be pretty shitty individuals with the alleged mishandling of the charity funds, as well as the alleged poor treatment of many people who have worked for them. I’m sure with them loving money as much as they do, they’re up to something ridiculous to get more of it. I simply wish they would just go away and never be heard from again.

Blast said...

@shanda - so you didn't buy a special edition, Chris Cornell autographed, black, Christmas bauble?? Well, shame on you then, as according to the grandma and her minions if you didn't, you're not a true fan! It is possible though, that your decoy theory has some substance.

I still don't understand, if you were into Chris and his music, why would you give a rat's ass about his mother in law?? They have done absolutely nothing of importance their entire lives and now that they can't appropriate fame via Chris they are trying to do it through his kids.

The mother in law would do best to try and stay out of the spotlight - she fucked up the one job she had, bringing up her 2 kids. The oldest actually did kill someone, suspiciously escaping jail time and then disappeared to France, and the second kid is allegedly implicated in another death. Way to go, grandma!

irishyvonnedanceparty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. R. said...

IF the widow & the MIL are desperate for money, at less than a year from his death, that means they have either blown through it all or he was smart enough to take care of his children in his will first. We can only hope.

Now we know what happened to the hair on the back of his head that was missing at his last concert.

Sick, sick & sickening.

Unknown said...

Yeah I don’t know why anyone would give a shit about them two women. They’ve only managed to be a huge embarrassment unto themselves. I just think it’s sad how much they’re shitting all over Chris’s legacy, even though I’ve been saying that for me, his legacy is in the hearts of the fans who were impacted by his music. And I also don’t like how they’ve treated the Cornell side of the family, along with Susan; I haven’t liked how she was treated since hearing about it about 13 years ago. It is a display of extreme desperation for relevance and insecurity. I wish things had turned out better for Chris and everyone who has been hurt by this. And it is sad that the son allegedly got away with killing someone, especially when there are innocent people who get locked up for so much less. And yes, I believe VK drove Chris to suicide in some way. She has always seemed like a miserable person.
About those tacky Christmas ornaments, I’d be ashamed to own them. These women are so desperate for money, they’ll do almost anything, but I think that’s fine because they’re showing everyone who they really are.

Dannette said...

Wowe. If Vicky and Toni Kariayannis are that hard up they should put more energy into their little escort service. They are a little long in the tooth, and no prizes to begin with, but it would be better than trying to sell Cornell's HAIR. Yuck.

Blast said...

@Dannette - ha, are you saying Icky has more in common with Heidi Fleiss than just her looks???

ISeeYou said...

Maybe that's why VK had her BFF Linda go to oversee the cremation? To procure his long locks? Horrifying thought. But at this point, maybe. Let CC Rest In Peace already.

Unknown said...

You’re an asshole. Cornell is a music legend, you clearly don’t know music!

Alicethruthelookinglass said...

I wish people would do just a little research and then someone would investigate what really happen that night. the time line we are given makes no sense, really get to the room want your Apple Tv hooked up? If i was going to kill myself I wouldn't be thinking of watching tv. The story about BG giving him his Atavan, but yet we are shown other prescription bottles in bathroom next to his contacts. So he was man enough to take that medication but needed BG to give him two Atavan. Nine broken ribs from CPR is NOT the norm, average breakage for his age, body type by professional or experienced person would be 2-3. Chris did not dress up he wore usually jeans and t-shirts but did anyone ever see him wearing torn clothes? So where did the torn t-shirt he was wearing come from? According to experts who have commented to some YouTubers questioning this, it is there opinion that there was to much blood for a typical hanging victim. It is more consistent with ligature strangulation (ex-cops opinion) on MetalDen. The door that was supposed to have been latched and then kicked in by BG does not show any damage one would expect to see after forcing door open, also according to experts on Metal Den . Anyone notice how the EMT that was calling in to get a time of death for victim says "has history of depression". He could of only known that from BG or after talking to VK. Which is a crock of shit. Anyone who has followed CC and watched his interviews where he was very candid about his life knows that isn't true, then VK pushing the drug overdose of Atavan. He had 4mg in his system ( normal dose) even less you can take up to 10mg. Chris had converted to Greek Orthodox to please VK. They do not believe in cremation so why did she rush to do that to him? This woman who in her open letter after his death said she would fight for him would not even go to Detroit to identify his body or accompany it back home. Now almost a year later she is on GMA being some kind of spokes person for mental health and pushing how CC had relapsed and she missed the warning signs. Just so much more that does not fit, even his interview which I believe was 7 months old where he is asked about suicide because of friends he has known and he says " if things ever got that fu to where I would do that the last thing I wouldn't want to do is f***en hurt all my friends and family so if I did it I would do it in a way no one would ever know it was suicide" those are his very words. He also said about the future "he wasn't going anywhere" he had plans for his future and his music, he was very happy to be a father and be at a time in his life where all the crazy thoughts and mistakes were something of the past. I am not making any of this up this is all fact so now tell me why in the hell would he go to his room after having a great night, greeting his fans get there talk to VK and make plans for a family vacation, hang up, get the BG to try to fix his Apple Tv, then within thirty minutes after that go in the bathroom and hang himself? Did the doctor call and tell him he had cancer? By the way there is also a guy on YouTube who did a re-inactment of the exact exercise band and door type and goes step by step using himself to show exactly what it would be like, it blows that whole scenario out of the water. VK still doesn't have enough money she has resorted to selling memorabilia of Chris. She didn't even think enough of him to put any type of statue on his grave, instead she places him below the huge Johnny Ramon one. Truth For Chris. This is dedicated to YouTuber, Higher Truth and all her dedication to the research on Chris Cornell, RIP

Unknown said...

Alice you are right,poor Chris he was either fed Up with ver and ver mental torture, or he was removed out if the way. Its a shame, such a talent. Please keep on investigating and exposing this case. LOVE u Chris.


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